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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 53 KB, 1024x1024, 8mm-plain-stainless-steel-ring-band-size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1463469 No.1463469 [Reply] [Original]

Can I resize a stainless steel ring?
Every jeweler has told me to fuck off.

I wanna make it one or two sizes larger.

>> No.1463470

Fuck off.

>> No.1463475

>Implying you're a jewler.

I'm being serious tho.

>> No.1463479

Keep it heated enough at all times such that the thermal expansion can maintain the increase in size

>> No.1463481
File: 157 KB, 1258x673, 6.69 SGD equals 4.88 USD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every jeweler has told me to fuck off.
>guy comes in with ring worth less than $5
>wants me to resize it
>it's stainless steel
>it's a job for a welding shop - not a jeweler
>I told him to fuck off

>> No.1463490

1: That's a stock photo not the ring I want resized
2: Sentimental value is priceless.

3: Why would the value of the item being worked on change the fact that you can make alot off of fixing it? Re-sizing steel is more expensive than precious metals.

You guys are fucking retarded.
First and last time I post in shitty board.

>> No.1463491
File: 15 KB, 225x225, 8168CDC6-F78B-4675-9983-E319291DD805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it yourself!

Go to your local hardware store and buy pic related. Heat up ring until it’s a bright red. At that point you want to thrust your finger into it with a firm force and then wiggle your finger around inside a bit before it cools and it will be a perfect fit.

Otherwise you could lose a few pounds so it fits on your sausage fingers again.

>> No.1463492

Inb4 focus on my posting in this board comment and none of my arguments.

Already see it coming you fucking niggers.

>> No.1463495

>At work sucking cock
>Guy comes in wanting hia ring resized.
>tell him to fuck off
>Continue sucking cock.

>> No.1463496

Is it an engineering ring?

>> No.1463497

Honestly, it's probably a job for a welder. Tell him you'll give him 50 bucks to grind a slot in it, weld up the gap and buff it.

>> No.1463498

Not without special equipment. Heating with a torch will just turn all the chromium at the surface into oxides leaving regular steel and iron scale that will rust.

>> No.1463505

>Re-sizing steel is more expensive than precious metals.
Generally, resizing up can be done by stretching.
If it's too much to stretch you have to fabricate a filler piece and solder it into the ring.
A stainless steel ring is not going to stretch.
A piece will have to be fabricated, welded in place and finished to match the rest of the ring.
Most jewelry shops and jewelers don't have the necessary equipment to weld stainless steel.
Re-sizing silver and gold is done with a product called solder.
They don't actually WELD the silver or gold back together.
When I was doing it I actually used silver solder on white gold so I wouldn't have to have another type of solder.
It comes in a small, flat envelope.
Snip off a piece, place it into joint with flux.
Heat until solder melts.

>> No.1463506
File: 24 KB, 304x304, qu-sld33_freeshipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It comes in a small, flat envelope.
This is the type I use.

>> No.1463528
File: 309 KB, 1000x1493, 4277FBE7-CFE9-4AE2-AE0D-78B130A7C74C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have one of these, and only try it with the caveat they are not responsible it the ring splits.

>> No.1463573

That's how Dr Doom got his mask to fit just right. I second this method.

>> No.1463582

I'll resize your "ring" if you catch my drift

>> No.1463614

A steel ring will break that.

>> No.1463636

Ok OP listen up here is how to do it with no cutting or welding.

Heat it up in an inert oven with a cover gas like nitrogen or argon. This will thermally expand the ring. Once it is good and big, place it over a glass rod that is a little bigger than the size you want.

Now comes the tricky part. You want to cool it really slow. Ramp the oven temp down nice and gradual so that the huge compression stresses in the ring don't crack the ring or the glass.

Once it is room temp you should be able to take it out of the oven, break the glass and free your corn dog stick hands rated ring.

>> No.1463649

Those are made for silver and gold that has been annealed "dead soft." You put a piece of stainless in there and you'll destroy it.

>> No.1463653

I no absolutely nothing about metal work, but could you just bore out the center more to fit your finger?

>> No.1463676

This OP.

>> No.1463706

Make a tapered drift the size you want. Heat the ring up and force the drift through.

Blacksmithing 101

>> No.1463707


>> No.1463709


This is why they turn your retarded ass away OP. Your ring isn't worth the labor/materials of potentially breaking a tool more expensive than it.

>> No.1463712


>tfw going to school for welding sciences
>tfw legitimately enjoy welding and the figurative atmosphere
>tfw always looking for alt things I can use with the skillset

Holy shit I love this thread. Totally going to market that service now.

>> No.1463808

Thats why you heat it to white hot before you slam it on there.

>> No.1463810

have you tried putting it on in the sauna?

>> No.1463834

See ya round then champ.

>> No.1463835

Buy silver chain and a clasp for 20 bucks. Wear it round your neck.

>> No.1463836

I'd imagine you could stick it on the round side of an anvil, heat it up with a small flame thrower (possibly wrong word) and use a hammer to drive it in the bigger direction.
It may break in the process, but it could work aswell - who knows.

>> No.1463838

What about shaving off some of the inner diameter on a lathe?

>> No.1463871

wear the ring as a necklace

>> No.1463874

jewelers work with gold. everything else is either way too much work for something that comes with candy or they dont have the tools for it. since its stainless steel just go on ebay and buy the correct size. the metal is worth like 5 cents.

>> No.1463876

U can tig weld it I did the same

>> No.1463885

Show us a pic of the ring and your finger to have an idea.

>> No.1463895

use a hydraulic pipe expander...no need to weld, no need to cut, nothing...put it on there for a second, that's it.

a proper exhaust shop has such an expander...that can stretch such a ring to any size, 2' diameter if necessary

>> No.1463904

>stainless steel
costs 10 cents, just get a bigger one

>> No.1463927

Dremel or use a small chainsaw file. Works, just put in effort and go slow.

>> No.1464233

Found the nigger.

"Man, just hit dat shit."

>> No.1464260

look up a process called ring rolling. it can be done cold, usually it is done hot. you could do it with with any round piece of metal that is harder than the ring, a cheap option would be hardened drill stock. you would basically put the round stock through the ring and roll it like a rolling pin. you would also have to do it on a hard base flat concrete could work, sure it would scratch up but you could polish it, we have a machine at work and it basically does this.

>> No.1464430

1) Split the underside of the ring and deburr.
2) Now the ring is adjustable.
3) ????
4) Profit

>> No.1464521

Maybe make a plaster cast of your finger first and THEN put the plaster into the ring until it fits.

>> No.1464530

It's plated so no. Just buy another one.

>> No.1464699

lose weight, lardass

>> No.1464715

I used to be a jeweler.

No. Buy or exchange is for a different size.


Fuck off.

>> No.1464733
File: 24 KB, 500x500, 13-132_ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heat ring with a torch and use this, OP.

>> No.1464795

not possible to heat it and roll it bigger? It would get thinner but the ID would get bigger?

>> No.1464798

Nah man that’s a waste of time

>> No.1464953

I spilled my drink thru my nose. Fuck you!

>> No.1464989


this actually made me laugh thank you

>> No.1464991


theyre called handheld flamenwerfers

>> No.1464992

are these suppose to be questions?
these look like statements youre making

>> No.1465073
File: 1.37 MB, 273x198, 4chan and everyone else.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First and last time I post in shitty board.
>can't handle 3 troll comments
jesus, have you ever been on 4chan before?
heat it, then stretch it yourself. maybe contact a precision steelworker/machinist.

>> No.1465247

Put it in a lathe and bore out the ID.

>> No.1465324

I didn’t know that kit existed thanks for posting. I already have a TS8000 torch with MAPP gas, I wonder if it would be worth it to buy that setup

>> No.1465353

>I wonder if it would be worth it to buy that setup
>one cubic foot of oxygen
>good for a couple of minutes

>> No.1465357

This >>1465353

I almost bought one but after reading reviews, everybody says a tank of oxygen is good for <10min of runtime. You need like one of those small MAPP tanks and then a propane grill sized canister of o2 to run it right.

>> No.1466405
File: 44 KB, 187x179, EKmeXt1HQP_7esyFYjR4LQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mosh mosh!
Self Lapidary in Training Anon here!

Stainless Steel huh?


Well, that's hard to edit larger anon. Sad! But don't worry! You can make a new one! Yes! Very true! No lie!

Decide on how you want to do this, via the molten mold method or the material bending method!

MMM: You will need to purchase Stainless Steel (available many places! Spoons, Knives, Forks, Pots and Pans!) And you need to melt the material in a crucible. Do you have a crucible? You can buy one or make one from scratch! Very simple! Very useful! You melt the material in the crucible, (Very hot! Wear Protection!) and pour the material into a ring mold! (Make one from stone/wax/plaster!) Once you've poured, let it cool and hit it with water! (Watch out! Steam!) Break the mold with a hammer, Tada! A Ring! Hooray! Polish and sand it down! Huzzah! A new ring!

MBM: This is much simpler yes yes! Purchase material (Many places!) Heat it with a blowtorch. (Hot hot!) Bend it around a rod with a higher heat temperature than your material. (Tungsten tungsten!) Do not melt the material, only heat to moldability! Mold around the rod! Hit it with a hammer! (Clang clang) Hit it with water! Tada! You have a ring! Yay! File and polish! Shiny! Hooray!

Another method, Hole Punch!
Find large material with right thickness. [Sometimes hard!]
Find a puncher! [Bap bap!]
Punch out a ring! Wow!
File and Polish!

Saw Method
Similar to Punch Method!
Use a Saw to cut a hole in thick material!

Hope its been helpful! [much much!]

>> No.1466442

Nah op, you want to pump acetylene in it. Works way better and its cheap if u rent the bottle

>> No.1466445
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh 60,000 pound life
>pic related

>> No.1466755

1 Put penis in ring
2 look at guy butts
3 ?????
4 Stretched ring

>> No.1466757

Just lose some weight ya fat fuck

>> No.1467815

>cadmium free


>> No.1467817

Just cut a slot in it, buff the edges and then you can resize at will

>> No.1467827

I know its not what you were going for but I read all of this in Donald Trump's voice

>> No.1468024

This thread is great

>> No.1468042
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>> No.1468944

50 ton press on a drift. half way on one side, flip repeat.

it will resize a certain amount before breaking

>Who got so fat that they need a 2X ring FFS?

>> No.1468946

Not from 3/4" you fucking millennial

>> No.1470507

Kekd heartily

>> No.1470638

This is what I was thinking too as long as there's enough material

>> No.1470900
File: 742 KB, 1055x808, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga what the fuck is going on with this post.

>> No.1471982

take it to a guy with a hydraulic press
or lose weight.
Whichever is cheaper.

>> No.1472127

Why not low weight fat ass?