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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1474689 No.1474689 [Reply] [Original]

What is a trade I can do seasonally? You know work a few months and relax a few months, kinda like being a seasonal NEET

>Inb4 kill yourself

Also pic not related

>> No.1474728

I hear fishermen do this and live on unemployment in the off season

>> No.1474729

im a mason and am off jan-mar

>> No.1474733

You mean crabfishing? Don't people die alot?

I was thinking of Welding but the pay seems pretty low to be honest, and I don't know if the cancer thing really is tru

>> No.1474737

Could do disaster relief lineman

>> No.1474738

Become neuro surgeon desu. Come and go like a misterious chad

>> No.1475003
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>seasonal NEET
>not doing it full time

>> No.1475006

ac repair and installation I guess. if you're a techie you can always be a sysadmin
also neet =/= unemployed

>> No.1475007


>> No.1475044

Where are you in us? I get 48 an hour

>> No.1475087

>48 an hour
jesus christ, where in the US are you? that has me about to quit studying comp sci.

>> No.1475095

>neet =/= unemployed
someone doesn't know what NEET stands for

If you are flexible and don't mind retail then you're set. There is always farming and/or arborist work to be done, in the summer beach towns are looking for people to work retail and the like. In the fall it's all about halloween work, haunted houses and whatnot, then in the winter you've got those popup christmas shops.

>> No.1475133

chicago. https://www2.illinois.gov/idol/Laws-Rules/CONMED/Documents/2017%20Rates/Cook.pdf

this is old mine and alot of other trades have gotten a 2-3 dollar raise

>> No.1475141

you can be a college student and be unemployed at the same time, you know

>> No.1475145

Not in Education, Employment, or Training

>> No.1475146

I always thought it was "n"or training instead of "or"

>> No.1475149

I'm a farmer and there's no off season, even with vegetables an no animals. With animals, there's no rest periods.

>> No.1475153

Cash crops. Spend a month planting in the spring, a month spraying during summer and a month harvesting during fall. Rest of the time you just sit on your ass collecting gibs unless you need to do a second spray.

>> No.1475159

Orchard pruning, grapes, citrus and various other fruit trees need it annually to keep their yields up.
Its not excessively physical work, but does require a bit of knowledge of wtf you're doing.

I try to imagine they love me as I get up at 4am every morning for supplemental feeding. It hurts less... sort of

>> No.1475161

They do love you anon, they're just too stupid to show it most of the time.

>> No.1475163

Don't you need giant bank loans for equipment?

>> No.1475205

I have a beet farm. I only work during the beet season and collect neetbucks the rest of the year. The best part is that I don't need to save for next year because the government gives me the money to plant my beets before every season.

>> No.1475221

What kind of volume do you produce?

>> No.1475253

Tug and barge in Alaska is pretty good, takes a bit of money to get started but minimum daily wage is around 150$, I was getting 270$ working in Prudhoe Bay and 210$ doing the villages. Only work 3-4months straight then the rest of the year off since everything is frozen. To start as an Ordinary Seamen (new deckhand with little to no training) only need BST (Basic Safety Training), MMC (Merchant Mariner Credentials) and a TWIC (Transportation Workers Identification Card). Pretty easy work, only need common sense and a strong back, heck commercial fishing is harder for more inconsistent pay.

>> No.1475254

Same guy.

Another bonus is that there is a clear line of promotion, get so many days on the water and pass a knowledge test and can go Able Seamen for higher wage and higher demand. From there you can continue to Mate or decide to go engine room if you like it and get your Q-MED to start a good engineering career with lots of opportunities to work.

>> No.1475258

Park ranger. Most work seasonal. Late spring to early fall

>> No.1475265
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Really, then why do welders always complain about the pay? I always see 15 an hour when I look up job applications for welders

Retail? That seems like it's going to be automated very soon

I could try HVAC but I'm worried that doing it seasonal would make me seem untrustworthy to employers

Don't you need a degree or something for that?

Sounds safer than crabfishing

I'll look into that, I guess I'll have to save up for some acres

>> No.1475275

yes and land unless you already got money. rent will run you around $300 per acre($15k-20k to buy) and you'll need about $200k for equipment which will cover everything you need but it'll be 30-40 years old. then you'll need about $200-250 per acre for seed, fertilizer and chemicals. you also need to remember to sign up for the gibs and learn how to cheat insurance otherwise you'll lose money or maybe break even if you're lucky

welders don't get paid very well starting out or in factories. it's a field that can be really lucrative once you get into specialty shit tho. friend gets $75/hr TIG welding stainless shit for the dairy industry

>> No.1475289

don't be fucking stupid. tradeswork is hard and not for the weak-willed. you will regret your choice inside 5 years, 100%.

>> No.1475293

move up to Oilberta and try scaffolding. braindead easy, great money, very physical.

I make $51/hr with double time after 8 hours daily. union benefits and all that.

>> No.1475301

Should I get a certificate in welding or an associates?

>> No.1475303

Holy fuck are you fishing for excuses. If it's seasonal then why does it matter to you that retail will get automated in 20 years!

>> No.1475308
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>Be me looking for job after comfy vacation
>Walmart has no Cashiers only self checkout
>McDonalds already has self checkout installed in some places
>Have to leave seasonal NEETdom and be a full time wage slave so Mr.Goldstein can afford a new yacht

"Hurr durr why do you worry about automation OP?"

>> No.1475415

Landscaping for summer work or snow removal for winter. Buy 2nd hand equipment/trucks and beat the fuck out of them for maximum profit.

>> No.1475480

>if you're a techie you can always be a sysadmin
Doesn't work like that

>> No.1475486

Unskilled temp jobs at factories. Some places hire temps during winter or spring to summer in my area. You are not going to make the same pay as hired on works as a temp. Also sometimes temp agencies will move you around from company to company.

If anything, start a business from home. When I was a neet from time to time I would flip laptops, desktops, and chargers for some money.

>> No.1475488

Forgot to add to my last post >>1475486

There are some some factories that will hire you full time and lay you off during summer or winter. Depending on how good you are and not a fuck off they will call you back when the work loads pick up.

>> No.1475491

>Walmart has no Cashiers only self checkout
Walmart has drop a bit of the self checkouts because old people/rich bitches bitch about having to scan their own shit.

>McDonalds already has self checkout installed in some places
Our McDonalds have them, but also have cashiers too

>> No.1475598

Yeah I guess that the best option is different learning skills and using them when it's necessary. I'll probably do welding, HVAC, landscape and delivery driving. Maybe Alaska if I have no other options, park ranger also sounds nice

>> No.1475609

Not exactly a trade but I know a guy who does this.

>agency nurse
>works till he is about to hit the next tax bracket
>goes hunting / holidays for the rest of the financial year

>> No.1475629
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The thing is I have Aspergers and Schizoid personality, so taking care of other people isn't my thing...but perhaps doing it seasonally won't bet as exhausting, becoming a CNA seems really easy

>> No.1475631

you can seasonally pick produce you fucking mexican.

>> No.1475632

But I don't want to get paid like a Mexican, I heard those guys make pennies

>> No.1475648

>comes to my country
>bitches about pay
you have to go back.

>> No.1475652

Had to read it three times to realize it wasn't a joke. Mason Jar. Fucking dyslexia.

>> No.1475654

Work at a ski resort

>> No.1475668

because welding isn't a trade, its a skill that multiple trades are capable of. If you only know how to weld and not in a union your not gonna get paid much, but if you like welding or want to learn it look into the pipe fitters, thats there main skill.

>> No.1475674

I've heard of fruit picking jobs where you can make like 10 dollars a basket in the north east

>> No.1475695

>Implying I'm mexican

I'll look into it

>> No.1475702

I could write a fucking pile of information about welding if your interested otherwise I wont waste my time, I have been doing it for 14 years.

>> No.1475707

Mining. got a friend who works on a gold mine in alaska. he makes 70k in 4 months then sits on it the rest of the year.

>> No.1475708

No one cares if you get an associates or not, just get a certificate and lay dimes.

>> No.1475711

Do you retards not understand how tax brackets work?

>> No.1475715

>also neet =/= unemployed

A NEET or neet is a young person who is "Not in Education, Employment, or Training".

So yes anon,
That's exactly what it means.

>> No.1475718

>Navy for 10 years
>Free college
>Electrical engineering degree
>Marine engineering degree
>Work on freighter
>After 5-10 years earn second/first engineer position
>300k a year, no tax, 3 months shore leave all in 1 chunk

>> No.1475720
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Go ahead mate I'm listening

Yeah an associates in welding seems like a waste of time...

I have Aspergers mate, I can't multitask so I would never have made it in the Navy

>> No.1475779

What the sauce

>> No.1475838

Sauce? Dagashi Kashi I think...

>> No.1475909




>> No.1476226

do nurses need to touch poop and peep?

>> No.1476341

Yes. Male nurses are man to clean up old men hairy asshole

>> No.1476592

Flower I distribution/warehouse worker.
But that might be just here in the Netherlands.

I only work 3 months a year at a flower auction where I drive around in a little cart from 4 to 8 in the morning.

>> No.1476604


My bro spent 3 fucking days in florence. Set 3 damned poles and got 48 bucks an hour!

I am sure normally its long hours but fuck man. That wasnt even overtime.

I should have went to lineman school. Fuck around

>> No.1476605


>> No.1476606

You really should. I live in a 3rd world shithole tier nowhere town and they make that in oklahoma here

>> No.1476608

Not all of us sling dope or were silver spooners

>> No.1476619

I do wild land fire 6 months of the year. Fall I work for friends tree service company. Winters I collect unemployment and plow snow for cash. Works good for me

>> No.1476620
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Can confirm. Lot of farms around here.

Anon could plant a massive fucking garden perhaps. And his time off would be farmers markets. Hell, if he laid down plastic and set up an automated wattering system he could probably pay a bro to do all the damned work for him and sell it.

Fuckit OP. I've been looking into greenhouses for quite a bit. If you are interested rather than me blogpost here i would be glad to help with what info i have. Hell i want to. You'd be my... fuck. Cannot spell _____pig good enough to even google it. Ree!

Anyway i got a telegram channel rather than blogpost and shit up your thread here if u wanna chat.

Its like messanger but those cucks pissed me off. Be sure and turn off any noise making notifications there. Its a small shitposting group that runs 24/7.

Not trying to shill my bullshit here but this is my favorite board and it would be a really good time to be able to bullshit more than this slow board.

Acornstu (me) and Sakura are the two that run it. Theres only 1 rule and it's dont post anything against US law. Also wtf ever his country's laws are. I'll ask him. I always forget.

Not a big fan of gore so i would appreciate it if you start a chain of gore pics with a warning of some sort. I just don't want bombarded with gore at random. Everything else is fair game tho.

Look foward to bullshitting with you fine folks.

>pic unrelated. Some sort of pump inards. Would love more info if anyone knows

>> No.1476627

Shit. I meant everyone is welcome.

You got any cool shit you have rigged together? It's kind of funny meeting new farmers. There is ALWAYS some jerry rigged goofy shit going on.

Hours and hours alone in a cab.

Fuck, i was born to be a farmer. Too bad the growin plants part is impossible. I'm the anon that blew about a grand over 6 or 8 months trying to grow tomatoes and peppers and shit for salsa inside my home.

The fucking cops even got hold of me and i had to show them it. Kek. It's a small town in a faggot state with no weed allowed. Had a shower curtin over some windows pointed directly at the cop shop. I flip floped day and night in there so the lights would be on when i was awake to tend to them.

He called me and asked about it and i asked him how he found out about it sinve it was a stupid plan and only my wife and i knew it existed. He told me to walk into my back yard.

HOLY KEK! The entire town is pitch black minus a few street lights. My house looked like a fucking landing pad for a helicopter and the fucking Johnson grass was 10 feet high.

>> No.1476630

Good call. Also, consider secondary shit you can do with it to turn more profit. Sell BLT'S, drinks with stuff you grew, hot sauce, jelly, salsa, etc...

>> No.1476632

Kek. Well, they did a study where plants feal pain.

It's insane but possible that we will talk with plants one day or make it upstairs and learn we could have.

I know I'm ate up but anything is possible.

>> No.1476637

I will be sure and call you out on here if you don't mind. Like most of us o am digging a bunker. I wish to grow fruit trees in Oklahoma inside of it. I killed a fucking cactus one time. No shit.

Should shit hit the fan i would get scurvy and fucking die.

Nevermind. I had to google it to figure out how the fuck to spell scurvy. It's just a vitamin C deficiency. $7 a pound wholesale or less for powder. Kek

>> No.1476639

Please go into discriptive detail or join my shilled telegram. That sounds fantastic

>> No.1476641

Most welders are factory cucks and welding isnt fun or easy. If you are doing shit outside you spend half the day welding on your fucking head.

>> No.1476642

Just lie about employment history. Use bros for references to lie and use their addresses

>> No.1476643

Yeah but if hes responsible he can be a NEET and grt a degree later

>> No.1476645

Associates is useless for trades

>> No.1476646

Fucking faggot amazon just went to 15 bucks and hour.

U wanna qrao presents all day?

>> No.1476650

Miner here. Are u fucking serious!???????

I work 50+ hours a week and make 40k

The fuck

>> No.1476651

$210,000 a year if stay.

Is it an open pit mine? Guessing thats why 4 years

>> No.1476652

LOL. Never bothered to even look it uo. Been on thebchans since 04

>> No.1476655

Work 9 months for the equivalent of half a mill. Fuuuuuuuck

>> No.1476656


Until nuclear fision at least

>> No.1476736
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Now that I think about it...there are some places hiring for that


So you're saying I should just get certificates? Because an HVAC certificate sounds pretty useless, Ill still be treated like a bitch by some boomer

>> No.1476742
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Oh and I for those who don't know I have Aspergers syndrome, so that's why I'm leaning towards welding.

I can't multitask, and I can't follow directions that well. Tradesmen often get frustrated at me and I'm trying to avoid that. HVAC sounds interesting as well, so I might give it a shot. But I'll probably just learn welding and do other seasonal work on the side.

>> No.1476751

In England most people in the building trade ie brickies, carpenters, foreman, sparkies ect all work seasonally. Though that may be because or the shitty weather we get.

>> No.1476756

The difficult part is owning the land. I was lucky enough to inherit 60 acres of farm land, if you don't have the land the government will give you absolutely nothing.

>> No.1476757
File: 126 KB, 500x735, C44A114F-165F-448B-AD98-0E6E7B1DD2EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is always shoveling snow but I doubt that pays any.

Otherwise you could do a quick gig overseas.

>> No.1476768

how big of an operation you work at? hes on a small 12 man op working a claim and its family owned (his family)

>> No.1477142

Spreetail (ecommerce, started out here in Nebraska) pays $16.50hr with a $.50 second shift differential and $1.50 weekend shift differential. Shifts range from Saturday-Tuesday 7am-6pm, Monday-Friday 9am-6pm, and Monday-Friday 7am-4pm. Plus all these fucking benefits. Stock appreciation rights, Leadership development opportunities, 20 days paid time off per year, Group health insurance, Yearly company trip, Regular company-funded events and activities, Dollar-for-dollar donation match, Home purchase bonus after 2 years of employment, Beach getaway after 3 years of employment, 10-day sabbatical after 5 years of employment. All this for just being a fulfillment team member.

I'm a machine operator on a cnc lathe (started this job back in april of this year). I only make $14.05hr with time and a half on saturdays and double time on sundays. I'm also stuck working 7 days a fuckin week.

>> No.1477147

Making some alcohols, specially cider.

>> No.1477906
