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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1524324 No.1524324 [Reply] [Original]

My grandfather has just died and I inherited his farm. It's a stardev valley type of thing located in Eastern-Europe. I have experience working in it/programming and about 100k in my money reserves.

Is there any way I could make the place self sustainable, and if not, could I work from there? I want to build my own gym there and live the NEET life with vidya and stuff.

>> No.1524328


>> No.1524330
File: 12 KB, 257x390, Doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make the place self sustainable
>live the NEET life with vidya and stuff

>> No.1524334

It's not I swear :(
If I sleep 8 hours a day I could work for 8, exercise and eat and shit for 2, and spend 6 hours on vidya and stuff which is WAY more than I do now and I'd get bored with more anyways

>> No.1524336

I want to stardew valley

>> No.1524338

This. Work never ends on a farm.

>> No.1524339

Do you have pictures ?

>> No.1524343

I'm pretty sure 8 hours a day is not enough to be self-sustainable. I live in a city, and I still spend sometimes more than 10 hours working when I am on a project or when I want to cook

>> No.1524363

Not sure what you mean with "could I work from there?"
If you mean IT, you can do that from any home with internet right? If you mean working the farm you can say bye to any vidya time. And it's not as /fun/ as SDV, you don't get bimbo waifu's and you're mostly shoveling shit and dirt.
For living it's probably quite shit, shit isolation, shitty condition, only the land would be a bonus. And a gym is just a couple of square meters.

You're better off buying a decent home with a garage with some dumbbells imo.

>> No.1524366
File: 67 KB, 500x402, serf-vs-wagecuck-wagecuck-serf-wife-up-some-used-up-7916155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much as I'd like to romanticize that shit I think it takes some skill and a lot of hard work.
Computer nerd jobs can usually be done from home right? You'd know best, surely. And the pay would surely be more time-efficient than baling hay.

Sell off some of the land and get a chicken coop and a garden you gradually expand, marry a slav cutie who's down to water the carrots while you code or whatever then start producing farmhands with her. Work only as much as you need to, spending the rest on family, art, culture, reading or maybe local volunteer work.
This is roughly my plan. Or dream, anyway.

Pic related.

>> No.1524375

You could rent the fields to a nearby farmer to grow something. Maybe live on the rent and some of the food produced?

>> No.1524401

depends how big the farm, how far from civilization it is, what's your workload and what you want to do
you can
>live as a farmer with an IT side job
even people in Bumbfuck-Nowhere need an IT guy once in a while
you won't have that much to do in winter anyway - historically, people would weave or carve shit from wood at home, maybe you can code for somebody instead
>get a proper IT job and live on a farm
either working from home or be commuting to nearby town
then you could rent most of it to your grandpa's neighbors to farm corn and potatoes and have only an orchard, veggie garden and a chicken/rabbit coop for yourself
or maybe you can handle both jobs at the same time

either way, I don't think you would need a gym on a farm

>> No.1524406

what size are we talking here? if it's several acres or more, you might consider hiring someone to manage it for you and live the landlord life. as for if you can work from there. dunno, look into what internet speeds and connectivity are like in the area

>> No.1524503

>a gym is just a couple of square meters
Try again.

>> No.1524505

Regarding post image: It was probably very rarely that way in the past but some of it might be a reasonable goal for the future. Technology isn't the problem. The problem is stupidity and its consequential lack of understanding and vision.

>> No.1524514

>needing a gym on a farm

Man its like some of you have never actually been to a farm much less worked on one.

>> No.1524527
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I think the point of the meme is as a tongue in cheek critique of the modern world more so than pinpoint accuracy.

I do think technology may be the problem. I think some tech is fundamentally incompatible with human nature. We're at a completely unprecedented point in history. The last century is entirely out of the ordinary to everything that preceded it.

You can say we should all individually get smarter or somehow command our will to overcome our flaws, but not being able to is part of human nature. Not adjusting your expectations to reality is on you, not on reality.

Examples on anti-human tech include:
Contraceptives (decimated birthrates to below replacement, dysgenic)
Plastics (pollution, endocrine disruptors)
Information technology like mass media and eventually nanobots and shit. (unprecedented centralization of power)
Nukes, designer plagues.

We need high tech to escape Earth before the next asteroid, then longterm survival will be slightly more likely. But fuck, can we do it in time?

>> No.1524601

I don't know if it's common practice in Europe but state-side many landowners lease their land for others to farm at a split of the profit. For crops a 50/50/50 deal is common where owners and farmers split seed, fertilizer and profits right down the middle. You can also lease your land for grazing at a set price per head. If you have barns you can also lease stall space to shippers. Basically when cattle are being shipped a long way on trucks you can act as a motel where they can be dropped off, fed and milked for a few days until another shipper comes and picks them up. There is a lot of money in that.

>> No.1524602


>> No.1524605

A guy at my job works full time and he and his family have a hay farm. They have a shit ton of equipment (and the means/ability to work on them) and it is like three people but they manage to cut, rake and bale a bunch of hay every year. That said he makes a lot more probably by working but it is a nice supplement and somethign to do with some otherwise unused couple hundred acres.

>> No.1524619

i dont know about this chief, stardew valley is a fun game but it aint realistic. sell the farm imo.

>> No.1524734

yea, you'll always find something that needs fixing or could be better or automated. That's not taking into account livestock and their needs. Just go at it day by day, small goals at a time.

You can make it really close to self sustaining after years of work if you're dedicated. With newer tech nowadays you should look into automating things and reducing your resources needed and also reducing/recycling your waste.

>> No.1525044
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if you have experience with programing and mechanical engineering, you could get a central pivot irrigation rig, and rework it into a frame for a super-sized farmbot

>> No.1525232

>its a stardew vally type place

fuck the emo boy

>> No.1525243

First off, no.

Good news tho! You can probably swing a low-effort pseudo-homestead with a little aquaponics and technological know-how. You could also look into other space/resource efficient forms of gardening like square foot/vertical gardening. I'm sure some nerd has figured out some sort of raspberry pi set up for that

What you should do is sell the property and buy something small, manageable and low-stress. Get maybe two acres and build a house on it and save the rest so you can develop some passive income in the form of S&P 500 or whatever the equivalent is, I guess.

If your goal is to minimize your expenses and debt this is pretty much the way to do it.