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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1545293 No.1545293 [Reply] [Original]

Who else has an irregular trade? I manufacture chemical metering systems.

>> No.1545295


So you're a plumber.

>> No.1545297
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In the process of mounting a pvdf skid

>> No.1545299

In a way, but I only ever have to deal with potable water running through my pipes.

>> No.1545303

I give people diabetes

>> No.1545309
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Finished mounting

>> No.1545310
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Next I will take some 3/8” tube and fit/flare it from the pump to the manifold block

>> No.1545312
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>> No.1545318
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Tubing is installed and this skid is now finished. Next step will be to fill the system to 10% above operating pressure and let it sit to check for leaks. After that I’ll set the pressure release valve and back pressure valve to the customers specifications. After that I’ll dry it out and crate it for shipping.

>> No.1545327

I manufacture chemicals, does that count as a trade?

>> No.1545329

Sounds like a skill to me. What kind of chemicals?

>> No.1545332

Pharmaceuticals, I don't know if manufacturing counts as a trade or not though.

>> No.1545334

I’m sure it requires some skill to manufacture drugs. I mean too much could kill someone I imagine

>> No.1545357

Do You work as scientist for some pharmacological company?

>> No.1545360

They're more of an organization than an actual company. And the drugs I make are sold in similar forms as pharmaceuticals.

>> No.1545369

Sounds interesting

What is this used for?

>> No.1545371

Actual pharma bro here. What org?

>> No.1545372

Pumping precise amounts of chemicals

>> No.1545470

Itt: assembly techs thinking they're tradesmen

>> No.1545489

Master tradesmen

>> No.1545524

As long as you're not bepis

>> No.1545537
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I do home appliance repair. All makes and models from 250$ dollar entry level dishwashers up to 3k$ rebuilds on 15k$ built in fridges.

>> No.1545565
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Fixing solar stuff. Irregular I guess

>> No.1545568

This is interesting. Break it down for me

>> No.1545570 [DELETED] 

Water bad

>> No.1545577

Some decided to leave on end of LB partially open and water poured into junction box and inverter. Cover had a hole thru it and all bugs and wires were melted; this block of ice was found when I removed the cover. 1 inverter, 3 sticks of pvc and a junction box later..all new wires too they were gross

>> No.1545580

Removed the inverter cover*

>> No.1545586

you're the chef at Wendy's guy, right?

>> No.1545620

No I work at a gutburger

>> No.1545761

My trade is the skill of making it look like I'm working while not actually doing anything.

I'm not sure what I'm getting paid for though.

>> No.1545820
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Ready to ship

>> No.1545824

No. Wendy’s doesn’t have as much corn syrup as me


>> No.1545919

not a bad job, but you've forgotten to wrap it totally watertight, and then you need to stencil on "No Machetes, No Cargo Hooks" in spanish, arabic and ikea-man hieroglyphs.

>> No.1545922

The skids themselves are wrapped in a giant plastic bag.

>> No.1546020

This fag isn't me, lol.
Yes and no, we have pretty strict policies we adhere to (FDA regulates the shit outta us), although I did go to school for chemistry. Most of what I do is following a recipe, more or less.
Technically, yes. However my actual work isn't in R&D. A lot of it is hooking up the proper hoses to the right reactors, packing product out, etc.
Guessing that dude was shitposting to imply I work for the cartels or some shit. Kind of an over done joke in my industry. When I first took the job it was funny joking with my friends that I was going off to cook drugs, and the Breaking Bad jokes were cute for about a day.

>> No.1547231

What is best pipe and joining method for 95% Sulfiric acid?

>> No.1547232

Welded pvdf

>> No.1547242

KEK. Classic SolarEdge. How are your optimizers?

>> No.1547316
File: 2.51 MB, 3264x2448, 20190131_081020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manufacturing is a trade ffs.
I manufacture "drugs" as well.
Pic related.

>> No.1547368

I send out resumes day in and out.

>> No.1547381
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Beautiful. Whatchya growing anon?

>> No.1547438


>> No.1547629

Thanks anon

>> No.1547641
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>> No.1547652

Sup Charlie

>> No.1547705

>Blue, White, green, yellow
what the fuck is this color code?

>> No.1547991

HAH optimizers are trash. I've done a lot of 20+ microinverter swaps too though. It's all garbage.

>> No.1548055

The thing about trades is it's such a broad craft. You could have certification in Automotive Repair but just be doing engine dyno testing or wheel alignments, and another guy with the same qualifications is rebuilding engines all day. A lot of times if you are in a high demand trade and have a good head on your shoulders you will move into a higher paid but more specialized and specific position at a company. A good example is the Heavy Duty Technician trade, where a friend of mine went from electrical diagnostics on engines to helping design vehicle/machine tracking systems alongside engineers that build the tracking units.

>> No.1548300

It's fiber optic cable. . .

They are always high visability colors after the demarc. So retards don't cut them if they are buried.

>> No.1548305

The count seems wrong.
In the us that would be fibers 1, 6 , 3 and 9. Which seems an odd choice.

>> No.1548367
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Umm sweetie they are only colored in the terminals. The UG shit is always the translucent white. I honestly cant wait till all these companies have their fiber grids up b/c cable will be completely btfo. Next step: D-wave's in every CO in every city/town.

>> No.1549313

i'm an electrician for a well drilling company' mostly pull and service submersible pumps

>> No.1549810
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Someone ran out of potting compound.

>> No.1549814

I write desktop software.

>> No.1549816

What is that bar clamp doing there? Is it UPC-marked?

>> No.1549955

What is some cheap way i can measure how much water flows through a pipe while also knowing its temperature?
I need some way to do it without opening up the pipe.

>> No.1550099

Wow you plumbed some PVC into a metering pump you are so cool. I do literally the same thing for treatment systems

>> No.1550102

I design and build hyperadobe buildings.

>> No.1550379

Blue dream, xj-13, valley girl, choco loco, thin mints. A few more I cant think of right now. Blue dream is still one of my favorite plants it just smells so sweet and grows big and beautiful. Valley girl is newer and I love it, too. Purple and sweet.

>> No.1551104

You can stick a temperature probe to a pipe. Or you can backfeed it into a tap and seal it up.

You cannot really measure the water flow without opening the pipes. You can measure or estimate your water usage first and then calculate it, but without actually measuring the flow, there is no way to tell, and you can only do that mechanically.

You can build a system with pressure sensors at two ends of a pipe. By calculating the properties of said pipe (actual water flow measurements; or estimates from dimensions, material type, current state, type …) and by

Why do you feel you have the need to measure water flow?

>> No.1551130
File: 199 KB, 1203x1540, jl-glass1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who //scientific glassblower// here

>> No.1551131

I sell propane and propane accessories.

>> No.1551137

Haha, that's a funny name. Scientific Glass. Who would name a dude that?

>> No.1551139

how long does it take to pull a good vacuum on a standard home fridge?

>> No.1551242

>it, but without actually measuring the flow, there is no way to tell, and you can only do that mechanically.
you must not be very good at your job son
ultrasonic noninvasive flow rate measuring devices are a standard in the industry

>> No.1551278

>I only ever have to deal with potable water running through my pipes.
It happens as you get older, ask your doctor to check them out if it gets bad.

>> No.1551282

I service and launch Aircraft

>> No.1551384

How did you get into that? Seems like a comfy gig, i like the idea of plumbing with the networking of pipes and the pressure behind it. Just the problem with sewage and the occasional blockage

>> No.1551411

I fix weather stations. Kinda irregular, I guess.

>> No.1553213
File: 38 KB, 480x640, 54085B00-6EF1-4782-8782-1CE9EF17B7D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I commission protection and controls systems for power plants and substations.

>> No.1553216

Do you have a source for a cheap ultrasonic flow meter?

>> No.1553222
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>So you're a plumber.

>> No.1553223
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>connecting 50 micron to 62.5 micron

>> No.1553237

I was going to defend him but you're right, that's a tan Lc connector. Wtf is this horse shit. The boss ordered the orange jumpers for safety without knowing that's multimode?

>> No.1553293

to fair it's never caused me any trouble on 1gb connections over short distances. Some of the10 Gb LRM shit might be more picky.