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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1478055 No.1478055 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here soap? Let’s talk oils, Mica, fragrance, eo, WSW, swirls, ect

>> No.1478057
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It’s officially Wet Soap Wednesday

>> No.1478075

>they fell for the soap jew
>not washing by rubbing oily sand on their bodies
Fucking barbarians

>> No.1478136

Anon, soap hasn't been made out of Jews for decades.

>> No.1478190

Personally I use an unintentionaly vegan recipe, I don’t like the thought of rubbing animal or human fat on my body. I won’t saponify anything I wouldn’t rub on my body in its oil form

>> No.1478191
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Oil is a great and gentle cleaner. I super fat at 6 percent and use a good deal of shea butter so there is plenty of loose skin loving oil in my bars with out leaving a gross feeling layer on your skin

>> No.1478220

is it possible to make your own body wash? I would like to male a huge bucket of a good smelling body wash so I dont have to keep forking out for stuff that runs out in a week. where could I buy fragrances? Is it only possible to DIY doap bars or can body wash gel also be made?

>> No.1478268

Yes liquid soap is absolutely made all the time. You make a paste and dilute it into a shower gel, you can even toss in things like jojoba beads for gentle exfoliation. To make liquid soap you use potassium chloride instead of sodium chloride. My favorite place for fragrance oil is nurture soaps. There fragrances are super high quality. They have a lot of essential oil blends as well. If you go the essential route , know that most of the benificial properties of essential oil ( other than aromatherapy ) are destroyed by saponification.

>> No.1478270
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More wet soap!

>> No.1478273
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Same soap after it was cut, fragranced in Nag Champa

>> No.1478318
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>> No.1478319

Making soap from vegans is no less disturbing. Isn't anyone noticing the decline in vegans around you?

>> No.1478482

>potassium chloride instead of sodium chloride

Hydroxide. Chlorides are salts.

>> No.1478495

There's a shop here that has this "leather" essential oil that smells amazing that I use for my liquid body wash.

Heres the recipe I use:
16.5oz olive oil
7oz coconut
5.5oz KOH
17oz water

Don't worry about temps here. Just get the oils warm enough in your crockpot that the coconut is melted. Combine KOH and water, add to oils. Stir. Crank up heat to high and place lid on crock. Every 30 minutes stir it. It will go through a couple stages and soon look like taffy. At this point it will get hard to mix so I use a stainless steel potato masher. It will start to get a bit like petroleum jelly consistency, and then it will look like a translucent petro jelly. Once it's translucent when you check on it, let it go for 30 more minutes bad test it by dissolving some in a couple ounces of HOT water. If the mixture is cloudy or milky cook some more. If it clears up then it's done.

Once it's done. Add 40 ounces of distilled water to a pot on the stove and bring it to a boil. Turn off the heat and transfer in the soap paste. Stir and mash it up as best as you can. Cover and let sit overnight.

By now it should be completely dissolved.
You can test for pH if you have strips, or just dissolve an ounce of borax in 2 ounces of boiling hot water and add in dropwise as you stir continously.

Add up to 2ounces of fragrance oil.

>> No.1478513

soap? what next cupcake recipes, stamp collections, ham radio, sexy socks, rock polishing, deck building? Get a life faggots

>> No.1478617

Yes this! My bad misspoke

>> No.1478618
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Soap is life

>> No.1478619

I hope not, I would hate to have to source them

>> No.1478625

Where do you purchase your bulk oils? I get mine mostly through brambleberry or wholesalessuppliesplus but shipping takes forever , I’m gun shy to buy any oils local after three batches made with rice bran oil from Lowe’s sadly suffered from DOS

>> No.1478746

what the faggot is this queer trash

>> No.1479257

>needs a tripcode to garner attention from the community, a femenine and female brain thing to do
>calls rugged anonymous men sharing soap recipes "queer"

Kill yourself cockgobbler.

>> No.1479258

>Soap is life
whatever hippy

>> No.1479309

Do you even

>> No.1479341
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Tell me in all honesty, this one doesn’t get your dick hard?

>> No.1479344
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More sporn

>> No.1481100


>> No.1481189

Anyone have a tip to make a soap for wood/leather/metal shop hobbyists? Like maybe a mild abrasive like borax in it to get stains off?

Sure there's that orange stuff but I don't like the smell. I can imagine a pine (very mild, like Finnish soap) and leather scents would be popular.

>> No.1481479

Do you sell your soaps?

>> No.1481521

turn queer make soap with sand in it

>> No.1481560

nigger whats soap?

>> No.1481580

I get the appeal of producing your own soap but why the fuck do people make it so fucking gay with the colours?

>> No.1481583
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Are you calling the Finnish flag gay, freindo?

>> No.1481585
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I cannot call gay what doesn't exist.

>> No.1481587
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Then who was 2012 European Gala Kiira Korpi?

>> No.1481637

A Swedish actor keeping up the appearance that Finland exist. Do you not know anything about the Finland conspiracy? Do you truly buy the official lie?

>> No.1481648
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Considering I helped install advanced motion and tectonic senors all across the Frontier with Russia from Lappeenranta to Kemijärvi, I either was duped by Swedes using a made up language or Finland does in fact exist.

>> No.1482049

Does anyone here have any experience making a PH balanced soap? You know for vaginas?

>> No.1482050

faggots thats why

>> No.1482061

Get out of here, this is a white male board.

>> No.1482063

*white male faggot board

>> No.1482066

Making soap is manly as fuck, kys.

>> No.1482067

Here and there , really just to keep funding my soap making not to cut an actual profit

>> No.1482070

what ever you say girlfriend

>> No.1482073

Yes I make a mechanic soap that sounds like it would do the trick I include loofa bits and jojoba beads to help scrub and use more coconut oils than I typically do as coconut oil is super cleansing. I scent mine in sandlewood currently

>> No.1482077

Soaps PH is to high vaginas don’t need washing they are self cleaning , you can use a nice gentle soap to clean your vulva but internal cleanings are marketing gimmicks , just warm water please let your body do its job

>> No.1482078
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What color would you make your soap?

>> No.1482081
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>vaginas don’t need washing they are self cleaning
You are the reason I have to deal with smelly cunts at my job.

t. male prostitute

>> No.1482084

More than likely the cunts smell because they fucked up there natural PH trying douche away the sadness of having to use male prostitutes

>> No.1482088

I'm sorry to ruin it, but a "boi pucci" isn't actually a vagina. It's an asshole.

>> No.1482175

Anyone have a source for pine wood oil (tall oil) and not pine needle oil?

>> No.1482260

No, I have never heard of anyone making soap from this. How does it feel in soap? I did some quick research and look like it’s high oliec, what do you blend it with?!

>> No.1482261

that is the gayest shit Ive read in /pol/

>> No.1482264

gtfo we're old farts we have survived the pussy stupid years...when you grow up your realize they are a waste of time, money etc... kys cunt

>> No.1482299

With a bit of pine resin, it makes a traditional Finnish household soap that cleans everything from rug to saunas and smells heavenly.

I won't even use a sauna if it doesn't smell of mäntysuopa.

>> No.1482306 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1482441

so you guys have a fight club or what

>> No.1482468

Do you guys think it's possible to make soap out of old chicken soup?

>> No.1482514

Not the soup itself, but the fat layer that settles to the top will saponify

>> No.1482518

I will have to do some more research! That sounds wonderful.

>> No.1482519
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>> No.1482520

If you aren't in on the conspiracy yourself, you got douped big time
Whatever colour it becomes when it saponifies. Usually brownish.

>> No.1482522
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Most base oils saponify white to off white. It’s the vanilla in the fragrance that browns them. This is a very vanilla heavy fragrance and it discolors to an amazing deep espresso brown

>> No.1482616

Mäntysuopa is one hell of a challenge to make even if you can source tall oil. Just a bit too much oil or rosin and it will saponify instantly and you will spend days chiseling your stick blender out of a very pine scented mass.

But is is an incredible household soap.

>> No.1482638

I’m absolutely intrigued, for going to try and make some as I love a challenge! Usually if something is known to seize I will soap hot and let it do so. Leave it for a few until it starts to gel in the soap bowl and at that point I will mix it really well. Is this soap liquid? I hot process all of my liquid soaps ( I don’t make that many honestly) and have yet to had a seizure in hot process.

>> No.1482643

I use the bars but there is a liquid version. The bars are great for sauna cleaning (hit the wood with hot water to open the wood, scrub with mänty, rinse with cold water to close the wood). A sauna should only ever smell of mäntysuopa and birch twigs.

It cleans rag rugs very well and the scent lingers for ages. Really freshens a house or cabin after being closed up all winter.

>> No.1482693

>nigger soap

>> No.1482970

How much soap can I eat per day before I get sick?

>> No.1483054

Well, this thread inspired the Hippy in me to look into soap making.

It seems an immersion blender, a 42 ounce loaf pan, lots of lye, oils (olive, shea and coconut) some scents, MAYBE some mica for colouring and a few other odds and ends comes out to being no worse that $200.

I don't see how I can't try...

>> No.1483198

I started making soap because finding real castille soap around here was a bitch and the only stuff I could find was $8 for a tiny ass bar.

All I started with was a bunch of olive oil, lye, and some empty pringles cans.

Dont go spending hundreds of bucks right out of the gate.

>> No.1483584

Could I introduce pumice into a CP soap at trace? How would I guess the right amount to add?

>> No.1483586

Anyone here make fizzy bath bombs? I used to make them but I can't actually take a bath at my current place of residence.

>> No.1484191

if showel gel is that easy to make and is all natural why do companies add a bunch of unnecessary chemicals, I want to make my own shower gel because at the minute i'm just using store bought but it keeps making my skin really dry and flaky and it burns sometimes.

this is the ingredients list for store bought stuff:

Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium chloride, Glycerin, PPG-12, Cocamide MEA, Parfum, Citric acid, Sodium benzoate, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Coumarin, Hexyl Cinnamal, Linalool, CI 19140, CI 42090

>> No.1484400

It’s hard not too really, Soaping is my biggest current expense other than my mortgage. I have a car payment, so I spend more on soap than I spend on my car a month, but it soothes me. So fuck it. I just bought a bunch of bee shit to experiment with shaving soaps

>> No.1484412

holy fuck dude, at least sell them, I mean there's no way one person can use all that soap, you must have tons

>> No.1484444

Yeah for sure, I sell a good deal to recover some of my costs. I do a market at least once a month. I sell a lot to my coworkers as well. I give some to family. I try to donate to shelters when I can be bothered to get them shrinkwrapped at my day job. Shelters have really fucked up rules about taking donations.

>> No.1484451

If your skin is dry and flaky and burning, you are so much better off with a bar soap, you can superfat bar soap much more than liquid soap. Your skin would probably do so much better with a nice creamy high superfatted low cleansing soap

>> No.1484605

ok. I think I will buy some superfatted soap first then if it helps then I will look more into making my own

>> No.1484619

I can send you a plain bar if you can figure out how to get me your contact info. It’s ten percent shea butter with no fragrance or coloring. Great for sensitive skin

>> No.1484621

I make shower fizzies with peppermint and menthol crystal. Really helps open up the sinuses in the morning. All it is baking soda, citric acid, essential oil, menthol crystals and a little witch hazel to bind them. You toss them on your shower floor while you shower towards the back so they get wet but not in direct contact with shower stream and they release the vapors while you shower

>> No.1485156
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Coffee soap made with real brewed coffee and grounds for exfoliation. Smells amazing

>> No.1485158

I’m having a hell of a time finding a source for TOFA , I’m gonna start looking at chemical supply companies rather than soap companies. I will let you know what I come up with

>> No.1485320

>showergel anon you replied to...

You need to remember that all mass manufactured soaps are like that because it helps decrease manufacturing costs through a combination of:
>decreased energy requirements
>shortened manufacturing times
>increased production volume
All in a bid to maximize profits

In addition to that they also add things like emulsifiers and gelling viscocity modifying agents to improve user feel. As an example: more viscous shampoos are perceived and rated by the general public to be "more cleansing".

For dry skin avoid any soaps with coconut oil in the recipe, even superfatted ones.

My ex had super sensitive skin and even "sensitive skin" and "gentle cleansing" soaps irritated his skin amd dried him out. He's actually the rrason I got into making soaps in the first place. My first batch of soap ever was a batch of oven processed 100%olive oil soaps. Low oven heat helps it cure much much faster as castille soaps take a long time to shelf cure. His skin reacted just fine to it and he enjoyed using them. I've since adjusted to making his soaps with 90%olive oil and 10% lard. To make a slightly harder bar that lathers better.

>> No.1485345

can you write your whole process? and what kind of lard, pork, beef? extra virgin olive oil or just regular?


>> No.1485522

Now that you mention it, I haven't heard "I'm a vegan" uttered recently. Spooky.

>> No.1485555

Bumb for interest

>> No.1485610

>whole process

Go to soapcalc
Put in weights of oils
Put in 1% superfat
Get lye concentration
Make lye concentration
Warm up oils
Mix in lye
Stick blend until trace
Pour into mold
Place in preheated oven set on 'warm'
After one hour turn off the oven and leave it overnight

Bar is 99.5% of the way done. It can be used now, but is still quite soft, bar will continue to harden over 4-6 weeks

>> No.1485655

I find that coconut oil is fine even up to 20% so long as you have no not allergies. Of course Castile is super gentle ,but needs to cure for 6 months even if you cpop, other wise it’s slimy. If you have hard water Castile will always be slimy af. My dad has super sensitive skin that used to crack and bleed when he used commercial “soap” and he uses my unscented which is 15% coconut oil 10%shea butter 10%mango butter 50%olive oil, 10% palm and 5% jojoba oil. He has been using it almost two years now and his skin has never been better. I superfat at 6% most of the year but just made a batch two weeks back at 10% for the winter. At 10% it is slightly more tacky then I would want in the summer, but it works great for him in the winter. I also make body butter which works amazing ,but I can’t trust him to use it unprompted so I have to make sure I get enough unsaponifiables in his soap

>> No.1485659

I don’t use lard ,but as far as olive oil, you can use pomace if you want. It’s slightly cheaper and traces faster. You can use virgin as well it won’t make too much of a difference in the final soap except the color of the soap will be a little greener. If your doing swirls virgin is nice because it slows trace, but I swirl just fine with pomace if I soap around 90*. You can get it from most soap supply sites. If you are just trying to buy oils around town, stay clear of grocery store olive oil. Most of it is stored improperly or adulterated and with the curing time needed for a high olive oil soap greatly increases the risk of getting DOS ( little orangle spots that smell like dirty crayons ). If your gonna get oils local find a restaurant supply store that way you know they are going through olive oil quick enough that it’s not sitting there long enough to get even slightly spoiled

>> No.1485661

I apologize for typos and formatting, I am on an IPhone SE and it’s getting cold so I’m heavy RN

>> No.1485668
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This is scented with Arabian Spice and is made with activated charcoal. It was going to brown anyway because of the scent, so I tossed some AC in it for detoxing properties and to make the brown deeper

>> No.1485881

any one got a good laundry soap / detergent recipe?

>> No.1485895

I make stain sticks 0% super fat 100% coconut oil and orange x10 eo. Works great on sweat and blood not so well on sharpie. I have heard using cold process laundry soap isn’t good for your machines ,but I haven’t really researched why for myself.

>> No.1486643

Nice, care to share your recipe?

>> No.1486666

You guys sell it or something? Or is this for your own consumption?

>> No.1487102

I sell some to help pay for more soap supplies. I’m for sure not cutting a profit, but I’m also not really trying that hard to sell it. Honestly I just love to make amazing soap. I like the chemistry and artistry of it. Your like a mad scientist and an artist all at once when your mixing and pouring soap and your results are tangible and useful. There can be as much science involved as you feel like. You can make great soap from some else recipe or you can get more technical and formulate your own recipes. Different oils have different characteristics in soap once sapofied. Figuring out the purpose for each specific soap and the oils that will best handle that purpose is a challenge. It can work well and still not be a good soap. It can clean ,but be to drying, or lather fluffy but feel slimy. There is a lot of experimentation involved.

>> No.1487106

20% CO
20 % PALM
10% SHEA
10% OO
Superfatted at 5%
I french pressed coffee using distilled water ( you want to use a metal filter to keep as much as the natural oils in the coffee as a bonus) and use that to make my lye water. I added in a few spoonfuls of the brewed grounds at trace.
Used BB espresso for scent. It browns ( so does the coffee water ,but not as much) I left a small amount unscented to swirl in and decorate the top.

It’s a wonderful kitchen soap. Just cleansing enough to cut grease, enough superfat to replace most of the oils you have stripped by washing. The coffee bits are scrubby with out being scratchy and the coffee helps nutralize cooking smells like onions

>> No.1487111
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Prepping to make soap today

>> No.1487117
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What's the general consensus on rapeseed oil, my duders?

>> No.1487362

Am newfag so I don’t know enough to answer, but doesn’t rapeseed oil smell quite harsh? Similar to raw cabbage.

>> No.1487368

It doesn't smell great, but as far as I remember, it loses the smell once it goes through the first trace.

>> No.1487820

Probably won’t last through the cure ,but I can’t say. Never used it. I make some soap with coconut milk and it smells like ammonia and dick for a few days, but cures out pretty quickly

>> No.1487822
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glittery for gurls

>> No.1487825
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This fragrance discolors to a light tan so I mixed some pastel orange and yellow unfragranced to hold its color. Black Pepper, patchouli, musk smells amazing. I’m calling it Magi will post the cut in a day or two

>> No.1487845

Are there fragrances, additives I should absolutely avoid in my recipes? Basically, any item that would ruin the soap but I might think would be okay?

>> No.1487900

If your using Essential Oil make sure they are skin safe, with fragrance and essential oils always check the notes on them for acceleration and discoloration so your not supprised. If it does discolor and accelerate use a simple or plain design. Make sure you follow the vendors usage rates, you can go well under them, but don’t go over. The best soap is the mildest so you want it gentle.

Don’t use canola oil, you will get DOS.

Make sure your scale is accurate before each batch. To test a US nickel is 5 grams. Measure everything in grams not ounces.

Don’t superfat under 3 percent. Saponification values on lye calculators are only averages, actually values will vary depending on brand and batch. 3% insured you won’t get a lye heavy soap ( 5% is standard and I always use at least 6% for body soap )

Do not use anything aluminum, lye will react with it and make a deadly gas.

You will see people mix in Pyrex, but don’t, lye will etch the glass overtime and eventually it will shatter. Probably when it’s full of lye water. Use only plastic with a 2 or 5 on it or stainless steel.

If your out of an oil, don’t just assume you can sub it out. Rerun your recipe through soapcalc.

Eye protection is mandatory. Lye/ Raw soap batter will blind you in moments.

>> No.1487943

Achschually, hydroxides are salts as well.

>> No.1488130

Soap is a salt

>> No.1488131

Cut of the purply one. Still needs to be planed to smooth the front, but is looking great. Smells like Black Rasberry Vanilla. Girls will like this one, will sell well at the Christmas Bizarre and with my coworkers

>> No.1488132
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>> No.1488142

Cut is the blue got slightly muddied ,but will clean up well

>> No.1488373
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>> No.1489789

Not him, but check soap making suppliers online. Check local establishments, for example, at WalMart, coconut oil is $12 per quart, but there is an Amish store that sells it for $12 per gallon. Also visit your local butcher. I asked for the lard from one pig and after I rendered it down, it was about 3 gallons of lard.

>> No.1491196

What's the bare minimum I need to get started?

- Something to mix the lye/water in
- A thermometer
- Crock-pot?

>> No.1491353

You only need a crockpot for hot process cold process you just need a mixing bowl.

So mixing bowl
Stick blender
Digital Scale
Soapmold (I like silicon inserts, but you can line any box with freezer paper and make it a mold)
Safety goggles and gloves

That’s really all you need to start, Mica and fragrance is nice too

>> No.1491357
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>> No.1492753

How do I make soaps that are abrasive?

>> No.1492760

>How much soap can I eat per day before I get sick?

>> No.1492761

Put an abrasive in it, fine sand should work

>> No.1492762
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>What's the bare minimum I need to get started?
Fat, lye, a mixing bowl, a wooden spoon, saponification charts, and a kitchen scale. That's bare minimum.
Recommended is a stove top or hot plate, an emulsifier (stick blender), thermometer, mold (an empty pringles can works great for small batches - use a funnel if you use this), glass pyrex measuring cup, dedicated cooking pot, a silicon spatula.

Optional are your recipes, dyes, fragrances and any other fancy shit.
Pic related is my full and complete kit. The white bucket in back is the lard mentioned here >>1489789
Sorry if the image quality sucks. I had to screenshot the pic to shrink the filesize.

>> No.1493530

Coffee grounds or jojoba beads are my favorite.

>> No.1493531
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The green bits in this apple soap are jojoba beads. They are abrasive without being sharp and are fine for your septic and for the fishes

>> No.1493534
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People use poppy seeds as well, but I find them too abrasive for a body soap. You could also make salt soap. This bar contains 70 of its oil weight in Himalayan pink salt added at trace.

>> No.1493535

I miss these bars. I will make a blue batch this weekend with sea salt. When formulating a salt soap make sure you up your coconut to like 35 at least the salt inhibits lather so you need the coconut the bubble it up. Also best to do individual molds unless your vigilant. They harden very fast and will crumble if cut after they harden

>> No.1493619

This thread is bazarre. So, y'all make custom colored and scented soap? Like perfume fragrances? As a hobby or are you professional?

>> No.1493641

>So, y'all make custom colored and scented soap? Like perfume fragrances?
Only the faggots take it that far. I make regular unscented soap because i like it better than almost every soap on the market. Its expensive to buy but hella cheap to make. I give away the extra to friends & family.

>> No.1493652

I'm going to be trying a new recipe soon:

50% Olive
33.3% Coconut
10% Canola
6.7% Castor

Is this a good idea? In theory, the canola and castor should balance out the slightly high portion of coconut.

>> No.1493654

Unless this makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.1493792

Won't this make Ricin?

>> No.1493817

No, ricin occurs in castor beans and is filtered out during processing. Unless something has gone horribly wrong, castor oil for sale rarely contains significant amounts of ricin, if any at all.

>> No.1494091

Looks like a block of shit

>> No.1495389

It will probably work out.

>> No.1495465

Anyone here made African black soap? I've had a bar of that for about 2 years and I like it because it has the abrasive pieces of organic matter in it, but is it just a meme? What makes it good?

>don't like animal or human fat on my body
You sure won't like it when you find out what's just under your skin, anon.

This thread is honestly fucking surreal. I can't believe that there's such a high concentration of fags outside /lgbt/. I respect it though, this is all pretty cool. I might fuck around and make some soap. It just seems so time consuming.

>> No.1495615

>It just seems so time consuming
It's actually kinda quick. If doing a cold process simple soap, it takes maybe 2 hours or less from start to finish. Those 2 hours probably need to be uninterrupted, though. It doesn't matter if you're making a 1 lb batch or a 20 lbs batch. The longest item would be heating a solid fat to liquid. While that's going is when you do your other steps - making your lye water, preparing the mold, etc. 2 hours to make a year's worth of soap. It's a good ROI if you ask me.

I never heard of african black soap, but if it's black and has grit, my guess is that there is powdered charcoal in it?

>> No.1495629

Damn, cool. I know some homesteader types who make soap using goat milk from their goats. I also have goats, I might make some.
Apparently it's ash, so I guess you're right. It's all over the internet as an acne control, but I didn't really notice significant improvement.

>> No.1495670

>make soap using goat milk
Goat milk has a somewhat high sugar concentration, so if you want to keep the soap a lighter color, you need to keep the temperature down when adding the lye to the milk. A simple recipe is quick & easy. Going above & beyond (milk & honey, colors, swirl patterns, shapes) is when soap making gets complicated.

>uses ash
The funny thing about that is the pitassium carbonate and potassium hydroxide in the ash will effectively alter your lye concentration, which alters how harsh the soap is.

>> No.1496477

Do i need pure Lye? Or are sodium hydroxide, sodium Siciliate, based degreasers making soap out of deep fryer oil?

>> No.1496509

I am a newbie to soapmaking, what is a fool prove recipe for a small batch of soap using Olive Oil/Coconut Oil? Been searching around the web a lot, but most of the recipes are for way bigger batches, can i just cut the amount of all the ingredients in two or will this screw up the consistency? Also i was planning on putting pink soap ink and grapefruit oil in my first soap, is this a good idea, or will it fuck up an proved recipe?

>> No.1496550

Reading this thread is like listening to smooth jazz...it's so relaxing....fuck...now I want to make soap...

>> No.1498357

Sodium hydroxide is what most people use. Potassium hydroxide is a close 2nd. Anything else and you are going off the beaten path. Not many will be able to help.

Stop looking up recipes. Start learning concepts. Get ahold of saponification values for the fats/oils you have. Learn what percentage to superfat them. Make your own damn recipes. Or if you don't want to do that, scale everything down. If the recipe calls for 5 lbs and you only want 1 lb, then divide everything by 5. This ain't rocket science. It's just a bit of chemistry.

>> No.1500108

I'm making my first batch today thanks to this thread.

>> No.1500683

How did it go, m8? What kind did you make?

>> No.1501616
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I think it went alright with a few minor hitches.

The recipe I used was...
>13.5 oz olive oil
>4 oz coconut oil
>2.5 oz lye
>6.6 oz water
I'd post the soapcalc recipe here, but it seems to be down right now. Originally I was going to do pure olive oil soap, but after reading various guides decided to add a little coconut oil since I already had it on hand. I did hot process in a crock pot since I wanted to see what the results were like sooner than later.

My "soap mold" was a cardboard box lined with freezer paper. I wasn't terribly interested in making the soap pretty which was good because it came out looking pretty poor. I was more interested in the functionality. Pic is the end result.

>> No.1501621
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What it looked like after cooking for about 30 minutes. I think I let it cook for around 50 minutes total.

>> No.1501625
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My questionable soap mold. If/when I do this again, I would make a better one.

>> No.1501628
File: 1.84 MB, 5312x2988, IMG_20181121_152441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally, I seem to have a problem with the soap I noticed after cutting it. These little spots are in a couple of different places. I'm not sure what they are, but I imagine it's something I did wrong. If anyone knows and can enlighten me I would appreciate it. The spots are a little softer to the touch than the rest of the soap.

>> No.1501636

Do you save money doing this?

>> No.1502187

>My "soap mold" was a cardboard box lined with freezer paper. I wasn't terribly interested in making the soap pretty
Pringles cans are a popular choice for disposable molds.

Hard to say from the pics, but it might be unreacted oil. Do the "zap test" (lick it - if it zaps your tongue like a 9 volt battery there's lye there) to make sure it's not unreacted lye. My best guess from looking at the pics is that it's an artifact from stirring and the hot process method.

>> No.1502792

If you live on the west coast it'll be a breeze

>> No.1502795

czeched and kek'd