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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 27 KB, 475x327, free_tools[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
144600 No.144600 [Reply] [Original]

Well, James Garrett ended up not going to Lowes to get his stuff, so I returned it. Also my premium on my car insurance went down this year. So I'm passing both of these savings on to you guys!

First three people to post with their full name (what it says on your ID, you will need this to pick up the items) and your zip code (or city if you don't want to give out your zip) in this thread will get the following item:


I'll give you instructions on how to get the item. First come first served. (That's the fairest way I can think to do this; I don't want people to have to give stories to prove they need it/deserve it and any attempt to randomize a la post ending in XX could be too easily manipulated on a slower board like this. I'm very sorry if you're one of the people that miss out.)

>> No.144607

link doesnt work

>> No.144609

Cool yeah, sure I'll post my full name and full ID on 4chan.

>> No.144610

he/she didnt ask for your "ID"

>> No.144612

error 500 on webpage

>> No.144615

First three people to post with their full name (what it says on your ID, you will need this to pick up the items) and your zip code (or city if you don't want to give out your zip) in this thread will get the following item:

I know you're reading comprehension skills may be questionable. But it's not hard. You did past grade 9 right?

>> No.144616


>> No.144617
File: 15 KB, 526x336, error_tools_bg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe OP means the set of Kobalt tools on the error page?

>> No.144618



Does that one work? The other one was a link from when it was in the "shopping cart", worked for me but I dunno.


All I need is your first and last name, and zip code or city. All I meant by "what it says on your ID" is that I need a name that will be verifiable by the people at lowes. If you give a fake name that's what will be on the order, and then they won't let you pick up the items.

>> No.144620

wow, youre really stupid. he/she is asking for your name that is ON your ID you dimwit, so that you could show your ID to prove your name at Lowes..

>> No.144622


>> No.144624

Kevin Balz
Ardmore, Oklahoma

... question, why free? I don't understand.

>> No.144628

If that link STILL doesn't work just go to http://www.lowes.com/ and search for "PORTER-CABLE 4-Tool 18-Volt NiCad Cordless Combo Kit", the item number is 36099.


/diy/ was a lot less unfriendly a while ago.

>> No.144630

Link works

>> No.144635

if email is required, it's xburyxyourxdead@yahoo.com
i gotta run now, refreshin thread later.

>> No.144639

Actually, there's a global rule against posting personal info like name, address, and phone on 4chan. It would be a lot better to ask for emails/temp emails, that way people can better protect themselves from assholes.

>> No.144641
File: 220 KB, 1263x1515, Order Confirmation1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We're not too far away from each other. I live in Tulsa.

Go Here:

2701 12th Avenue Nw
Ardmore, OK 73401

Go up to the customer service desk, tell them you are doing an online order in-store pickup. Bring your ID and print off this image.

>> No.144646


#4 is to prevent people from posting other people's information, including emails. If it was intended to prevent people from posting their own info there wouldn't be an email field. Also I've done threads like this before, and I haven't gotten banned or warned for it yet, so I assume the mods don't have a problem with it.

>> No.144648

For anyone seeing this on the front page the fixed OP link is:


>> No.144651

True, but most people are very very leery of posting contact info and real names. Especially when you've seen what goes down on /b/ and why those rules are in place in the first place. Flies in the ointment ruin everything for the rest of us.

>> No.144652

Gavin Powell

Kalamazoo, MI

>> No.144655 [DELETED] 


Are you kidding me dude?

>> No.144658
File: 242 KB, 1263x1346, Gmail - Internet Pickup Confirmation for Order 3128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you kidding me dude?

It's for the same exact set as the one you got 12/08/11.

They send me confirmation emails, I thought your name looked familiar so I searched it. Pic related.

>> No.144659

Price went up 20 bucks! Shit....

>> No.144660
File: 11 KB, 250x173, 126369053990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Saw the thread and figured I might as well give it another shot.

>> No.144661


It was an x-mas special. It's still a good deal even so, though.

>> No.144662

Alright. I'll go for it.

Jonathan Leung

Vice nnameno

>> No.144663


Please check what's up for grabs next time. I wouldn't have a problem with it if you were in one of the threads I gave away hand tools, and then got this set, but not the same set x2. Let someone else get it.

>> No.144664

>Vice nnameno

Yeah, I thought I typed captcha already. I guess that's where I put it the first time

>> No.144668

I was going to jump in but the nearest lowes is 2 hours away.

>> No.144669
File: 220 KB, 1263x1515, Order Confirmation2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go Here:

17789 Castelton Street
City Of Industry, CA 91748

Go up to the customer service desk, tell them you are doing an online order in-store pickup. Bring your ID and print off this image.

>> No.144670

David Schuett
Not that close to a lowes

>> No.144671


There is a Home Depot much closer, would you be okay with a similar set from there?

>> No.144673

Yeah, that would work fine. That's like 4 blocks away from me.

>> No.144675


This guy good:


If not pick something from here:


>> No.144679


Actually what I linked they don't have in store. This is a better match:


>> No.144680

The Ryobi kit looks like it should be fine.

>> No.144683

The link isn't working for me. Anything will work, really. I only have a basic set of hand tools so anything is an upgrade.

>> No.144687
File: 164 KB, 1024x768, fwef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link works for me, you may have copy/pasted incorrectly. Looks good to me.

>> No.144689

Looks great. Definitely will help with my /diy/ing.

>> No.144692


David, it looks like home depot has an issue with my card billing address not being in the same state as your in-store pickup. If you could give me an email to keep in contact with you with, I will go and buy a gift card later in the week and then use that to purchase your item for you. That would be the easiest way to get around this. I just called them and they won't accept anything less than me being there in person with my card (They won't accept me faxing my card/id to them) Gift cards would fix this.

>> No.144694

Oh, sorry to hear that it's causing so much trouble. Email is in the email field.

>> No.144700
File: 16 KB, 434x294, thats-all-folks[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shot you an email.

For everyone else, sorry you didn't get anything. I'll try and have one of these again. Probably not soon though because I have to go help the guy down in Texas with his porch enclosure.

Hapy /diy/ing!

>> No.145820
File: 235 KB, 1158x1568, Order Confirmation3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jonathan, there was a problem with your order, the same issue that popped up for


I placed another order for you using gift cards, so that one should work for you. The pic is the updated order confirmation. Sorry if this made it difficult for you to pick up your items or made you waste a trip to the store.

>> No.145937


Actually disregard it looks like you were able to pick up your item anyway.

>> No.145940

I have to applaud the DIY spirit in this thread. A+.


Good man. If I was anywhere near you I'd buy you a beer for making man-kind a bit less horrible.

>> No.146060

I remember the first thread you did OP. This is so great and I just wanted to pop in again to give you one more pat on the back. After a day of dealing with scum of the earth suits, this helps me sleep easy. Cheers.

>> No.146066

oh weird youre right, tulsa is only a few hours away.
ill be picking mine up tomorrow, thanks so much.

>> No.146075

Didn't win anything and I have, y own tools but just saying thank you for restoring my faith in some of mankind.

>> No.146079
File: 105 KB, 347x346, thumbs_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't throw my name into any of these threads as I don't need anything, but I will post to applaud your generosity in empowering more people by getting useful tools into their hands.

>> No.146091

Still going on? Alright, here goes...

Keegan VanHorn
Indiana, 46706

Tools are fun.

>> No.146115

I just got back from college and I left at 14:00 so once again I miss your threads. One of these days ill win ;)

>> No.146146

scroton, you confuse me.

Secret guerrilla Ryobi marketing? MAYBE.

Can't say that I mind though. Glad to see makers makin'.

>> No.146154

I have my whole setup already, not lacking a single thing. Just dropping in to say how much I love watching this happen. When times get better I'll do one of these too

>> No.146169

Scroton is legit, and a heck of a nice guy. He's helping me with an epic DIY project next month. Probably the one guy on 4chan I'd trust at all.

>> No.146170

Isn't it a sad world when we have to question the motives of someone doing something nice?

I moved in with my mother-in-law after brain surgery to provide care for her...everyone has asked me why. When I say, "Because it is the right thing to do" they look at me like I'm insane. Our society has become so self-serving that when someone steps out of that and does nice things for another person, people have to wonder if there is something wrong with them.

>> No.146174

Society is psychopathic actually.

>> No.146181

Dammit. I always miss out on these threads.

>> No.146184


dont complain, he doesnt have to do these threads yet he still does

ever heard the term dont look a gift horse in the mouth?

>> No.146199


Yeah, thanks. I was able to pick up yesterday. The first guy was a little confused, but his manager told him there wasn't a problem since my name was specified on it.

>> No.146442


Yeah, they called me earlier and told me there was a problem with it, but then I guess it didn't matter. When i called them back with the new giftcard order they thought I meant I wanted them to refund the other order and tender it with gift cards instead. They don't seem too on the ball at your Lowes.


This. Pay it forward.

>> No.146464

Wow Scroton, you da man.

I'll win me some tools some day ;)

>> No.146596

scrotum you rich fuck. im gonna melt your asshole with vinegar

>> No.147338

Scroton, care to help a broke repairmen get new tools?

>> No.147496


>im gonna melt your asshole with vinegar

I would recommend muriatic acid for that. It will get the job done a lot quicker and not cost too much more than vinegar. Also:

>I'm not rich.

>> No.147686

I approve what scroton does.