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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1561542 No.1561542 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true granpa that you could get a quality product for 100 bucks, and not some chink shit that breaks after 2 uses?

>> No.1561546

>*Yes, yes that was very true back in the day. Of course my peers and I chose the cheaper import products anyways. That prompted companies to give us what we wanted and actively consumed, a race to the bottom so to speak, hence where we are today grandson!*

>> No.1561552

Thanks guys. Since my Boomer mom died I haven't gotten nearly enough right wing bullshit chain emails about the "good ole days." Next can you go into depth about why Don Knotts (or any other actor from the 50's really) was a true American hero?

>> No.1561561

Don knotts was pretty cool anon

>> No.1561574


barney was ok, mr furley sucked

>> No.1561576

I agree. Dude played the biggest dork, but was kind of drowning in pussy if the stories are true. I don't think Mom knew about that when she sent the email. Then again, maybe she did.

>> No.1561611

Americans still buy cheap shit, moron. No one buys a 50$ hairbrush simply because it was hand crafted. They want the 3$ mass produced one.

>> No.1561628

>Americans still buy cheap shit, moron.

Because thats pretty much all there is on the shelf, due to the actions of previous generations

> They want the 3$ mass produced one.

And thats where manufacturing shifted into, to the point its all cheap garbage.

Its a fucking joke when old timers complain about the quality of products, when they were the ones who were the catalysts for it. We were simply born into it.

>> No.1561662
File: 145 KB, 1065x600, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 7.26.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one buys a 50$ hairbrush
It pisses my shit to realize what a decent nail cleaning brush costs. Fuller is still made in the USA.

>> No.1561705

idk anon 90's was pretty sweet, you could work a shit job in mcdonald's fulltime and not be a nigger.

>> No.1561720

No, it isn't true. The Chicago Electric chinkshit was a little better than half as good at less than half the price, because Union workers in America held us all hostage for their overpaid wages and pensions. The only real difference was quality control, which the chinks eventually caught on to like the Japanese did with cars and transistor radios back in the 80's and put Americans clear out of business altogether.
Can you believe that an American who didn't graduate high school used to demand a lifetime cushy upper middle class job, benefits package, and retirement for working only 40 hours a week at a job a robot could do?

>> No.1561759

>Can you believe that an American who didn't graduate high school used to demand a lifetime cushy upper middle class job, benefits package, and retirement for working only 40 hours a week at a job a robot could do?
And they got it too, for a while :(

>> No.1561782

Most of the products made in China are utlimately destined for America.
The americans want cheap chink shit, so the chinks manufacture it.

It's like saying, I don't want STD,then stop fucking bareback hookers in a backalley.

>> No.1561823

We look back on on this time frame now like it's craziness, but imagine what our grandchildren will think of our time.

>grandpa is it true that normal people used to own Houses? And cars? Did the poorest workers still make enough to feed themselves? Did you really have the option to spend more to buy something locally produced?

In 100 years, the difference between millenials and boomers will look like nothing. Unbridled global capitalism will equalize living standards globally, at a level which seems outlandishly low right now. And our grandkids will blame us for it, the same way we blame boomers for the loss of living standards.

>> No.1561839
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>which the chinks eventually caught on to

>> No.1561865

>Can you believe that an American who didn't graduate high school used to demand a lifetime cushy upper middle class job, benefits package, and retirement for working only 40 hours a week at a job a robot could do?

What good was high school when you worked 4 years at reduced wages learning your trade?
What good is high school now?

I dont think its unreasonable for citizens to demand a living wage. And I think its pretty telling of someone like you to support the idea of white collar millionaires outsourcing work because an american demanded a living wage for his work.

Should you work for poorer wages so a white collar faggot can earn his million dollar bonus this year?

>> No.1561879

>What good is high school now?

Not a lot since the standards are close to meaningless, but if you can't get a HS or GED that is a huge red flag, so that's what it is worth. I was thinking earlier today, instead of taking all those classes where you read books and poems and shit, if I had just taken every shop class as many times as possible, along with math through geometry and trig, would I have been able to talk my way into either Community College for a trade, or get hired by someone who would train me. If you really think about it, I would have been more prepared for most trades than someone with the full HS class complement.

>> No.1561998

>Not a lot since the standards are close to meaningless, but if you can't get a HS or GED that is a huge red flag
Can we just skip the bullshit and give everyone a 6 hr IQ test instead of wasting multiple years of everyone's youth on an employment shittest, then?

>> No.1562014

They should have a semester long aptitude test, to figure out what you would excel at. Then use the rest of your time focusing on training for the future.

Some people were just born to lead, or teach, or work with their hands, or be in the "arts" for whatever that is worth.
At least its better than the idea of "throw all sorts of stuff, mostly irrelevant, at the kids and see what sticks." approach.

>> No.1562061

Didn't Germany used to do something like that? I really wish I could've gone that route.