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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1493714 No.1493714 [Reply] [Original]

Scenario: you're in a rural environment and completely self sufficient, however, you're going to be under siege by a gang of roving bandits (50-100 men) who are equipped with small arms (rifles, pistols) as well as improvised explosives.

Your goal: use your /diy/ skills to defend your land and counter the bandit menace. What would you build?

>> No.1493731

lava moat

>> No.1493732

Build a killdozer and you are save

>> No.1493736


Please take this to /tg/.

>> No.1493738

Hows it going over there in South Africa?

>> No.1493744

Mine field

>> No.1493786

Pretty sure 50 men are enough to overrun you or well starve you out of fuel and then go for it.
That is not what /tg/ is for.
Would only last for so long.

>> No.1493790

Then you're going to die. Now take this bullshit somewhere people might actually want to larp it.

>> No.1493804

Blow it out your candy ass, pansy.

>> No.1493876

Cool, haven't seen a South Africa thread in a while

>> No.1493888
File: 27 KB, 312x445, 81nDd-rEW-L._SY445_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would you build?
An escape tunnel.

Or an escape vehicle.

Or a radio to call for help from my > 50-100 friends who are also equipped with small arms (rifles, pistols) as well as improvised explosives.

Seriously, what is one person going to do vs a fucking siege? Is this some kind of prepper larping session? Go to /k/ they love that shit.

>> No.1493892

Can you please stop bullying me?

>> No.1493894

The mine field would last as long as it needs to. Once the first guy gets blown up they are going to move on to a less dangerous target.

>> No.1493899
File: 136 KB, 1080x540, berlin-brothel-seeks-tester-news-house-03-25-15-1104930-TwoByOne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A brothel.

>> No.1493978

Does anyone have plans for diy mines? Just want to check feasibility.......

>> No.1493982

I don't build shit, I pack the car and bail.
This isn't the movies, one man can't hold out against 50-100 no matter what. The only way to survive alone is to get moving and keep moving.

>> No.1493984

How many able bodied frens and senpai do I have with me?

>> No.1494030

A thousand idiots, like you, would be useless.

>> No.1494031

Burn down my land and make it look like I've abandoned it when in reality I'm hiding in a vietnam-esque foxhole fucking OP's mom.

>> No.1494044

considering i would have undoubtedly already built a bunker i would seal the entire house and watch as the bandits enter, waiting for a good number inside i would flip a switch that releases a thick metal door hanging between the front door and the house then another switch that releases ammonia and bleach through a sprinkler system

>> No.1494115

Remotely controlled dud rifles that will draw their fire away from me, then silence my rifle as best I can and start picking them off.

Of course, you would die no matter what you did.

>> No.1494135

First of all, Ha-Ha walls surrounding you and a bridge.
Fill the hole with poisonous bushes and barbed wire.


>> No.1494341

Your only option is to hide. You don't build anything because that's just a target. You could hold up in the safest castle in the world and it will become a prison.

>> No.1494344

Fire pit. Full auto tracking bb guns. Metric fuckton of them. Distracting and can fuck vision. Armored ar 15 Gatling gun made with computer controlled instead of rotating barrels. Large armored 6 gun combo with ar 15 / 12 guage / and 4 .22lr guns fire all with 1 trigger pull. Flamethrowers and diy explosives. Etc.

Goal 1 would be mame all threats and then casually pick them off

>> No.1494345

Fuck that piece of shit stuckdozer. You want an armored track hoe. Get rekt

>> No.1494347

Run self destruct to heart monitor.


>> No.1494348

Kek. Nice try fbi

>> No.1494349


>> No.1494378

Underground house, several exits, tunnels, stone doors, booby traps, firing holes, surpressed firearms.

House site should first be scoured of dirt to bedrock. Construct stone block house on top of this. Site should have a lower elevation nearby. Cut trenches in bedrock to direct water there, as well as drain holes in the lowest level.

From here construct tunnels same as house, leading all over property. One tunnel should lead to a rocky outcrop by a pond.

Construct drinking water cisterns, just a wall, floor and sides lined with bentonite clay.

Construct storage rooms, workshops, armories, prison/dungeon, interrogation rooms, hydroponics facilities, battery rooms, etc.

Walls should be 4 feet thick, 7 feet tall (unless you're freakishly tall, or ok with shorter ceilings). Stone with lego-like things so they stack easy. No mortar, chip each to fit, then spray interior and exterior with shotcrete to stabilize.

Room size should be narrow or supported by columns.

Not sure how to do roof of stone, or ventilation. Would probably just cut into arch shape and crane into place, then cut a slope into top.

Walls and roof need to hold hundreds of thousands of pounds of soil. Keep rooms small, buttress everything!

Nearby on the other side of a hill construct a hidden underground pumped hydro storage station, and your official house. Include a few covered trenches (half tunnels) for quick escape to various areas, not all towards fortress to avoid tipping off enemy.

Once its all built, cover it with lots of tar, plastic covering, and bentonite clay.

Then cover it with dirt. As you do this put gravel and drainage pipes and fabric down for the water drainage/control areas.

Plant trees that grow fast and have shallow root systems. Bonus if they keep people out - thorny bushes, poison ivy, poison oak. Or fence it off and make it goat, pig, and chicken pasture. Plant a few fruit or olive trees. Don't build structures.

>> No.1494400


Plan is to flee when raiders come, then poison food, water cistern by official house, livestock. Snipe those who try to flee or are leaders, experienced woodsmen, or too smart. Kidnap drunk ones for interrogation, slaves, surgical practise, or baby makers if female.

Always stay sharp, and leave lots of ways to slow down raiders and spot them when they first arrive.

Beware of doggos, but try to capture rather than kill them. They are useful, though they are very good at finding your hidey holes.

Compost your poop and dead raiders, it's good for the soil. Grind bones into bonemeal for plants, but dump teeth with plastic or non-gold metal fillings.

Make sure your tunnel and trench systems are separate. Have multiple trench systems. Covered trench is just that, a trench with reinforced walls, a cover 1 foot above the top of the walls supported by posts, and soil on top of that. Good for firing on enemies and hidden patroling.

A stone door is a large vertical stone block with a protrusion in its top and bottom. This protrusion fits into holes in the floor and ceiling, and serves as the hinge. You can put the hinge towards a side but it is hard to counterweight correctly.

Very easy to lock these doors behind you with steel wedges, or log braces that fit into holes in the floor and door. Take days to get one open.

If a raider finds an entrance, kill him before he can alert others, or get them all in there, go above and around them, seal the entrances to that room, and block the ventilation. It will take a few hours for them to die, you can speed it up by building a small fire over/in the sole unclosed ventilation shaft, then pushing the coals back into it and blocking it with soil. Should be dead or unconsious in about 30 minutes, but the longer the better.

You can leave holes to dump bleach, and then ammonia. Mustard gas is heavier than air, very useful here.

>> No.1494402

Interrogate raiders before killing them if possible, some may have useful skills. If you need one alive and you can't trust him, cripple him using a Calicrate goat bander to remove fingers, toes, limbs, and tongue as needed. An engineer doesn't need 2 legs.

>> No.1494454

Best option would be moving all your important shit into your hideously expensive bunker. Then you rig up a vaguely convincing fake house with explosives and hope enough enter the decoy so you can blow them to hell and hope the survivors are scared off. If they fail to take the bait or you are unable to detonate it with most of the 50-100 in your decoy shitshack, the survivors will be pretty pissed and probably torture you to death after busting your bunker.

>No man is an island, castles mostly worked by delaying the enemy until the cops/your neighbors could get their shit together and chase them off

>> No.1494465

Isn't building underground pretty expensive?

>> No.1494470

easy. land mines and computer controlled turrets. best defense is a good offense.

>> No.1494546

invest time in digging a moat or other sort of boundary feature.
build hugglekulture (not sure on the spelling) mounds around the perimeter of my property as cover from small arms.
between which (choke points) I would have dug punji stick pits and other booby traps
Have a number of trenches pre dug to retreat to and make a stand

Typically an attacking force will lose 3 to every 1 on the defensive. But I would expect any such force such as a 50-100 men to try and take a small holding by force. I'd worry about a couple of guys making themselves useful and helping out for a few days then getting my throat slit in the night.
The best defense is have your lines defined and don't let anyone else in!

>> No.1494547

depends on the quality you want

>> No.1494653

Bullet proof rv. Just stay on the lamb. 50 men vs one? Pack a flame thrower and catch them all funneled into one spot.

>> No.1494842

>50-100 men

There's a big problem here. In the modern age in civilization, barriers to prevent people from getting inside are time-based. The stronger they are the more time it takes for the perpetrator to get in. The extra break in time allows law enforcement to get to the location and deal with the perpetrator. It also allows the home owner to have time to escape, hide in a panic room, or weapon up and protect themselves. In your situation, you won't have someone coming to rescue you and you won't be able to hide in a panic room. Thus, your only options are to escape or fight back directly.

The main problem is that with modern technology and equipment, there's not much you can do to keep these people out if they really want inside. All they'd need to do is get a bulldozer or wrecking ball and smash into your place. That's because they have all the time in the world to crack your nut, since no law enforcement is on its way. They don't need to siege you by climbing over way, they don't need to starve you out. Since they have explosives they can just excavate you in a fairly short amount of time.

Your best bet is to have a "good" defence to give you some time, a distraction that holds there attention as long as possible to make them think you are still inside (prerecorded message and insults you can play on loud speakers that doesn't loop for a long time), and multiple hidden escape routes to get the fuck out of there.

If you wish, you can Home Alone the place up so that it maims and kills people once they are inside and you are long gone. Poison gas would probably be the best bet for that.

First good post for legit reality, brother.

>> No.1494846

chemist here
I would use:
>dispersed explosive compounds
>absolutely terrifying fire weapons
>truly horrific chemical weapons

that's about it. I would hole up in a fireproof saferoom with NBC protection and then just wait for the fireworks. the hardest part would be cleaning up without dying.

>> No.1494856

The answer is obvious.

1) A deeply buried bunker, that fulfills the following characteristics
- Cannot be found, unless you have specialty equipment
- Cannot be excavated, except with a bulldozer and hundreds of hours
- Enough food/water/air to live for several months
2) A minefield, that can be activated whenever you flip a switch

Kill the first 20 with mines, and the rest won't come back.

>> No.1494968

Not them but I visited South Africa once. And I have never in my life seen so much barbed wire, tall fences and cameras. It was almost as if people were worried.

While there I read an interview with a guy whose job it was to provide this security. Turned out he was very, very rich.

Get dogs. You can then feed them what they catch.

>> No.1494979

>It was almost as if people were worried.
If I lived in a nigger-infested city I would be worried, too. Not even "meme-ing" as the kids say.

>> No.1494992

clear entryway, big fuckoff door. they get in ant dry to open the door. its locked. hydraulic door behind them slams down. seals them inside. from the other side of the walls, i turn on my gasoline generators. fumes from them pumped into the room. as they slowly succumb to the noxious fumes, i play hitler speeches over the intercom ive installed in the hall. ive probably played too much rimworld.

>> No.1495040

>Nobody asked about this
What's the budget

>> No.1495041
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>> No.1495288

You just need to build a lake around your property. They will, of course, be able to to get to you, but not fast enough so that you can kill most of them in the process.

>> No.1495407

poisoned wine.

Works every time.

>> No.1495941

Hardcore chemical warfare, chemicals that are somewhat easy to produce and will fuck your shit up irreparably, banned by the geneva convention. Cover concertina in it, surround the entire property in it, plus a minefield and a labyrinth-like entrance to the property that cannot be circumvented, full of gas vents spraying mayonnaise gas up fucking everything.

>> No.1495956

>small arms (rifles, pistols) as well as improvised explosives
If that's all they have then all I need is a deep pit around my base. Wide enough they can't jump over

>> No.1495988

I would find myself a hill, build my house on top of it, and put up a pretty decent wall (medieval style, with crenelations to hide behind and machiculations to shoot down through). I would live with three of my best friends, and have a bigass stockpile of guns and ammo.
I would also have a chemistry lab and a stockpile of gas masks and filters. If these assholes attack me, I'll throw down some mustard gas on them while also shooting at them. Watch schedule is set up so that there are always two men on the wall. The wall also houses a bunch of huge searchlights, enough to well illuminate the hill and some of the surrounding ground. The glare from these lights also offers some cover to the men on the wall during the night. The house is equipped with a well and there are solar panels on everything, angled in such a way that they collect rainwater and direct it into basins.

The key to this defence is to keep the enemy away from the walls. This is why they desperately need to be machiculated, and why chemical warfare is necessary. If someone approaches I need to be able to shoot them, and if they come with some sort of improvised shield, the gas is needed to make them drop it. If they reach the wall they can attach an explosive to it and blow a hole, but if the wall is made from concrete slabs chances are most of the energy will be directed away and the wall will be safe. If their improvised bombs are shaped charges, it becomes even more imperative to not let them close enough to plant them.

>> No.1496001
File: 45 KB, 1343x341, bunker-tunnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step one: Get one of those drills the bongs used to drill a tunnel to France.
Step two: Drill a hole straight into a mountain.
Step three: Litter the entrance with Czech hedgehogs so they can't move armour inside.
Step four: After about fifty metres of normal tunnel, build a wall that divides the tunnel in two, and put gun turrets on it.
Step five: Cross the tunnel off with another wall, and put a steel bunker door on here at an angle, too close to the wall to fit a battering ram in. Behind the bunker door is a short corridor with two pipes to pump carbon monoxide in, and another bunker door.
Pic related.

>> No.1496003

I'm Swedish, so I open my doors to these invaders so as to not seem racist.

>> No.1496006

I use my self sufficiency to barter with local groups at a low cost margin to build a complex and layered social economic defense state in which no rational person would ever assault me and no irrational person could.

Walls in the mind of the populous will out preform any physical defenses.

All the better if I can instantly rally military martyrs to my defense, yet have no one know my name.

>> No.1496049

Smoke grenades/machine/whatever + a bunch of speakers playing recordings of shouting and guns going off. Panic them into leaving.
If that doesn't work, hide.
Smoke stuff is realistic and easy to make, not ridiculous to get a bunch of speakers either (although getting the sounds of shouting/gunshots might be hard).
Combine this with actually shooting at them to add some sort of actual threat.

>> No.1496081

Dual M61 turret on the roof. BRRRT bitches!

>> No.1496091
File: 233 KB, 1442x587, Fort_independence_mass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DESU in such a scenario (small arms, limited artillery/tank danger), you should probably look at the forts of the 1700s. They are designed to channel attackers into multiple fields of defensive fire. I remember seeing this on a documentary and being a bit confused as to how it benefits defenders. Perhaps an engineerfag can help you with this concept. Pic related, but not the best example.

>> No.1496097

The idea behind the star fort is that you can't approach it without being fired upon from at least two directions. For instance if you advance on one of the protruding bits, you can be fired on from either that bit and one of the adjacent ones, or from both of the adjacent ones. If you advance on one of the sunken in walls, you're fired on form both protruding bits. In either scenario you can't take cover from the fire behind something like a pavise or a wagon, because you'd be getting fired on from behind instead.

They're even moderately effective against tanks, because when the tank advances it can be shot on its generally weak sides by antitank rifles from the protrusions. The reason they stopped being used is because they're super vulnerable to indirect artillery. Being invulnerable to a frontal assault is useless when the enemy can shell you from so far away you can't even tell the direction.
It wouldn't work very well in this situation though, you need a lot of men to man it properly. Your enemy could just have fifty men advance on you from two directions with cars with steel strapped on, ISIS style. You could only pin one side down at a time, so the other side is completely open to attack.

>> No.1497400
File: 85 KB, 898x1535, GatePa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the modern pa system worked well against british troops and their artillery.
fight then retreat to the next pa/redoubt
know your area like the back of your hand, the invaders dont know whats round the next bend, but you do.

>> No.1497507

You all are thinking too hard
>Dig moat
>Fill with hard water
>Get generator and make water live
>Build a collapsing bridge

>> No.1497525

Poison, gas (capsaicin), Predator (1987)
Lure them into a small antibullet stronghold and burn the surroundings (research controlled forest burn)
Pick the advices and go to /k

>> No.1497567



>> No.1498324

Never in 10 thousand years would this thread ever have been made by a woman.

>> No.1499747

Why would the barrels have to rotate?

>> No.1499788

Build a wall or bulldoze the terrain to funnel bandits into a choke point.
Adapt a paintball aimbot to actual rifles. Shit loads of them hidden in trees, so they can't all be spotted in advance and disabled by the bandits. Wait for all bandits to be in kill zone then hit "go" remotely with all aimbots.
Basically tower defense. Except the final boss creep is OP's mom.

>> No.1499959

lol. good observation.

>> No.1500004

Realistic version:
-Cut losses, pack up, and get ready for the hard life until I find a new safe place to start over.

Fun version:
-Pack my well hidden underground bunker with a week's worth of food/water/etc, and a couple of guns.
-Cook up some slow-acting but lethal poison.
-Insert poison into the rest of my food stock.
-Head down to the bunker, seal it off.
-Wait for bandits and their dogs to feast upon my tainted food stock.
-Wait for them to die their slow agonizing deaths.
-Emerge from bunker cautiously, just in case anyone survived.
-Add 100 pistols and rifles to my arsenal.
-Collect all the food and tools they were carrying.
-Nail the heads onto trees surrounding my land as a warning to future bandits.

>> No.1500006

Woman version: Show sympathy for the poor starving bandits and offer them food and a place to stay for the night.

Never consider for a second the notion that they might rape/kill you and plunder your land for all it's worth.

>> No.1500201
File: 57 KB, 640x433, punji%2Bspike%2Btrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For $160 for 10 good shovels and like $100 to pay 20 Mexicans for a week you can hire a bunch of Mexicans to make punji stick traps around the property. All they are are sharpened sticks hardened by fire and optinally coated in shit in a hole covered with leaves. You can have 10 Mexicans digging holes, 7 Mexicans gathering and sharpening sticks, 1 Mexican tending the fire, 1 Mexican adding shit to the sticks, and 1 Mexican spiking the traps.

Also nothing beats the molotov in effiency for weapondry. Add styrofoam to some gas for easy napalm.

Even a bunch of holes could trip people up and break legs and shit.

>> No.1500647

doesn't have to be

>> No.1500678

So assuming that I have a lot of time and that they're coming from one direction, I'm building 3 trench lines in a crescent shape facing toward them. The first line they encounter is twice as wide, and twice as deep, filled with spikes. Once they lay boards or whatever they do to get past that the second line is a normal trench which they will descend into to take cover from my fortified machine gun emplacement.

The second trench however, will be wired with barrels full of napalm and explosives about 6 inches under the bottom of the trench, to be detonated once enough have taken cover from my suppressing fire.

After this the trench will be totally blown out and only the third and widest trench will remain, this one will be wired with chlorine gas, to be released en masse once one of the trip wires attached it triggered.

Honestly, at that point I hope I got my 100 guy quota, between machine gun fire the first death trench the gas and the explosives I'd like to think everything went my way

>> No.1500681

I'd build an underground chamber and rig the place with explosives of my own.

I would collect imperial bounty for the ones i killed to repay for my farm

how is a fucking farmer going to withstand 50-100 guys with guns and explosives?

you're fucking retarded

>> No.1500758

A long distance intrusion detection system and mortars in my concealed fort.

>> No.1500920
File: 72 KB, 770x513, 20181009_bunker_bs4_001562178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stronghold - ww2 bunker with 360 coverage of MG and small atilery
run barikades - dragon toths, czech hedgehog, barb wire around property, builte absticles on open field etc
lay mine filds
anon we prepared for nazis and then capitalist to invade us, its in our blood

>> No.1500924

I know how to make a pipe bomb out of a roll of toilet paper and a stick of dynamite

>> No.1502474

Concrete fortress with small steel plated 360dg turret on top with no dead angles, gun them all down with a heavy machine gun as they approach.

>> No.1503475

The double rollers punji stick is the best one imgo.

>> No.1503544

ironically this

>> No.1503695
File: 13 KB, 300x292, simo-hayha-3.jpg.w300h292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>building a fortress
How about supply caches stocked in well hidden but innocuous places in a terrain I know extremely well?

Rather than trying to hole up on a fixed patch of dirt where my fortress would become my tomb...

Basically like pic related

>> No.1504580

Quest threads aren't /tg/
Mostly cause mods=fags.

>> No.1504834

Just go full on japanese like in okinawa. The more hideous your tunnel sistem is the better. Put as many traps and covered positions from where you van take them one by one. Never risk it. Probably after the first 12 or so have been killed they will try to get the fuck out, it's important that they don't have a chance. If your tunneling was hideous enough they won't be able to do so.

>> No.1504836

Sorry, i meant iwo jima

>> No.1505172

you should find and read the book "Militant Tricks." The author gives a plan for a trap building designed to inflict repeated casualties on intruders and win via attrition of field-deployable forces. It was designed in the context of Middle Eastern anti-insurgency, but it would be directly applicable to bugouts, hideaways, and shelters against raiders of any kind. In the daytime, it is a biulding for normal use, like an Office, but it is hardened so that during the night, or attack season, it becomes a deathtrap.

>> No.1505202

i mean maybe not land mines, but trip explosives would work just as well

>> No.1505228

deadly traps that violates laws on warfare.
think pipe bombs with tainted shrapnel.
powerful UV lighting.
chemical weapons such as acids and gas.
defensive/hostile design. think choke points, poisonous and sharp plants. more traps and armored walls with guns poking out tiny holes.
food that will last years.
loud speakers and annoying music.

>> No.1505287

H.U.A head to the hills.

>> No.1505317

I build nothing. I go out and find their camp, fuck their shit.

>> No.1505336

The absolutely most important thing to so is completely clear as much land as possible around your defensible position. If you have a few hundred metres of clearing with no cover or concealment around your position, then you can see your enemy coming, and have a very large kill zone which is impossible to advance through without taking huge amounts of fire. This area should also be able to be illuminated at night, and have discreet markers indicating range at intervals throughout it.

To take advantage of this, you need discipline. Sentries and lookouts must always be posted, and have a way to alert others in the event of an attack, or else your efforts will be wasted. As for defenses, I would consider sectioning off areas with fencing and locked gates. Walls are probably prohibitively expensive. Fortified buildings and trenches are probably the most efficient way of building defenses and they are easy to fall back from.

Just bloody go and watch The Siege of Jadotville.

>> No.1505388

Something along these lines, befriend your local gun club goers, barracked in with more provisions then them, make sure the first floor openings are near enough impenetrable to 50-100 people carrying small arms which isn’t difficult to do unless they bring specialist equipment which is unlikely in this scenario and wait them out while sending out flares, sounding a siren periodically and attacking through upper floor slit-holes till they decide to move onto an easier target or starve out. If they decide to wait out and work in rotation then you’re hoping your external friends can mediate or pick some more off or have with you enough weaponary and improvised chemical/explosive devices to hurt their numbers to such an extent that even rotation is going to help them supply themselves more than your food stocks.

>> No.1505442

Has OP been killed yet by bands of roving nogs?

>> No.1505605

I live.

>> No.1505626

Not entirely true, you're forgetting about enemy morale and desire to continue a siege when there are many easier targets to go for. If you were to set up enough traps or a way to pick them off with while remaining untouched the attackers are going to start worrying if this target is worth throwing more lives or resources at it. I do agree that they would eventually win a siege, but could potentially cripple themselves after throw so much at it.

>> No.1505636

It’s a question of who has the most resources per person. In this scenario of 50-100 marauding people, they’re carrying small arms, food and other resources trying to steal your shit. If you can prevent entry at the lower levels (a smaller house with less windows would actually be an advantage to a larger house) you could take the steel frames (maybe wooden boards in some countries) they use on the windows and door frames of empty homes and put them on the inside instead. Unless the marauding group are carrying welding equipment they’re not gaining entry anytime soon and all you would need to do it loosen a brick above the entry points like slitholes and rain down from above when they tried to penetrate. You can also reinforce the steal frames. They’re not going to wait you out if you have enough provisions as it’s unless they’re rotating between looting elsewhere so as you said you just have to make enough damage to their numbers via loses or medical supplies where rotation becomes an issue.

>> No.1505727

Also you could have barbed wire stored in the attic and bring it out to flood the first floor from ceiling to floor.

>> No.1505868

buy servos, some armor plate steel, infrared camera.
Build armored gun turret with fuckton of ammo. Put it on a large pole. Use OpenCV for automatic target detection.

>> No.1508023

>fortify and fireproof your place
>you need bulletproffglass all around and a roof acces and a strong pumping system
>fill the field all around (360°) with interconnected sprinklers

That's all you'd ever need

>Entering 100 bandit are close enouth
>enable sprinkler douzing them, the terrain, the grass and everything in gasoil
>throw some torch from your roof, most should easly be burnt alive, if some left they wont ask for more.
> fun part the one carying explosives help spread damage, better enable before they reach your walls.
>you can still have a ring of electrified pittraps if u dont feel secure enouth

>> No.1508262
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if your plan is to have them die from laughter, go for it.

>> No.1508423
File: 61 KB, 1200x626, Dragunov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watchtower + enough food and water + this thing.

>> No.1509998

If you have access to chemicals and a basic chemistry knowledge, you can do some wwi warfare (with a gas mask ofc). 100 men can't stand against mustard gas. And if some of them manages to survive, some booby traps, a lot of IEDs, trenches, electric fences and a automatic gun will do the job.

>> No.1510229

just get a gasmask and a bunch of poison gas canisters.

>> No.1510252

>100 men can't stand against mustard gas.
Yeah, I can imagine:
>Anon sprays bandits with mustard gas.
>Bandit boss: "The fuck is this stinky shit!? Let's raid that faggot now!"
>Anon is killed and looted.
>Next day, bandit's face melts.

Or maybe:
>Anon plays with his poisons.
>Thinks gas mask will protect him.
>It doesn't, anon's body melts.
>Anon's fortress is looted.

>> No.1511410

All of these plans would benefit from a cauldron of boiling lead atop a high stone tower.

>> No.1511412

>freezes to death in russian winter