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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 940 KB, 2004x2672, IMG_20181212_091049464-2004x2672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1514719 No.1514719[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody know what these are worth? I had an electrician and his dumbass apprentice come fix a power outlet and they left these here. When he called and asked if I seen them I said no.

>> No.1514722

I'll give you tree fiddy for them both

But no really, give them back

>> No.1514724

>When he called and asked if I seen them I said no.

When you visit your family or friends do you look around for money or valuables you can grab? Or do they know you well enough to keep you out of their house.

>> No.1514725

I call bullshit that a spark that was on site to "fix a power outlet" needed two meters to do it, you either took those out of a bag or something else is up

>> No.1514726

>two meters to do it,

>87 III
>89 IV

give them back where they can do good

>> No.1514727
File: 1.06 MB, 2672x2004, IMG_20181212_092922763-2672x2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also left this.

>> No.1514739

You broke over a k in meters now OP.

Give it back, Jamal.

>> No.1514740

Where you at? I’ll give you $50 for em.

>> No.1514742

I'm in inkster, mi

>> No.1514747

This. Those are professional grade equipment. Prolly should give them back but if they don’t know, they don’t know.

>> No.1514750

Damn too far for me.

Don’t pawn them, those niggers will barely give you anything. Put them on CL or eBay maybe. Or mail them to me as a Christmas gift.

>> No.1514755

I can't send them for free. But my email address is mattmalson86@gmail.com we can work out something on PayPal.

>> No.1514757

Meh, I’m kinda interested but I have been spending too much on other people for Xmas so I’m trying to stop buying myself shit I don’t need. That scopemeter looks sweet but all my monies are going to diamonds and Newports instead of my own toys.

>> No.1514761
File: 102 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-12-12-10-46-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hi /diy/ imma thief, dox pl0x

>> No.1514763

So you DO have them. We're coming for them, with police and screenshots of this thread.

>> No.1514764

I don't believe you hired electrician's work. You nicked them.

>> No.1514765

Nah man this isn’t how you do it. You gotta use more threats like “I know where your mother lives! Give me the Flukes or I rape your dog!”

>> No.1514768

Does that even count as theft if sparky really did leave them at Matt’s house?

Oh and btw Mr. Malson... pls post pics of your mother and dog.

>> No.1514770

>Does that even count as theft if sparky really did leave them at Matt’s house?
He called if he has them, so of course it does.

>> No.1514783

Look on ebay dipshit. Also I hope you feel bad for making the world a little bit worse.

>> No.1514786

Give them back nigger

>> No.1514788

If you throw your frisbee over my fence, that shit is mine!

That does suck though because dumbass sparky guy can’t do his job until he gets some new meters. Not sure how the hell he forgets some of the most important tools at a jobsite. Maybe he will learn his lesson next time and try to keep track of his shit.

Also OP is kinda a doucher. If that was my house, maybe keep the scopemeter and then give him the other two back.

>> No.1514793

Its worth over 9000

>> No.1514821

Ohhh, now I know why I pay the pros so much.

>> No.1514855

someone should go on social media and post this guys name and ask if any electricians did any work for him and see if anyone responds and then tell them he was bragging about he had their equipment and told them he didnt and wants to sell the shit instead of giving it back. I bet they will go back to ops house and rape his asshole

>> No.1514862

>rape his asshole

but electricians are smart enough to know that is a bad idea, if they really did leave a pile of equipment in his house, and all he did was lie about it.

I for one think the story is fishy because you don't use a scope to fix a receptacle, much less two meters and an assistant. OP broke into someone's truck or shop and grabbed what looked valuable.

>> No.1514892 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 865x545, home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is thew sparky dipshits
How Deanna ? lets see her titts

>> No.1514897
File: 1.01 MB, 865x545, home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matt is a sparky you dipshits
Hows Deanna? lets see her titts

>> No.1514905

Jamal, give it back.
It is professional tools, which are quite well used and cost nothing due to wear.

>> No.1514921

Flukes have internal serial numbers.
I had one of my stolen a few years back. It had a small defect as in the LCD had drop outs. Thief (or someone that bought it from the thief) sends it in for repair. Fluke fixes it, notices I reported it stolen, contacts me, and winds up sending it back to me fully repaired with calibration.
It's nice having a meter with a lifetime warranty.

>> No.1514989

why do you lie?

>> No.1514999

>Does anybody know what these are worth?
Not a DIY faggot
Google it

>> No.1515022

where you live? maybe we can meet up and I'll beat you senseless

>> No.1515042


>> No.1515055


>> No.1515061

Give em back OP or we snitch

>> No.1515064
File: 98 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-12-12-19-13-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late.

>> No.1515068


>> No.1515081

So you do have them after all you lieing fucker
I fired my helper because of your ass
I'll be by tomorrow with the police
Thanks Anon!

>> No.1515092

Bring the cops faggot I wont answer the door
your help needs fired hes an idiot

>> No.1515099
File: 18 KB, 600x600, e9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1515100
File: 6 KB, 228x192, 1532212204402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when he called and asked if I seen them I said no.


>> No.1515101

>Does anybody know what these are worth?
Those are 150.00 a piece, used. You should never have cheated the owners out of their belongings, that is frikkin' terrible. It's not easy to replace them......You will have to atone for that some day, mark my words.. Call him back and say your wife thought they were your's and put them in the garage, or whatever.

>> No.1515102

matt you cocksucker we didnt even charge you the diagnostic fees and stayed 3 hours unpaid overtime, my boss fired me because of this

>> No.1515149

Matt has gone reeeeeeeel quiet

>> No.1515184

this so much.

I typically only need a little pen tester to fix an outlet and rarely any meter that nice for something as simple as an outlet.

>> No.1515188

for a bunch of so called shitbags and scum you guys sure are trying to do the right thing.

>> No.1515203

Like always just a bunch of dumbass larping faggots that never do anything, stay classy /diy/

>> No.1515233

I just want to know where OP buried the body.

>> No.1515262


>> No.1515264

If you weren’t a newfag you’d know it has nothing to do with doing the right thing

>> No.1515270


>> No.1515286

Are you black?

>> No.1515287

Put me in the screencap

>> No.1515288
File: 70 KB, 583x583, matt malson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Matt. I'm not really sure the best way to handle this situation. Here is what I suggest.

In the morning you will contact the electrician and say you do have them, and sorry for the confusion.

You got an email today from Kevin. If you are contacting the electrician via email, cc Kevin in. I want to confirm his tools are returned.

If you are going to call him, please send that information to Kevin. He's going to make up some bullshit story for the electrician, like - "hey my friend matt was worried you didn't get your electical stuff back - did he get in touch with you?"

And if he doesn't confirm it by Friday morning - man, Friday is really going to really suck for you.

People who will be affected by this:

Day 1: Contact Vanessa
Day 2: Contact Vanessa friend list
Day 3: Contact Her family and boss
Day 4: .. well it's a surprised, but let's start there!

Look, I'm not a dick - I just wanna see that guy get his stuff back. You can even come out looking like a good guy in all of this. Doesn't that sound like a better way to end this?

>> No.1515292

Shove it up you're ass

>> No.1515293

Enough to hurt his business and don't think he doesn't know you have them expect retaliation asshole

>> No.1515309

>falling for a weak nypa
>thinking you're smart/edgy

good one

>> No.1515312

I always worry about that stuff, which is why I have a process that I follow. It starts out really soft, and involves contacting the person first. Which I've attempted to do. If there isn't a response I call the individual. There are usually some lies at this point, such as "I was just trolling" or "I don't know what you are talking about" or whatever. I've gotten pretty good at this over the years. It lets me be careful, and not hurt innocent people, but also lets me fuck shit up a bit and have some fun.

Look, if this were /b/ I'd already be texting the faked nudes of his wife out to her friends and family. Or setting up a grindr profile for him that I'd leak to his girlfriend from a concerned "lover".

But I'm just chillaxing on /diy/, trying to help a guy make the right decision, you know?

>> No.1515360

Well, well, well.

Hickory Dickory Dock
Some chick was suckin' my cock
The clock struck two
I dropped my goo
I dumped the bitch off on the next block

>> No.1515473


>> No.1515474

Good call, sounds like what a kleptomaniac would do.

>> No.1515486
File: 856 KB, 1288x2536, the lie is a fluke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is my Fluke and the cal record is somewhere around here.

>> No.1515488

You're larping or stole somebody's thread on /b/. Fuck off either way.

>> No.1515492

so I fucked up on the tag.
At this point this thread is more /b/ than /diy/ anyway.
Why don't (you) go find that image on /b/ then.

>> No.1515497

You're a fucking thief. And yes those are expensive.
Electrician is probably adding you to the blacklist as we speak though.

>> No.1515498

they dont

>> No.1515499

who larps owning a fluke. it isn't like it is ferrari

>> No.1515501

And it's not even a new Fluke. I bought that back in the 80's. Guess I should larp with my HP 41CX then.

>> No.1515502


>> No.1515514
File: 27 KB, 509x412, matt malson v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hrm she's out of the office until Monday.

>Matt is a sparky you dipshits

you sure? I mean nothing wrong with trolling this board. but if he is, would be nice if he replied to my email before things escalate.

>> No.1515517

ITT: Old fat fucks with nothing to do and all day to do it

>> No.1515521
File: 1.07 MB, 2672x2004, IMG_20181213_132253500_HDR-2672x2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also left this minature TV but it doesn't get any channels. Can I hook it up to a dtv converter? Also, how much is it worth?

>> No.1515527

looks like it's pulling in Outer Limits nicely.

>> No.1515529


all that pic is lacking is a pack of Newports.

nice troll, OP.

>> No.1515548
File: 1.65 MB, 1015x771, Firefox_Screenshot_2018-12-13T08-05-31.274Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1515550

Give them back jamal

>> No.1515552

Give them back, asshole. That's felony theft and if the sparky has an incline of thought, he'll have the cops come ask you if you've seent them.

>> No.1515553

yeah thats it drive up here get your ass shot off

>> No.1515554

That's the place. Come up here I'll suck your dick through a garden hose.

>> No.1515559

>enter weak bait thread
>turns out its not and op rekts himself

>> No.1515569


it's pretty obvious it's a joke: >>1515521

>> No.1515572

No way, not Matt L, is it? I used to road with him on the ambulance. He was a batshit 7th Day Adventist, I never thought he'd do this.

t. Former Inkster Medic.

>> No.1515575

Demby Gardens? I got shot there once.

>> No.1515578

how do you know anon hasnt broken into based Matt's house, posted the image from his computer and then sucked his dick and killed him

>> No.1515581

ITT alot of GAY

>> No.1515584
File: 265 KB, 1081x880, ann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1515587

Kek people get shot everywhere in Inkster. Isn't it called little siagon?

>> No.1515602

reported to law enforcement

>> No.1515604

That post violates CL's ToS. You're gonna get fined for falsely claiming to be someone else.

>> No.1515613
File: 236 KB, 1095x876, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh shit internet police are here

so is your post. review tos.

>> No.1515629

what the fuck is a DLO?

>> No.1515639
File: 9 KB, 202x202, 0i-9n2FK_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DLO refers to D'Lo Brown, ring name of American professional wrestler Ace Conner

>> No.1515647

The sheriff just left here after filing a report
You CLtards will enjoy posting bond

>> No.1515653

So. These still for sale or what? I could use a good multimeter.

>> No.1515665 [DELETED] 

yup just e-mail me bruh
I'll pull this when the mail arrives

>> No.1515673

I already mailed them out to Kevin

>> No.1515674

This would not have been blown out of fucking proportion if op chose not to post about it.

>> No.1515683

The reply in between these posts was deleted. Is this thread being monitored or did someone withdraw a troll attempt?

>> No.1515694

It's being monitored. I've deleted several comments. And deducted karma points from a number of 4chan users.

>> No.1515699

Yeah well I got 4channel gold so you can’t do shit faggot

>> No.1515704

I don't hebeeb it.
The personal info stuff is still up. Would be the first to go if moderation occurred.
I think OP made another troll effort then got buttscared this would actually affect his life.

>> No.1515713 [DELETED] 

Im shutting this down

>> No.1515715
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they also forget this?

>> No.1515719
File: 134 KB, 422x437, 1450768581945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an ACfag. I don't know about electricians, but I'm pretty sure the multimeter is their most important tool too. I'm gonna remember exactly which house it's at if I go to the very next job and realize it's gone. I wouldn't be taking their word for it over the phone. I'd be banging on Nigger OP's door til he answers or his car gets keyed the fuck up.

Nigger OP probably broke into a contractor's van and stole them. He wasn't a customer.

>> No.1515728
File: 41 KB, 500x327, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1429946280010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I was. I called Kevin and he gave me a $50 reward for giving them back. Pic related it's Kevin.

>> No.1515731

larping autistic faggots can't get the rope soon enough