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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 36 KB, 712x712, 1547820305176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1548363 No.1548363 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for advice anons. I'm in the process of buying a home. I was supposed to close tomorrow but at final walk through today I was told the owner let the furnace kick off during the polar vortex. It looks like some pipes froze and burst as there is water coming from a few spots in the baseboard heaters. I'm obviously not closing on a house like this. What is the average cost of repair for something like this? Would the entire plumbung system need to be inspected and if so what can I expect that to cost? I dont plan on paying it but I believe the seller is cash-poor at the moment and may pull the house from the market if the cost is too great.

>> No.1548436
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I have no idea, but sounds funny, lol and you almost bought it

>> No.1548445 [DELETED] 
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>when _you_slight_upset_your_black_boyfriend.jpg

>> No.1548463

They should have homeowmers insurance? A

>> No.1548578

Good point...

>> No.1548851

>What is the average cost of repair for something like this?
Something to get a quote from a local contractor for. Not random dopes on 4chan.

>> No.1548860

I really wish you didn’t post this picture.

>> No.1548862

I'm buying / building a cheap work bench to put on the balcony of my apartment so I can more easily clean guns / hammer on shit outside. What's something cheap and easy I can use to give it some weather resistance?

>> No.1548883

> if so what can I expect that to cost?
About $5 for a bag of flour. Aim for the wet spot.

t: your mom.

>> No.1548887

> What's something cheap and easy I can use to give it some weather resistance?

>> No.1548943


>> No.1549292

Except not all homeowners insurances covers flood damage. Depending on the cause. Usually you need supplemental flood insurance through the government. Either way you need to get a private inspector out to assess the damage and have them get it done or get it off the proce of the house.

>> No.1549698
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Is there any problem in straight up connecting a cable from a static strap or pad to the grounding hole of an outlet to get rid of ESD when working with electronics or are there any more jigs that I should know of ?

>> No.1549707


as long as the strap or your shit has a big resistor; google to find the correct value.

>> No.1549709

run away, the house isn't an option anymore. If you go through with it there's a high chance it will only be repaired well enough to hide the damage from you and get you to buy the house. Water damage is shitty, there's plenty of other houses you can buy and not have to deal with it.

>> No.1549869

I heard most straps have a 1 M ohm resistor, that is quite safe for most 220 v resistors.

>> No.1550380

I want to stretch the strap on a knife sheath a bit. I wrapped the knife in that plastic stuff that my wife uses on food and the leather is getting a good shape but the closure strap is a hard stretch and is starting to look like a brittle rubber band. What should i do? This is otherwise turning out pretty sweet.

>> No.1550522
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>Water has been pooling in the house for over a week

>> No.1550547
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Going to make one of these because my girl likes stupid sappy shit gifts.

If I wanted to print the maps at a shop, because quite frankly I don't know where to get regional maps anymore, What kind of paper would most closely match good old foldup roadmap paper?

Or does anyone by some insane chance know if any particular maps on amazon aren't shit? I'm looking for Texas and NY

>> No.1550570

whats the best solution for a squeaky/noisy bed while humping? can I psck joints with talc or some kind of putty?

>> No.1550591



>> No.1550592

This. Any house that's not 100% perfect is fucked.
Anything to do with leaking water is 100% fucked.

>> No.1550594

Stealing your stolen idea desu

>> No.1550675

it's great isn't it?

I love stealing ideas off etsy and doing them for like 1/20th what they are asking

>> No.1550682

Wood lubricant, comes in a can

>> No.1550684
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>> No.1552291

Go to a rest stop or travel plaza and get an atlas. Rice paper is nice, vellum is even better.
Turn 360° and walk away.
Just oil it or leave it raw, you'll be abusing the surface too much to worry about keeping a nice finish on it.
Only if something else attached to the circuit shorts out and sends current through the ground.
Maybe apply heat, see if the plastic will stretch?

>> No.1552550
File: 187 KB, 1200x1200, lesean0mccoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you slightly upset your black boyfriend

>> No.1552598

Someone post the slightlyupset black boyfriend and a coffin.

>> No.1552636

That's interesting. I used the image search function. Some football player.

>> No.1553119

Whare on earth can i find sinks that fit my house? I have four and they are rusted through. They are oval under mounting and the faucet is on them (not behind them) the house was built in 88. I don't want to f with or replace counter tops as they are bonded to the wall. I think the holes are about 14X19 but haw can you even measure a sink. I have spent a lot of time looking irl and cyberspace.

>> No.1553487

oil based deck stain

>> No.1553496

>haw can you even measure a sink
Tape measure
Post a picture of your sink

>> No.1553497

I guess the only correct answers are Asian, Native American and Abo boyfriends then.

>> No.1553631

I am not picture capable. I have an ipad. Maybe that's another question.

>> No.1553644

Oh you Americans and your nutty paper walls. I will never get this. That's not even a damn house. it's a flimsy frame covered in plaster. A home should be made of something that ruins your hand when you punch it. Brick, stone, wood. W H Y fucking ricepaper and balsawood. Even african shithuts are tougher

>> No.1553667

Keeping cost down, prob.

I mean, here a house will be almost unpayable for a single person without a loan. In the US you could actually buy a house comparably cheap.

Just don‘t punch your walls. Or expect good insulation.

>> No.1553672

>commits suicide
>gets drunk and cuts the top of your head off
>eats you in an act of ritual sacrifice

>> No.1553688

Asian americans have the lowest suicide rates in the US among males. For some reason they just love their lives in the US.

Anyway, how much weight could 3/8" acrylic hold? I need shelving and tempered glass is way too fucking expensive but acrylic is relatively dirt cheap

>> No.1555579

that photo is missing a corpse

>> No.1555585

Can you layer concrete sealers to darken the color?

>> No.1555588

>Except not all homeowners insurances covers flood damage. Depending on the cause. Usually you need supplemental flood insurance through the government. Either way you need to get a private inspector out to assess the damage and have them get it done or get it off the proce of the house.


>> No.1555591
File: 367 KB, 2896x2896, 20190214_222304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought a Dremel™ vice and need to mount it.
Problem is that the mounting clamp isn't big enough to fit the side of my bench.

The bottom picture is how I mounted my movable magnifying glass. I glued a smaller piece of wood to the back of the bench that could accommodate the smaller clamp.

However, I don't think this would be practical in this situation. For one it would be jutting out when not in use. It would also be static and I might need to move it depending on project.

tl;dr how do I mount this thing?

>> No.1555596

Cut a notch out of the workbench.

How does that ball thing and the vise above ir attach to the c-clamp bottom part? Can you disassemble that?

Maybe you can get rid of the whole bottom part and just bolt the ball and above to the bench.

>> No.1555608
File: 57 KB, 501x356, 292BD51B-18B5-472D-BA33-CEFBD823FDC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2nd part... meaning try and disassemble the thing where the black line is. Maybe you can find a way to stick a bolt through it. Won’t be quite as mobile but if/when you remove it, you will have a ~3/8” hole drilled into the bench.

If you don’t mind destroying the bottom part, you could easy slam a couple bolts or big screws through it and go straight into the bench. Cut off the bottom of the “C”, drill two holes into the side of the “C”, and a couple more holes in the bench and toss some bolts in there.

>> No.1555615

>Cut a notch out of the workbench.
Actually that's not a bad idea.

That's something I will look into further. I'd rather not take it apart but it's still worth investigating.

>> No.1555617
File: 336 KB, 768x1024, Image1558660360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a couple logs treated with copper arseholenate. I want to chop them up into little piers/stumps to support a platform.

I plan on counterboring the piers, then putting a sleeved anchor through the centre and into some concrete.

>Which way is strongest:
Would it be okay to simply slice them up along the log, then put the bolts through the centre, through the inner rings?

Or is it stronger to put them through the sides? In which case I'd need to square the logs up, or at least two sides.

As you can probably tell, I am no timbersmith, so use small words please!~

>> No.1556222
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>> No.1558261
File: 167 KB, 1500x1000, 91a8OZiOGrL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to hang a flag horizontally on drywall?

pic related, it has 2 grommets.

>> No.1558265
File: 38 KB, 452x720, nice_black_man_holding_womans_kid_while_she_signs_for_car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah, use thee grommets

>> No.1558478

If you’re talking vanity sinks, you probably need to replace the whole thing.

Manufacturers make their own shapes trying to brand themselves and most of the time, the sinks are not replaceable.

If you have laminate tops, you could replace the sinks with larger sinks by cutting around them.

Make a cut out of your sink size with cardboard and take it into a home store.

But, if your sinks are old enough to need replacing, you’re probably best off watching clearance sections and replacing the whole top.

When you do this, clean/refinish the vanities as well.

You’ll thank me when you sell.

>> No.1558489
File: 1.63 MB, 3264x2448, AB0E7127-2752-4983-B7DB-60234CB92791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thumb tacks!

Just hang the damn thing.

>> No.1558923

I need the easiest, cheapest, way to make a bed frame. It can just be the box. It needs to be sturdy enough so I can pound my gf against it and tall enough for my lanklet ass. Every tutorial online is some stupid shipping crate meme.

Any suggestions?

>> No.1558925

That could easily be tens of thousands of dollars if the house is water heated and those are fucked.

>> No.1559182

Bullshit. Close on it retard and tell then u want 5k off. Then youtube how to pex>>1548363

>> No.1559208

Just use 2 by 8s. That’s basically what mine is from the furniture store with a couple big lag bolts on each corner holding the side beams to the headboard and baseboard.

>> No.1559757
File: 2.22 MB, 3984x2988, 20190220_224152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I create these hanging screw slots on the back of this smoke detector on the piece of wood next to it?
Pic related

>> No.1559765
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Fuck me, I'm guessing this is what I want.
Anyone have experience with these? I want to hang that piece of wood off my bench and then attach my clamp that holds my dremel vice. Yeah, I'm from earlier in the thread.

>> No.1559771

How long has the house been above 50 degrees throughout?

Did you go to all sinks and showers and run water?


If house is above 50 and all water is running couple leaks $250-1000. But also u prob want to look at bottoms of walls and have dead quite for drips. The drips will haunt you

>> No.1559773
File: 546 KB, 1099x2213, e6152d436acf88aef64e99a62908a2d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a question but more of a blogpost.

I just finished putting together a chicken coop for my parents. I've never worked with wood to this extent before and was really happy with how close it came out to my original designs. Of course since I was spending my parents money it ended up costing a ton of money since all the lumber was straight from Lowes, but it was really cool seeing it all come together in the end. Maybe one day I'll learn how to build a proper house.

>> No.1559779

Looks great anon, although a real woodworker makes it up as they go instead of using autocad

>> No.1559780

not autocad, just photoshop for both mockups. The design and mockup were the fun part of the job for me lol

>> No.1559853

wow thats like 100 dollars in sheet rock. women cant even trash a house right...

>> No.1559872

I'm no 'timbersmith' either, but I can tell you that if you want to put a fixing all the way through them and apply tension then they would be stronger on their side and less likely to split. It would (wood lol) be more of a fuck-about though.

What are you putting this platform on? i.e. what are you on about fixing the log feet to? That would give me a better idea of how you could achieve it.

I work in engineering so I'm into fixing shit down, just not really wood, but may be able to give you some help

>> No.1559923

>You’ll thank me when you sell.
I shall thank you now.

>> No.1560792

i opened my car's radio, found 2 pins that went to the speakers (they were marked R and L) and soldered to them a regular aux jack, so now i can just plug in my mp4 or phone and treat the car's speakers as if they were headphones

it was great at first, although i could hear faintly that the sound from the radio (whatever channel was on, or just white noise) was also always on in the background. but lately the leaky sound from the radio has gone louder and louder and now the system is no longer usable.

i think i have a faint idea of what is going on, but could somebody explain it to me? is the issue caused by my bad soldering? can i make some type of (preferably automatic) hard switch, so that no radio sound leaks at all when i connect my phone?

thanks, sorry for the wall of text

>> No.1562452

What's the best glue or epoxy for adhering neoprene to aluminum?

>> No.1562456
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This handle used to be fake brass finish. Now it's worn out. Can I just spray some brass paint on it or will fingers rub it off

>> No.1563349
File: 57 KB, 459x446, busbar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of din-mounted terminal block can I use to do pic related? I have some weidmuller-like but in each block the two terminals are connected. I need a block where the two aren't connected so that they can be closed by a switch.

>> No.1563357
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 03661714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I safely wire up a single 4-gang box using one of these per line (3 total)?

ie, one supply line in (into one hole) plus four lines (into four holes) for each outlet.

>> No.1563369

as long as the current and wire gauge is suitable.
why else would they put that many holes in it? just to confuse you?

>> No.1563384
File: 978 KB, 3264x2448, 521D191F-E4C6-406D-B899-47502A8CACD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i make a freezer run at fridge temperatures?

i looked online and could only find info on lowering your electricty bill

>> No.1563388

Has anyone ever seen an outdoor light fixture that has a power outlet on it? Or a floodlight fixture with some motion-activated lights and some that are always on?

I'd like to install some security cameras around my house. I don't have power outlets near where I'd like to install them, and my house is brick, so adding new outlets would be difficult to DIY and expensive to pay for. Solar-charging ones aren't a good option because I live in Michigan and it's fucking cloudy all the time.

What I do have is light fixtures near the areas I'd like to install the cameras. I'm aware of floodlight camera fixtures like Ring, but I'd prefer not to be tied to Amazon's ecosystem and to have a wider variety of cameras.

A light fixture with an outlet would be the best option, but I've had trouble finding them.

A normal light fixture with an adapter to create a power outlet would also be an option, but I'd want the camera always on and the light on a motion sensor, which I've also had trouble finding.

Any options any of you can think of?

>> No.1563414


are you talking about the freezer compartment on a combination fridge/freezer or a standalone freezer?

If it's a simple combination, the cooling element is in the freezer and there is an adjustable passageway (and perhaps a fan) to conduct the cold air into the fridge compartment where the thermostat is. To make them both the same temperature is very hard because it's not designed with that in mind so you'd have to make the passageway a lot larger or use a stronger fan; basically you want it to act like one large compartment and that is not easy.

>> No.1563422

>are you talking about the freezer compartment on a combination fridge/freezer or a standalone freezer?
stand alone cheat freeZer. i was thinking put power on a timer but that will just have the freezer turn on to full blast every time power comea on and will not be a steady temp as the weather changes. its in a pretty big warehouse with limited temp change though. i imagine that will change come summertime

>> No.1563426


I don't know what a cheat freezer is, but does it not have any setting, or is the adjustment range all below freezing? You could easily put a temperature sensor in it to drive a power relay and keep it at any temperature you like, provided you can make a tiny hole for the wires to the sensor. A microcontroller would be overkill; you could do it with a comparator and a transistor to drive a relay coil.

>> No.1563559

Put the plug adapter in, then put a daylight sensor under that, and then finally 12” further down from the original plug, you can screw in the light bulb.

But a somewhat more serious but still retarded idea: maybe you can steal power from right before the light and install an outlet, then get some sort of daylight sensor fixtures but you would still need to leave the switch on all the time.

Also my house has concrete exterior walls too and it sucks for some things, but one thing I noticed is the overhang for the roof/gutters is wood. So maybe you could run power and/or data through the attic and then come out from the top right above the camera. It would probably look cleaner that way too.

>> No.1563563

Have you thought of power over ethernet cameras? You only need to run one wire then. You can probably even buy an N number camera system with PoE.

If you want a 120v outlet outside brick probably easiest to run EMT around the house

>> No.1563574

>paying the home inspection jew

Oh don't worry. Just make sure tp sign this paper that saysi'm not responsible for not knowing anything about what i'm talking about

>tfw inspector misses black mold

>> No.1563575

Put screw in the slots. Flip it aroun and pusht/wiggle it around until it Mark's the wood

>> No.1563580

>If you want a 120v outlet outside brick probably easiest to run EMT around the house

Yeah, I was kind of hoping not to do that since it will look kind of ugly.

Haven't looked into power over ethernet, will have to do some research on those.

>> No.1563592

Just put the emt under your eaves, it's not really that bad. Crawling i'n your attic is miserable

>> No.1563610
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I recommend buying like a 9u wall mount rack for all your home network concerns.

I got a 1u keystone rack. I put all my coax homeruns from around the house to it, then ran 2 more to the demarc for CCTV. Also got some cat5 for my phones.
Got a switch and my office and wifi ap on the network.

Youd just have to get a switch with PoE, then you just run a cable to it.

>> No.1563618

>You could easily put a temperature sensor in it to drive a power relay and keep it at any temperature you like, provided you can make a tiny hole for the wires to the sensor
Chest freezer*
yes, we would like it slightly above frozen and all the settings are below frozen

so a temp guage hooked to a switch that says cut power anytime it dips below Xtemp?

>> No.1563628

>so a temp guage hooked to a switch that says cut power anytime it dips below Xtemp?

yeah. a fridge is a very low frequency response system, meaning it cannot change its state quickly. when it's too warm, apply power. when it's cold enough, remove power. Just make sure your system has some hysteresis, meaning it won't switch on and off too rapidly and hurt stuff. two or three degrees C or F is ok.

>> No.1563658

Damn, I was thinking “it would be nice if there was just one combined data-power cable” while I typed that reply.

How much power can an ethernet cable actually send? Would it actually power those night vision IR security cameras? Do you need a special router or other equipment?

>> No.1563661

You need a special router, more often a switch, or a 'power injector '. The switch does everything in one box. The power injector just puts power on the line, the da tr a still needs a switch.

Theres plenty of power for the cameras. Just get ones t hat are PoE

>> No.1563714

*the data part still needs a network connection behind the power injector. This is perfectly obvious in some designs that are just an rj45 union with a barrel jack coming off for you to plug power into.

For a setup like a several camera security setup, you would want them to get power off of an integrated PoE switch.

Important note, theres poe injecting switches that will power your cameras, and then theres poe switches, that run and do active switch stuff by using poe they get from an upstream injector.

>> No.1563716

The maximum rated power of the new PoE+ standard is 51 watts.

>> No.1563774

As someone who works in Insurance, the Supplemental Flood Insurance through the government is only for water intrusion from outside i.e. there's a flood and it enters your house. As for water damage such as in OP, this is a clear case of negligence. Depending on the company and claims adjuster, it may be covered or it may not. Also possible that it's partially covered i.e. the replacement of the broken pipes isn't covered, but the damage caused by the water is.