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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 791 KB, 1494x2656, christmas_tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1506074 No.1506074 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get the top lights to turn on?

Plz help it looks retarded without the top lights on

>> No.1506076

Ah telt you tae bring the fuckin cairds, it's borin wi'oot the cairds!

>> No.1506082

Check the lights nearest to where the lit ones end. One of them is likely burned out. Just replace it and you should be set.

>> No.1506350

cut the top part off

>> No.1506366

I struggle with this just about every year and its always user error. There is always a green colored plug somewhere between those two layers that just isn't connected, its hard to see them all you might just be unplugged

>> No.1506499

at first thought short people put on the lights.

>> No.1506500

Jizz on it

>> No.1506508
File: 1.71 MB, 2522x3064, 14A33B70-4D82-4986-A073-76CB5E2B6975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the same problem a couple weeks ago.

I bought a new tree.

>> No.1507817

thats not a tree

>> No.1507939

Artificial tree/ doge bed / cat hideout/ ornament holder / night light

>> No.1507989

I actually made fun of my family for buying another unitasker tool, a Christmas light fixer. It actually worked.

Also if just one bulb fell out when rangling the tree out of storage the set may not light. Start at the beginning and look for a broken off bulb or missing one.

>> No.1508051

>not using a real living tree

>> No.1508140

Fookin trainspotting, ain't ait?

>> No.1508149
File: 369 KB, 598x868, 3D65471C-E2D4-4B3D-AE2B-9565A9BF120C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is no longer the favorite...

>> No.1508154

Jesus Christ, that is the stuff of nightmares

>> No.1508162


>> No.1508176

what does a tree has to do with lights?

>> No.1508226

Most of the artificial trees these days have the lights built into them.

I don’t think those trees geow within hundreds of miles of me. And if you don’t chop it down yourself, you might as well buy artificial.

We used to do natural trees when I was a kid until one day we got a tree that refused to stand up straight no matter how much we fucked it it. It ended up with my dad getting so pissed that he threw the tree out the front door into the lawn and we had our first artificial Christmas without having a giant fire hazard in the living room.

>> No.1508296
File: 94 KB, 719x719, 20181202_214214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one of these for like $7 and it's awesome. You pull out a bulb from the dark part, put the gun against the part the bulb goes on, pull that trigger a few times and it all starts working. It's a Christmas miracle and idk how it does it.

>> No.1508327

just buy one from Ikea they are €1,00 here (you pay €20 then get 19€ shopping reward you need to spend in January)

pretty good for a real Nordmann

>> No.1509074


>> No.1509341

Use fire

>> No.1509375

I was born with hands and a functioning brain, so I'm good. Thanks.

>> No.1509397

Get a load of this asshole. Silver spoon much?

>> No.1509402


are you drumk? when I'm drumk I post stupid shit that I regret later on.

>> No.1509405

He's a tripcunt. It his job to shitpost.

>> No.1509415 [DELETED] 
File: 2.97 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever think they’re lacking quality, it’s because they don’t pay me enough.

>> No.1509418
File: 2.34 MB, 4032x3024, F4E8664D-9D3A-4621-B834-5C46423A200D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think they’re lacking quality, it’s because they don’t pay me enough. We’re not union so there isn’t much else I can do.

>> No.1509423
File: 750 KB, 1494x2656, chritmas _tree_wee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the problem it seems my cat chewed some wires Everyone is happy now Merry Christmas everyone and thanks alot for the help

>> No.1509427
File: 60 KB, 470x685, 1507946325655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> They're calling me a shitposter ;_;
> I better shitpost more, that will definitely prove them wrong
The great thing about trips is we can see your behavior devolve further and further as you get madder and madder that no one is sucking your dick. Troll, shitposter, whatever, keep reinforcing everyone's perception that you are a cunt. It's just cherries on cream at this point.

>> No.1509430

No thanks Doctor Steve. She swallowed.

>> No.1509783
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that cat had nine lives he just spent em all

>> No.1509916

Saved for future use.

>> No.1509920

Oh and hundreds of thousands of volts spark out your fingers? Because that how the tool works.

>> No.1510041



>> No.1511676

ty m8

>> No.1511777

RIGHT who pit this bois lights oot, eh ya radge cunts? fuckin pussy better confess, or yir aw gettin battered wae a banjo.
good kitty - as yis wir lads, as yis wir

>> No.1512644


nice shoop

>> No.1513148

every year

>> No.1513212

I can agree>>1506350

>> No.1513299
File: 63 KB, 565x546, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I replace the fucking bad bulb you goddamned dipshit. I swear to god millennials..

>> No.1514811


>> No.1514813

You have no clue...

>> No.1516221

find the broken cable

>> No.1518639


>> No.1518710


>> No.1520802

why are you shouting dude

>> No.1520806
File: 1.02 MB, 426x240, Sensible Chuckle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>plus cat

I think you have more problems than xmas lights.

>> No.1520975

holy fuck dude, I hoped you aired that fucking Chink abonomation before feeding it to your cat. You do not want to know what for shit they get 'treated' with.

>> No.1521735
File: 56 KB, 768x432, 86790477_1513869560-768x432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just use real candles fag

>> No.1521742

yeah - its like they don't want to be standing staring at a black smoking husk where House yoused to be on Xmas day, listening to kids crying over pet boiled baby turtle and shit.

>> No.1521784

Yeah Americans will never get the concept.

>> No.1521790

Any worse than the chemicals they sprayed on your “natural” tree?

>> No.1521809
File: 96 KB, 741x711, 1240171_559108757488053_1849119847_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rent free
all day every day.

>> No.1521855

by some manner of funcking infinitely so, yes. On the Proside tho, you get a ratbite in the near future? More chance of that dying from the event than you. Just dont lick your fingers for a month or two, you good

>> No.1522922

Hopefully next year they will work

>> No.1523137

Can make your own with bbq lighter. Saw it on Electroboom. Happy holidays!