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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1511877 No.1511877 [Reply] [Original]

Was driving through the state of missouri today and stopped to fill up. All the gas pumps have this fucking plastic sheath thing over the nozzle that needs to be depressed by pushing hard against the filler pipe. Is this just a missouri thing? Do other states have this?

>> No.1511880


/diy/ was created for this

>> No.1511893

These have been pretty common for the last 20 years or so everywhere I've been in the western US.
What exactly are you having trouble figuring out?

>> No.1511903

they're just vapor recovery systems that were mandated by retarded liberals ages ago

>> No.1511910

cut vs uncut, go

>> No.1511919

California has em too.

>> No.1511958

Why retarded? Gas is flammable as fuck, that's a clever idea. Especially since some dumb guys are smoking around the pumps.

>> No.1511959


>> No.1511965

a better law would be if you see anyone smoking at a pump it should be legal to drive over them with your car

>> No.1512052

They are to improve the air quality, not to keep you from burning yourself

>> No.1512054

It's not about you for the sake of you, it's about you not fucking it up for the rest of us.

>> No.1512056

Well traveled fucks will note that the basic old stuff is a lot neater than that "vapor recovery" crap that doesn't work and drips gas all over the ground. California gas stations have spills all over. A true pain in tha ass to fill portable containers and motorcycles.

>> No.1512058

I have seen one fire at a gas station in my lifetime and that was because I caused it. It was pretty unremarkable.

>> No.1512062

it's a city folk thing along with emissions testing and sidewalks

>> No.1512075
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>> No.1512079

if it had been a remarkable fire, you wouldnt have been here to tell us aboot it

>> No.1512098

but it had to be a remarkable fire because he made a remark about it

>> No.1512108

if you can ignite gas with nothing but a lit cigarette I will personally come to your home and give you a dry handjob

>> No.1512156


Did you ever see that movie Con Air?

>> No.1512164

You likely won’t ignite the liquid gas but the vapours can ignite very easily which can then ignite the liquid gas

>> No.1512186

The way the fuel nozzle sticks out past the outside sheath always reminds me of how a horse urethra sticks out of the benis.

>> No.1512187

Yea and we don't need stop lights, handrails, or seat belts either!

>> No.1512193

We don't for anything you said. Most accidents happen off the highway which doesn't use stop lights. there's no hand rail for the train yet train deaths aren't common, and there's no reason to mandate wearing seat belts, people can choose for themselves.

>> No.1512208

It's called a "boot" the primary function is so it has to be depressed to a certain point before it allows gas flow. That way if you just depress the handle it doesn't spray gas everywhere.
Worked at gas station before

>> No.1512213

>Most accidents happen off the highway which doesn't use stop lights.
They don't have intersections either fuckwit. You are going to have a lot less accidents when everyone is going the same direction.

>there's no hand rail for the train yet train deaths aren't common,
They are grade separated. The fact that you would fall off the platform makes most people not do it. Most.

>there's no reason to mandate wearing seat belts, people can choose for themselves.
There's no reason to drive on public roads either. You can just drive on private roads and do what you want. No insurance requirement, no registration, no smog certification, no lines to stay between, no blood alcohol limit sounds awesome, right? But, if you want to operate on public roads you have to abide by the rules enacted by the publically elected legislature.

>> No.1512363
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WA Fag here, I've only seen them at newer gas stations and Fred Meyer. I hate these because if you have an older car like I do the nozzle isn't long enough to reach the filler cap valve, so you have to keep holding it down and having it shut off on you every three seconds. Taking a bitch ton of time.

>> No.1512468


>> No.1512532

That's only true if there was no obligation to treat retards who risk themselves and can't afford it. But instead there is a huge public cost if they needlessly increase their injuries by foregoing the most basic of safety restraint.

>> No.1512558

Seat belts were invented by Volvo because they were personally invested in safety, and they gave away there patent so other manufacturers could use them as well.
It was not a project run by the government.

>> No.1512561
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>tfw cigs won’t even ignite gasoline
You need a spark. If you try and light one up as you’re flooded in vapors, that’s a different story. But it’s the lighter causing the ignition, not the cig.

>> No.1512615

>Worked at gas station before
your comment would have been just as credible if you had said
>pumped gas before

>> No.1512621

your stupidity knows no bounds.

>> No.1512625

Gas station I worked at 20 years ago upgraded to these while I was there, accidental spills almost completely stopped.

The fact that it will not pump unless the sleeve is compressed is great, amazing how many people pull out nozzle while it is pumping.

>> No.1512629

It’s true though. You could drop a cig into a puddle of gasoline and it will put the cig out.

>> No.1512640

Didn't know there was so many dense imbeciles on /diy/

>> No.1512659

if everyone drove with an iota of common sense and respect for others we wouldn't need stop lights but the only thing anyone cares about when driving is "me me ME I need to be one more ahead just ONE MORE AHEAD!!"

>> No.1512791

because the air/fuel ratio isn't correct
same reason you can weld a gas pipe, no air in it.
same reason they used to catch arsonists, windows shut and too much fuel doesn't burn.
same reason you can flood an engine, too much fuel doesn't ignite EVEN WITH A SPARK
nothing to do with spark vs burning, if you have fuel oxygen and heat you will get fire, its the fire triangle.

petrol could reasonably ignite from a cigarette if its warm enough to evapourate, diesel is much more difficult.

here is a video to explain it to you

>> No.1512942

Unless there's something creating vacuum how the fuck is that supposed to recover vapor?

>> No.1512983

liquid fuel leaving the underground tank creates enough of a pressure differential to recover vapors

>> No.1513409

What's cool is that when your tank is empty it is full of vapor. You pump in gas you displace just as much vapor. The underground tanks create just enough vacuum to pull in just as much vapor as you are displacing. And then the cooler underground tanks might condense some of that vapor. When truck comes to fill up underground tanks, same deal. It unloads a thousand gallons of fuel and sucks up a thousand gallons of vapor. Back at the fuel filling depot, they fill the truck back up with a thousand gallons of fuel and suck out a thousand gallons of vapor. It is all really fucking cool. Until someone said that gas cans needed to be involved in the chain and fucked them up for everyone.

>> No.1513440


>> No.1513441

Fuck, the underground tanks are sealed that well?

I guess I shoulda expected it considering how much each gas station would stink if you constantly had vapor leaking out of 10k gallon tanks. Also fire safety.

>> No.1513793

the vapors won't light off a lit cigarette

>> No.1513801

Stoplights are a genuinely bad idea. Between drivers paying attention to them instead of other cars and assuming that other drivers will abide by them, they are provably worse than other intersection schemes like roundabouts, both in terms of safety and traffic flow.

>But, if you want to operate on public roads you have to abide by the rules enacted by the publically elected legislature.
>the law is a good idea because it's the law
Sorry; this is just a patently terrible argument.

The one thing I'll give you is that hand rails are generally a good idea. Not that they should be mandatory, but if it were left up to insurance, they effectively would be anyway; it'd just be much less annoying since insurance companies want customers.

>> No.1513803

I have never seen them without the sheath except diesel

>> No.1513924

This >>1513793

>> No.1513939

I can't use those with one of my vehicles. The boot hits the sides and I can't get the nozzle far enough into the hole to open the little flap thing. It will still gush out fuel all over the fucking place though. It is the most retarded thing I've ever see since those child safety locks on gas cans.

>> No.1513950

>especially since some dumb guys are smoking around the pumps.

That won't help prevent explosion/fires from happening. The problem with smoking isn't while the gas is being pumped directly into the vehicle. You'd need to be trying pretty hard to light gas on fire with a cig while pumping it into your vehicle. It isn't like the movies. The main problem with such fires is static discharge between the car and something else. Like when you slide out of your seat and build up a charge then touch the car frame and get a pretty nasty shock.

I tried sparks once on a bit of spilled gasoline on some concrete. I couldn't get it using metal on concrete despite it making sparks right into the puddle. I had to use a ferro rod to do it and it didn't go right away either.

The problem with you good logic is that the fuel is in open air. The cig or spark must travel through the vapors to reach the puddle. Meaning it will encounter varying levels of vapor concentration.

The main thing is that the autoignition temp of gasoline is 495F/257F. A cigarette temperature will be around 1112F/600C when smouldering, but the outside of the cig cherry will be far far lower temp. This lower temp area insulates the hotter inside of the cherry so well that you can't light the gasoline or its vapors very well. Hence, dropping the cig into a small gasoline puddle where it falls through the vapors won't light the gasoline.

Sparks from normal steel are not hot enough to ignite even lighter fluid, which is why a ferro rod is required. Sparks from the ferro rod are far higher than that of normal steel sparks.

>> No.1513983

I would throatfuck someone dribbling gas on my 3,000 burger paint job

>> No.1513985

I use none of those. Well, after towing cars for 2 years i sold the bike and wear my seatbelt but still

>> No.1513986

Here in Oklahoma you can get a DUI mowing your fucking yard.

No shit.

>> No.1513988

Bitch u watched mythbusters?

>> No.1513990

Fucking faggots. I have to with my 15 50s or it kicks off all the time.

Fucking safteycucks ruin everything

>> No.1513993

Former trucker here.

Take every single round about on earth and shove then in your ass.

>> No.1513995

Im 34 and ive never even seen one in burgerland

>> No.1514068

all you need is heat and oxygen and a cigarette end is something like 700F while not being puffed on, even higher when you're taking a drag. the only reason a cigarette doesn't cause you to burst into flames while pumping gas is because it's hard to get that much vapor without it being confined, plus it sinks to the ground

>> No.1514073

only place I ever seen them pump handles is calitastrophy

>> No.1514450

fellow WA fag

I've only ever seen them at the shitty blue gas stations (ARCO, Chevron, etc)

they are a menace, though, that's for sure

>> No.1514458

You take no sides and call everybody an imbecile. You have my respect.

>> No.1514461

I did not know and I have not your experience. I swear that I am more tidy with the old style though I'm sure mishaps are less catastrophic with the new. Is this another case of idiots ruining things for the rest of us? I wonder what it nets to. A lot of little messes or a few high ones. What is really better? I do not trust regulators and good ideas. Metering lights fuck up traffic.

>> No.1514530

you wouldn't do shit faggot
and a 3k paintjob is cheap macco tier

>> No.1514641

It is mostly that people watch the meter trying to put in exactly what they have in cash or get a nice round number, they see it at the number they want and yank it out not realizing they still had they trigger squeezed in their fingers, gas goes everywhere and I had to go out with the kitty litter to absorb all the spilled gas. The cost of the gas is not much for any single spill, but add in the cost of the kitty litter and the time and it starts adding up. If it is a good sized spill beyond what a bag of kitty litter could handle, have to call 911, if 911 gets too many calls within a set amount of time for spilled gas they start sending bills to the owner, it really does add up.

Most people immediately let go of the handle when they see gas spraying out, but every now and then you got someone who just panicked and would not realize the reason the gas is coming out is because they were still squeezing the trigger, have to shut down the pumps and the station, call 911 and wait while all the business goes to the station across the street.

Stupid panicky people make the 'safteycucks' somewhat of a necessity. In the year I worked there after the safety boot things showed up, I can not recall a single person complaining about them, suspect you are just looking for people to blame for your life when there is no one to blame but yourself.

>> No.1514650

We don't have them in the UK, well not that I've seen. I have seen them in loads of American films though, so they can't be that rare over there.

>> No.1514655

never seen one in the UK, then again i have never seen anyone spill fuel on a forecourt before other than one time in northern ireland but that was intentional...
i guess people in america are just much more retarded?

>> No.1514662

I never saw a person spill gas either, then I worked at a gas station. When you are just there to fill up you are there for maybe 15minutes tops and see at best a dozen people, so a fraction of a percent of the number someone would see if they worked there for 8 hours a night 5 days a week.

Never met a single person from the UK that would say anything other than 'petrol', certainly not 'fuel' as you did, and I have spent a fair amount of time in the UK.

>> No.1514668

Haven't seen these in Finland, but we do not have the "toggle" pumps either(on petrol pumps for consumers. Unsure about tanking stations for lorries). You need to pull the trigger and hold it down until you're done. Very hard to spill unless intentional.

>> No.1514670 [DELETED] 
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