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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1494233 No.1494233 [Reply] [Original]

Toughest trades

My vote goes for drywalling.

>> No.1494238

>toughest trades
Labor for money

>> No.1494252

If I take those masks off, will they die?

>> No.1494255

Cement rendering/stucco or tiling.

>> No.1494258


Step aside manlet. We used to pray for rain hauling 2,000 bales of hay a day so we could go pull wells...

>> No.1494259

No but breathing the shit is bad for you i am sure

>> No.1494261
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>> No.1494263


>> No.1494266

General labor because no one wants to take you under their wing for apprenticeships after 1 year of experience.

>> No.1494279


all roofing is hell in mid-summer and mid winter, but putting hot tar roofs on in the summer is incredibly hard. Due to the literally boiling hot tar you have to wear gloves, long sleeve shirts, boots, and long pants, and you are on top of a roof so there is almost never any shade. Once the hot tar has been mopped out and you are spreading the gravel layer, you are hot as fucking shit. And try to imagine how heavy that mop is. It's an oversized mop to start with, and has who knows how many pounds of tar soaked into it.

If you have never done this job, you cannot imagine the hell it is.

>> No.1494285

It could be extremely painful.

>> No.1494292

My vote is for roofing as well. Those fuckers work hard as hell, and roofs suck in almost any weather.
>watch skinny as fuck roofers wolf down 4000+ calorie lunch every day
>never gain any weight

>> No.1494294
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You're a big guy

>> No.1494295
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For you.

>> No.1494300

>live in the far north tropics of Australia
>working on same housing estate for 2+ years
>get to know most other crews from other trades pretty well
>middle of summer
>one morning a 'ranga (red head) shows up in the roofer's crew
>we chuckle to ourselves that he is not going to have a good day
>36C (~96F)
>95% humidity
>5PM, knockoff time
>drinking beers
>spot the ranga
>the absolute most ridiculous shade of red I have ever seen a human being turn
>close to a deep purple hue
>skin is shimmering and shiny
>throbbing almost
>bloke is definitely getting melanoma one day from this single day's sun
>next morning
>no ranga
>never see him again
>he lasted one day

>> No.1494304


Here in the Caribbean even black people hide from the sun. A lot of the guys I know who have to work in the sun wear sun screen and long drapy clothing and large floppy hats.

It's only the tourists that seek the sun.

>> No.1494312

Tool and Die

>> No.1494328

this is bait right?

>> No.1494330

This. Tough is a state of mind, not physicality.

>> No.1494340

My manual labor has consisted of commercial painting, landscaping and masonry.......masonry was pretty rough. Did that for a while until I went back to school.

>> No.1494342

Did framing for a bit. Really sucks when you gotta fuck with the metal after it's been sitting on site over night in the cold or all day in the heat.

>> No.1494413


The landscaping I did was pretty rough.

Used to have to climb into quarry pits to hand select stones for dry stone walls and when I wasn't doing that I was digging holes for days.

>> No.1494436

i dun get it, explain

>> No.1494455

Whatever. A heart attack or silicosis will get me long before huffing drywall dust. Idgaf

>> No.1494461

Back in the day hay bales were gathered up and stacked by hand. None of this big round and square bales loaded with air conditioned tractors business. And pulling wells. Long story shord there is a long metal string of around here mostly 5/8" and 3/4" rods inside of 2" pipe half a mile deep. Remove head off a pumpjack and proceed to pull it all up out of the ground until you find what the problem is.

It's bearable with descent help and a 3 man crew. Worked a 2 man crew for years and refused to operate the rig for fear of suiciding someone. By the end of the day lifting heavy wrenches all day long or litterally jogging non stop for hours at a time with the long metal rods takes a toll. Not to mention you are typically covered in grease (crude oil and salt water mixtur) so you cant even sweat hardly through anything exposed. They are almost always at the bottom of a hill in a gully with 0 wind flow. Hot in summer and little sun in winter. Also soaked through cloth gloves is really hard to use the heavy elevarors that snap onto the rods and pipe. Shit sucks

If you are in great physical shape it is still demanding. The 6 months or so it tales an average noob to really get into the rhythm is absolute hell.

Both of these are just dumb repetitive heavy motions.

Probably didn't help i hauled hay since 3 years old (stand in driver's seelat and idle to the end of a row. Dad hop in and turn truck for another row until i was big enough me and a buddy could both lift 1 bail. Started pulling wells at 13. Had to have someone snap the rods apart (losen them) so i could unscrew them.

>> No.1494475

Almost all tropic shitskin nations have an informal siesta all day and come crawling out at night.

>> No.1494509

Did brick laying and painting before going to uni. Tbh painting is underated in terms of how hard it can be. You could have a nice job in a clean house one day then be up on a roof in shit weather painting chimneys, bent over on your hands and knees to get at skirtings. Can be s fair bit of heavy lifting depending on the job too.

>> No.1494517

pipe tripping

>> No.1494820

In summer here you see roofers hosing down their roofing iron before handling it because it's scorching hot from the sun.

>> No.1494839


Drywalling isn't hard it's just shitty work. Hard work would probably be anything involving welding because not only are most of the materials heavy but you also have to take safety extremely seriously or the entire building blows up.

Runner up would probably be concreting because any small mixing mistake is a multi-million dollar fuckup on most jobs.

>> No.1494844

Once had to do matte black sheet metal roof on a 42C day with long pants on

>> No.1494883


>> No.1495054

lol no. Can't be the toughest if you've always got a roof over your head. In residential construction I would consider the toughest, most physically demanding trades to be

>> No.1495079


We don't siesta

That's the Spanish.

>> No.1495172

My vote goes to wetbacking

>> No.1495188

For me, it's a three-way tie between brickies, painters, and pipefitters.

Brickies are always the most miserable on the jobs I'm on, breathing in silica dust all day. Plus they seem to be on the job the shortest, so I imagine they sit alot (or do other shit on the side).

Painters are basically exposed to all sorts of chemicals on a daily basis. Every older painter I've met on the job had some sort of cancer.

Pipefitters have to deal with heavy pipe all day. 'Nuff said.

>tfw sparky who bends and slams shitty runs of 3/4 emt above ceiling tile all day and calls himself a "skilled tradesman"

>> No.1495189

why do you faggots think this is funny

>> No.1495244
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My bends arent that shitty

>> No.1495279

Industrial maintenance
>ranked 2 in most job site deaths, second to coal miners

>> No.1495831

> this
> be a millwright for a contracting company
> sent to all kinds of plants and job sites
> 3 worst jobs
#3: Equipment install at a cow hide plant
> cold, wet, and rotten meat smells
> floors and equipment surfaces covered in greasy slime that doesn't wash off
> employees of the plant were kooky as fuck
#2: Repairing and replacing equipment at a concrete plant
> replacing chutes and augers
> hot and working at heights
> railings, ladders, and platforms were rickety
> ended up covered in chemical burns from the lime powder
#1: Repairing cookers at a rendering plant
> puke inducing stink
> hot as hell and humid
> flies and maggots everywhere
> had to crawl into the vessel while setting the new mixing shaft in place
> showered, soaked in a hot bath, then showered again
> could still smell rotten meat/ammonia on my skin and hands

>> No.1495839

Fought in Vietnam 2 tours grunt
fuck you pussies

>> No.1495847

Crap, I am in industrial maint....thought it was safer then offshore oil....>>1495279

>> No.1495850

Nobody thinks its funny, its the autistic spergs with ocd that need shit like this so they don't kill themselves

>> No.1495851

Proof or fuck off

>> No.1495852

That smell was in your nose dude you need saline menthol nose gushers to clean it out

t. worked in a cannery and finally found that out after like 3 years

>> No.1495865

Literally beaner tier work

>> No.1495867

Beaner tier as well

>> No.1495930

roofer here. never done hot, but everyone i have met who HAS done hot has some fucking tragic story about some other poor bastard that did hot and made a mistake. fuck hot tar. have illegals do it and then call ICE before you pay em.

>> No.1495935

Wildland firefighting.

>> No.1495966

T. Faggot that doesn’t like to work hard

>> No.1496016

Pretty much the ones only mexicans do. Roofing, laying floor, electrical, drywall, painting, house framing.

It makes me sad that our society only values college degrees. If you dont get a college degree you are deemed a failure. We need more kids to be encouraged to get into vocational/trade schools.

>> No.1496028

I dont have to prove shit to you Boy
Stop by I'm 70 and I'll still stomp a mudhole in your pussy ass

>> No.1496039 [DELETED] 

Calm ojisan

>> No.1496040

Calm down ojisan

>> No.1496041

I'd be a tradesman, but all the jobs require working with a ton of people.

>> No.1496048

Groundworks contracting is much harder, more dangerous and less faggy.

>> No.1496050

I'd be a tradesman, but I'm not retarded and didn't flunk out of 3rd grade math.

>> No.1496054

Yes over a period of 40 years, and quite painfully

>> No.1496064

Odds are you're a NEET regardless.

>> No.1496065

Respect. I did hay bailing and shit for a couple years, taking care of horses on a farm for a friend.
Had done some interior remodeling/landscaping/some masonry before, but farmwork & hay was a special sort of difficult.

>> No.1496071

Threw hay at 12
Roofed for 10 years
Concrete for 10 years
Tower climber 8 years
Remodeling since
Nothing hard about any of it after your body adapts. The hardest part is working around lazy fucking idiots

>> No.1496073

Try working in a steel forge.

2200+ degree steel, in hand.
Probably 30+ machines that weigh tons and tons, slamming with hydraulic pressure. (That you gotta put the steel in to.)
So loud and hot inside, but you gotta Wear long sleeves, pants, tinted glasses, ear plugs + muffs.
Air is tinted black from steel dust, everyone has respiratory issues, similar to mining. Air quality so bad that OSHA let us smoke indoors.
6 days a week, mostly 10 hours - rain snow or shine.

Had 3 people die in a little over a year. Should've taken a hint when the guy that trained me had a permanent 'shocker' from losing fingers. My vision is shot, covered in scars. I got the fuck out, though. It's hellish.

>> No.1496134

i dont know why someone in first world country would willingly do that kind of work, even if you are from a poor small town just get into shape and join the military instead, being on a ship or a couple years in a combat zone are safer and healthier than heavy iron work or mining.

>> No.1496182

What the fuck do you think grunts and sailors do, exactly? Finances?

>> No.1496186

Computer science

>> No.1496195

I stand in front of the french fry station all day
covered in grease and salt smell like grease all day my house smells like grease its much worst than any roofing job and we get no respect at all

>> No.1496236


The military half the time is more stressful on the mentality. I could have done nearly anything in the RAF but I chose not too because my afternoon freedom and regular pussy were higher on my priority list.

>> No.1496242

I am in a somewhat poor rural area, no experience at the time beyond labor and drafting. Just needed a job, and they had a revolving door. I was 18 leaving a shitty home situation, did what I had to.

But, pay was actually good (despite no time/energy to do shit with it but get fucked up), and I had insurance from the company on practically everything but my goddamn car (because they knew you'd get some sort of ailment, eventually)

One day, I had just had enough, and went on. Drove right up the street and got another job.

>But it's so loud there, i can still hear the hammers slamming when I go out to smoke at new job

>> No.1496245

Is /diy/ the biggest LARP board, or is it really filled with groggy old farts with dozens of occupational ills?

>> No.1496247

Why do Americans pretend to be vets all the time?

>> No.1496254

I wonder the same. I have plenty of occupational Ills, but still stupid young

I'm steel forge anon

>> No.1496257

no there are stupid millineals like you queer

>> No.1496900

More true than you know nigga.

>> No.1496901

Military is nothing without mining and refining as is society.
I'd like to see your "first world" country after all your mines and refineries and mills shutdown cause its not "first world" work. Youll starve in a year if you didn't all kill each other first. Technically it should be the soldiers mining and making their own fucking guns and bullets.

>> No.1496928


And the miners shoot the bullets?

>> No.1496945

yeah, i couldn't do it. mindlessly drilling screws into sheetrock all day, years on end, kill me

>> No.1496956


>Can't handle the graft

Bet you need to sand your compound after you tape up. Takes a real man to compound smooth, first time around.

>> No.1496974

Thanks guys for calling attention to this, but I'm starting to wonder if getting caught was part of his plan.

>> No.1496985


>but I'm starting to wonder if getting caught was part of his plan.

What would have he been "caught" doing?

>> No.1497003

Sparkies where you at bois

>> No.1497012

>What would have he been "caught" doing?
Idk, probably crashing this plane with no survivors?

>> No.1497019

They must find one of us in the wreckage, brother

>> No.1497020

have we started the fire?

>> No.1497026

Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask.
>We used to pray for rain.
It doesn't matter who we are, Anon, all that matters is our plan.

>> No.1497028

The fire rises!

>> No.1497030

Toughest trade is safety man. Everyone hates your guts and wants you dead.

>> No.1497169

Why the fuck not? If you can cut an 8000 foot pass with less than 1 foot variance you deserve to fire a bullet. At least you'll know how to make use of one instead of taking potshots at civilians.

This guy knows.

>> No.1497188

Yeah that or a foundry worker look absolutely horrible.
t. cozy shop welder

>> No.1497191


For a normal human that is a problem, but I can guarantee you that the vast majority of safety inspectors are psychopaths and get off on trying to hit you up on shit that doesn't exist if you are to the book.

Had fucking health and safety try cite my restaurant for the bartender's and waitresses not wearing hair nets on the floor.

>> No.1497200

Drywalling is just below tiling in 'not exactly hard but incredibly annoying and labor intensive'. Anyone could do it, if they wanted to waste their fucking life.

>> No.1497201


I remember one time OSHA kicked me and another worker off a construction site. I was framing and a helper to my framer buddy and left for a minute and when I came back he told me we had to leave. He said an OSHA guy saw him on a scaffold without his harnace on or connected and they took pictures and find the guys we were working for.

>> No.1497218


try this one faggot

>> No.1497278

Toughest trade, i would say plumbing but i am biased. From just the labor intensive of running pipe, and gas lines on new construction, to climbing under houses or going in attics with your pipes, pulling water heaters from attics and getting into tight positions where no man was ever intended to operate in, climbing into wet muddy tunnels to repair underground pipes under the slab, running drains and getting splashed with piss/shit/grease, dealing with customers who dont care about the masterpiece of work you put behind their walls but about the scratch on a piece of trim. not to mention the mental labor, no plumbing job is the same, the amount of variables is endless, and a good plumber with +30 years exp is still gonna find things he has never seen before.

a plumber is their for every step of construction, from before a slab is poured to after the paint has dried.

>> No.1497366


well. I suppose you can take into consideration it can be "super easy". Can be. About a week ago I LITERALLY called a plumber out to take five minutes to literally tell me what the issue was and didn't have to do shit and still charged me $65. I ain't mad at him because he saved me a shitload of money. He let me know my shit was clogged at the city line and told me if he did it he would charge me like $350 but the city would do it for free since it's at the line. Called them up and they showed up like an hour later and sure enough they had to fix their crap.

>> No.1497387

Lol yea your 6 inch city sewer was stopped up, takes a plumber to diagnose it. ya know a plumber is a dumb guy, some dude that comes plays with shit, but a good plumber understands and profits off sanitation. human society operates sanitary societies because plumbers know how to direct potable water and direct sanitary sewer. so thats why i charge $95.00 an hour

>> No.1497403


I told my wife he deserves the money. His experience let him know what NOT to waste his time with in order to realize the issue. My brother in law works at an apartment complex as a "maintenance guy". I'm guessing you know how it is. A jack-of-all-trades/master-of-none kind of guy. We went to him first he started ripping parts of the drywall off and shit and I was like all right fuck it. I can tell he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing and he's going to rip the house apart to still not figure it out (wouldn't be the first time the shit has happened). So I called the plumber and said it's worth it.

>> No.1497405

>Fought for Israel 2 tours goyim

>> No.1497407
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Ugh I'm a 5"1 woman and I want to do pipefitting, shit is going to be hard. But damn it's great money. I can't do ironworking/underwater, too much.

>> No.1497412

>a plumber is their for every step of construction
You might drop in for a couple of days every now and then but carpenters perform the vast majority of work in residential construction. You can survive in a house without plumbing, you won't survive a harsh winter without a roof over your head.

>> No.1497419

Yeah on a residential build they will be there for 1 day for slab piping, 1-2 days internal framing plumbing and maybe a few days for fitoff. Meanwhile carpenters are there for months on end dealing with all the fuckwit subbies day after day.

>> No.1497464


>Can't do underwater too much

Females are normally better at diving so I dont know what you mean.

>> No.1497466


I work on commercial and industrial buildings and the plumbers are hardly there unless the building has sprinkler head fire suppression.

>> No.1497478

literally false

>> No.1497511

Plumbers don't run gas lines on new construction

>> No.1497519


Stop putting yourself down, pumpkin.

>> No.1497521

bricklayers laborer

i have been doing this for 3 years, it sucks in the summer but the winter is worse. here in hamilton, ontario it seems like the tarps and propane will be coming soon

should have stayed in school

>> No.1497529

If the weather is that much of a factor to you then you're clearly not working very hard. Also drywallers have to go into a house thats had 220v heaters pumping all night so the mud dries, even in summer

>> No.1497541

im on the lot from day one before the pile drivers and frames-man show up, i layout my drain and vent stacks before any wood touches concrete, im working around framers while i run iron gas pipe, after a carpenter is done the plumber iz still in the house setting fixtures and trim, plus i make money off 24 hour plumbing, usually nasty drain cleaning, but i never heard of a 24 hour carpenter service lol

>> No.1497542

LOL ok ! Then who runs gas pipe in new construction? please tell me what trade runs iron gas pipe

>> No.1497549


This sounds like a post by a pipefitter who was confused for a plumber or a faggot to many times.

>> No.1497573

The bad ones do!! But it was accidental!!

>> No.1497575

Wish I hadn't wasted so much time in college, I am making more in a trade then 90% of the guys I went to college with.

>> No.1497578

>plus i make money off 24 hour plumbing, usually nasty drain cleaning, but i never heard of a 24 hour carpenter service lol
Because I'm skilled enough at my trade that I can pick my jobs and hours. Why the fuck would anyone want to be on call?

>> No.1497581

>t. drywaller
Have you ever roofed in 100+ degree heat? Framed in sub freezing temperatures? When's the last time you had your clothing melt on a job? Have you ever walked a 2x4 wall with an icy plate? Those are a few times I've personally considered weather to be a factor in my work conditions. I also know that are other guys that have it worse. Stop sucking down that moondust kid, I think you're going retarded.

>> No.1497583

And im skilled enough to be useful at any hour of the day, my services are needed day and night. when the work beckons and justifies double money why wouldn't i jump at the work? you can pick and choose your job hours sure, but i dont see any trade having the opportunity to pull overnight hours like plumbing,

>> No.1497585


>> No.1497586

Power, gas, and fiber optic transmissoin.

>> No.1497699

Commercial glazier here, my job definitely has its moments. Ironworkers and roofers are more physically demanding than most jobs ITT.

>> No.1497704


>> No.1497712

I do, Minneapolis pipefitter local 539. We do gas line install in the cities, not the turd hurders. It's different everywhere you go I suppose

>> No.1497859

Mining shaft technician, mechanical or electrical.

You're in the dark, being rained on from a lake pushing into in a 30 foot wide hole, hanging by a rope, typically 4000 feet above the bottom, covered in ore, grease, oil, conveyances rush past you, and you can't drop anything, you can't hear anything because of plugs. One mistake and it's rescue in 3hrs, or death while being suspended. Drop a bolt and u could kill someone.

Jobs include steel work, concrete work, put up fasteners for cables, change cables, junctions, instrumentation, welding, torching..you name it. The best part is maintenance time. Is always cut short because everyone wants to use the shaft. Personally I'd prefer hot steel from a blast furnace.

>> No.1497865

Am miner. Can confirm. The anual safety refresher day is 8 hours and like 2 of them is just talking about how the people that died that year fucked up

>> No.1497867

Kek. Thank u for your service grandpa if not larp.

>> No.1497868

Can confirm. Suicidal sperg

>> No.1497869


>> No.1497870

Back in the day you could have a new house, 2 new cars, and a stay at home mother.

Now both people working overtime can hardly live a descent life. It's gay as fuck

>> No.1497871

Trim carpenter.

>> No.1497872

Trim carpenter aint bad>>1496050
No, your retarded for being a cu

>> No.1497874


Omfg. Dad was pretty old school. Gloves on bust ass no sitting around. Busted my ass until i got pretty well crippled at 24. Then i realised all working hard ever got me was other peoples work and got a job working alone.

Strong work ethic is good tho. Now I'm putting that determination to investing and business so i can fuckoff and retire while i can still half assed walk half a mile

>> No.1497875

Damn bro

>> No.1497876

Yeah but i can do mining 3 miles from my house with no education and drink beer after work.

Being married and workibg on the road sux dix.

Normally shit jobs pay double or tripple minimum wage if you count all of the overtime.

>> No.1497877


>> No.1497878

>"would you like fries with that?"
>harder than moping hot tar.


>> No.1497879

Both actually

>> No.1497881

We don't faggot. And it's illegal.


I got a target wood stock AR 15 in my loader. Got a mangy fucking coyote and a hawk today. (Dont ree at me. Coyotes are a cattle murdering nuisance and i got birds.)

Also cast bullets.

No military tho. Said i was to flat footed and risky surgery was the only way. Kek. No fucking thanks

>> No.1497889


>> No.1497890

So don't get a job that requires you to be a prick piece of shit?

>> No.1497891

What an egregious fucking faggot. All DOT and MSHA (mining osha) need to seriously fucking kneck their faggot selves. All of them. Not kidding a fucking bit.

>> No.1497893

>he doesn't weave baskets on mars.

What a pleb

>> No.1497897

Pfffffffff hahaha.

>hardest trade.

Brother i do plumbing on the side for beer money. It's not fucking hard at all. True tho. My fat ass cant get to shit and always have to play vietcong under everyone's shit.


>> No.1497900

95 an hour plumbing!!!???!?!??!???

Fuck around man. I already roll in shit for next to nothing. Is certification hard for a liscense?

>> No.1497901

Agreed. I'm calling a plumber to run a shitter line 6 feet. Probably going to be $300 but fuckit. I don't want to do it

>> No.1497903

I fucking hate subcontractors so fucking much. 90% drugged or boozed all day half assing shit, bitching about each other, and getting in the fucking way.

>> No.1497905

U WOT M8?????

women are TERRIBLE drivers. We shoulda never let them bitches vote!

>> No.1497908

Kek. It's 4 am and drunkfag punched a hole in the wall pls halp

>> No.1497910

I dropped out of junior college twice. Less debt and better pay 3 miles from home than most of my peers. About to be a fuckton more in a couple years when i get some equity built for another rental so i can toss the snowball down the mountain and shitpost from the beach

>> No.1497938
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the local apprenticeship, and I've been involved in numerous decloggings on your suburb, and I have ran over 300 confirmed feet of CPVC pipe. I am trained in compression fittings and I'm the top trencher in the entire local plumbers union. You are nothing to me but just another client. I will wipe your fucking pipe with PVC cleaner the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret union network of colleagues and your client number is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetice little thing you call a jobsite. You're fucking on our shitlist kid. I can be anywhere, 24/7, and I can run pipe in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in PEX, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the company van and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass like an automatic Japanese toilet, you little shit. If only you could have known what manner of tradesmanship your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the overtime price, you goddamn idiot. I will clog your shitter and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.1498002

>a job a robot can do

>> No.1498018

Wew, dry work in an empty house.

Try goin to a dementia riddled old womens house and unclogging a toilet that shes been shitting in for weeks, flushing the turds straight up and over for so long that her bathroom floor had an inch of shit and toilet paper.

>> No.1498036
File: 27 KB, 326x326, 1200F7A451F8436885DF13348C096BE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 1st year apprentice

>> No.1498107

Get a good trade, I'm married with kids and wife is a home wrecker....I mean maker!

>> No.1498111

Fuck coyotes, I shoot every coyote I see, had a friend of mines get mauled by a few of him and now his face looks like a road map of Florida

>> No.1498113

Well it isn't very labor intensive, and if you are an anti-social cocksucker then it is a good fit. Pays good to, biggest danger is getting fucked up by guys like us when they fuck with our lively hood.

>> No.1498120

Fucking lol

>> No.1498369

Toughest I've ever done would either be plowing snow or demolition. Course, I imagine demo was only so hard because I was hungover and haven't really done anything else like it/don't have the same muscles a guy who does it everyday would have.

Plowing can go either way. You might get 3 inches, get in a few hours, and go home no problem.
Or you might have a blizzard like in 96, watch the sun rise 3 times over and have to fix dam near every driveline part on your truck and whatever fucks off on your plow.
Alas, I don't remember most of those days and so when I got the check I shit my pants

>> No.1498380

Is moped tar still a thing? Why not use asphalt/bitumen sheets?

>> No.1498386
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>> No.1498390

Wish folks would realize this in regards to pixel plumbers aka IT guys.

>> No.1498464

I didn't know Vietnam had a sequel

>> No.1498512

Painting can be pretty demanding, a lot easier with sprayers imo.

Worst trade for me was plumbing. Drilling concrete, fixing fucked up pads, lugging a bunch of pipe, fuckhot brazing in humid 105F sun on a tin floor (2nd floor of a building, no roof yet, they pour concrete on the tin ribs). I was in great shape until my back was fucked unrelatedly. Would have helped if the outfit wasnt so fucked.

I think it was slowly killing me lol.

>> No.1498514

My favorite moments were the concrete pourers pushing the drains in when pouring the pads, or knocking them over (here we have to use flexible couplings for earthquake bs), people shitting and pissing in the notyetdraining plumbing, tubs, etc. One site was a piss war, EVERYTHING was covered in piss. Oh and the dumbfuck electricians, dry wallers, ducters, etc punching holes or screws in the pipes. Flooded a whole wing of an apartment once when they hit a 2" pex line lol

>> No.1499192


There's a reason every toolmaker you'll ever meet will be crazy, an alcoholic or an asshole.

>> No.1499230


>One site was a piss war, EVERYTHING was covered in piss

Working in a site now where the client is a woman.

The first couple times she smelt urine on the site, the whole labour force was fired. Now guys watch eachother like a hawk if the move away from the works.

Site just smells like, sawdust, concrete and metal. It's actually for the best.

>> No.1499231

I'm a steamfitter

Concrete formers do the toughest job

>> No.1499234
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13 yr journeyman electrician here, we arent posting because we know our jobs arent the hardest/toughest in terms of a physical sense. I didnt get into this trade because it was hard... I worked a few years as a glazier, that was tough climbing a 6ft ladder with a 250lb sheet of glass in my hand and then setting it gently... made drywall feel light weight as fuck.

Electrical is tough in terms of the amount of volume and organizational efforts one must do to be decent at it. Feeder wire sucks to handle, digging sucks, on a roof in a blizzard or middle of the hottest days of the year, and setting gear can suck but usually its so heavy you use equipment, same with 4" rigid pipe that is threaded into place.

no trade is physically easy but glazing, steel (think about weight 50lbs of safety gear and tools and being on hot/cold steel) and framers all have it pretty rough in terms of physical work.

>> No.1499243

aluminum work like trough, fascia and soffit is the same. Sucks the heat right from your hands

>> No.1499245

anyone can be a tradesman but you still have to be good at math to be a good tradesman

>> No.1500790
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Nobody even mentions cutting wood? srsly

>> No.1500833

I'd say stone installation. Good pay, but you're moving hundred pound of stone, with no chance of accident. They have to be cut and installed precisely with little chance of adjustment.

>> No.1500842


Chainsaws took all the hard work out of it.

Now it's just dangerous.

>> No.1500855

kek you serious? what's the longest you've held a chainsaw?

>> No.1500909


I clear cut 13 acres of tropical jungle last year with an MS381 and a pickup

>> No.1500910


And some labourers of course.

>> No.1500913


>> No.1501068
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By yourself?

>> No.1501079


See >>1500913

We did it during the most hurricane filled and wet'est hurricane season we have had in 30 years which meant the pickup couldnt get within 400' of the what was once a field was for 7 months a swamp. We got that fucker stuck 4 times a day.

The actual felling is the easy, but dangerous, even when the stand is tight enough that every fucking tree got hooked up on another even if it was falling away from the other, it became technical and dangerous but not "hard".

>> No.1501083

kind of funny

>> No.1501153

1st year apprentice

>> No.1501222

First reply that made sense to me

>> No.1501232

>13 yr journeyman
You are still a journeyman after 13 years of learning how to be a sparky or you are a 13yo underb& learning to be a sparky? Either way consider an heroing.

>> No.1501254

Not sure how I offended you but you should go suffocate in a bag of dicks...
I'm gonna assume you are another drunken drywaller mad at the world for being your own failures.

>> No.1501267

2nd year. Used to be real hectic, now i am basically doing routine maintnance. Easies job ever compared to press shop and on site assembly in heighs.

>> No.1501276
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Felling is easy but chopping the wood into pieces on steep terrain ain't

>> No.1502184

And you're proud of it? Killing innocent people

>> No.1502206

shoutouts from waterdown

>> No.1502382

Sorry, pissing in bottles and hiding piss bottles in walls is only difficult if you have a big dick. None of you drywallers are girthy enough to have a problem doing what you non toilet trained disgusting subhumans do.

>> No.1502651


>I didn't go 11B because my ASVAB was to high.

You're exactly the same as those faggots.

>> No.1502654


>> No.1502656


Coyotes don't deserve to be grouped with nuisances and pests. They are something below, a class of its own. I don't have a name for it, but there are no words to describe the spite I feel for those creatures.

>> No.1502687

Commercial able-bodied seaman.
No, definitely not the "toughest"

I'm trying out for the local ironworker's union in 10 days...for the 2nd time.
>hucking 85 lbs of rebar for half an hour
>tying rebar
>written test
>climbing a ladder, walking the iron 14 ft up, and hoisting a 50 lb bucket
>simple knots

42 applicants. 28 made it in my first tryout.
Practicing tying rebar, and hiking uphill on a treadmill (my calves were on fucking fire during the tryout) and I will land this apprenticeship.

>> No.1502699

you need to pass a test to join the union in the US?

>> No.1502775

For a couple I’ve looked into, yes. You have to tryout for the apprenticeship

>> No.1502780

I used to landscape in Netherlands (fun but can't do it till 70 yo), now live off the money I made (back in my cheap as fuck motherland) and study engineering. I couldn't care less about drywallers.

>> No.1502781

Or at least I couldn't do it till 70 yo, I'm barely average athletically (compared to other manual labor workers, not to the office drones).

>> No.1502921 [DELETED] 


There is no such thing as flatland where I live.

>> No.1502926


>He's fat

The two times you bucked some trees doesn't count.

Also you have no idea what a hill looks like. We have roads here that only 4x4's with low range can make it up. Even my V8 half ton needs low range on a concrete road.

When we feel an buck trees on those hills you have to tie a rope to every section you buck or even a 12' length goes sliding down, long ways

>> No.1502929

>Air quality so bad that OSHA let us smoke indoors.
holy shit bro thats a new level of fuck.

>> No.1502970


>He has to stick his dick inside the bottle to piss in it

Do you stick your dick into the urinal as well

>> No.1503511

I know it's not considered a trade, but hear me out: Salesman.

I was a Salesman for a few years, and it was pretty fucking bad. We used to talk about how we wished we could just go, do a job, get paid, she go home to have a few drinks/smoke some pot/whatever.... When you're a Salesman, you're constantly worried about meeting your quota, sometimes a daily quota. Your livelihood, your bills, your mortgage or rent, your food... It all depends on whether or not you can sell enough to make it through the week. It's psychologically heavy. You can't go home and relax... You go home and you have to worry about being able to sell enough tomorrow ... Paranoid about whether or not a deal will go down the way it's supposed to... Whether or not the customer will come back and buy whatever you were trying to sell, giving you a little bit for your stress and efforts (I'd get about 10% on the profit, which roughly translates to 3-5% of the actual cost to the customer.)

That shit was brutal. I worked 12-14 hour days, 6 days a week for about 8 years. I lost 50lbs. The worst thing was that i was never promoted past the senior manager position (still required to meet sales quotas) because i was considered a great Salesman, and they couldn't afford to lose their best Salesman.

I got out of it and got into the medical field years ago. I will gladly go into heavy physical labour of i have to ( i worked in a factory for years before i got into sales,) but i will never, ever, ever, ever go back into sales...

>> No.1503549
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I'm not fat just a bit chunky. I buck trees everyday and I have a pretty good idea what a hill looks like, I've cut trees standing on vertical stones
We don't even think about going with trucks there it's only for 4x4 tractors and we use bulldozers to cut roads in the hillside
We buck the wood in 1meter logs for firewood and we just let them roll downhill untill they hit the road or winch them up if there is no road below or if it's in some hole

>> No.1504090

Literally me

>> No.1504135

> harnace

yea I see

>> No.1504243

Sorry man, no sympathy here. I've been fucked by too many sales people in my time to feel anything but hate for 99% of the sales people out there. Most of you assholes don't even take the time to learn your product and them just straight up lie.

See us tradesmen have to work hard while still thinking and then have the integrity to do what we said we were gonna do even if it's tough. All you have to do is place an order talk some bullshit, pass it to the supplier and collect a check. But hey when something goes wrong it wasn't your fault right.

>> No.1504318

CS is a very apples to oranges comparison to a lot of the things in here.
High stress computer science is hard. I remember nearly shooting myself over a machine learning problem that needed to be solved RIGHT NOW, but there was weird data constraints and our startup was about to be dissolved and I had to solve weird math I barely understood FAST OR ELSE.
The company didn't make it, lol.
Unstressful computer science is easy. My new job is fixing email and printer servers for angry old lawyers, and rebooting their computers. My coworkers who are younger say it's soul sucking woth no advancement, but I make as much as I did before, and haven't once wanted to kill myself.
I suppose before I was still young and after glory and "not wasting my potential".

I think steel forge sounds like the hardest thing in this thread.
I suppose there's a psychological torture and physical torture 2d graph.
Steel forge would get a lot of psychological torture points from the noise and repitition, with obvious physical torture.
Stressful CS would be high phycological mainly, though extreme stress programming has destroyed my health a few times.
Unstressful CS is the bottom of the chart. Literal lawyers arguing with you on what's wrong with their computer is slightly draining, but not that bad comparatively.

>> No.1504319

>>close to a deep purple hue
>>skin is shimmering and shiny
>>throbbing almost
Sounds mildly homo erotic

>> No.1504343

>never gain any weight
Because they are junkies

>> No.1504477
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Another thing I do is charcoal. The quality of the air is bad

>> No.1504600

... your joking right?

>> No.1504601

I fucking agree.

>> No.1505065

It's probably safer due to the cigarette filter

>> No.1505072

Safety man here. Can confirm I'm one of those assholes you think are powertripping but is just laughing internally while I'm on the clock getting paid for looking to call people out on shit they absolutely must amend.

>> No.1505082

ahh so that's where stores get the $20 5lb bags of "natural charcoal" instead of compressed wood chips.

>> No.1505091

Manlet plumber here. 5'6. What about me, am I supposed to bring a stepstool to the job?

>> No.1505128

This guy gets it.

This thread is the saddest nu-male shit I've seen here. This reads like a bunch of women trying to one-up each other with childbirth stories. It's a fucking anime forum, for God's sake. The guys with truly real, difficult jobs are out doing them.

>> No.1505133

your supposed to do all the attic work

>> No.1505134


>It's a fucking anime forum, for God's sake


>> No.1505430

shingle roofing, hands down, and it don't pay shit

>> No.1505449

Third world crack head

They get used as septic tank cleaners. No safety equipment other than their pants and shirt. If they even had a shirt.

>> No.1505451

>They get used as septic tank cleaners. No safety equipment other than their pants and shirt. If they even had a shirt.

that reminds me of old time chimney sweeps who were usually small boys. First there was some kind of testicular cancer they got, then there was some reason that they were supposed to clear the soot above them as they went up, meaning they inhaled a lot of it, and finally they would sometimes get stuck. Occasionally when an old building is torn down they will find a skeleton in a chimney, but usually they'd try to tear out the bricks and get the guy out before he died, because when you get jammed like that sometimes you can't breathe too well.

>> No.1505455

4chan was made for anime regardless of the board, friend

>> No.1505466

>There's a reason every toolmaker you'll ever meet will be crazy, an alcoholic or an asshole.

I worked in t&d from 95 to 06 and I pretty much covered all 3 of those. I always hear the "well, you always have that skill to fall back on if you ever need a job.". I tell them I'll suck dicks at a truck stop for a living before I'd go back to that.

>> No.1505708


>I tell them I'll suck dicks at a truck stop for a living before I'd go back to that.

I kind of understand what you are trying to say but you need to realise that not everyone shares the same hobbies that you do.

>> No.1505944

Restoration can be a real fucking bitch
>scriping up 90 year old asbestus tiles
>while wearing an oxygen mask
>and suited up in a vinyl suit
>have to strip down and shower if yoi want to leave your room
>you only get to drink water before you go in and when you have a lunch break
Seriously when your sweating your balls off, thirsty as fuck and exhausted you lose your shit, i tore my shit off and just walked out once i thought i was gonna have a brain aneurism

>> No.1506628

Honestly grunts and sailors do almost no work, a couple months a year you go in the field and its pretty gay, but other than that its just a whole lot of waiting around.

>> No.1506704

get a load of this guy

>> No.1506727

the hardest thing about any trade is dealing with guys like >>1496071 and >>1505128 who aggrandize their own work ethic and expect people to match their own inflated efforts. work hard not smart type guys who make everything much harder than it needs to be because you're not a pussy, right?

>> No.1506734

That's not true, St Paul local 34 plumber. Just ran gas today for a lab.
I think there's a btu limit, as well as what the pipe is serving.

>> No.1506747

Oil, or NatGas?

>> No.1506752


They are the kind of guys that walk around talking about work and telling everyone else how to do their job.

>> No.1506810

Regarding outdoor work my vote goes for jobs in the mountains like mining and logging and at sea like fishing, they are both physically and mentally exhausting jobs
Regarding trades and industry I think steelworks is the worst

>> No.1506817

Always feel conflicted explaining illustration to a plumber, like no matter how good you are at draftsmanship or figure painting or composition or even getting likenesses from real life or reference easily you always know in the back of your head to never complain because these guys literally soak their hands in shit almost every day. I try to treat working men and women with respect if they come into my household, thank you for fixing my house guys.

>> No.1506945


>> No.1506953

Former millwright here

>that diddly feelerino

My work boots (ariats) fell apart in 5 months just from walking around in all the different chemicals.

>> No.1506958

Meat processing work.
Not the “toughest” but total shit fucking job.

Being a slave to the pace of a factory line, and the non-stop repetative motions tear your body up.
>live hanging chickens
Every guy I knew who worked that job had swollen knuckles, loss of feeling, carpal tunnel and arthritis
Running 70-100lbs of tubs nonstop. Stacking, picking up and carrying, dumping.

>> No.1506959

Man fuck that. And then yall cone in the gas station smelling like litteral shit.

I couldnt do it. Hopefully it paid descent at least

>> No.1506960

Ahhhh fuck that horse shit. Thems 200 bucks!

>> No.1506963

Kek. Anytime bruh.

Not exactly a trade but i moved and delivered furniture for a high end (real fucking hardwood heavy af shit.) Company. Was a pretty sweet gig tho. Could work 7 10s if you wanted and while moving furniture does suck a lot of ass it's a good workout. And you bust ass for 20 minutes to an hour and then set in the truck riding around town for an hour. Was in wichita and 90% of our clients were bored military wives at tthe base. I wish i was a piece of shit. I'm like a 4 on a good day and OMFG them are some thirsty bitches. Well over 3/4 of them would try and get us drunk. It was fun af. My driver bro took lortab for his back and would normally nurse a beer while me and some hot young military wife killed a case.

>moving entertainment centers while shitfaced.
>do not recomend

>> No.1506966

Can confirm. Mining at a fucking dust manufacturing facility (linestone rock quarry) is absolute cancer ridden aids.

You do get to play with dynamite and pilot real life Tonka toys tho. And learning to run equipment means i can be a hobbled up fuck like i am and still make double minimum wage sitting on my fat ass in the ac

>> No.1506974

Yes. Mainly oil but there's a few gas pockets. If i can figure out who the fuck owns my mineral riggts and buy the. I'm drilling in a known gas pocket and praying for oil. If not i get the hookup on a drilling rig and used shit to coble a jack together. For 100k I'll never pay for electricity, gas, or water again and have my mancave/shop and heater 70°year round. I can see 6 pumpjacks from my house and i can hear one from the south where i can't see any jacks. So because someone is a lazy cocksucker who doesn't know what a greese gun is i know i have 7 around me in all directions. Will cryblike a bitch if it's magically a dry hole. But, my best friend has a pulling unit and plugs wells. Plugging it wouldn't cost shit and most wells around here are under 2,500'. With his new rig we can go down to like 5,000 if we need to. I might be able to sell it for 50k for an injection well tho so odds of fucking up are real slim and rewards are fucking phenomenal. It's kind of a no brainer but me and the wife only make 60k a year and we're tryibg to buy another rental house.

>> No.1507047

You... You're kidding right? I'm a resi/light commercial plumber and I've seen you fucks work. Toppers of keks I'd say rod busting, definitely hardest job. I did it for 5 days and fuck me I never worked harder in my life. But definitely not smoking crack and calling drills "guns"

>> No.1507085

I'm from eastern europe and we still have some lime kilns around for making quicklime. It's hell on earth

>> No.1507288

Underwater welding

>> No.1507441
File: 3.86 MB, 4128x3096, 32B1DF65-5EDF-4B66-B231-A8FBEDBB43A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh whatever.
4 hours of dive time a day. And the polarity makes it easy as shit to weld underwater.
You spend more time getting shit ready on a dive crew than doing the actual job.
>hurr stick welding underwater is hard
>so is tending umbilical
Gtfo, you DIT greenie.

>> No.1507453

>And the polarity makes it easy as shit to weld underwater.
Shop welder here, how different is it from normal stick welding? Is it even? I thought about doing some sketchy shit with a bucket to find out but I realized this might be a bad idea.

>> No.1507478

You don’t need to manipulate the rod like you have to for stick welding, like overhead and vertical welds.

It’s just point and shoot.
Also, don’t go to “underwater welding/dive school” it’s not a super badass job, and welding underwater on the job is extremely rare.

>> No.1507481

Huh, that's pretty cool
Didn't intend to, that job looks like a pain in the ass more than anything and also I hate water

>> No.1507484


>> No.1508230

thought mexicans pretty much owned those jobs

>> No.1508659

I just got into the Ironworkers union today.

Top of the class. I’m stoked.

>> No.1508817


This happened to me as a gyprocker in West NSW. I'm a ranga too

>> No.1508824

Yeah those guys are pretty insane. They have to be kept at pressure in these little pods for weeks at a time and if they go outside the pod they die. If something happens it takes a couple of days to depressurize no matter what.

>> No.1508958

No, that’s called saturation diving. That’s not underwater welding.

And did you ever learn grammar?

>> No.1509043


There's something about trying to rush something that has non existent tolerances that if you fuck up goes in the scrap bin and you get to start from scratch, that just makes people want to drink. This is one line of work that is so unique its hard to even explain to people sometimes.

I've been working at shim/sharpen place for the past few years, its a nice change of pace but still a little hectic when you're the one who gets championed to go fix a press that's holding up $8k/hour when its stamping.

Should probably add hearing loss and balding to that list. Atleast 95% of people in this trade are bald/balding.

>> No.1509044

Electric safety man here.
"Greetings, customer! You have been haunted by grave danger but worry not, for am i have spotted and protocolized the danger. Oh, the whole plant production goes this machine? Oh, it has to be stopped and causing millions of financial damage? Well then, dear sir, lo and behold these §§, for am i have the power to stop this shit at once before one of your workers maims himself and sues your shit and your plant and you see wrath like no other than a fist of God Almighty so help me OSHA. So don't tell me i didn't saved your ass right now, pal - you can of course reject my offer, then i really don't care, because i have you warned and it stands on paper so any lawyer that wants something from me can piss off. G'day."

>> No.1509182

I'd wager heavy duty mechanic with a welding ticket has the hardest job if they're in the middle of nowhere. You literally work 24/7 in some communities, for insane pay, mind you. But if you're in a garage you're probably not getting that much money and you're probably drowning in parts.

For general sweat work, I'd guess at either (new) industrial plumbing/pipefitting and electrical. For crappy, thankless work: Probably those two same ones but residential. Plumbers dealing with actual shit and electricians shocking themselves to death on residential shitbox fuses are nasty bits of work.

I don't have a trade but I'm training for Millwright.

>> No.1509232

HD fleet mechanic in middle of nowhere here. Currently working 100+ hrs/wk. I repair trucks, loaders, telehabdlers, pickup trucks, cranes, and everything in between. All of the parts are heavy, the vehicles are dirty and greasy, working underneath 20 tons of steel is dangerous as fuck, and management expects every mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic problem to be easily fixed at a moments noticed. I don't mind the work so much, but the stress is pretty awful.

I just recently purchased a home with an attached 4400 sq ft shop that I hope will be lucrative in the future.

>> No.1509477

Masonry. 1 day i did 128,000 lbs of units myself. Thats one-hundred twenty-eight thousand pounds. All by hand. All precision work. Every unit i picked up and placed into place by hand. Beat me bitches.

>> No.1509592

Sounds like you only worked the job a day.

Enough to keep count of every little bit of work you did.

It’s bricks... sheesh. Sooo heavy individually.

>> No.1509685

>they don't plasterboard (drywall) and plaster

>> No.1509999

Yeah I've only been doing drywall for 5 years and not wearing a mask or gloves has caused lots of health issues

>> No.1510254

It's not a true siesta, but it is true that in the middle of the day people avoid going out and doing much.

>> No.1510257

If i take the mask off, will you die?

>> No.1510294

So your boss then?

>> No.1510307

Drywalling isn't fun but it's far from toughest trade. Any number of trades is more dangerous AND strenuous, from industrial welding to roofing to logging.

>> No.1510331
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>it's far from toughest trade

If you're the new guy and they make you sand walls all day long, it's as strenuous as any job there is because you never get to stand around waiting for anything. I actually heard a sub-contractor say that's how he evaluates new hires.

Heaven forbid they are sadistic and make you just do ceilings all day. If you have never used pic-related on a ceiling, it's a special type of hell.

>> No.1510367



>> No.1510368

Because it's pleb teir if you are smart enough to not die

>> No.1510370

Not him but almost 30 hours non stop. Ice storm. The only breaks i got were calling in welder bros with sorry about my dick pickups to power life support for the hospitol and help coble together wood heat for the bursing home.

Had that shit nice and toasty so much so that i threw a piece of tin against me and my bros tied together modified smokers and slept for 4 hours comfy as fuck. Wet.

>> No.1510372
File: 750 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181206-102435_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suffocate in a bag of dicks.

That can be arranged....

>> No.1510373


tunelling rice farmers with ak 47 poping up all over and diging pungy pits


>> No.1510374

Please. I learned to piss in 1 liter bottles just as the faggot bitches closed the neck off to 20oz sized lids. It's awkward and takes practice. But like anything else you get used to it.

>throw piss bottles in ditch.
>pipeliners and noxious weed sprayer noobies leave windows open.
>laughs for piss smelling days

>> No.1510376



Mangy nasty ass cattle killing mutherfuckers. My boss thanked me for lutting a gun rack in my office and mounting a solar panel with a coyote call next to my office.

I get about 1 or 2 of these faggots a week.

Kilss my bros cows, my birds, and fucks with my dogs.

Kys coyote cucks.

>> No.1510378

>No, that’s called saturation diving. That’s not underwater welding.
And how are those mutually exclusive exactly?

>> No.1510380

Hey man. I was raised to work hard. Busted my ass and almost never was outworked. Got injured and cant work till i die. At 24 i had to find another way. Study personal finance and investing. Books are cheap and i read slow and not well. Make half an hour a day to read before bed. Free yourself from wagecuckery. All of you for that matter.

All busting ass ever got me was under a dollar more and everyine elses fucking work.

Bust ass at work and bust ass 5 times as hard studying after.

Forgoe that new car. Drive a 10 year old beater and save for repairs. Fuck the nice house. Rent a storage unit and live in a shithole apartment.

Look around you anons. If you are like me then everyone you know has a nice car, nice house, boat camper, etc... and they owe on all of these. The system os set up so before they pay it off they will refinance thier hone and/or consolidate debt to get nicer shit.

Fuck that shit!

Suffer. Grind. Don't live without but invest every fucking dime you can. Get out of bad debt and learn how to get into good debt.

I am nowhere near retirement anons but my investments have netted about 15k this year. It'll all be reinvested but damn it feels good to know that in a few short years i will live not only better than i do know. But smoke my fucking peers investing more than they can ever hope to make wagecucking while STILL paying myself a weekly check more than they even make.

It's easy. The hardest part is putting in the effort after and 80 hour work week. But i tell yall it's worth it.

I work 75 hours and after work today i have to drive 1 hour 1 way to repair a dishwasher. Do i want to drive to hours, work an extra hour, and be tired as fuck when i finally get hone after a 16 hour day? Fuck no. But after the initial work provided nothing else goes wrong that rental pays me $500 for that dishwasher repair and fixing a leaking sink.

It's a lot of stress and headache. But with a littler work i made $250 an hour.

>> No.1510382

He's the reason they all are 2 feet above your dick and 2 feet below

>> No.1510383

Stopped at salesman.


>> No.1510384

This. Done both. Being a salesman for 3 months was shit. All u do is make people trust you and lie your ass off.

I told all of my customers i meeded their paperwork to correct sone shit. Gathered it all up and burned it while calling them back and telling them they pay us to lie and mybad.

I was damned good at it too. Never sold shit and out of 35 people i got the sales job. Then told them to suckit.

It's like making a new friend and then instantly betraying them.

Fuck sales.

>> No.1510387


How many teeth they got?

>> No.1510388

Kys safety cuck. Nobody likes you and 90% of your rules and job is just faggot

>> No.1510390

Well no because i will be doing the plumbing. I'm only 5'10"

Ladder > vietcong tunneling my fat ass.

My brother in law gave me a fold up military shovel for christmas. After the 3rd break i welded it solid. There's fucking charlie tunnels under my house. Like 2 miles worth. Feels like 500 digging em

>> No.1510391

Kek. Agreed. Only did a few roofs and fell off of 2 of them so i quit that shit. Concrete is gay. Tower climbing (why do yall not just base jump down?

Also, anon can probably confirm bucking hay bales and stacking in barn roofs cucks pretty much any manlet job in this thread

>> No.1510393


>> No.1510394
File: 44 KB, 750x460, cfghcfgj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metal cutting mechanic is up there.
>Overtime every day
>Always in stress because you have to run from machine to machine, still have to be focused
>Write one wrong line in the code and you can cause damage in the 5-6 digits
>What are weekends
>Air pregnant with harmful cooling agent
>Get cuts which then immediately inflame because of said cooling

>> No.1510401

Why not camel pack or gel battery and washer fluid pump to a 1 gallon water jug???

This is /diy anon. Get your shit together man.

>be my bro
>get job building boats
>get offered gel coating job because he is bust ass.
>$10 raise.
>however: is like 140° to gel coat. Pays well because cannot keep help. Everyone always sick or just doesn't go back.
>anon gets all the overtime he want's
>tells me anon, you are pretty handy, how to fucking not die.
>spend an afternoon considering all sorts of options.
>finally get best idea.
>tells his boss he will do it. And help boss cool his hot office if they buy a 220c ac window unit.
>wat? Anon you cant cool the heated gel room....!
>shut up boss i wont. And shut up. Gimme it. And $12 raise and we have a deal.
>let me see wtf u are on about and okay.
>anon pretty much is glued to gel coat gun while in the gel room
>gallon gun and has odd little spring line to take up gun weight.
>run coolbot and vent to boss office. >Other vent runs 2 hoses to circulate cold air into bros hasmat suit
>digital control box.
>digital fan in boss office and vent the extra to the suit when under 65°
>bro lasts a week and then oversees construction of 8 more booths and put in charge of seperate gel facility.
>assholes now pay shit wage but everyone is comfy in gel rooms and they contract out to others.

Kek. Beer drinking project landed him high 6 figures and i get in on any and all innovation meetings and free reign of entire operation.

Probably should have went it on our own but startups are stressfull and now we got a business partber with bottomeless pockets. At our level of investments anyway

>> No.1510402

Heh. Yeah that shit is rough. Worst we have here is ag lime and tha k fuck we dont make it on purpose

>> No.1510403

Miner here. Can confirm. 98% male profession (counting scale ladies) and top 5 or 10 mpst dangerous jobs on earth.

Yet we still have fucking cowboys doing dumb shit like not locking out and the climbing balls deep into a tail pully to weld on shit...

>> No.1510404

Grats anon! Prepare for the grind. Work hard. spend money on literature on how to invest that money. Be ironworker for a coupke years and retire making more than your bosses while sitting on your nuts at home.

>> No.1510405

Got a bro that does it. WiFi is a life saver. Kek

>> No.1510406

Not him but im 35 and never needed any form of grammer after meme english class in high school. Immediately disreguard proper english or be held as an outcast yankee douche.

Aint and yall is proper grammar here and we don't give a fuck

>> No.1510408

My bro os a highly paid and trained deisle mechanic. Between your own knowledge and a few texts between bros or a quick call to the manufacturer and pretty much anythibg is handled. There's diagrams for everything. Simply too many wires and hoses these days to be dicking around with repair diagnostics manually for 3 days when the computer can say oh, the radiator fan motor is shit. Or wtf ever hydraulics drives it

>> No.1510410

Half way through your post i was going to suggest you get a shit paying job for CAT and work out of your shop/yard on big trucks.

If near an interstate i highly suggest you just get a rocked lot next to a truck stop and do mechanic work /vinyl / chrome shop

>> No.1510412

I want to you larping faggot.

>i moved and precision stacked 64 tons of stone by hand
>a fully loaded 18 wheeler semi and a half load
>nearly 4.5 10 wheeled dump trucks like you see running around town all of the time.

i am a miner and i used to have a truck and idgaf if you had 24 hours. No man on earth could even shovel 64 ton of rock in a day. Even if it was mansand with an aluminium shovel.

Insufferable fucking larp...

>> No.1510414

If uou want quads again id quit that shit. Thats like mesothelioma. Kinda like the silicosis im going to die from. Shit gets embeded in your lungs and don't come out. Its a slow and painful death.

>> No.1510416

Thats pretty fuckin inspiring not gonna lie
Im constantly thinking of innovative ways to make my job easier and more comfortable

>> No.1512153

Hanging is easy. Mudding is kinda fun. Sanding is the only real hard part. Kills my lower back.

>> No.1512215

The co I'm working for doesn't do it anymore, but I think it's due to liability

>> No.1514276
File: 5 KB, 275x183, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not hard so much as dangerous
Navy ship gas tank cleaner
>temporary contract job to clean gas tanks of navy ships
>after all gas is drained, go down to engineering, open the floor, open the hatch and crawl inside the gas tank itself
>crawl on your stomach for 100ft or so before its opens up into a slippery metal cavern the size of a small building
>literally gas tank spelunking
>if you slip and get hurt , theres no way out, your fucked

>> No.1514284


Why don't Americans finish plasterboard with finishing plaster/skimming?

It's really not that hard to pick up when you're just doing it on fresh board.

Surely it's got to be more cost effective to just skim plasterboard in one hit, as opposed to going over the joints 2, maybe 3 times, waiting for it to dry and then sanding it all?

I don't get it. Why is drywalling standard practice when it's clearly a massive ballache and far more time consuming?

>> No.1514285
File: 22 KB, 980x600, skimming-plasterboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot to add picture, for those that aren't sure what I'm talking about

>> No.1514286

>It's really not that hard to pick up when you're just doing it on fresh board.

I can't refute your claims, but why doesn't some Croatian come to america and undercut all the mexican crews and get rich doing it the easy and fast way? Believe me, the industry would switch to your cheaper method overnight.

which makes me think you are probably full of shit about that "easier" and "faster" part. It's not that hard to show superiority when there's that much money to be made, so do it.

>> No.1514349

Physically removing osha fags solves that problem. Tell him to come back with a cop or don't come back.

>> No.1514394
File: 37 KB, 624x351, towerdawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a real job ya fookin alchie meth head.