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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 17 KB, 410x308, kamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
153864 No.153864 [Reply] [Original]

Im moving into this house in a few weeks, but cant decide on what colors to use. Halp

>> No.153874 [DELETED] 

1 room house

you mean apartment, kid?

>> No.153882
File: 44 KB, 405x400, color_wheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of this is personal taste, but there are some rules. Warm colors seem to advance toward you and make a room look smaller. This is good for making a room seem cozy. Cool colors seem to recede and make a room look larger. This makes a room seem airy and relaxing. Use bold colors only as accents or a feature wall, and neutrals for the main bulk of the room. Avoid pure whites, instead go for off whites with a hint of your bold accent color, or pastel colors for the main area of the wall. Warm and cool grays are another neutral option and look pretty classy with a splash of the corresponding 'temperature' of bold color.

>> No.153894
File: 250 KB, 691x2052, 1256186384235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


play with it, find something you like, print it, take color swatches to paint store/counter, paint rooms, realize you picked something way the fuck to dark/saturated, dealwithit.com

>> No.153910

>1 room apartment

fuck off kid, think for yourself

>> No.153961


No one on this board likes you.

>> No.153962

>implying you know who i am
>implying its one person
>implying i give a fuck anyway

typical kid

>> No.153964

Unless there are two frequent anons who overuse 'kid', then yes. Fuck off kid.

>> No.153966

>cant think for himself
>acts like a kid
>gets called out on it

typical kid, your actin more and more pathetic with every post, kid

>> No.153969

>implying I'm OP
>implying you're not shit at trolling

>> No.153970

where did i imply you were op?

where did i imply im trolling?

your being a shit kid, kid, stop being a faggot kid, kid.

>> No.153972

op here

thanks a lot, this really helped!

>> No.153974


Your previous post clearly implied it.

You father-figure lacking basement dwelling trolls will be the end of this board, I swear it.

>> No.153975

where did it imply it? im not seeing it anywhere, kid. go on, keep acting like a retarded little bitch, kid

>> No.153985

Hm.. maybe if you us a white wallpaper with a certain pattern in black on the side of the room with the kiln (not a kiln or a different word for it?) and then with the rest of the room in a different color like it already is.

>> No.153990

And forgot to to add maybe beige? It might work good with the natural light from the big window.

>> No.154007

oh and op dont cheap out and by flat finish shit paint. It will pick up dirt/fingerprints like mad. Just go with a semi gloss meant for interior rooms. Just ask the person at the counter they will know what kind.

>> No.154018
File: 60 KB, 800x601, OPS-ROOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep it light. pic related, it's your room.