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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 8 KB, 308x163, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1602771 No.1602771 [Reply] [Original]

What does /div/ think about this?

>> No.1602777

Further infantilization of the population, nothing new.

>> No.1602780


what kind of nanny state b.s. is that shit?

first of all, only thing in wire work that uses flat screws are the cover plates

secondly, even if you were to just jamb that into a 15 or 20 amp outlet you'd only get a shock, 30 amp and up would hurt like a bitch.

I was hit with 200 amps of 220 volts main line, and that's the only shit that has a 50/50 of killing you on the spot.

>> No.1602786
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1234, 1527455019130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fellow /diy/pol/, I see.

>> No.1602787

That's now how electricity works you asshole. Just because you're behind a 15 or 20 or 30 or 200 A breaker doesn't mean you get zapped with that many amps by touching the conductors.

>> No.1602788

I think it's 110% correct! I pay my sister-in-law to install my ceiling fans. Call me a faggot all you want but if you'd seen and been through half the shit i have sparkys would shiver. Almost burned my house down playing with busted ass trash electronicks and mains power. Almost lost both eyes. Had q pickup battery blow up in my face and then a bulldozer battery lodged plastic into my eyes. Lost my vest friend to depression and chuckled with a bro. Well, at least it can't get any worse. Buddy stone cold looked at me and said don't. We descided to booze cruize out to our bootleg memorial cross on the aide of the road. Before we get there our now best friend got gathered up by 440v. Was life flighted and unresponsive vut breathing and alive with a machine on his life flight. He's all melted and shit now amd fuck near died. Fuck. Just last night my stupid ass was rigging up 3 6v 10ah gels for the kid's drill and i arked the wires on a can of B-12 chemtool carb cleaner bot paying attention.

You can always fix a leak bnb or unfuck a crooked wall but it's pretty hard to un-die or un accidental arson a house

>> No.1602794

Your post gave me cancer.

>> No.1602798

>what kind of nanny state b.s. is that shit?
>first of all, only thing in wire work that uses flat screws are the cover plates
luster terminals?

>> No.1602800

That guy is a faggot.

>> No.1602807

Bullshit. Removing hazards results in retards.

>> No.1602808

Because of people like you we can't have nice things

>> No.1602809

>30 amp and up would hurt like a bitch

Capacity of the outlet is not a factor. Voltage only.

>> No.1602823

>Ontario, Canada
>allowed to do your own electrical work
>have to have an electrician inspect it after for $79

yeah fuck that noise

>> No.1602825
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 1554868068474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah the tradesman
Nothing more than a hand that gets dirty for some fiat
For him it puts food on the table for his peasant family
For me it's the least I can do to for the panman shoveling my shit

Go along tradie
You are much appreciated

>> No.1602828

It doesn't take much to throw off your heart rhythm

>> No.1602832

You're an overly faggy fag. A fag of the new millennia, the one and only fag king. Get out, Boomer.

>> No.1602833

I had your back until there. Punkass

>> No.1602840
File: 37 KB, 450x470, jackpot-777-slot-machine-spin-450w-725290600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1602855

/poldiy/ is the final redpill though, got to have a nice house for the 14 words you know. /ic/, /lit/ and /p/ (only /fgt/) are great too.

>> No.1602864

Needing someone to tell you what to think. I would venture to say that not a lot of people in /diy/ hang at /pol/. These Anons are naturally not stupid, for the most part. No pills required.

>> No.1602870

This. Being able to make things by yourself either makes you a certain kind of person, or requires you to be one, kind of a chicken/egg thing. It makes you more independent and makes you see people as persons who are responsible for themselves (or unwilling to do so, save for the handicapped or whatever)

>> No.1602871

>not a lot
Misread that completely. Of course the majority of /pol/ are just edgy teens who don't know anything, but the ones who aren't retarded might visit /diy/ a lot though. I know I do

>> No.1602875

somebodies gotta do it and im pretty stupid but not that stupid

>> No.1602881

200A would cook you instantly, at 220V there is barely few mA flowing through your body (depends on moisture, electric path etc.)

>> No.1602882

>[thing] is potentially dangerous
>freely chooses to do [thing] anyway
>"Because free will and self determination IS CLEARLY NOT AN OPTION!"
People like you are worse than dictators, because you enable them.

>> No.1602886

what's that from?

>> No.1602888

Victoria, Australia.

The government here has basically banned /diy/ anything. Because if you haven't hired someone, you haven't paid your cut to the government, and the government must always take its cut.

>> No.1602891

Australia really is like Britain.
Some retard dies by being retarded so everything must be banned.

>> No.1602894

Live in southern ontario.
>friend buys house
>friend says fan doesn't work above stove
>do some troubleshooting for him
>find out fan is literally connected by a wire to an outlet in his bedroom, neither is connected to anything else.
>find other /diy/ shit the previous retard did, everything is Fucked.
He ended doing no work to the house then resold it for an 80k profit. The market was stupid then. He told the new owners about the problems, they brushed it off as no biggie. Retards.

Also, my dad once said he found speaker wire used for the 120v in a house, and I believe him.

>> No.1602915

So you are a retard so everyone needs to stop?

>> No.1602925

YOU should stay away from electricity

>> No.1602933

I feel that while I am wholly competent to do diy work I am somewhat of a hypocrite because (especially based on some of the posts here) I would say about 99.9999% of people who think they can DIY electricity would struggle to hold a screwdriver the right way around given three attempts.
No Americans should be allowed near electricity, especially licensed contractors.

>> No.1602936

>Australia really is like Britain.
Well yes, we are largely British after all. 15% of Australian citizens were born in England, and Australians that are eligible for British citizenship is something like 40% of our population. Most people's family history in Australia doesn't go further than a hundred years.

>> No.1602939


There are two ways to enjoy /pol/. You can take it seriously and act like a faggot on every board thinking you are woke or some shit.

Or you can take it as satire with some underlying truths and appreciate getting the other side of any story regardless of wether you actually choose to believe them.
The real question is how much actually is mostly tongue in cheek. Its impossible to know and only comes down how you personally view it i guess. I cross post but keep /pol/ content on /pol/.

>> No.1602949
File: 37 KB, 807x659, L9MlEPw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is such a hassle anyway.

>> No.1602956

This. Most of it is troll/shill/shitpost. My guess would be 75% shitpost, 5% serious/effortpost and a 20% grey area of things which may be intended seriously but cannot be taken as such.

/diy/ has a lot of this last category, but a lot more effortposts and not that much blatant shitpost at all. One of the more serious boards on 4chan, together with /ic/, /p/ etc. /p/ and /diy/ have in common that a large number of posters are gearfags though.

>> No.1602959
File: 59 KB, 400x400, semi-gloss-suffocation-hazard-label-lb-1994[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darwinism 101

>> No.1602960

>no /lgbt/

To be fair, trannies are almost as suicidal as your regular tradesman.

>> No.1602969

op a fag for posting the cropped version
If it was real it'd have pointers to whatever standard board made this retarded shit. As it is, seems like op made it himself, the retarded shit

>> No.1602972

>Call me a faggot all you want
Okay, I will.

>> No.1602978

Oh i do now. I stick to low wattage shit. Try not to dick with anything besides wiring light bars for faggots

>> No.1602979

No but they damned sure shouldnt be so casual about melting themselves. Potentially

>> No.1602992

>Also, my dad once said he found speaker wire used for the 120v in a house, and I believe him

The only problem with that is the insulation factor. Once there's enough core it can handle a little amperage.

>> No.1602995

Sounds like good ol' natural selection to me.

>> No.1603034

>Seth bike hacks on youtube
>guy is rating some bike lights with powerbanks
>tests if waterproof
>throws the thing in the water
>after the test uses a rod to lift it out, because scared of electrocution

Is that basic knowledge, or am I being too strict?

>> No.1603045
File: 34 KB, 600x600, ElectriciansScrewdrivers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proper tool for the job.

>> No.1603068

lol look at this shit https://www.esv.vic.gov.au/campaigns/diy-die/

>> No.1603070
File: 27 KB, 640x360, mpv-shot0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who holds their screwdriver like this

>> No.1603136

I work as an electrician and I have seen some shit.

The basic electrical installation isn't hard, but people doing DIY installations have not idea about the safety requirements for a safe installation. There are lots of fire hazards around because of Dunning Kruger certified DIY idiots.

>secondly, even if you were to just jamb that into a 15 or 20 amp outlet you'd only get a shock, 30 amp and up would hurt like a bitch.
This is the kind of idiot that feel confident about doing electrical installation in their home(Risking their own and their families life everytime they sleep).
The amp on the circuit comes from how many amps it takes for the circuit braker to trip. You're never getting 15, 20 or 30 amps through your body from touching a wire. If the breaker trips then its because of a ground fault breaker which trips on milliamps, not amps.

>> No.1603154

What in methamphetamines and rural alcoholic inbreeding is this?

>> No.1603162

> I work as an electrician and I have seen some shit.

Care to elaborate?

>> No.1603171

Electricity is a simple concept that has disastrous results if you're retarded; unfortunately, we live in a world of retards.

>> No.1603193
File: 2.68 MB, 640x360, Reheating foods.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FPBP and Jackpot trips. Well done, /diy/.


That has nothing to do with DIY and everything to do with, "dumbshit doing dumb shit."

>> No.1603194

wiring up an extractor fan in a WC and accidentally looked down into the toilet.

>> No.1603195
File: 2.68 MB, 640x480, Resistance brazing copper tubing using American Beauty resistance soldering equipment.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Darwin award winners
Thinning the herd. Who cares?

>but fire burning whole neighborhood down
>...living in a shithole
Thinning the herd. Who cares?

>> No.1603199
File: 54 KB, 518x386, 543432432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50mA is already enough to kill you
however what you never read on the internet, exposure time is a way bigger factor than a couple mA more or less

>> No.1603204

this looks like an aussie ad. fuck aussies. they all deserve to die.

>> No.1603227

>first of all, only thing in wire work that uses flat screws are the cover plates

and some lugs you fucking retard... please for your own safety leave the electrics alone

>> No.1603233

>mfw the neighbor next door to me was arrested and charged with manslaughter because he killed a lineman by hooking his generator into his main panel

>> No.1603234

wtf is a lug
an ear?

>> No.1603237 [DELETED] 
File: 513 KB, 792x506, Screenshot_2019-05-01_18-27-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1603238

that didn't happen. i realize you heard about this on some forum. you're making up stories on the internet.

>> No.1603240 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 1000x1000, 6407b4db-d66a-4600-a315-52e4f166c905_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and another

>> No.1603242

it did happen, dickwad.

>> No.1603245


>> No.1603246

The same idiot that tries to pry the cover off live electronics.

>> No.1603247

Terminal blocks? Dumbfuck.

>> No.1603248
File: 583 KB, 1013x849, 800A outlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does /div/ think about this?
I don't know. (you) might try asking them.

>> No.1603251

Meh. Use your nugget, and even swiss army knife would be fine.

>> No.1603252

This. Stop banning shit.
Give my asbestos back.

>> No.1603264

“Wh-wh-what do you mean you’re going to do your own electrical work? I went to refrigerator college and overcharge for a reason. Now how will I get my yacht?”

It’s propaganda from the electrician unions.

>> No.1603276

If you took 200 Amps you'd be dead.
Stop speaking out of your ass I can smell it from here

>> No.1603298

Just so everyone knows it comes from Australia:


>DIY=DIE Don't die trying to be an electrician. Use a licensed electrician #ESV #campaign #launch #electricalsafety

On one hand this is stupid on the other I've had the displeasure of watching my sister stick screwdrivers into outlets (thinking that's how you pull them out) and getting shocked.

>> No.1603304
File: 224 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20190501_181949_590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my 220v install

>> No.1603307
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>> No.1603322

The commonwealth is irrecoverably cucked and fucked

>> No.1603339

he obviously doesnt know enough about electricity to understand he didnt even take a 1/4 of an amp.

me personally I put myself in series on the neutral side with about 10 can lights at 277v for a fraction of a second as an apprentice (really didnt know what I was doing at the time)... I'm sure it was close to 2-3 amps... felt like someone stomped on my chest repeatedly.

>> No.1603353

That clamp is touching vice-grips.
Is middle pin neutral, or ground (im not US fag, but I wouldn't connect PE)?

>> No.1603354

>2-3 amps
Humans are shitty conductors, 100 mA at best, which is lethal BTW.

>> No.1603355

It's not touching, I used it successfully.
The round pin is ground

>> No.1603370 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 411x319, when the pie hits JUST right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1603456



>> No.1603481

Protective ground?
Nah, that is not needed.

>> No.1603498

Series..... Not parallel....

>> No.1603527

It's really not, but I just threw it on there for the fuck of it

>> No.1603603

Here it's legal to install anything above the main fuse box yourself, also 400V 3 phase if you get it. As it should be.

>> No.1603606
File: 856 KB, 280x215, 1546547442886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insulated gloves and tools, being careful when working with high tension, keeping clean the desk of work...

>> No.1603768

>Can be a passive agressive whiner and send people bumper stickers from the government if you know they fix things themselves
Give australia back to the Abos for fucks sake you should all an hero out of shame

>> No.1603770
File: 384 KB, 1200x900, vice grip input.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't talk shit about all purpose connectors, asshole.

>> No.1603787

we must create a permanent slave class that is completely helpless without the master class otherwise they might revolt. trust me goyim.

>> No.1603796 [DELETED] 
File: 338 KB, 819x507, lotion_cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we must create a permanent slave class that is completely helpless without the master class

human beings do that naturally, anon.

meanwhile, bask in the glory of the lotion cat

>> No.1603825

Here do you think all those diseased cunts will go then, flood back to the homeland? As if all the pakis, albos, nigerians, turks and somalis aren’t bad enough?

>> No.1603900

Current through body is current trough body.
It is not depended on connection, it rather depends from time, frequency, and voltage across body.

>> No.1603962

>Here do you think all those diseased cunts will go then
Just toss them into the ocean

>> No.1603964

if you took even 1 amp through your core, you'd die

>what is ohms law?

>> No.1604027

this seems to be pointless:
- retard who knows nothing about electricity is probably too retarded to give a fuck about this ad;
- and the person who is smart enough to pay attention to this ad is probably smart enough to decide by himself whether or not he needs a help of specialist.

>> No.1604195

4pol sure. There are more chans, you know?

>> No.1604201
File: 34 KB, 768x242, DIYDIE_Bumper_sticker-768x242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is the eternal faggot.

Don’t die trying to be an electrician
Call in a professional whenever you need electrical work done, no matter how small the job.

Don’t be tempted to do your own electrical work – it’s illegal and it can also be deadly. That’s the message of our DIY=DIE campaign.

ESV launched the DIY=DIE campaign after two Victorians were killed doing their own electrical work. They weren’t qualified and they may have thought they were saving time or money. They paid with their lives.

Some people think they can fix things themselves but it takes years to become a licensed electrician. Whether you’re at work or doing your own jobs around the house, DIY=DIE when it comes to electrical work.

Find your local electrical tradesperson
Need a qualified electrician to complete electrical work around your property?

Our Find a tradie listing helps you find your local licensed electrician.

Click here to find one in your area.

Are you a registered electrical contractor? Add your business to our list and opt-in today.

Farms and rural work sites
The two Victorians killed in early 2016 were both doing DIY electrical work on farms. These deaths were entirely preventable.

>> No.1604203
File: 726 KB, 852x619, DIY_DIE_website.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESV is concerned that farmers are cutting corners and doing work they are not qualified to do and the results can be deadly. Farmers are more likely to die at work than any other Victorian worker – about 30% of work place deaths occur on farms. Financial pressures can also mean that many farmers work long hours or potentially cut corners with maintenance. It’s simply not worth the risk when it comes to electricity.

Make sure electrical installations and equipment are kept in good working order. If there’s a problem don’t risk your own safety or the safety of your workers – always call in a licensed electrician, no matter how remote you are or how small the job.

Tips for staying safe
Don’t become another statistic
Never ignore minor shocks and tingles because these can be signs of a bigger electrical problem.
Turn off water pumps before entering the water and touching or checking the equipment.
Don’t try to fix submersible pumps yourself because electricity and water is a deadly combination – the young farmer who died in January 2016 was doing this when he was electrocuted.
Don’t use oversize fuse wiring.
Never use broken power tools or faulty extension cords.
DIY=DIE bumper sticker
Do your friends and/or family DIY?

Make the message stick by sending them one of our free DIY=DIE stickers, pictured below. Place your order [[ here | http://www.esv.vic.gov.au/merchandise/diydie-sticker/ ]].

>> No.1604205
File: 250 KB, 1843x954, free stickers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't live in Australia, if I did I would totally order these at every address I could and use them as electrical tape.

>> No.1604207
File: 1.43 MB, 1600x802, DIYDIE_1600x802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1604217

Fucking called it, knew there was more nuance than what was posted.
OP a dick guzzling niggercunt

>> No.1604218

It takes only two documented cases for a public message campaign to start in Australia? Why is my country so damn stupid?
t. American

>> No.1604372

There's no nuance, the message is exactly the same, just more verbose.

>> No.1604383

Yes let's force the public to fear something and further ensure they'll never understand it, and therefore not respect it and thus shell out Dem dollars to semi educated yokels who are "licensed" but bear no responsibility 10 minutes after the last lug is tightened.

Based Aussies.

I just hired an ee group for a major substation project. One of the ees is an Aussie bushman. Let that sink in.

>> No.1604386

America is smart, it doesn't protect retards.
More resistive retards become ElectronicE and ElectricEs.

>> No.1604405

Dumb advertisement but they’re right. Become an electrician and find out why you need a trained one pretty quick.

>> No.1604406

That’s what they’re saying. Most people ARE idiots
Also no you could not have had 200 amps o

>> No.1604411

you are a danger to electricity

>> No.1604438

Banning people from diy is not right.

>> No.1604440

No one got banned. Just a scare tactic PSA.

>> No.1604480

You're completely and utterly wrong.

>> No.1604514


>> No.1604528

The NEC Handbook is a pretty easy read. If I don't understand something, I ask the local electrical inspectors, who are surprisingly homeowner friendly.

With enough research, I'm capable of performing BETTER quality work than what some gap-toothed scam artist who's paid by the job will do.

>> No.1604543

This desu. I have seen a lot of sketchy shit done by mostly overconfident idiots.

>> No.1604545
File: 91 KB, 1024x694, sstrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America is smart, it doesn't protect retards.

>> No.1604556

It's criminal. Let natural selection cull the retards who think it's a good idea to do all your own electrical, but if you expect me to call an electrician for basic fucking repairs, you're out of your mind.

>> No.1604564
File: 104 KB, 1080x1348, EQhZnpR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the main feed of a multi kilowatt transmitter tower or just a ground?

>> No.1604567

>It takes only two documented cases for a public message campaign
Imagine if these two were killed by immigrants, not so much as a whisper.

>> No.1604610



Everyone is an expert at everything!

>> No.1604614

>he enjoys is government not allowing to wire a fucking outlet in toilet without loicense.

>> No.1604625


Some people need protected from their own stupidity, like you.

>> No.1604629

No, thanks.
If I was really stupid, I would be dead already.

>> No.1604684

Main feed. It worked fine for 23 years.

>> No.1604725

>What does /div/ think about this?

I have zero formal education on electric installations, just the basic education i picked up at school / tradesschool being a tool mechanic and watching my dad for years.

I do everything, even 400V outlets for my machines or hooking up a 400V stove. In the older buildings i've seen here, the installation is always really fucking old and fucked up and pretty dangerous, way worse than anything i do. I would be a lot more concerned about living in an old house with shitty installation done when Hitler was still around than anything i do myself.

Just use common fucking sense.

- remove breaker
- make sure nobody will put the breaker back in
- short the line out

- use proper connectors, WAGO shit is very idiot proof already
- adhere to the code when it comes to cable gauges and breaker size and cable colors

Following that common sense i've never had any trouble. Once i was forced to have the shit i did inspected, couple of new breakers, lots of new cable, few outlets. Certified Sparky came and asked me why i did everything so neat and tidy and why i adhered to the silly parts of the local code while the rest of the place was a fucking mess, had no issued with my work whatsoever, and fucked off after 5 minutes.

I have zero respect for people who freak out just because some people don't go thru 3 years of formal training before shoving 2 pieces of copper into a WAGO. Do have healthy respect for electricity and thus never had any issues.

>> No.1604730

That's why I love DIY

>> No.1604735


good luck finding out about how electricity works from an electrical construction codebook.

>> No.1604783

How about /out/?

>> No.1604790

Nice board too, although I don't frequent it. Being a good outdoorsman is essential to being a man.

>> No.1604793

I agree. It's my main board.

>> No.1604865

The biggest danger wouldnt be getting shocked, a voltage detector is like 5 bucks at any hardware store. The biggest danger would be improper connections, or overloaded circuits throwing off sparks and overheating, then causing a fire in the middle of the night that wipes out you and your family.

>> No.1604922

Until YOU become the path to ground.

>> No.1604931


>> No.1604935

How the fuck do you manage to screw up household electrical of all things?! Tell me you haven't reproduced.

>> No.1604967
File: 121 KB, 1024x768, Kak-NEL-ZYA-podklyuchat-zazhimy-Vago_www.samelectric.ru_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- make sure nobody will put the breaker back in
Coolstory here.
I used to live in commie shithole, where breaker panels were in common space.
I turned off my breaker panel, put sign ("OCTOPOЖHO, PAБOTAЮT ЛЮДИ", humans working, I supposed to do it by local code, and it is common sense), and went fixing aluminium wiring shit in my apartment.
Know what? Some faggot doesn't know where his breakers are located and turned all shit on. Good thing I had an RCD, unlike others, and I used only one hand.
After that I made myself a shorted plug. Why the fuck it is not a standard? Working on socket? Short the line.
>- use proper connectors, WAGO shit is very idiot proof already
Pic related, you underestimate stupidity.

>> No.1605002

should be a banner desu

>> No.1605071

>Everyone is an expert at everything!
Do you really believe that high levels of expertise is required to safely and effectively do simple, routine tasks?

Because if so, you're wrong. Plenty of people can do it safely and effectively. Building a culture of government dependency where things are simply banned also means, that people who are going to do it anyway are now less safe, because they have less access to safety information. Safety information which would be more readily accessible to the public, in places where the government isn't so dictatorial.

Stop being a bootlicker.

>> No.1605245

Should just let all these overconfident kids (like the ones ITT) kill themselves if they want, natural selection

>> No.1605303

What do you guys think you are, fucking scientists?

>> No.1605358

>Or you can take it as satire with some underlying truths

Until you realize that it’s unironically the kikes who are behind nanny state bullshit like this.

>> No.1605360
File: 690 KB, 1148x1120, image0-170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1602956 >>1602786 >>1602855 >>1602864 >>1602960
>current year
>basing your personality off what boards you browse on an Catalonian dextrose trader enthusiast forum

>> No.1605376

You’re a faggot.

>> No.1605561


Electricity is not hard to understand if you have above 100 IQ. The only thing "hard" about home wiring is the jargon/symbols/drawings and sometimes purposeful obfuscation of what should be straightforward installation. With a few proper resources your average person can wire a home as good as your average electrician, albeit very slowly.

>> No.1605564

It is actually pretty difficult to understand, otherwise I can't explain why so many people don't understand stuff like voltage drop, current etc.

>> No.1605567 [DELETED] 


the problem is that it's inherently invisible and idiots always want to talk about water pressure and current. If you get a DC power supply and a few incandescent lightbulbs that glow more with more current, and a voltmeter and an ammeter, you can teach anyone the basics in just a few minutes with a few series and parallel setups. Don't mention Ohm's law until they have a feel for voltage and current.

>> No.1605575

Being the cynic(realist) that I am, I know too much to think for a second that catchy ads like OP's are ever intended to promote safety, rather than fear and dependence on 'qualified' others to solve all of one's problems, perpetuating usury and economic slavery.

>> No.1605578

But water pressure is pretty similar.
Idk, it took me a while to understand it, when I was like 8... But even than, I see more and more people who just can't understand it at all.

>> No.1605587

you don't need to know how electricity works to be a tradie, you basically just need to know more current == bigger wire and understand the concept of line and neutral / flow and return path.
who has ever had to break out ohms law for changing a lightbulb?

>> No.1605592

A man who can't fix his own house is a man who can't impregnate his own wife

>> No.1605650


Yep, they're not going to be as efficient, but if they're not a total idiot they might do an even better quality job.

>> No.1605682

idk a lot of people fuck it up. me and an old coworker were talking about some residential electrical shit and some of the stuff another guy said kinda scared us. we won't be suprised if he's homeless one day cause his house burnt down from shit he did.

>> No.1605683

no one uses insulated screwdrivers for resi stuff lol

>> No.1605719

Shilling for the tradesman mafia.

>> No.1605783

Literally the only "tricky" part of the job is understanding conductor heating, voltage drop and insulation factors. None of which is an issue in a regular domestic installation.

Just read your local code, and follow it. Use the appropriate conductor size and installation method in the code, and use approved connectors. That's basically fucking it.

>> No.1605791

? Sparkys don't have to shiver since you're the fucking moron here, kill yourself my man

>> No.1606123


This for real though.
Amazing material in the correct applications. A bitch to handle though, but fuck, if you don't look up how to handle it, you deserve it in your lungs.

>> No.1606296

Australia. Everything is trying to kill you.

>> No.1606502

Hmmm.... i wonder... should i change this wire by myself in 10 minutes or call a faggot who failed college, will take a week to get here and then charge me $300? for stripping insulation and tightening a screw? gee i i don't know..

>> No.1607475

I'm of the opinion if you're retarded enough to get shocked you deserve it. People can't even turn off a fucking circuit breaker...

>> No.1607492
File: 111 KB, 582x621, DaXb_HYUQAA8BGm[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy you got a loicence fo that screwdriver you bloody wanker?

>> No.1607499
File: 62 KB, 396x524, VUTtN[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the person who is smart enough
all strayans are dumb cunts. recently had a documentary about scam plumbers that billed 200K for cloaked toilet pipe.

the sheeple paid every cent of that bill and then were crying on the TV.

but that's not surprising since the biritbongs had another documentary that was (((educating))) the brailet population how dangerous was the life durring the 50ies because of all the DIY culture. Literally like:

>muh dangerous tools were sold freely with no loicence

It was cringe fest. The eternal bong is beyond salvation.

>> No.1607504

People like him give electricians work. I'm one of those "professionals" and encourage him to continue.

>> No.1607507

I've seen the hot leg on a service used to ground plumbing. It presented as "Our son says he gets shocked in the bathtub."

>> No.1607510

This happens every time a hurricane comes.

>> No.1607526

being low IQ isn't a protected class

>> No.1607527


Not all common wealth nations are like that. Some of the smaller ones you genuinely get away with murder during construction and DIY.

>> No.1607553
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>> No.1607811


they want a helpless population

>> No.1607820

Idiot here.
I use nails for prying live sockets.

>> No.1607827

So, if they are stupid, why would you take the time to enforce the protection of their own stupidity? Wouldn't wasting your time caring about that make you like, double-retarded?

You are a fucking cuckold, and I'll wire whatever the fuck I want.

You want my tools? Come and get them.

>> No.1607836
File: 125 KB, 884x536, iu[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just another butt-hurt tradie whore.

This board is full of them. I would ban them by IP if I was a mod, because this is "do it yourself", not "hurr durr I must make money so no one should be able to do jobs that are in my domain, because it's like stealing and is illegal and not safe, think about the kids hurr durrr..... guberment halp....this guy i literally robing me, by changing a bulb.... he's not paying taxes on that job toooo "

>> No.1608120


This, tradies get the rope.

>> No.1608140

god i fucking hate electricians

>> No.1608188 [DELETED] 

god I fucking hate plumbers

>> No.1608309

god I fucking hate everyone

>> No.1608327
File: 14 KB, 238x192, 1464652873023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A woman went to a store to buy a brain. A framer's and mason's brain was $1 per pound, an electrician's $2, a plumber's $3, a drywall finisher's $500.
"Wow, why are drywall finisher's brains so expensive? Are they a delicacy?"
"Lady, you know how many drywall finisher's you need to get a pound of brain?"

>> No.1608336

>being so butt-blasted, because your work is hidden behind the drywall and nobody cares how "professional" it is if it works.


>> No.1608366

How many abo engineers you got?

>> No.1608376

Why not jsut do whatever you want and get it inspected if you decide to sell the house.

>> No.1608380

2 fuckheads died being stupid, that dosent mean you cant install your own outlets, lights etc. Just don't be stupid. look up local code and abidfe by it. How fucking hard can it be.

>> No.1608381

At least Australia does something about their imiigrant problem, leaving them on an island.

>> No.1608382

Yup, in denmark learning about volt, amps, ohms etc is common place in physics classes.

>> No.1608408


>> No.1608432

>You can always fix a leak bnb or unfuck a crooked wall

This is extremely dangerous advice. NEVER attempt to fix a leaky faucet or repair a wall on your own. It could lead to catastrophic and perhaps fatal consequences. Always use a licensed union professional plumber and/or drywaller.

>> No.1608437


Changing the batteries on your remote control is a tricky and dangerous operation. It's also illegal in Victoria. Do NOT try to do this on your own. Call a qualified, registered electrician instead.

>> No.1608439 [DELETED] 


Placing a phone call is a tricky and dangerous operation. Do NOT try this on your own. Send a letter or telegram to a qualified, registered telecommunications specialist instead.

>> No.1608444


Is she hot?

Was there brain damage?



Google started in a dorm.


What's scary is that this isn't parody.


I had no idea that Linda Sarsour was on /diy/. Welcome! Good point about the joooos, don't worry we will vote for the Democrat next time.

>> No.1608480
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>> No.1608488

On the flip side, if you DIY electrical work and live. It means you are fit to reproduce.

>> No.1608492


I was just at my cousin’s funeral last month. She drowned trying to fix her leaky bathtub faucet.

>> No.1608542

That's sad. My neighbor asphyxiated while changing her vacuum cleaner. I told them for years they needed to call a professional vacuum cleaner, and I had a good one, but the never listened and it caught up to them.

>> No.1608550

My nephew got lucky. He called some third rate vacuum company because they were cheap and they came to his place to service his wife and her Dyson. They didn’t use the proper HEPA and PPE and he ended up with pneumonia, but it was only a week in the hospital.

>> No.1608578


>> No.1608610

Diy is bad for the economy. Think of all the jobs!

>> No.1609493


Tragedy. That reminds me of my cousin he strangled himself on the toilet paper while trying to clean his ass DIY style.

People should never clean their butts without the help of government certified professionals. Toilet paper is no j0ke.

>> No.1609495

>Diy is bad for the economy. Think of all the jobs!
just pay muh sales taxes goyim

>> No.1609503
File: 11 KB, 225x225, BF78ED76-E3E3-433D-A3FB-B9F158EC2956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s the risk you take for a soft asswipe. Use that scratchy dollar store 1-ply and you might be able to get out of it.

>> No.1609504


this has to be a joke right? wouldnt that liquid cause a dead short?

>> No.1610957
File: 26 KB, 400x300, how-to-make-a-water-heater-from-h2Jb-m[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he does not know about the old soviet DIY water boilers
shit was comfy back then

>> No.1610962

Wtf, if you're going to play with electricity, at least wear PPE and use a switch.

>> No.1610969
File: 101 KB, 1000x1000, 61Is+b3s-PL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For basic home power supply you don't need to be an electrician but you do need electricians tools if you want to be safe.

>> No.1610985

/out/ too

>> No.1610988

>44 kW

>> No.1610990

>it’s illegal
is it?

>> No.1611023

It doesn't have zero resistance.

Electrode boilers are popular in shitholes that don't care about safety: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-HommnQ2_s

>> No.1611043
File: 54 KB, 431x267, 3031736.large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh safety
west is truly full of retarded cucks and helpless subhuman waste.

>> No.1611878

>mommy, where do electricians come from?
>SSHH! Quiet child! They spring, fully formed, from the cleft skull of the IBEW. Don't let it hear you!

>> No.1612175
File: 118 KB, 1389x598, v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards like YOU are WHY they make posters like that.


>> No.1612176

>Women (6-25 mA)
>Men (9-30 mA)
So, European electric shock protection, the 30 mA RCD, is sexist?
Do we have similar chart, but for races?

>> No.1612225

I used to read this guy's site, I don't remember his name but he did a bunch of electric experiments and tesla coil stuff.
He got around those rules by using two welders, one to step down the voltage and the next one to step it back up. Even though they were right next to each other, everything after it was considered low voltage and he was free from all regulations.

>> No.1612306

I agree with this anon >>1604027. I know people who will do electrical so poorly that it'd make their local fire marshal cry, and if you told them that they were doing something insanely dangerous they'd just tell you to fuck off.
Personally I don't have any issues swapping out outlets and light fixtures, but I'm also not interested in fucking around with someone else's electrical rat's nest, so I have no issues hiring subs when the situation calls for it.

>> No.1612318

Also, this ad sounds like a challenge
>Will you get fried, if you DIY? Are you pussy to try?

>> No.1612340
File: 3.05 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20190517_231303572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than mine I suppose

>> No.1612349

As someone that has many years of experience in basic home electrical work; it's generally safe, but I agree with the image. It's not necessarily just that you can get shocked if you fuck up, it's that if you lack knowledge you can seriously fuck up your home circuit, making things harder to fix later or causing a fire hazard.

Simply replacing outlets/switches/etc is basic enough, but any new installations or major remodels should involve someone experienced at least. If not outright hiring someone, at least consult with an expert.

>> No.1612365

Wrong. Put shit on fire and build new house with proper electrical.

>> No.1612411
File: 90 KB, 663x659, 20190518075013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smart meter installation day
>"Live and Neutral reversed"
>Warning notice for landlord
>Landlord hires independent sparky
>Breaker box is a clusterfuck
>Luckily the shower wasn't reversed
Lesson learned. Do not trust the wiring in any rental property. Buy one of pic related and test as soon as move in.

Question for sparkies: How do I test the lights and shower?

>> No.1612538

If building is pretty old, that might be fine, since back in the day many shitholes didn't use color coded wires.

>> No.1612614


>> No.1612633

>>Smart meter installation day

>> No.1612735
File: 935 KB, 500x250, thumbsup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its great
More money for sparkies and anyone who is smart enough to deal with electricity will ignore this

>> No.1612830

You seem bright.

>> No.1613353

Actually waiting for the wiring to be fixed let me do some research and I found out about what you're implying - that their measurement method can be changed remotely. I refused it in the end.

>> No.1614834

>don't fix your shit for free... gib us moni

>> No.1614966
File: 999 KB, 500x229, tumblr_m3w136doBQ1qeqltmo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1616285


>> No.1618306

This site became reddit awhile ago fellow oldfriend.

>> No.1618317
File: 14 KB, 300x188, 1556573368569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1618373

You're the reason American society is sick. Consider never breeding, to better all of us

>> No.1618434

Wait this is real???

Yup never try to do ANYTHING by yourself, ALWAYS rely on others, you can NEVER do it, no matter how much you research and practice.

Have you tried having an IQ above 80? That helps out quite a lot in life.

>> No.1618437

Give it time anon

>> No.1618482

>At new rental place
>Drop couch on outlet cover plate and break it
>Eh, turn mains power off and begin to replace from my bits box.
>Neighbors power breakers pop and screwdriver welds itself to the wires.
>Never trust that the person that built the place to have done anything correctly.

>> No.1618490

So you didnt check the outlet before working on it?

>> No.1618497

Which one?