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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1475326 No.1475326 [Reply] [Original]

I just got 5m of paracord. What should i do with it?

>> No.1475350

Bondage with a hobo

>> No.1475356

Make a belt.

>> No.1475357

Build a shitty hammock
Go rappelling from the second floor of your parent's house
Lay the individual fibers end to end and measure how far it goes
Turn it into detcord
Reenact Nullo Story

>> No.1475361


Become a real man and stop using the metric system.

>> No.1475372
File: 504 KB, 1935x1290, FD57DD8C-61BD-4509-8883-198A5560C928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make shitty keychains

>> No.1475395
File: 77 KB, 500x466, heres-an-option-3380293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1475396


Just kidding. 100% monkey fist keychain. May have enough for a monkey ball lanyard. Maybe a get back whip

>> No.1475420

Only if you want to be a retard

>> No.1475434


>> No.1475816

choke yourself then beat it like youre beatin a nigger off your sister

>> No.1475823

When the time comes you'll know what to do with it OP.

>> No.1476815

>"DEFIANT" door locks.

>> No.1477062

Get a tablecloth and make a parachute. Does the name not make it obvious?

>> No.1477066
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>> No.1477070

Tie old shapened keys to it a few centimeters apart, and attach it to the end of a broom and become the defender of London with your metric ass.

>> No.1477307

>I'm 180cm tall
>I'm 3 feet, 4 hands, 1 thumb, 3 dicks and 4 armpits tall

Kill yourself with your retarded caveman shit.

>> No.1477312

Ah! There's that subtle British wit we all hear so much about! Upper lip starched for the fortnight, Albert?

>> No.1477327

>plese i are murica i need mor food i mesure wid fingurs an feet how big bely is
Quick, someone get this man a burger! He's scaring me!

>> No.1477333
File: 319 KB, 625x473, burger_#81257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quick, someone get this man a burger!

yes boss

>> No.1477378

If there were the beginnings of a decent burger in Britain, they'd probably fuck it up by boiling it until it anyway...

>> No.1478173

wew boi chekt

>> No.1478179

Do they make those paracord USB with para cord? Or do they use a weave machine?

>> No.1478290

I rent the house and I had to replace 5 knobs and 5 deadbolts when I moved in. They work fine.

>> No.1478327


>> No.1478476

yeah, better use a measure based on a King`s foot, what a cuck faggot