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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 50 KB, 450x450, green-terrarium1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
156155 No.156155 [Reply] [Original]

i know that we used to have regular threads about terrarium projects and ideas, now that i got the materials to make one i cant find a good guide as the one i saw here, anyone have that screencap?

>> No.156176

Neat...what am I looking at?

>> No.156178


a terrarium

>> No.156188

it's not that hard... just put some rock on the bottom, then dirt... then plant stuff in it.

>> No.156196

here's an instructables on it http://www.instructables.com/id/Reusing-Lightbulbs-as-planters-or-mini-terrariums/

>> No.156197
File: 397 KB, 1078x802, 1323556411453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope this helps

>> No.156201

I wish i could do one of these but i don't have a damned light bulb... Every time i get a burnt out one i forget about these. So do you just find some moss and throw it in with a few pebbles and dirt? There was also something about putting a small piece of coffee filter over the hole in the top so the moss spores don't go out all over the place.

>> No.156202

is all I have from the guy who first came here explaining the project. Shame I didn't save anymore of his posts since I went on to make one.

To be honest it isn't hard, im just nit picky and errything must be perfect

>> No.156203

ah yes. I remember this thread. In fact I made one myself
>pic not mine

>> No.156204



last 4 steps i believe

>> No.156205
File: 42 KB, 450x477, 1323491295925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.156226

Ya i just saved the pic. I wonder what other plant spores you could put in it. Maybe i could get my hands on one of those huge industrial bulbs from my work. The out door lights are big enough to fit a small bush in there...

>> No.156287

can you put animals in the terrarium? simple bugs or anything that are pretty easily sustained?...snails or anything?

>> No.156290

same dude about the animals....how long do these last for? if i keep watering it and such?

>> No.156305

bump, curious about this

>> No.156329

how do i bump??? ahahaha im an idiot XD

>> No.156381

Why would you want a terrarium?

Why not just use a plant pot?

>> No.156444

you can only put in complex bugs

>> No.156533

Animals and such: Last year I found a snail while on a hike, named him Walt and put him in a terrarium with some moss and a fern. He loved strawberries. He turned out to be a she and burrowed into the dirt and laid a billion eggs and they hatched and I had a snail occupation of my room and Walt kept laying and ... oh god.

No matter what you use as the glass for your terrarium you need to do a few things to keep them from going gooey.

1) Gravel or pebbles on the bottom to drain the soil so it isn't always soaking wet. Optional: Put some activated charcoal (from fish filters) on top of the gravel to keep it smelling fresh.

2) Dirt. Potting soil if you can, don't use a sandy mix you may find outside.

3) Plants: Anything that likes high humidity will live. Mosses, ferns, some orchids, african violets etc. Think of the plants you see sold for aquariums too.

4) Watering: If it is a closed container like your lightbulb you only need to water once every two weeks or so. Yes really! Because you have gravel on the bottom you can see when your terrarium is dry. The closed system allows for the water to keep cycling, so don't over water.

5) Light. These plants will cook in direct sun, so keep them in indirect lighting or artificial. Indirect light: hold your hand up and see if it has a shadow. No shadow? Indirect light. Remember to rotate your plants anyways 'cause they will still grow towards it.

>> No.156684
File: 690 KB, 2136x1424, IMG_38202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was bored so i made a simple one from a really small glass jar. not as pretty as a bulb though

>> No.157259
File: 2.38 MB, 2448x3264, 20120222_004157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a rough example of the OP. Not as nice obviously, but just wanted to see how it worked.

I'll be painting and trimming the wire after I shape it to my liking. Took about 5 minutes to make including the light bulb part.

>> No.158630
File: 1.20 MB, 1518x1338, 100_0898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first run at a light bulb terrarium. I plan on moving up to a larger bulb and a more intricate.

>> No.158913

Do you plug the opening or leave it open?

>> No.158918


>> No.158919


I think some people cover with a piece of coffee filter half stuck on.

Though >>158630 has corked his

>> No.158925

Guys..I can't find any moss in southern California.What do

>> No.158927

>full of water
pick one

>> No.158935

Holy fuck imagine some industrial-grade lightbulb with a bunch of minnows or shit inside of it

>> No.159115

I love this idea! I ended up making 2 of them. One has a snail in it named Steve.

>> No.159122

buy some at the reptile store, soon as you moisten it, it comes back to life

>> No.159124

That poor plant is going to suffocate with no source of co2.

Also, I just got my hands on a huge ass lightbulb as big as two of my fists put together!

Anyone got any cool ideas besides rock, dirt, and moss?

>> No.159126

Go on walks, look at sidewalks with bushes and shit growing over the edge. Look under said bushes. Generally anywhere in pavement cracks and shady places.

Alternatively, get wild grass or stalks, or hell, even little cacti. Stick those in there. Cacti can store water for fucking ever, so no worries about them dying.

>> No.159127

I kinda want to make a beach themed one with sand and maybe some sand sunflowers/daises. And a grassland one with grass and little figurines. Just base them off of different ecozones.

>> No.159129

Damn, I don't have any sand or sunflowers at hand.

>> No.159135

I was going to give a rude reply, but this being /diy/, I'll just tell you that plants breathe co2 during the day and o2 at night. You can take any plant and lock it up in an airtight container, as long as it has light and water and nutrients it will survive. In fact, most house plants thrive in these conditions.

>> No.159159

I believe garden snails are hermaphrodites, so that explains Walt`s eggs.

I`ve always wanted to set up a little terrarium with snails. Apparently they eat pretty much anything including half-rotten veggies.

>> No.159204

Don't give them eggshells, eggshells are used as a deterrent in gardens because the edges slice through their slime coat and cuts the poor things up so the bleed to death.

Instead, get a piece of a cuttle bone, and place it in there. Without a good source of calcium they can die because their shells get too thin and break.

>> No.159216

i have the same problem, i want to make moss graffiti, but no moss here, just mezquites and nopales

>> No.159221

Moss grows best in areas where it only receives partial sunlight, or direct sunlight half of the day.

So see if you can order moss from some plant shops, or online. There are lots of moss websites for gardeners.

Then just follow the basic directions for seeding moss.

>> No.159314
File: 144 KB, 1685x1476, 2-23-12 A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Carnivorous Butterwort I Have Growing In a Light Bulb

More pics / Step by step at

>> No.159324
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Not /diy/ nor terrarium, just my sempervivum.

>> No.159344
File: 152 KB, 792x1060, chia800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently growing a sunflower in a whiskey bottle. Once it gets larger, I may add rocks and other decorations into the bottle. Will provide pic in a bit

I had a few different bottle-grown decorations going on at the moment. I've discovered that the seeds that come with a ChiaPet will grow almost anywhere! I have some growing on a piece of toilet paper on an OE800 can with a TP wick going in, the can acts as a water reservoir.

(The only place I've been unable to get these Chia seeds to grow is ON the ChiaPet. The fuck?)

>> No.159356

interesting read. I'll be keeping any light bulb I can find from now on. Already have an idea to make a small rack that holds three of these and use them as small vases for slow growing plants.

>> No.159361
File: 185 KB, 802x984, DSCF0512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an olive oil can that I reused.

There is a cardboard/toilet paper wick that goes into the actual can which pulls water up into the cardboard base that the plants grow on.

>> No.159366
File: 169 KB, 1068x804, DSCF0515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a water bottle I cut in half, laid in toilet paper and cardboard and planted more of those Chia seeds on.

Getting onto bottle terrariums next

>> No.159372
File: 172 KB, 796x1072, DSCF0514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one still looks a bit gross because I haven't even needed to water it yet. There is standing water in there.
Once I need to water it, I plan on letting the water flow down the sides to get all that mud off.

Inside is Chia and a few sunflower seeds that I planted but the sunflowers haven't sprouted yet. :x

>> No.159373
File: 156 KB, 1072x800, DSCF0516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this one, I got a bit bored of vertical terrariums and went for a horizontal one. Currently in here is just chia, but once it matures, I want to put moss and a few other plants in here to take up the relatively huge planting area I have.

>> No.159376
File: 197 KB, 964x1268, DSCF0513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same thing for this one, I haven't even needed to water it yet, there is still standing water in it. Will use a spray bottle for this one to get the mud off the walls.

THIS ONE is my favorite, and I hope this comes out well.

Inside this is a giant sunflower. It sprouted about 3 days ago and somehow shot up more than half an inch overnight. Keeping my fingers crossed that a bud doesn't form until after it grows through the bottleneck.

This one grows up to 12ft tall, so this should be interesting.

>> No.159378

Aaand pic dump over. I have another bottle terrarium, but its currently boring and actually has some mold growing in it, might have to abort.

If anyone has comments, questions, or recommendations, I'm all ears. Got any plants that you've found grow very well in small spaces like this? Let me know.

Also forgot to mention that I started this almost-obsession by making a lightbulb terrarium back in December. That is at my parent's house, and I have no pictures of it, currently.

>> No.159388

I did one of these in primary school
it lasted 3 years
sealed truth

>> No.159393

already found a bulb and hollowed it out, next thing is to make a small rack for it so I can grow some bamboo in it. I guess bamboo will look nice, it only needs some crystal clear water. :)

>> No.159395

So this mentions a coffee filter against spores and such...

Is this a legitimate worry when using moss or similar stuff? As in, is it actually a health hazard or something? Should I be worried about this? I'm thinking of setting one up, but this got me slightly worried.

>> No.159594


>> No.159621

Nah, I think it's to prevent stuff from getting inside, like weeds. But I wouldn't worry about the moss getting outside.

>> No.159631

Yes. Moss spores rely on water for transport. The moss would be growing out of the terrarium before you'd even have to worry about moss spores anywhere. Plus, they're not harmful, anyway.

>> No.159666

>>159124 here, and I succesfully cleaned out the lightbulb. Only problem is that the glass broke off just below the metal twisty bit. BUT, I don't think that is a problem as I have some tea candles about. So I just took one of the metal tins from one and am going to glue it on. Makes a wide open, but safe rim once you cut the base of the tin open and fold it down inside the open lip of the light bulb.

Haven't put anything inside yet, I am debating what exactly I should use. It will be a combination of seeds and moss though, maybe over some rocks and such.

>> No.160507
File: 452 KB, 408x654, Screen Shot 2012-02-25 at 4.37.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this little guy today, /diy/

>> No.161639

Probably a dumb question, but:

If I will my terrarium with water, I can use aquatic plants, but is there anything else I need to do in order to create a functioning, healthy, marine terrarium?

>> No.161642

If I *fill* my terrarium with water....

>> No.161644

>Marine terrarium
It's called an Aquarium FYI

>> No.161647

Come on,
>marine terrarium?
Terra= land
Aqua = water

>> No.161756
File: 23 KB, 156x400, tumblr_lq04l29xWs1qenp7do1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Plant Aquarium version

>> No.161757
File: 8 KB, 300x400, 6a00e54fd915b28834014e5f83d2cb970c-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not mine, but cool

>> No.161760
File: 48 KB, 544x362, LightbulbCandle2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used a lightbulb to make one of these. I glue some feet on the bottom of the bulb to make it stable, however, so as not to be a fire hazard.

>> No.162188

me gusta