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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 10 KB, 240x223, electrolaser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14919 No.14919 [Reply] [Original]

So, /diy/, I've had this idea for a few weeks now to build a handheld electrolaser. Does anyone have any idea how to go about this? Like what kind of capacitor to use, how to procure or create a laser powerful enough to create an electrically conductive plasma channel, that sort of thing. And what do I do about the electric shock? Do I just strap a tazer on the front like some sort of electrical flamethrower? Any help would be appreciated.

>> No.14980


>> No.14985

>op is gonna kill himself,
>doesnt know about supercapacitors from nanotek
>electrical flame thrower

>> No.14995

Please read the sticky.

>> No.14990


>> No.15004

sorry, brah. It doesn't work that way. Real life is not a star wars cartoon, sadly.

>> No.15009

Eat a dick, I'm trying to conduct lightning research.

It's fairly simple. A laser pulse superheats the air around the beam, ionizing it, which allows you to send an electric charge along the plasma channel created by the beam.

>> No.15010
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>> No.15012

Look it up, faggot, it's a real thing. Just because it seems impossible based on your understanding of lasers doesn't mean it actually is.

>> No.15016

Nitrogen laser is probably the easiest high-power UV laser to build. It doesn't generate a nice beam, though.

>> No.15018
File: 22 KB, 400x424, 1309968789526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, of course. Obviously this totally not the ramblings of a complete lunatic. All this works! Outside of a vacuum too! You be sure to teach them reptilian aliens a thing or two after you make your death ray, bro

>> No.15020

Actually, it does - and actually, it is.

>> No.15024

it doesnt work how you think it does, it only works if you have 2 nodes that it goes across, as in your target needs to be connected to your target by wire also

>> No.15026

Are you dumb, or are you dumb? The target just needs to be grounded.

>> No.15029

This actually ONLY works outside a vacuum. In a vacuum, there's nothing to ionize, so the target is just hit with a super-powerful laser beam.

Awesome. But just out of curiosity, why does it have to be a UV laser? Wait, never mind, I think I figured it out. But couldn't it be, like, an xray laser or something? Or can those not be made on a small scale?

>> No.15031

laser = focused light.

>> No.15039

>doesn't understand how lasers work
Lasers aren't "focused", although the effect is somewhat similar. The difference between laser radiation and radiation that's merely focused through a lens is that in a laser, the photons are all the same wavelength, and are all in phase with each other. At least I think that's how it works.

>> No.15054

>google electrolaser
>find a million youtube videos of rave laser light shows

>> No.15055

no, sending electrical current through plasma requires multiple things, first of all, the plasma needs to be cool, if it is hot it will move too quickly and you will no longer have a plasma channel to send it through, and because of this while you are correct and it doesnt need to be in a vacuum like other anon thought, it does need to be a low pressure and preferably a single type of chemical (possibly super-cooled sodium), and to cross the current through the stream instead of having it continue through the jacob's ladder of a tazer the target needs to be connected to make a closed circuit from one node to another (as in isolating one side of the tazer to be a return current)

>> No.15065

"Because a laser-induced plasma channel relies on ionization, there must be air or some other gas between the electrolaser weapon and the target. Similar to naturally-formed lightning, the extremely rapid heating of the gas that creates the plasma channel also creates a sonic boom that is heard as a loud 'CRACK'."

You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.15066

as in you cant just take a strong laser and shine it through the jacobs ladder of the tazer to make an "electrical flamethrower" the type of laser that could perform such a task as making regular air into plasma would burn through the target anyway

>> No.15075


frankly, I'd rather just throw a rock.

>> No.15077

>guy explains exactly what he needs to do
>insult him and say he doesnt know what he is talking about
this anon is 100% right and you didnt even read what he said, he said you need air but at a low pressure

fucking idiot go back to /v/

>> No.15078

I'm going to exsplain this for the people who don understand becuase I'm not an asshole. You can use a laser to creat a path of ionized air, ionized air has much lower resistance then normal air, electricity always takes the path of least resistance so you can force a lighting bolt to travle in a line so you can zap something

>> No.15079


Yes, that's the basic idea.

Also, not all lasers produce a focused beam. For example, the ordinary diode lasers produce a wide cone. Laser pointers use a lens to convert that to a beam.

>> No.15084

If you made the pulse short enough, you could probably get it to deliver a shock to the target without the laser itself causing too much damage.

>> No.15086
File: 34 KB, 345x369, 1317280774639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I learned something today

>> No.15087
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>playing with electricity

>> No.15088

as that one anon said if you do this it needs to be in a low pressure tube of some sort

l2thermodynamics (not you, but OP)

>> No.15091


>> No.15120

again super strong lasers, as soon as the laser stops the plasma is no more, any particles still converted to plasma disperse and nothing can be sent through it, not to mention those lasers are VERY powerful, we are talking about $3k lasers not something you can make in your shed and again this would make something that would burn the person before you can zap em

>> No.15168

This would depend on the freq of your AC power supply, but air's resistance is pretty damn high. In order to make a beam of lowered resistance, you'd have to lower that value a lot, not to mention they you also are grounded, and it would probably be easier for the electricity to ground over you vs a path of ionized air more than a foot away. So, either throw rocks or buy a stun gun.

>> No.15177

Also, AC power, in your pocket, lol.

>> No.15310

this gun be good

>> No.15326


Ask this guy. He knows everything there is to know about electricity and is very "broish" with his community. You might even get him to make one.

>> No.15550

I wouldn't want someone to make one for me, where's the fun in that? I must make my own. Although I'll definitely ask him about it.

>> No.15606

They have adapters that do that, right?

>> No.15617

Yup. It's called an inverter.

>> No.15647

how many volts you intend to use?
i mean that shit might be cool and stuff (if this actually works) but 1000 volts will jump only 1mm trought our atmosphere
you are not getting anything better than 10cm with a home powered tesla coil

>> No.15655

Did you miss the part about the laser-induced plasma channel?

>> No.15657


>> No.15718

i bet 10 bucks that 1000 volts won't be able to go across much more than 1mm even with that laser
even if goes 5 times further it is still going to be nothing else but a pretty cool toy

and don't say you wouldn't want it to be an actual weapon because we all know we do

>> No.15730

niggers, niggers everywhere!!

Suppose it works. Why, then, have you never saw it then?

Fucking niggers.

>> No.15746

Best bet in my opinion is a high voltage from say a flyback transformer (preferably link two in parallel i think) this will output around say 30 000V max making roughly a 5cm arc. Then somewhere on tinternet is an old manual for building an extremely high powered (UV maybe) laser out of running high currents (costly transformer i believe) through a few nuts and bolts (positioned exactly right)
All in all if you aren't extremely good with electronics etc i wouldn't bother you waste too much money.

>> No.15757

does the ionization has to be laser induced? what do you say about those air ionizers that come with air conditioners?

we could also find some kind of gas that is a good conductor, pressurize it and BAM "eletric flamethrower"

>> No.15774


You, mr. Nigger, might want to check >>15091's video.

>> No.15786

you're fucking retarded:
laser = light amplified by the stimulated emission of radiation.
the thing which makes lasers different from normal light is the fact that all the photons are in phase with each other making them very suitable for exciting things. stop polluting this board with your ignorance. people like you are going to be the cancer

>> No.15793

but our objective is to aim at a surface that wasnt premodified

>> No.15794

>not /b/
>doesn't know the difference
>mfw: iherpedsohardiderped.tiff

>> No.15801

Look up the works of Nikola Tesla (my idol of course an amazing man) Famous of course for the tesla coil in your original picture he also is reported to make weapons that use electricity.

Ionizing the air just won't work well enough your arc would spas uncontrollably without another point drawing it.

A much better work which is why i originally referred to tesla is to send the electricity through the ground. If you get the frequency just right you can control direction an much more but of course i have no where near the knowledge and intelligence to accomplish this.

>> No.15817


It's the OP's objective, not mine.

That kind of device has been suggested for tasering criminals. The operating principle is the same as in the video.

>> No.15819

you have to adjust the frequency based on what?!
i've read that stuff about that tower he used to conduct electricity on the ground but nothing about controlling the "direction" of it. i mean, from what i undertood from that experiment is that you would be able to power anything anywhere just by wiring your device to the ground.

>> No.15918

You're an idiot. Ionized air is a conductor. Look it up before fagging up the thread.

>> No.15935

non ionized air is also a conductor, faggot
if it wasn't tesla coils wouldn't even work in first place

>do you even science?

>> No.15940

...an interesting concept, but the air generated by commercial ionizers isn't nearly ion-y enough to actually conduct electricity. Fully ionized air is called plasma, and if those things put out plasma, it wouldn't be too good for you.

>> No.15949

Tesla coils generate a plasma channel through the air. Same with lightning. The boom is a sonic boom resulting from the rapid expansion of the air.

>> No.15950

they might make it easier
what's the mechanism used on those commercial air conditioners?

>> No.15957

but that's because there's enough voltage between the ground and the coil
with enough voltage even rubber can be a conductor

>> No.15994

I don't even know what you're arguing.

Plasma is a conductor even at rather low voltages. That's what I'm fucking saying. The current travels alooonnggg the plasma channel and drinks your milkshake.

>> No.16922

>be sent here from DIY failure thread
>also will soon asphyxiate from laughter

>> No.16931

One day I will see you on the street and shoot you with my ray gun and you will be sorry you laughed.

>> No.17648 [DELETED] 
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