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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1535975 No.1535975 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, I have a headache and limbache 24/7 for the last 16 months. I'm 23. Doctors cannot diagnose me, nor cure me. How can I do it myself?

>> No.1535978


>> No.1535980

Opiates. If you take enough it could cure your pain forever.

>> No.1535992

You need a doctor or a lot of dough for that.
Did you get an MRI? Do you have a caffeine habit? One Tylenol and a five hour energy does a headache good. Can you pop your neck by pressing on head and resisting with neck muscles?

Kratom. A leaf in pill form purchased at smoke shops. Best for pain. Take seven at work or three with a shot of vodka at home.

You gotta find what's wrong. Doctors made me feel like a puss before they finally found the problem too late. Fuck a lazy doctor.

>> No.1535993

If scans don't show anything in your head that would cause it, then the reason is most likely stress. I have a similar problem

>> No.1535997

This. If there's nothing wrong in your head or neck and chiropractic adjustments don't give you any relief then it has to be mental.

>> No.1536488

If the limbache is in your bones it could be llymes, especially if you're in the northeast. headache could be because of issues in your neck, talk to a chiropractor, but a good one. If they don't at least ask you for xrays be wary of their quality.

>> No.1536496

But with the kratom, try out different types in low doses first. There is such a big difference between strains, it’s like two different drugs. You don’t want to take 5g of some red downer strain that is going to make you fall out of your chair at work. That shit is for bedtime. Then some white or Maeng Da strains will get rid of the pain and give you an energy boost without making you walk sideways.

>> No.1536501

Get health insurance before they do diagnose it.

Ive got some insane chronic idiopathic illness, it started when i was 26 im now 31. I had health insurance and im in new zealand so free garbage healthcare as well.
Ive found that my diet plays into it alot. But not enough to cure it, so experimenting with different food types is a good place to start.

>> No.1536502

>chiropractic adjustments

>> No.1536552

I have tried a few and haven't found any with a better effect than a couple of aspirin on mere mortals. But I have a Texas brain tumor and was a heavy weight morphine user. What do you recommend? I don't need to get high. I just want to feel alright?

>> No.1536566

I’m not sure, I never used it for pain. The Maeng Da strains seemed to be more of an upper and then the red strains were a downer. Green strains seemed to be in the middle and white vein closer to Maeng Da upper feeling. I’m guessing the red or green will help relax the pain a bit more but the white or Maeng Da is a good daytime thing.

Don’t try and compare it to 200mg of morphine though. It’s not quite the same.

>> No.1536580

I was married to a kickass massage therapist and she had clients who had had persistent headaches for years who were basically cured after seeing her. She had a lot of folks with fibromyalgia and similar shit too. Try a good massage, careful, they're like auto mechanics, you need a good one, ask around.

>> No.1536593

Eat more protein, stop eating/drinking sugar, stop taking stimulants, lift 3x/week, realize that natural dopamine drop as you age aka life is pain, stop being a bitch

>> No.1536598

Check the muscles under your collar bone and around the front of your shoulder joints for chronic tension. If present try point-applied pressure or massage in that location and consider regular sternum, chest, and arms stretches. Also evaluate your seated and standing posture in a mirror.

Other possible locations that can show signs of headaches are the dip in the bridge of your nose. Accupresure in this location reducing headache severity can indicate chronic eye strain.

>> No.1536624

Get your teeth checked. Might need a root canal.

>> No.1536625

Don't just look for drug or supplements to make it bearable. What kind of doctors have you seen? You may need to see a specialist, possibly from more than one field.

>> No.1536823

I wouldn't listen to the above poster and just drown your pain out with kratom, that shit is terrible

>> No.1536827

It's lupus

>> No.1536831

It's never Lupus

>> No.1536933

Go to a licensed chiropractor.


>> No.1536967

OP don't listen to this dude just paypal me what you'd pay the chiropractor and I'll do it through the internet.

>> No.1536971

If OP is in Europe yeah, but if OP is in the USA then chiropractors are legit and regulated. OP just needs some adjustment and physical therapy.

>> No.1536972

>chiropractors are legit

>> No.1537011

You have done a good deed.

>> No.1537017

>I was married to a kickass massage therapist
yeah, had an enthusiastic amateur as gf once. Could be doing with that shit now, and then some. Its prob. legit advice for similar symptoms as OP describing - for sure, will do no harm.

>> No.1537019

sounds like fibromyalgia. Get put on an SSRI.

>> No.1537022

Yeah most auto immune stuff is pretty unlikely unless you are female or non-white

>> No.1537023

This may sound weird but what about reflux at least for the headaches? Otherwise if they can't find anything they often think you're a nutter and prescribe cognitive behavioural therapy. Apart from that exercise is coming to be thought of as a wonder treatment for all kinds of things. You could also try redirecting it for a little relief, e.g. punch a pressure point until it hurts then let go.

>> No.1537026

heavy kratom users here

desu almost all strains are the same, low doses are stimulating, high doses are sedating. I used to be addicted to heroin, and desu kratom is the perfect alternative. taking the right small amount can be just as euphoric as when you first do some H, and the right high dose can make you straight up nod balls

>> No.1537032

Its a good thing

>> No.1537186

Tried SSRI, they don't work.

>> No.1537193

many root problems can sometimes be caused by lack of nutrition and viatmans your body needs. It can't hurt in looking up to see if you're deficient in any vitamins and start taking some to see if it helps.

>> No.1537194

I don't think that's the issue. I'm clinically depressed and anxious diagnosed with BPD. I've self-harmed alot by banging my head. I have taken anti-depressants in the past and many other meds. I have quit them cold turkey. I've also done three surgeries on the head (two because of fistula - cyst, and one because of flap ears plastic surgery). I also got very nervous when the head started initially hurting. I also suffer from insomnia.
So no, I don't think it's becaue of lack of nutrition and vitamins particularly.

>> No.1537198

Psychosomatic illness is always possible. If so pscychotropics might help (they might also cause you to kill everyone dear to you, caveat emptor).

What I would personally do is switch your diet before trying drugs. It's the easiest/cheapest and least likely to kill you. Two diets I would consider. Whole food vegan (nutritionfacts.org) and paleo (thepaleodiet.com, maybe try AIP).

Also just keep getting third/forth/fifth opinions. Try to find doctors specializing in rare auto-immune or parasitic diseases cause that's what it sounds like (well that or a heavily spread cancer, but I assume they already ruled that out).

Did any of the doctors try you on a cortisoid already? (Prednisone for instance.) If you really can't find any doctor to give you any help, it's probably better to look at websites like selfhacked than ask here. It's full of hypochondriacts, but when you run out of options you gotta do what you gotta do.


>> No.1537200

put shoe on head

>> No.1537201

>So no, I don't think it's becaue of lack of nutrition and vitamins particularly.

Diet is a lot more than nutrition and vitamins. High doses of antioxidants can help with many clinical illnesses and can be easily gained through diet. Part of your diet can trigger auto-immune response. etc.

>> No.1537208

That's funny until you feel the pain yourself.

>> No.1537605 [DELETED] 

have you injured your neck? have you experienced whiplash to any degree?
if so you need to stretch, do range of motion exercises and also align your neck, takes time for everything to subside inflammation wise and get back to normal

>> No.1537606

>>1535975 (OP)
have you injured your neck? have you experienced whiplash to any degree? and/or your spine?
if so you need to stretch, do range of motion exercises and also align your neck/spine, takes time for everything to subside inflammation wise and get back to normal

>> No.1537607

try oxygen therapy/breathing deeply regularly/regular fairly intense exercise. exercise will help your depression too

>> No.1537611

dehydration, lack of good sleep and try taking a walk in nature once a day. don't sit on the computet for 8 hours a day. try to read a book and go to sleep at 10 pm

>> No.1537622

This may help:
1.Optimum sleep
3. Watch your bloodsugar and your sodium intake (salt messes up with our neuronal system )
4. Did you check with a psychiatrist? many terrible and very real types of pain come from mental illnesses and when they are treated properly the pain goes away as well.

>> No.1537623

Take shoe off head

>> No.1537645

Dude, I want to give you a (manly) hug. Take care of yourself

>> No.1537647

Oh yeah what about a botox shot? They do this for chronic head/neck pain I think

>> No.1537653

Might be a stupid question, but what about your electrolyte levels? Are they good?

>> No.1537749

>Popping your neck like that
Wew never knew about that one. I thought the thumb knuckle pop down by the wrist was a secret club

>> No.1537765

I think it is more safe than over twisting neck.

>> No.1537776


>> No.1537779

Can't find psilocybin, I live in a third world country and I have no friends. I've been already searching for it for one year.

>> No.1537789


>> No.1537817

1) Doctor, Brain scan & Pills $1k.
2) Chamomile, Lavender & Yoga $30
3) Gun & Bullet $300

>> No.1537880

1) tried and didn't work
2) i hope this is a joke
3) i've been searching for a gun for 2 years, it's illegal in my third world country

>> No.1537891
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See, in America I would be emailing every talk show I can think of to get them to help pay for my shit and find a specialist. I'd want the full slow mo camera cutscenes and all.
>Welcome our next guest, anon who has suffered headaches for years straight
>Thanks Oprah, I live in San paolo and I can't afford a specialist. I can't even buy a gun, and I want to end my suffering
>Literally millions in free money, surgeons calling left and right
God damn, America is great

>> No.1537906

You don't mention your weight or diet that I can see. This information can be helpful.

The fact that you've engaged in self harm behaviors like banging your head worries me. There could be some form of TBI involved from concussive injury. As for the limb aches; this in combination with the headaches, leads me to lay blame on inflammatory proccesses.

It may be worth it to cater in the extreme to two pathways which take into account the head banging history, and possible inflammation. As for the brain, it may benefit to switch to a ketogenic metabolism. Glucose metabolism leads to a higher rate of oxidative free radicals which must be mopped up in the cells. Ketone replacement in the glucose chain significantly reduces this free radical load. Ketones are also used extensively as a signalling compound doing things like downregulating inflammatory pathways.

As far as the inflammation undertake the most extreme elimination diet you possibly can. Restrict your entire dietary intake to meat for 30 days minimum. After which, begin reintroducing foods one at a time, one per week while keeping track of any adverse effects. If adverse reactions occur, move back a couple steps on your safe list for a few weeks until the adverse reaction clears up.

>> No.1537907

As for the first two foods to reintroduce: twice or thrice cooked potatoes (not once cooked), and broccolli and other cruciferous vegetables. Potatoes should be cooked thoroughly, allowed to cool completely, then reheated. This encourages the formation of a form of starch that your body is incapable of breaking down directly. Your gut bacteria are the only thing that can cleave this starch, as a byproduct they put off short chain fatty acids. This twice or thrice cooking also reduces the glycemic load of the potatoes. For reference I am ketogenic. My ketone levels are consistently between 0.9-1.2mmol. I can eat two twice baked potatos by themselves and an hour later my ketone levels will be 1.5-1.9 mmol. Before slowly returning to my normal.

The cruciferous veg should be eaten raw or par-cooked only to prevent the sulphurophane molecules from being destroyed. These are inflammatory signalling molecules that elicit a stronger anti-inflammatory response from your body than the inflammation they induce. Great for brain health and arthritis.

After reintroducing those two things begin adding back individual things and families of crops one at a time.

>> No.1537914

For the record Im not advocating what is currently promulgated as the "keto diet" with its obsession on getting ketone levels to some arbitrarily chosen cutoff threshold.

My use of ketogenic is meant in the way that "the body is actively producing detectable levels of ketone bodies in the blood"

The 'keto diet' leads to very disordered and unnatural eating patterns and food choices like adding copious amounts of cream or olive oil to our drinks and foods just to push that ketone meter reading up even higher.

Benjamin Bikman out of BYU has a great mnemonic tool to guide your food planning. Prioritize Protein. Control Carbohydrates. Fill with Fat.

Aim to get 1g/lb of lean mass minimum, even if you're not a body builder. EVERYTHING in your body including your bones needs protein to build and repair itself. I took my mother and grandmother off their bone density bullshit meds and 600mg calcium supplements that haven't done shit to slow bone loss, and put them both on a minimum of 1.2g/lb protein diet. Mom was at the RDA levels of about .4g/lb daily grandmas was slightly higher at about 0.6. Both have seen dramatic improvements in bone density, especially grandma.

Controlling carbohydrates is easy. If it isnt a fibrous or low glycemic vegetable, dont eat it. If you want to eat an entire 1lb frozen bag of broccoli with dinner as your carb source, go ahead, that barely 30 grams of a very low glycemic source.

>> No.1538079

Lavender will grow your boobs. Nothing purple, men. I can't imagine not being able to find good drugs in a third world country. Are you a cop or something?

>> No.1538082

>Doctors cannot diagnose me, nor cure me
>But 4chan could

Son you can add "mental fatigue" to your list of symptoms.

>> No.1538239

4chan has pulled some shit off before.

>> No.1538242

It's easier posting on 4chan instead of waiting in long rows in hospitals and throwing my money away for nothing (I'm really sick of it, and I was already sick of the pain), hoping that I'll escape hell.

>> No.1538266

>go to doctor with headaches
>nothing works
>doc finally tells me when he gets a headache, he rests with his head between his wife's boobs
>return two weeks later
>tell doc his advice worked!
>and also what a lovely home he has

>> No.1538288

I second an investigation of lyme disease; google the horowitz questionaire; if you have it, it's early. Trust me, you don't want to deal with this late if that's what it is. Most doctors know fuck-all about it though

>> No.1538290

4chan, no. 4channel, yes.

>> No.1538291

the onset was sudden

>> No.1538344

They can relieve pain temporary, but their reasoning about it is bullshit

>> No.1538368

That'll be a wild goose chase too. You gotta get them to give you the same test repeatedly because there is a lot of false negatives and they just try to Fuck you off after round one. But Yes. You be right.

>> No.1538391

The first thing you need to realize is that doctors cannot and will not help.
So, go ahead and take the stress of that thought off the table.
If a doctor has prescribed you anything, toss it in the garbage.
Make sure you are drinking clean spring water; not shit from city tap, unless you have a reverse osmosis filter.
Try to take the stress off;
This is best accomplished by finding ways to fill your time that are productive.
Even if you ache and don't feel like it, get up and work.
Your only other option is to lay down and die.
Once you leave all this imaginary filth of western civilization behind, you begin to realize that your life is yours and yours alone.
Your body and mind will heal themselves, if you let them.
Believe that.

>> No.1538417

Find a non-shitty doctor that will actually take you seriously instead of shining you on as a hypochondriac or just someone seeking pain meds to abuse.

Understand this, OP: Just because someone has "Dr." in front of their name and/or "M.D." after it, doesn't mean they're really any good. Doctors are not gods, they're just mere mortals. These doctor(s) you've been seeing could have graduated somewhere near the bottom of their class and just barely scraped by through their residency and are essentially coasting through their career in medicine. Find a non-shitty doctor who will LISTEN to you, who will actually be bothered to run whatever diagnostic tests necessary to find out what your actual problem is. Someone who is only 23 years old should not be as disabled as you make yourself sound.

Now, if you are just making shit up, trying to get a scrip for opiates or something, then you need PSYCHIATRIC help. Please do that if that's the case.

>> No.1538419
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>Just ignore the problem and it will go away all by itself!

>> No.1538456

Actually, it can work sometime. Plus, if OP cannot be cured by western medicine, it may be worth it to try other things (acupuncture, shamanism,...)

>> No.1538461


>> No.1538498

Get a colonic, trust me your headache will go away

>> No.1538559

>Tried SSRI
You understand they take weeks/months to take effect? did you stay on them for 3 months or a week and give up because you didn't feel anything?

>> No.1538569

>nightmare endusing pic

>> No.1538716

Doctor told me the fibromyalgia effect should start working after 3 days.

>> No.1538747

You will be on "medicine' and beholden to this industry of shit for the rest of your life.
...and fuck this guy with no answers.

>> No.1538748

That is, fuck this guy, listen to the other.

>> No.1538757

Blood pressure is too high, get more potassium. White beans, lentils, bananas, orange juice.

>> No.1538761

Measured blood pressure few times. It's always normal.
Also did MRI, blood test - also normal.

>> No.1538771

Keeping a food diary is a good idea for anyone to improve weird stuff. Food is medicine. Find what work for you.

>> No.1538837

you probably need glasses OP

or if you have glasses maybe you got the wrong ones

eye strain can fuck a guy right up

>> No.1538850

I have sight issues, but do you think there can be pain in the limbs and itching on the head and back because of eye strain?

>> No.1538851

This is going to sound insane but...
Carnivore Diet. YouTube search the reason behind it.
Hear me out: By cutting out every single fruit and vegetable and bread and sugar out of your diet, and eating only meat, you gain the opportunity to rule out any foods that may be the root cause of your problem.

If you start getting better eating only meat, you can gradually introduce other foods back in. But if they start harming you again, you know which ones to avoid.

Carnivore diet has healed so many people.

>> No.1538852

The reason you cut out everything but meat, is because meat is (practically) the ONLY food you can survive on by only eating that food and nothing else. You would quickly die if you chose to eat nothing but Oranges for example.

It allows Eggs also.

>> No.1539760

I am an endodontist. This is highly unlikely. constant Limbaches and chronic head aches for a year are not something we see in pulp-related pain. You would expect a period of worsening symptoms, followed by intermittent periods of pain or swelling after the death of the nerve.

>> No.1539763

just make sure it is fatty meat if yo do this. Otherwise you end up with "rabbit starvation" (google it)

>> No.1539793

10-1 its environmental. I'd fucking move. if you have pets, get rid of them.

start documenting the problem, how severe it is, and if it prevents you from working. getting on disability for that stuff is fucking hard.

>> No.1540297

Sounds like brain cancer. Sorry OP, but you probably won't make it.

>> No.1540306

Not OP but that's really funny when I started dicking around on 4chan because I have brain cancer and I am waiting to die. The irony isn't wasted on me anon. I appreciate it.

>> No.1540382
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>> No.1540383

You forgot the pic with the Newports.

>> No.1540490

If you aren't ironical, it isn't brain cancer, because as I already said, I already did MRI. MRI would definitely detect that. Plus, the pain would be prograssing with a higher rate.
Sorry for saying this, but I really hope I was in your position. You'll be struggling for 2-3 years and I'll be struggling for the rest of my life (40 years)

>> No.1540629

Op do you also feel a swelling in the back of your neck by any chance?

>> No.1540845

It’s always lupus.

>> No.1540911


By the way when I shower I feel most of my body especially the back itching and burning like stabbed by thousand mosquitos so I stopped taking a shower

>> No.1540985

sounds psychological
its time to destroy yourself
smoke some DMT/take massive dose of lsd or mushrooms
hold on for the ride
youll make it
life is gud

>> No.1541000

That is indeed wierd, that feeling usually is felt when tiny blood vessels burst , are under heavy pressure, are under extremely low pressure or certain nerves suffer damage. I tend to blame the low blood pressure in this case especially if you took hot showers, so maybe try to take colder showers, or better yet check your blood pressure during the day, as i think what causes your pain is tied to that. Try to do more exercise if it helps and do everything you can to facilitate blood flow.

>> No.1541105 [DELETED] 

not to induce paranoia, but maybe you have been poisoned in some way? fumes? chemicals? something like that maybe.

>> No.1541107

dmt will also trigger physical rejuvenation

>> No.1541150

I knew a guy who had chronic back pain his whole life, since he was a little kid. When he was in his 30s he fell off a tractor and hit the ground hard. His pain went away and he never experienced it again.

Try throwing yourself off a tractor OP.

>> No.1541151

That's pretty fucking stupid. You can live off potatoes for almost forever and almost no one is allergic to potatoes. Can't imagine a diet with zero fiber. What about Vitamin C?

>> No.1541255

>hope I was in your position.
The grass is always greener on the other side. Just make sure not to go about it like a pussy my friend.

>> No.1541290

totally made me forget what board I was on for a second
Where on your head do you experience the headache?

>> No.1541291

Everywhere, in different ways, for different time intervals, with different intense.
Mainly the left side (left temporalis) and behind my left eye (the eye nerve). I also started losing sight over the last year.
Also sometimes it's not pain, sometimes it's pressure (mainly in the middle of my head).
Sometimes it's just the skin, sometimes it's burning, sometimes throbbing, itching, cramps, stubbing etc.

>> No.1541343

hey OP, dermatologist here so my help wont be very specialised. But it will probably be better than the retards who suggest "homeopathy" "diet" etc.
Did you have a nape MRI? I would also suggest simple blood exams for Lyme and tertiary syphilis. Also see a good opthalmologist and rule out multiple sclerosis. Did you ever had a car accident? Also most probably you have serious mental issues. Does the pain wake you up? What country do you live and what is your job and family history?

>> No.1541411

I don't believe your MRI.

OP. Print an eye chart called "Amsler Grid"
You can tell doctor of results and be advanced quickly to a better doctor.

Anyone can print an "Amster Grid" do it anons. You may catch somthing going wrong.

>> No.1541416

Amsler grid is the old time diy for visual field screening test for ophthalmologist. I have acromegaly and was called a puss by scores of doctors for years before I almost kicked the bucket. Nice friends you have. Any recommendations for little horns growing from hair follicles especially the ones that get under the skin would be put to good use. I dig them out but it takes months and it sucks.

>> No.1541432

I did MRI test of the head twice, with the intravenular injection liquid and without it.
I have not done nape MRI. Too much money...

>> No.1541450

little horns are nothing special, search follicular hyperkeratosis. If they are on the face, on red plaques it may be chronic cutaneous lupus but i dont think so.
sell your ass and do a nape MRI or CT. Limbs and head symptoms could be pathology on intervertebral discs

>> No.1541469

Thanks doc. I have plenty of growth hormone if you ever need any. I'm just a blood sample to your vampire buds.

>> No.1541481

take care mate. and of your arteries also. and not all docs are bad, if you meet 10 good and 1 bad you will remember the bad one.

>> No.1541512
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>> No.1541514

Your water is probably shit and contaminated. (3rd world country). If your water is contaminated, so will local livestock and food growth/production.
Look up heavy metal poisoning and PCB poisoning symptoms.
The best you can do is help your body repair itself. Clean and fortify your diet, very vigorous exercise once a week, and fasting for 48-72 hours a few times per month.
Godspeed anon.

>> No.1541832

so grow some.
you can get spores online for $10, some basic supplies from your local hardware store worth another $10 and spend few hours learning this shit online.
you can easily grow a pound dry in about a month.

>> No.1542005

I live in a third world country. I can't order books online, let alone spores. There's no shipping to my country.
Also, my parents wouldn't let me do it at home.

>> No.1542028

Sounds like chronic non malignant pain I have it after some bad gout attacks (90% genetic in my case, not really fat and ok diet) low level pain never stopped after I got on the right meds, your brain have learned that any signal is pain, you can get better but its properly gonna be like this for the rest of your life, watch this and see if it makes sense https://www.pharmac.govt.nz/seminars/seminar-resources/chronic-pain/

Also the pain is real, all pain is in the mind there is no fix for having stuff wired up wrong atm, it like unlearning 2+2=4 how the fuck would you do that?

>> No.1542039

Where the fuck do you live mate? North Korea? Some african shithole? I'm just curious.

>> No.1542065


>> No.1542514

Find a better doctor desu.

>> No.1542518

If I could find a better doctor I wouldn't post on /diy/

>> No.1542521

Do you ever look at OLED screens thought the day? They usually do low frequency PWM and that fucks you up hard.
>sent from my galaxy s8

>> No.1542589 [DELETED] 

Personal remedy for that kind of thing. Helped me out many times. Go to a party city or other store that sells helium canisters. Attatch a tube and Cpap mask to it somehow. (You might need to rig up sonething homemade, I just taped it) then place the mask on your face and take a nap. Something about the helium in your bloodstream makes you less sore. You'll wake up feeling better.

>> No.1542635

There is a gas leak in your house, or mold growing somewhere, or your water is contaminated. Go stay at a friends/parents house for a week and see if it goes away. You need to rule out environmental causes.

>> No.1542639

I live at two places my entire life (my parents are divorced).
By the way I'm in the most polluted city in Europe - Skopje.

>> No.1544375
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>in my third world country
Definitely parasites. Drink some wormwood