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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1507256 No.1507256 [Reply] [Original]

Are the americans the only ones who build their houses with drywall and wood? My "underdeveloped" country uses concrete instead. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hPqtnNo0tuA

Having concrete is a bitch though because I want to hide all my cables behind the wall but I would need to demolish it.

>> No.1507263

render and channels in walls my nigga

>> No.1507267


Why would you need to demolish your wall?

Can you not just use a grinder & chisel to cut a chase/channel into the wall, run the cable in there and patch up the plaster?

>> No.1508224

Wire mold and a bender

>> No.1509698

Add (glue) a perfunctory one layer thick sheet of bricks to the facade and you have literally every English home. I hate it, coming from a country that makes houses out of concrete, wood and rock wool.

>> No.1509708

In most underdeveloped countries a couple guys with a truck will either dump off X amount of concrete blocks then leave, where the owner pays homeless children to build his home using some water and a bucket for a mixer.

In America, if you want to do concrete this means hiring a concrete guy to actually mix (or deliver) the stuff, hiring a welder to ensure all the required metal rebar is good to go, and ensuring a completely even and level landscape for the actual pour. This means hiring at least four different people at least two of which will be Union and will walk off the job if some other Union in the area (say drywallers) decide to picket your house. Even disregarding labor issues, you're still paying for skilled technical labor that is required per the letter of the law. Skimping on this means the county clerk or building inspector doesn't sign off on the work and the homeowner either gets fines or orders to tear it down.

By comparison, any American can just hire a spic with a nailgun or do it themselves in a weekend. Wood is cheap, lightweight and renewable as well. The choice is clear.

>> No.1510552

Nah man. Just get an angle grinder. Set the depth with a diamond wheel and do work. Watch the heat and have someone keep it wet. May wanna get rubber gloves and be sure whoever helps is ready to full body takle you with a running grinder in case you get grabbed up.

$300 handheld jackhammer with soade bit also works. Glue your shit in and thinset over it.

>> No.1510556

>full body tackle someone holding a running angle grinder

"...and that's how we both ended up losing a leg!"

>> No.1510661

Do underdeveloped 3rd world non-western shithole countries even have electrical codes?

>> No.1510844

So concrete is more regulated than wood in USA?

>> No.1510845

Should only apply when selling/renting. Why aren't I allowed to kill myself or live in a 2m by 2m cuckshed if I want to. Stop walking all over me, I'm a free human bean.

>> No.1511207

This isn't even true. You can go to the hardware store and buy cement mix. It's everywhere and there is no regulation for it; just building codes.

>> No.1511264

>Add (glue) a perfunctory one layer thick sheet of bricks to the facade and you have literally every English home
But this is wrong. Sure at one point in history we did that but not for decades for domestic buildings.

>> No.1511266

Is your concrete wall pre-stressed?

>> No.1511353

So you would be will to agree never to sell the property and have all fees of removing the structure payed for by offspring after you died? Because odds are you won’t be living in one spot your whole life, and the next dude who buys it shouldn’t have to die because you don’t give a fuck about your own safety. That’s why codes are a thing, it’s nice to be able to buy used property. Without them it would either be a crap shoot or we would only sell empty lots

>> No.1511420
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Selling it should come with a disclaimer that the fucking building is not built to code but there is no fucking reason to walk all over the common man like that other than to be a fucking jew

>> No.1511421

>it's nice
fuck you fucking shapeshifting jew

>> No.1511426
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>So you would be will to agree never to sell the property and have all fees of removing the structure payed for by offspring after you died?

This makes it sound like I'd be getting a pretty good deal, when considering the drastically reduced costs.

It's not bullshit that codes exist to prevent retards from building houses that collapse on their owners the first time it rains.

It's just bullshit that the non-retards interested in the d-i-lyfe have no real options for avoiding dealing with the foolishness of residential building code. At least, no options that don't involve using stupid loopholes like mobile homes and tiny houses. I wouldn't even care if I could never legally sell the place, just give me the fucking option.

>> No.1511493

No you stupid fuck, worst codes are the min size and other bullshit jacking up the prices, not basic safety ones.