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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 90 KB, 720x480, green-black-containers-house - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1503040 No.1503040 [Reply] [Original]

I've been thinking of constructing my own house using a shipping container (or three) as a base.
Has anyone here done this?

>> No.1503043

I built a container house out of wooden pallets.

>> No.1503066

Use 4, a box layout so you can have an interior courtyard that’s private.

>> No.1503099

I built a wooden pallet out of containers

>> No.1503158

I've been thinking of constructing my own shipping container using a house (or three) as a base.
Has anyone here done this?

>> No.1503193

So far as I can tell, it's not any cheaper than wood and nails house. Any particular reason you want to use containers?

>> No.1503201

It sounds like a good idea to me. I had thought of that myself once. As to why, because they are made of steel.

>> No.1503204

The steel container will be the foundation?
Im not sure I understand?
Fyi- if you will be doing any living in any of those steel containers, enjoy your heat stroke.

>> No.1503222
File: 44 KB, 540x523, b5e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. ants won't eat it. nor termites. nor rats.

2. it will survive a tornado.

3. he won't have to deal with a retarded framers.

4. life free of mold(tm)

101, and when he is tired of his house he always can get a dollar for the cost of the scrap metal

welcome to 21 century gramp.

>> No.1503224

>Fyi- if you will be doing any living in any of those steel containers, enjoy your heat stroke.

nothing that 6 inch of insulation outside can't take care of.

go for it OP.

>> No.1503309
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>> No.1503310

There does seem to be a fair amount of legitimate reasons for container houses, it also makes it a lot easier to do yourself as you don't have to try and lift frames and trusses and shit.

>> No.1503321
File: 79 KB, 370x278, _thb_d_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that sounds genius, I can't believe no one ever thought of making buildings from steel

>> No.1503322


>your pic
>survive a tornado

>> No.1503328
File: 105 KB, 620x387, global_trade_3573048b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shipping containers a though.

now image how your thin shit shed would look like if we put it beneath the mountain of metal and goods from pic related.

containers are Chad of construction. Deal with it.

>> No.1503332
File: 387 KB, 854x619, 1539916303638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine kowloon walled city but with shipping containers instead of concrete houses

>> No.1503399


>> No.1503879

>Y-yeah containers are t-totally strong guys
>Just look at this picture
>Ignore the crushed containers at the bottom but look how not damaged the top containers are
The edges of containers are enforced so they can STACK
they are not structurally solid 360°

They can work if you put efford into them though

>> No.1503884

Im no expert, but would it not be a good idea to live in a cylinder shaped shipping container rather than a square shaped one?

>> No.1503886

I guess that would really only work for subs though, where the pressure is all around most of the time. Pressure on the top only would squash it.

>> No.1503887
File: 241 KB, 1664x936, IMG_20181115_133829358-1664x936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres inside of my pallet house

>> No.1503888
File: 429 KB, 1664x936, IMG_20181115_133814518-1664x936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres outside

>> No.1503892

What if you lived in a triangle shaped shipping container with
-Pointy end up
-Some kinda iron collartie reinforcment of the sides
-one beam going across would probably not be enough to suffice though, you would probably have to have a more complex arrangment

>> No.1503894

Also if you gonna bury this thing, you may wanna consiter (Reminder I am no expert)
-frost line
-Air ventilation
-Will you be installing a toilet, and if so, how is the plumbing gonna work?
Im not sure if you will have to worry about flooding or not. but if you do, and you build in the wrong place, you might have to worry about drowning in your own house.

>> No.1503896

Also, will the feds even let you?

>> No.1503898

Actually looks pretty cool anon

>> No.1503905

It can and will rust over the years
you can still truss it to shed water or snow
You can still install furring strips in place of framing to hang drywall inside

Youre not saving money, you dont have to deal with anyone if you /diy/ so whats the point?

>> No.1503924

It's literally cheaper to build with traditional framing and it will last longer

>> No.1503927
File: 456 KB, 936x1664, IMG_20181115_133741648-936x1664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres more

>> No.1503928
File: 247 KB, 1664x936, IMG_20181115_133826517_BURST001-1664x936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roof inside

>> No.1503942

Container houses are more than legitimate
- more solid than wooden houses
- no ants nor termites
- no knowledge in structures needed. Only a list of don'ts (don't remove a complete side without IPN)
- same price

The only con I have with that is ceiling height (even for high cube). Too low for me.

>> No.1503944


Rust over the years?

Corten steel makes its own thin rust layer which protects it from external threats

>> No.1503946
File: 110 KB, 800x800, dd5fbdeed673d41245163d9264dee090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rust over the years?
>Corten steel makes its own thin rust layer which protects it from external threats

Also insulation from outside will remove any risk of humidity attacking steel (pu foam)

>> No.1504098

This is largely preventable, and is still easier to deal with than mold and wood rot.

>> No.1504108

Ive heard shipping container buildings actually cost more after all is said and done that regular houses, due to extra support needing to be added when holes are cut for windows or doors ect.

>> No.1504158

>touch the walls to hard
>house rolls away

>> No.1504326

It depends where you live. In Europe you have to build a solid house, no American wooden - paper sheet thin - walls. You must also call an architect to make plans and structure calculations.
If you don't diy, yes, it costs more. If you diy where you couldn't have diy a brick house, it way cheaper (doesn't need architect and workers)

>> No.1504398
File: 847 KB, 2304x1536, 171d98c338e76e8e469efd3968ac4c5a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in order to get decent R value you will need a massive insulation blanket from the outside.

so, no place for rust here

also marine proof steel will probably last at least 100 years even if put into salt water and shit.

>> No.1504442

>Ignore the crushed

two out of 200 all the other are leaning almost horizontally without even breaking their joints under the pressure of the others.

Containers withstand even the abnormal loads and perform fantastic especially when used on purpose..

Containers are Chad. Deal with it.

>> No.1505271

>Heres inside of my pallet house

Nice house, Cletus!

>> No.1505715
File: 765 KB, 561x901, DIYCaptcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1505867

ahh yes, i always hit up my shipping container constructor certified friend whenever i need a small gig or to help out another friend. i cant wait until i get my container certification, then i'll be helping hundreds of people build their new homes!

>> No.1506053

those signs add so much sophistication.

google for "seabox containers", choose some with living interiors options, check the shipping price

>> No.1506232
File: 133 KB, 824x550, ship pallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I contained a pallet in a wooden ship

>> No.1506235


>> No.1506262

In a shitty thread about a meme subject, this is one if the better answers. It would be one hell of a dark, shady courtyard unless you live in a place with direct overhead sunlight but could be a useful space to situate plumbing etc.

>> No.1506754

Do they have a company like sea box in Europe?

>> No.1507036

whats the chickens name

>> No.1507658


>> No.1508286
File: 173 KB, 1200x799, 00O0O_cFtuU2pdK4I_1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pallets what fresh and practical idea?

>> No.1508371

Imagine unironically living somewhere the sun doesn't go directly overhead.

>> No.1509335

Imagine living somewhere with actual seasons.

>> No.1509700

>place all furniture perpendicular to the inside walls
>walk through your house in an endless loop

>> No.1509779

But I'm short so these tin hobbit boxes are perfect lol.

>> No.1509780

that deck is not safe to walk on

>> No.1509782


libertarians say it's fine.

>> No.1509802
File: 646 KB, 2240x1344, 1544027478160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That gave me a (probably retarded) Idea

>> No.1509853

just what I meant
-power generation through rotation
-emergency 10kW electric motor turning the house, triggered by burglar alarm/astronaut training
(those two can be easily combined by building the outer shell of the home as the rotor in a giant electric motor casing)
loving the bent furniture in your drawing

>> No.1509881

Inertia and the coriolis effect will fuck you up

>> No.1509896

Prepare to shell out the big bucks. The promotion of the idea that is inexpensive is a total lie.

>> No.1509933
File: 57 KB, 984x655, crappy section view.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For extra credit I fired up cad and made this.

>> No.1509935

>>>1503040 (OP)
>Prepare to shell out the big bucks. The promotion of the idea that is inexpensive is a total lie.

Please argue

>> No.1509943
File: 58 KB, 600x600, PerfectSwedishChef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you make me proud

>> No.1509947

>burglar breaks into house
>what the fuck, why is--
>house starts to spin up
>what the
>house maintains a healthy 3gs, pinning the burglar to the floor until the police arrive.

>> No.1509950

A fucking lie.

No need for framing. Not requring a massive foundation. No need for structural engineering. No need for architectural bullshitery. No need for sophisticated roofing. Team of two will finish it in about an year max.

It's literally the DIY dream.

>> No.1509952
File: 15 KB, 299x168, 0D6D3FB2-E36B-43D2-8F51-36AD3B487C88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says Stanley

>> No.1510109

In murica, depending in location, diy houses made of concrete or brick are a real thing. Tjey still have to pass inspection, assuming you live within city limits. My mothers house for example was built by my grandpa, made completely of concrete brick. Passed all inspection. Its well built. My grandpas home, which was also built by him, is still standing 60 years later. I jewed out and bought a stucco home in an HOA neighborhood, it was overpriced, and my mailbox which is also stucco has a golfball size dent from the neighborhood brats. It was made to look very beautiful, but if you look at it closely, its very brittle material, maintenance is a bitch. I should have lived like a peasent for 10 years saved every penny and paid my uncle to build a mortar home.

>> No.1510110

Only if youre a pansy, i bet you could even have a big ass swimming pool in the middle