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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 831 KB, 1836x3264, table new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1479193 No.1479193 [Reply] [Original]

Post what project(s) you're working on lads, working on a side table in my shop class, looking for advice/ideas on how I should attach my apron and legs to each-other/the top.

>> No.1479195
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Just a puukko

>> No.1479197
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And the sheath for it.

>> No.1479199

Is that purple heart at the bottom or some kind of stain?

>> No.1479200

I don't know anything about leather or making sheaths but it looks good!

>> No.1479204

It's purpleheart. The top is curly maple.
Thanks. I've always wanted to make a two-tone sheath. Happy with the results.

>> No.1479215
File: 506 KB, 1920x1440, 20181009_212401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently doing mock-ups for building a wall hanger arcade cabinet. I'm making router templates for everything because a few people want copies made after I finish the first one.

I'm still on the fence about button placement. It'll have a 2 player setup once it's done.

>> No.1479434
File: 423 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181012-094507_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently working on a few side job / hobby revenue streams. Weeds legal in oklahoma so I'm buying some glass and tools off ebay and parts to build a kiln. Everyone is high on the YouTube vids and the china sweatshops have made the glass blowing industry tank. But, if you get good you can still go full time. And everyone in the bids seems like they are having a good time of it.

Im starting with my shitty diy kiln and mal gas bottle making a bottle of gas worth of 1 hitters.

Am i gonna lose moner or at least replace the bottles until i get a good propane rig?

Also bought an electric wheelchair off fb. 100 bucks. Needs batteries. Comes with a $120 charger. Had a wire pop off and bust a fuze.

Cant find pic related for under $500.

The insurance industry has FUCKED everything. Scooters are so fucking expensive. And they are worth shit used. But people are all like well, i paid $6,000 so i want at least $4,000...

They are hard to move but this thing is fun as fuck. Gonna put pvc on the back tires and drift around the shop. Show bros how much fun it is and then trade them for things of value that i can move.

Going to look at 3 tonight if anyone cares. Honestly if you anons find any you should part them out on ebay. Even used prices are shocking. Or if you can get it into south east kansas i may consider purchasing parts / chairs.

I just really need non labor intensive ways to make money since im pretty much a cripple

>> No.1479436

Very nice anon. You should consider posting plans here is u want. I know a few of us would love one in the man cave

>> No.1479438

And i got a phone call and fat thumbed the send button. Sorry for triggering the grammar nazis

>> No.1479459

What keywords are good for finding cheap ones? I'm looking for motors and controllers, can sell the rest. Also I'm no where near you so no competition.

>> No.1479495


I'll try, what's a good free CAD software to draw plans that isn't sketchup?

>> No.1479867

Fusion 360

>> No.1479940 [DELETED] 

OP is a fag and is building a chair he and his 3 lovers can share.

>> No.1480006
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It's a side table my lad.

>> No.1480008
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>> No.1480041

It's upside down. You put the leg into your anus.

>> No.1480047
File: 3.71 MB, 3366x5984, DSC_1007a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needed a desk, made a desk.

Had a spare scaffolding board lying around that I cut down, sanded and routed a rabbet so the equal angle steel would sit flush with the top.

Danish oiled the timber, paste waxed the steel and bolted on some clear coat hairpin legs.

>> No.1480089


Looks good.

>> No.1480125
File: 1.57 MB, 2560x1440, Kbgxgjbdaafgj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current project
Haven't posted recently because of work, but I'm finishing up now.
Currently watching paint dry.

>> No.1480128
File: 1.70 MB, 2560x1440, Sdctgbjkbcx23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the list is electrical box, insulation, walls, ceilings,and block chimney.

>> No.1480130
File: 1.43 MB, 2560x1440, Knhcds58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carport area

>> No.1480143


The guy that delivered the trusses must have been confused when he seen the sidewall height.

>> No.1480145
File: 1.52 MB, 4160x2340, 1539469392419560155775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My toilet flooded my house yesterday while I was at work... Made a thread about it with a pic I found.. here is the garage now. I spent most of last night trying to vacuum water out of the floor... Probably a waste of time.. ripped some drywall and insulation out until I found dry areas, ran to the dump. I'm gonna run a few conduits out of the panel for future stuff.. maybe a welder one day. Gonna have to replace a few 2x4s, insulation drywall, tile for sure and gonna probably put a wood floor in my hall where is just isn't drying with 2 carpet fans and another cheesy one.

>> No.1480146

sorry its sideways... stupid phone but also im on about 4 hours of bad sleep with loud fans on soooo... im not gonna fix it.

>> No.1480149

color choices look like mcdonalds but loooking good other than that

>> No.1480151

them colors...you a nigger or a taco bender?

>> No.1480158
File: 1.79 MB, 2560x1440, JD de vhc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Existing FFA barn, around fifty years old.
Flyover country, everything's either green or white. I like a little color.

>> No.1480182

Sides look good!

>> No.1480770
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Arcade cabinet got sidelined for a bit, I'm building an ammo crate out of alder as a going away gift for a friend. I ordered $200 worth of bar clamps after standing back and looking at this glue-up.

>> No.1480773
File: 879 KB, 2741x1224, IMG_20181014_173514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I built a cuddy cabin for the boat and fiberglassed the insides this weekend. I'm still uncertain whether I'm going to epoxy coat it as is or apply 3/8 Sapele on the exterior.

>> No.1480778


I'm curious as to what you actually ended up keeping from the original barn, it seems like you rebuilt it. Was it still structurally sound to begin with? either way it looks cool, must be nice having a barn

>> No.1480850
File: 1.69 MB, 2560x1440, Knvfd18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kept all of the original structure seen in>>1480158, just added to it. The only repairs needed was the bottom of the posts. I cut off and replaced the bad parts of the posts, raised everything back to level, and reframed all doors and windows.

>> No.1480869
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Just needs a polish and the blade etch

>> No.1480893

As far as button placement goes, I would suggest putting them a bit closer together than pictured. Most arcade enthusiasts will be pretty familiar with the vewlix button layout, and I think you can find templates for that online.

>> No.1480914

No idea. So far just word of mouth. Insurance market has fucked us. I check fb and cl for the brand names, electric wheelchair, mobility scooter.

Judging by ebay your best bet is to part out unless you got time and money to set on them and sell

>> No.1481041

Small project currently but I'm just tearing up pallets to build a bigger desk for myself.
Would it be better to use the existing wood to build the legs or should I just go get some?

>> No.1481083
File: 1.53 MB, 3724x2096, 0DEB92A5-B855-4FDD-A9E5-2161650D81AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I’m using my tools guys!

The wobble extensions I got last week are actually coming in handy because of this Jeep with its engine set way back and a giant plastic air box on top of the engine.

>> No.1481190
File: 3.22 MB, 4032x3024, 57A574BB-6F25-4D10-8950-BB6952BE4E3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me, I’m actually making good use of these things because every other cylinder needs a different fucking extension-wobble-swivel setup to actually get in there.