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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 742 KB, 1418x948, trus-joist-Parallam-PSL-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1588375 No.1588375 [Reply] [Original]

Osb rafters, fuck this shit this is gay as fuck.

>> No.1588379

Man, it is almost like cheap shit isn't as good as more expensive shit. Wow, stop the fucking presses, call the president, notify the UN! Harbor Freight teir building materials suck? WHO KNEW???

>> No.1588380

I'll I'm saying is I hate this and they cant keep getting away with this shit!

>> No.1588383

News Flash Frank
Stronger and better,besides it's a vaulted ceiling with no internal supports WAAAAH quit whining boy and carry the fucking lumber or go back to KFC and run the drive up

>> No.1588386

2x4s nailed slapper to osb as floor joists are stronger! Fuck u kike

>> No.1588393

Some fool will pay 300k for that

>> No.1588399

It's almost like new shit is better than old shit and you millennials are all butthurt that you're getting old and aren't in charge of anything cutting edge anymore. Welcome to the club, bitches!

>> No.1588400
File: 135 KB, 600x450, framing osb 2000 McEnhanced EVO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>News Flash Frank
>Stronger and better

t. chip lee & billy bob (owners of Luxury Houses Inc. construction company - order one now and get a 1% discount)


>> No.1588402

Fucking MDF and MDP on furniture, nobody wants to work with good plywood because 'muh mdf it's faster to work'
I hope they all die from lung cancer.

>> No.1588404

those arent 2x4s Lester theyre lam beams
Jesus I bet you got onion rings and french fries confused same as paint chips and potato chips as a kid

>> No.1588406

Vinyl siding leaks...that wall should have been covered in fan fold and had the seams taped. Shitty siding job Boy Wonder not OSBs fault

>> No.1588408

>Fucking MDF and MDP on furniture, nobody wants to work with good plywood

in europe LDF(=chipboard) is more common than MDF board in furniture. How much harder is to CNC plywood and how much more lasting is it?

>> No.1588411 [DELETED] 

plywood rots faster than OSB
these trolls know nothing about building houses

>> No.1588414

probably stronger, lighter weight and about the same cost as a traditional 2x10 to create the vaulted ceiling effect that they wanted.

>> No.1588418

I imagine if people are CNCing MDF, it's because it comes in whatever size and shape you want and not because of its inherent workability traits.
The glue is havoc on your blades and so plywood which obviously uses less glue should have less problems.

>> No.1588423

MDF still is somewhat "expensive", so they use cheaper shit than that. But good plywood it's pretty durable and resists water way better than those wood flour boards.

We're not talking about houses.

>> No.1588425

>plywood rots faster than OSB

it doesnt, OSB is just lowest of the low, there is no reason to use OSB other than cost saving. When pouring concrete we use plywood here, never OSB since its not as strong. Problems with plywood might be some warp on edges but ther is all can can be easily prevented.

>The glue is havoc on your blades and so plywood which obviously uses less glue should have less problems.

never tought about that...does LDF creates more damage on the CNC blades than MDF?

>MDF still is somewhat "expensive"

its significantly more expensive here in furniture actually. still dosgshit.

>> No.1588426

depends on span and snow load as to size

>> No.1588429

>When pouring concrete we use plywood here
We use 2x's for sidewalks and forms for walls. I remember using plywood to make forms 30 years ago.

>> No.1588436
File: 166 KB, 640x480, croatian shitshack red brick with facade building site stairs4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I remember using plywood to make forms 30 years ago.

plywood is present on smaller peasant diy builds today, but yeah kind of outdated, for loading, bricks made for pouring RC are also more popular than forms

>> No.1588465

looks good guy

>> No.1588466

yeah we still use plywood on the roofs of box culverts as well. Which is out dated since most are pre- cast

>> No.1588567

Actually, it's advertised as being stronger and more ecological (and thus better) than regular lumber.
Its much weaker fire and moisture resistance and the toxicity of the glue are downplayed by the companies selling it.

>> No.1588683

Why? It's both stronger and more uniform than standard lumber. What about it is rustling your jimmies?

>> No.1588719
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, daveramsey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some fool will pay 300k for that
An OSB shitshack is the best investment you can make, young zoomer!

>> No.1588725

>when a rotting OSB shithouse is "better than I deserve"

>> No.1588808

When (not if!) You get a leak in your roof they are gone in weeks while lumber still holds up for years. OSB is fine (cheap) for non or semi structural stuff but rafters would be out of the question for me.

>> No.1588822

poured concrete and rebar for the entire house. anything else is subpar

>> No.1589103

Saw some of these on the back of a lorry in the UK today. How long before they try to tell us that OSB is a good as brick? i'm glad I own my brick built house outright and won't have to put up with their bullshit sales tactics ever again.

>> No.1589123

>Saw some of these on the back of a lorry in the UK today.
haven't seen any in a while now but the last time i saw it was ratcheted down onto a trailer and where the straps were it was fucking bending.
no thanks!
you wouldn't replace brick with joists, your joists are still wood. just not glued veneer wood.

>> No.1589171
File: 398 KB, 1199x1059, OSB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao the jews are going after commercial construction now

>Hey goy, OSB is the future, think of the environment

>> No.1589189

yikes. is there anything they wont destroy?

>> No.1589237

That's clearly plywood.

>> No.1589251

Laminated MDF is the concrete form material of choice if you want a good finish and perfectly straight lines.

>> No.1589276

>building houses that will last no longer than 10 years due to water damage

>> No.1589310

i saw a small housing estate in merseyside go up last year made of OSB with a brick facade

something inside me died

>> No.1589329

Unbelievable the contortions they'll go through to avoid getting their hands dirty.

>Hydroponics are the future
>Lab-grown meat is the future
>OSB sawdust-and-booger materials are the future

>> No.1589333

>and more ecological (and thus better) than regular lumber.
Is it really more ecological? More wood demand just means more trees getting planted.
And all the glue and shit they have to add can't be all that ecological.

If they don't use the wood crap for OSB do they burn it for generators and contribute to CO2 emissions?

>> No.1589339

while I doubt its a great idea anywhere, maybe forgivable in CA, w/e - on Merseyside? arguably borderline criminal. Shit'll just get sold to poor scouse schmucks who expect their house not to collapse like a soggy matchbox after 5 years

>> No.1589344


>> No.1589549

I think it's more ecological in the sense that they can use wood materials that would usually be considered waste when making standard dimensional lumber

>> No.1589628

hey you seem smart, I have a garage I want to build flooring/attic space on. it doesn't need to be heavy storage, but I wouldn't mind being able to throw a matress up there. I have no idea how much weight I can reasonably add to the structure and what will really help

I have 2x4 at under 16 feet length across, and 24'' span between joists. I have heard of sistering or even adding joists and reducing the span, and know about not being able to remove more than a quarter off the joist as it is attached to the rafters. there is some support for the roofing with what look to be unfinished flooring slats nailed from rafter to joist on either side.

Is there anything preventing me from just adding more joist sistering to accommodate more weight? are garages made of paper and even if I add the extra sistering joints will the roof still sag? how much can I reasonably get away with?

I dont have any intention to add much more than the storage material. and some 1/2 or 3/4th plywood, no drywall or insulation

>> No.1589659

I know you can't replace joists with bricks, that's why I said "OSB", not "joists".

>> No.1589660

>burn wood

>> No.1589662

Sweet Jesus. I'll bet they cost a lot less to build but were priced only slightly less than brick houses. If I was going to live in a OSB house I'd build it myself at a fraction of the cost of buying a scaled up dolls house.

>> No.1589668

What do you think wood is made of?

>> No.1589671

Wood isn't made, it's grown.