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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 90 KB, 700x525, weapons_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
146748 No.146748 [Reply] [Original]

Why are we not allowed to discuss how to make weapons, explosives, guns, atomic bombs, bio-lethalities motherfucker?

You've got companies like DARPA or whatever talking about how to make rail guns that can shoot bolts of metal hundreds of miles with extreme accuracy. Fucking companies making UAVs so they can spy on people domestically, face recognition technology, smelloscopes (odor detectors), radiation detectors, killer robots. Yeah its all real.

And I can just imagine a rich guy going to work in a giant mechanical suit, breaking traffic laws, while getting serviced by a slew of twelve hot women, because bitches go for the money and you will never get laid by anything other then an average looking chick, while the rich kids in college steal all your potential hots girls and rape their innocence. And I have never been listened too or care for or had a gf and I want to kill myself but that's a different subject.

So I gonna fucking ask you why we don't talk about this stuff? And why doesn't /diy/ have a wiki yet?

>> No.146754

/k/ already exist

>> No.146759

but its not /diy/ oriented.

>> No.146766

Have you ever visited /k/?

>> No.146772

A few times

>> No.146778

4chan is too popular to allow total freedom of speech and information. There are several other, less known *chans that are much less restrictive.

Can't post them, because it warrants an insta-ban, but if you hop on over to 99chan's /b/ I can go into further detail.

>> No.146797
File: 21 KB, 400x345, 1292791927725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are we not allowed to discuss how to make weapons, explosives, guns, atomic bombs, bio-lethalities motherfucker?
because 4chan is full of stupid teenagers who will kill themselves and others with that kind of information. moot's just covering his ass.

>> No.146845

Because all the gore, porn, and occasional CP posted on 4chan in general makes it hard enough to keep the feds from seizing it and shutting it down permanently, if it starts being the go-to place for would-be domestic terrorists to discuss making IEDs and other weapons, that would be the last straw and the FBI would shut it down in a heartbeat, that's why.

>> No.146856

Did anyone mention how childish and boring all these weapon threads are?

Don't forget, 4chan may be hosted in America but you've got a large international base of users, and basically none of them are interested in weapons. For some reason, it's one of those obsessions that Americans have where they think it's important that you should share in it with them, and it's nice that they're relegated to their own board, just like the pokemon people.

In reality, nobody except angry little kids thinks weapons are an interesting area of discussion.

>> No.146857


>> No.146864

Then lurk more and post there instead.

>> No.146875

Because the FBI would come down on moot's ass like a ton of bricks.


>> No.146878

That actually wasn't a troll.

That was true fax.

>> No.146949
File: 70 KB, 530x530, usop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. /b/ kiddies are some dumb shits without any foresight and apparently regard 4chan as a "secret underground club" that causes trouble. Nobody here wants to help further a ham-fisted agenda like that, nor does moot.

This board is mostly a how-to for various crafts and at-home repairs.

>> No.147062

Because 4chan fucking sucks now.

>> No.147072

I've been here since 2 months after 4chan started. Its far better than it's ever been. Its changed a great deal in every way. Mostly good ways.

>> No.147075

i think the real question is why arent there /diy threads on making super suits at low costs to defend against high grade weapons technology? or ways to protect our privacy on cell phones, search engines, etc. power to the fucking people. not the uncontrolled 1%

>> No.147076

there is no wiki because there is not enough content in /diy/ Most of the threads are just guys asking how to do something, or how to start in electronics, blacksmithing, woodworking etc. something that you can just google it, the other threads are mental masturbations about a postapocaliptic world and living in the woods, living cheaply and frugal. And my favorite kind of thread "I have a bunch of X, what can i do with it?"

Thats the reason we have the sticky, it has a lot of links and is growing (at very very slow rate) so we can redirect people to specifc websites and forums.

About the weapons, explosives etc. I thinks is because then we wont be able to discuss anything else since everybody wants to be a badass terrorist or zombie killer.

>> No.147077

DARPA isnt some rouge company its a part of the department of defense

we dont talk about that kind of shit on here because this is a board about construction not destruction

peace and love man

>> No.147079

>protect our privacy on cell phones, search engines, etc.

I think how to create your own local internet/ad hoc system would be a better thing to learn.

>> No.147082


>mental masturbations about a postapocaliptic world and living in the woods, living cheaply and frugal. mental masturbations about a postapocaliptic world and living in the woods, living cheaply and frugal.

hey man, remember Ralph Waldo Emerson. to plow with your own hand and live closer to the land will make you more of a person than society will provide. Because most of the products and "advancements" in this consumer society are spoon fed and are pitiful compared to the efficiency and innovation possible which can make the world a much better place if people would just get their heads into thinking about the change they want to see in this fucking world. If your dreams are as worthwhile as masterbating, im goin to kill you becase i so can you THINK ITS HARD? YOU CHUMP