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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 326 KB, 960x944, april-headshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1444351 No.1444351 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite youtuber?

I want April to crush me in her SuperJaws

>> No.1444357
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This is my DIYfu.
Patrician tastes, OP.

>> No.1444358

No links? WTF

>> No.1444359


>> No.1444374


Paul's Garage is probably my favorite, when he's actually working on something with an end goal. Recently he's been fucking around and uploading seemingly halfassed shit--but when he actually has a project with a realistic scope, he's entertaining as fuck and earnest in where his deficits are.
It's really just good fun watching a guy in my skill range fuck shit up and actively learn from his mistakes while educating me. Way more fun than the likes of This Old Tony (who I also enjoy) blowing me away with advanced shit I sometimes don't even understand.
This Old Tony recently used a mag chuck, and because of all his fuckery, I legitimately doubted such a thing existed.

>> No.1444376

April's definitely a good'un. I watch her just for the down-to-earth enthusiasm of building things.
Most maker vids are just hopeless "why did I watch this? Id have gotten it in thee pics and a caption". Life hack parodies on tumblr are usually more fun.

>> No.1444378
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Pic related

>> No.1444379

The combo of long legs and big tits aren't lost on me

>> No.1444395
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>> No.1444403
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Sari. She builds mountain bikes in some videos and has that beautiful sing-song of the Tempere Elves (Finns).

>> No.1444407

ChrisFix. Very easy to follow and has saved me lots and lots of money on car repairs.

>> No.1444414

Her videos are well edited and she has Tits.
so it's a perfect combol.

>> No.1444415

Depends what for. aVe is for sure the best personality but I'm beyond his knowledge on a bunch of things PBSspacetime and Fermilab for physics

>> No.1444416

I want AVE's disembodied hands to reach around my body and clamp my dick in a vice.

>> No.1444417

What a faggot thing to say. We to waste a get.

>> No.1444418

AVE is good shit.
who else would tell me a tool has shit plastic and a mad mold

>> No.1444419

Get in line. AvE is legit the best DIY channel out these days.

>> No.1444444
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>> No.1444445


>> No.1444446
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She really does look like a Green Haired Kiira. And they both have that amazing sing-song Tempere accent. Kiira's voice is much deeper though.

Tell me this isn't adorable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEs1Cxs4m74

>> No.1444451

wow her voice is realy deep

>> No.1444462
File: 223 KB, 736x1104, ElectrocutedAsian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two things:

1.) The Zamboni at 9:33 is a TRUMP Zamboni
2.) I would still marry her even if she sounds like James Earl Jones.

>> No.1445298

Are there any good girls(male) in diy? I wanna watch one that isn't completely brain dead and wants to talk about meme politics.

>> No.1445305

Well, there's "fran" ...

>> No.1445560

This guy is highly, highly underrated:

>> No.1445869

Hey so what's up with Fenner? Is he dying?

>> No.1445870

he posted a vid 2 days ago. he said it wasn't health related

>> No.1445872

Yeah but Abom mentioned something about him having health issues. Fenner seems like the type to not admit something like that, and he made a "joke" about not living long enough to see whether the sealed bearings on the mill spindle hold up...

>> No.1445874


>> No.1445876

he put out a video recently telling everyone where he's been, I think he was on vacation or something

>> No.1445877
File: 174 KB, 1365x2048, Beauty_And_The_Bolt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xyla Foxlin, Beauty and the Bolt.

>> No.1445881

>I want April to crush me in her SuperJaws

only if she takes her teeth out first

>> No.1445925

Been watching a channel called acorn to Arabella basically 2 dudes building a big ass wooden sail boat in their backyard.

They poured like a 9000 lb lead keel weight earlier this year. And theyre just starting the main keel beam recently.

All the lumber is from one of the guys property.

>> No.1445931

Yeah, they're pretty comfy. Got me thinking about building a 30' cutter myself, actually.

Can also recommend Sampson Boat Co. It's basically one young dude repairing a 1910 50' yacht.

>> No.1445962
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this is why married women should COVER THEMSELVES

>> No.1446072
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This Old Tony


Cody'sLab (it doesn't completely fits in the diy category but still)

Green Beetle - knifemaking . This guy forges some crazy patterns and forge-welded billets by hand, also nice filming and jokes here and there

Engineer BrunS - the russian ThisOldTony . Machining and comedy. One of my favourites , unfortunately he uploads rarely.

Switch & Lever - Im not into electronics , but he also makes some general diy projects and his videos are very well made and narrated

FarmCraft101 - the guy casted and then machined ar lower.

OUTDOORS55 - beginner knife maker , for some reason nowadays I enjoy his videos of basic knife making more than the complicated builds of the big makers.

Alec Steele - It was interesting when he started making blades , but recently I got sick of the multi episoded builds and the "cool editing", but anyways he makes some fine stuff.

Peter Brown - wood turning and epoxy casting for the lulz

>> No.1446302

AvE is pretty much the gold standard of YouTube /diy/ vids. His humor and skills are pretty unmatched, but he still explains things in ways the average Joe can follow along.

>> No.1446329

this angers my autism. i can't stand rough surfaces

>> No.1446333

It's not even really a DIY channel

>> No.1446335

Stefan Gotteswinter and Robin Renzetti are worth a try if you are into machining

>> No.1446342

i reckon the girls doing it are larping.

>> No.1446378

>confirmed for not being able to keep up with the bantz

>> No.1446424

>>confirmed for not being able to keep up with the bantz

its not a bad substitution for technical info

>> No.1446467


Ave speaks like a baby and doesn't even do /diy/ stuff. He literally just takes apart tools and talks about how they are made.

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.1446515



>> No.1446632

I love snow people so much.

>> No.1446650


>> No.1446660


>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpK_jPApq2g

This looks retarded . The welds are terrible.

>> No.1446675
File: 2.50 MB, 1365x1365, ally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1446687


>> No.1446892

Now who's pretending to be retarded, faggot?

>> No.1447478

Sauce? Asking for a friend.

>> No.1447489

She's married to my m8 Antero.
Sarpale666 is the name of her channel. She has some gamer vids but her "Day in Life of Finland" and trail riding vids are her most popular. She just hit 1,000 subscribers and was really happy. We were in school together and I had crush on her but was too Finnish autistic to act on it. Antero won her heart.

So fucking fucked to fucking see her being talked about on 4chan let alone /diy/. She is a heart of golden.

>> No.1447696

Son, i think it's time for that shoulder to hip ratio talk

>> No.1447699

>hideous speaking voice
>Gollum skin
no thanks, i'll stick with women who can't lift anything heavier than a pot roast

>> No.1447707

>Can also recommend Sampson Boat Co.
one of the best channels. so great
oh, wow. this guy is pretty awesome

>> No.1447792

Project Farm is a new favorite of mine.


>> No.1447856

>Ave speaks like a baby and doesn't even do /diy/ stuff.

Literally his last two videos were /diy/ as fuck, and just because you can't keep up with him doesn't mean he talks like a baby. Babys don't have that sort of vocabulary, but you're just scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to take shots at him, so I wouldn't expect your insults to make sense.

>> No.1448034

Ox Tool Co

This Old Tony


I'll watch Chris Schwarz doing a woodworking talk once in a while. Or a relaxing bowl turning vid, no particular channel.

Also pbs space time and eons. PragerU and some star citizen YouTube channels (tactical advance, boredgamer, styoungblood)

>> No.1448339

I love this man
he's like /diy/'s stallman but duller

>> No.1449735

I want Abom79 to abuse my butthole until I beg him for a 1/1000th measurement of dilation


>> No.1450096


Yeah she does a great job, doesn't oversell her skills but clearly has them. And a great love of trying stuff out.

>this is why married women should COVER THEMSELVES

Yeah being beautiful is nice too but she's married in Texas. So if I were you, I'd limit talking shit about her to being safely out of earshot, knife throw, and pistol range.

>> No.1451336

>Yeah she does a great job, doesn't oversell her skills but clearly has them. And a great love of trying stuff out.
>Yeah being beautiful is nice too but she's married in Texas. So if I were you, I'd limit talking shit about her to being safely out of earshot, knife throw, and pistol range.

Found the cuck husband. Cutting and screwing together wood is caveman basic. Manufacturing the tools she shills, assembled in some schenzhen shit hole requires more skill than slapping together 2by and ply sheet.

>> No.1451412

This kike is crazy, he didn't even know what a magnetron is and almost broke it, look up his microwave video.

>> No.1452230

>Yeah being beautiful is nice too but she's married in Texas. So if I were you, I'd limit talking shit about her to being safely out of earshot, knife throw, and pistol range.
don't worry dude, nobody is interested in your wife or going to your shithole state.

>> No.1452231

I binge watched his videos last time /diy/ posted him. Guy is actually mentally ill.

>> No.1452232

this is believable but in what way? i only watched the video posted here.

>> No.1452236

I have no clue what videos its in, but he talks about having visions as a like 7 year old boy of a "pyramid". So his whole life he has been fixated on pyramids.

Here is some of his art (which he has plastered around his house)

Here is his claim to fame, his pyramid car that he has been working on for many years

dude isnt all there in the head for sure.

>> No.1452238

lol I remember when he grabbed that hv capacitor and said it was a selenoid
old dude could've died

>> No.1452239

here is his living room wall

>> No.1452243

ohh... i see... he may just be "eccentric" but the artwork and talking like this also totally fits into the BPD/mania thing. i hope he has family or friends around to make sure he's ok.

>> No.1452248
File: 46 KB, 592x612, 672208626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The forest elves are retardedly adorable yet I would NEVER want to piss one off. See that 7 year old Finnish girl? She has a knife and will stab you if you get within 2 meters of her personal space. Do not fuck with the Forest Elves unless you are Estonian and they are Finland Police.

That said, I love Lauri and LOVE Anni.

>Heylo! We are Use-ED soopar expensive Soviet lathe to make-ED stoopid sheet.


>> No.1452249

oh i want to party with these guys so bad

>> No.1452259

They gave up drinking for 2018. I do not want to party with a Finn unless they drink. 2019 Lauri and Anni? You bet I wouldn't let them pay for an Olvi III or shot of kossu.

We shall drink until we puke-ED together.


>> No.1452336

>search words
>find "have"

Seriously disappointing, guys. AvE is literally /diy/ incarnate.

>> No.1452344

>he hasn't tested diesel any diesel engine stuff I suggested yet
unlike, and unsibscribed

>> No.1452346

The man threaded a potato. They said it couldn't be done, but he fucking did it. He's the hero /diy/ needs but doesn't deserve.

>> No.1452368

The Essential Craftsman.

I find his content really comfy.

>> No.1452369

Thanks Anon, enjoying this channel.

>> No.1452397

>Engineer BrunS - the russian ThisOldTony . Machining and comedy. One of my favourites , unfortunately he uploads rarely.

Checked, pretty cool

>> No.1452422

well that's disappointing

>> No.1452426

>gollum skin

Hey little guy, are you sure you're old enough to post here? All your references seem to be related to stories for little kids.

>> No.1452553

>Hey little guy, are you sure you're old enough to post here? All your references seem to be related to stories for little kids.
Shrek came out in 2001. everyone in the world knows who Shrek is. likewise, everyone knows who Gollum is because everyone has read those books. the fact that your wife looks like two different monsters doesn't make me underage.

>> No.1452800


>> No.1453112


i just leave this here

>> No.1453145

>shaming white skin

Seriously you insecure niggerworshippers need to go back to redd.it. Consider that zoophilia is not seen as something normal in this place. This is /diy/ not /mtv/.

>> No.1453162

based and redpilled

>> No.1453263

Fucking disgusting troll people. The dude is more attractive than the woman.

>> No.1453353

So on top of being a shitskin/niggerlover, you're a homo. Jeez.

>> No.1453362

Don't talk shit about Anni.

>> No.1453367


>> No.1453407

Agree. She's pretty in her own, unusual way.

>> No.1453548

Emma > April


>> No.1455363

He's the gold standard of being a moron

>> No.1455370

i wanna get matthias wandel missionary and hear him moan.
>got the sticks
>for satefy he replies
>feed the dildo in as he lays on my table saw

>> No.1455620


Yeah after this thread popped up I decided to give him a try. I'd been meaning to watch him for a while. Already have a man crush on that crazy Canuck. Yes very /diy/.

The nice thing about This Old Tony is that his shoutouts and ballbusting creates a community. Like a working at a fun machine shop where everyone gives each other shit but respects each other's skills.

>> No.1455624


You know, in the 2010s it's perfectly safe to just come out of the closet and be done with it. You'll feel a lot better, and be less of a catty little bitch.

>> No.1455631

Youtuber is to celeb is the same as saying guitar hero is to a real guitar.

>> No.1455635

yes, unless you were boned by Harvey Weinstein, you're not a true celeb.

>> No.1455834



>> No.1455852

His own legal defense was proof of it being true.

>> No.1455941

>because I think the non-white troll people are ugly

Stay cucked libtard.

>> No.1455975

Just dropping in to say, I'm 41 and I've never seen Shrek.

>> No.1456958

neither have i but i know what shrek looks like. thanks for dropping in.

>> No.1458455

love her little waving at the end of the video

>> No.1458584
File: 347 KB, 500x522, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even have a car but find ChrisFix very entertaining and I watch his videos on a regular basis. If anyone knows the motorcycle version of him, please let me know

>> No.1458696

Any good off-grid and homestead channels?

>> No.1458973

"Hi I'm Bob and I Like To Make Stuff".
Great intro to a great series. Youtube I Like To Make Stuff and enjoy.

>> No.1459004

maximum comfy
honestly I wish he wasn't doing the house thing but I'm sure other people want the knowledge so okay

>> No.1459026

I watched through a few of the Green Beetle vids, and if gave me a higher appreciation for pattern welding. I still think it's a meme, but I now realize that it takes much more work than I thought before watching. It's neat stuff, and a good way for a smith to show off.

>> No.1459077

I want the content so badly but can't stand to watch

>> No.1459285

This guy! He has been building his own research sailing vessel from scratch!


>> No.1459510

he's a creep and i bet he does weird sexual things

>> No.1460277

Nice vids.

Too bad she's a flaming retard with some fucking pizzagate vids in her liked videos.

>> No.1460331

based and redpilled

>> No.1460476

>caring about gets

>> No.1460496

Women's voices usually hurt my ears on low quality audio or when they have to talk louder to compensate for background noise. Stop posting rosties please.

>> No.1460545

>This Old Tony

Best. I have no interest in metal fab but i watch all of his videos.

TipsFromAShipwright is good but lately he's been skipping steps on his builds between videos. It's annoying to see bare planked boat at end of one video then fully painted boat in the next. The skiff build series was better.

>> No.1460743


Go smoke monkey pole in your safe space. We're not going to not mention good channels just because some idiot robot gets his jimmies rustled.

>> No.1460836

Finland seems so great. I would love to visit there, but I don't even have the slightest understanding of the language. I just want to enjoy the culture and enjoy your many saunas.

>> No.1460840

Ichiban Moto.

>> No.1460857

I wanna pump her milktanks full of my viral seed.

>> No.1460860

Those are the eyes of an NPC, Lad.

>> No.1460863

These are also the eyes of NPC's

>> No.1460907

That guy is a total crybaby boomer faggot.
He literally stopped posting because of one guy who kept calling him "Itchy Bum" on the comment section.

>> No.1461096

No shit? That sucks. His videos were pretty funny.

>> No.1461130

she's fucking shit and you know it
her carport build was a total disaster

>> No.1461135

100% tits, 0% talent

>> No.1461173

>it hurts my ears
hurr durrr jimmies rustled
You're like the the faggots from the early 2000s that made female musician youtubers popular just because they had tits and could play a few cords. Get a gf loser.

>> No.1461960

You forgot to mention her pointy knees.

>> No.1462098

Nothing wrong with her carport except for being overbuilt.

>> No.1462365
File: 14 KB, 300x250, 82541a9736653da2b059683354626a7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that what they call those tesla chargers?

>> No.1462624

>purposely at an angle to show off the padded bra
I see that this female is not productive or intelligent in the slightest.

>> No.1462649

>AvE is pretty much the gold standard of YouTube /diy/ vids.
this old tony is better

>> No.1462675

if you like bronies pedophiles, sure.

>> No.1462706

You more than likely have mental issues. It would be wise to seek treatment.

>> No.1462708

go find his hitachi magic wand video, look at back of his phone, realize that you no longer like him, unsubscribe.

>> No.1462711

meant to quote

>> No.1462713

The little girl stickers? Doesn't he have a daughter?

>> No.1462714

t. Incel

>> No.1463205


Real subtle, This Old Tony. Ho shill and slander somewhere else. /diy/ loves AvE.

>> No.1463207

lol no.

>> No.1463267

his wife is qt from what I can tell from reflections lol.

you can kind of see her in the annoyatron video

>> No.1463673


>> No.1463741


>> No.1463752

wow. Who is the lady with the Perrier water bottle?

>> No.1463760


Is he retarded with Autism?

Thank you and bye.

>> No.1463761


>> No.1465112


>> No.1465432
File: 55 KB, 587x587, L6pJclJR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did I just watch?

>> No.1465495

A complete and utter faggot who is shilling his shitty unfunny youtube video here hoping for clicks.

>> No.1465630
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>> No.1465634
File: 89 KB, 960x540, thatfinnchick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Korpi is Love, the Korpi is Life.

>> No.1465707
File: 335 KB, 667x958, thicc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

das rite

>> No.1465710

Damn, I thought that was Brevic.

>> No.1465712


>> No.1465862

I like that dude who restores old tools.

>> No.1466040

you better be talking about based scoutcrafter and not one of those algorithm cock polishers

>> No.1466369

I fuckin love the comfy videos this Himmler lookin mothercucker puts out.
I always watch that shit at three in the morning when I can't sleep.

>> No.1466524

Work boots in shorts no safety glasses. Attention whore

>> No.1466626

She does wear safety glasses when beneficial. What hazards are you trying to mitigate wearing full PPE 100% of the time in a clean private shop while operating simple hand tools?
She also didn't wear gloves, which is arguably much more important than long pants, but you didn't seem to mind.

>> No.1466635

You faggots must spend more time putting on gear then actually doing any fucking work

>> No.1466830

Paoson is one of the best I’ve ever seen. His homemade tools are amazing.

>> No.1468003

I have a feeling someone's about to shit on my face for this but ZNAproductions is best.

>> No.1468009

Sampson Boat Co is fucking incredible

>> No.1468323

Torbjorn Ahman is pretty good

>> No.1468324

I like John Heisz (ibuildit.ca)
He is a carpenter with a really unconventional approach that works. I bought his table saw fence plans and built one. It's incredible. Turned my $50 pawn shop jobsite saw into a cabinetmakers saw

>> No.1468439
File: 245 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uri Tuchman

I first saw his vid on making an engraving kit
and i was hooked. His style is so fucking cool

>> No.1468444

Christ, I love Uri's engraving. I would love to learn how to do that but I have no idea where to start (and I have gone full Mathias and built my own power tools).

>> No.1468462

After watching Clickspring, anything short of perfectly flush fittings seems sloppy.

>> No.1468463
File: 149 KB, 1023x575, clickspring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clickspring is heavenly.

Plus he does it all in pic related.