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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 79 KB, 700x370, img_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1433297 No.1433297 [Reply] [Original]

For me it's the Gedore 1b, the best combination wrench.

>> No.1433322

You would think a high quality brand making high quality tools would polish their shit

>> No.1433323

better grip dude

>> No.1433332

I've never found polished wrenches to be any more slippery than unpolished ones. But I find they feel much nicer almost "softer" in the hands when you are really cranking them.

>> No.1433333


>> No.1433340

Don't gays love it hard?

>> No.1433344

I don't know, you're the expert.

>> No.1433372

/ck/ called, they want their meme back. We don't go over there spouting about dock work, why you gotta be like this OP?

>> No.1434075
File: 12 KB, 350x350, pipe-spanner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the ring-end is so offset like that it sucks, you're not putting all your force to rotating the bolt and I often round nuts and bolts when it's offset like that. The best ones to use are pic related, I call them pipe-spanners but idk what they are actually called

>> No.1434099

>The best ones to use are pic related,

well, no. those are the best ones to use when they actually are. in many cases OP's are preferable. I have both types, and sometimes one works better and sometimes the other does. In addition to OP's, it's handy to own the kind like his that has a box on both ends, as they are sometimes longer, and you can put more force with a round end in your palm compared to the open end points.

experience is key. knowing exactly which tool is best without having to try several.

>> No.1434185

Fucken roasted that homo

>> No.1434294

>no corner relief
And into the trash it goes.

>> No.1434303

>>no corner relief
>And into the trash it goes.

that makes no difference that matters.

>> No.1434322

But it does faggot. If you did any real wrenching, you'd know that off-corner engagement goes a long fucking way towards keeping the bolt from rounding.

>> No.1434326


I've been working on cars (wrenching in faggotese) since before you were born, and that corner shit does not matter.



>> No.1434477

Again, if you did any real wrenching, you'd know that you can't always use the box end on shit. Faggot.

>> No.1434489

What do you mean by corner relief?

>> No.1434495

That's not the Wera Joker

>> No.1434501

Is no one going to address the fact that 9/10 Gedore you see are made in the land of no loo?

>> No.1434513

Something I was told back in high school autoshop class.

Chrome won't get you home.

>> No.1434518

I was under the impression that they were made in Germany, so I was giving the ugly finish in the op benefit of the doubt

>> No.1434602

wrenchs in germany are all standardises, there is no point in spending 10 times
you get what fits the hand
beside, best finish is Bahco, but their wrenching ones suck ass

>> No.1434609
File: 167 KB, 640x480, 1499603483869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

witnessed the quints of truth

>> No.1434655
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this is my set

>> No.1434670


>> No.1434676


>> No.1434682
File: 29 KB, 550x260, 26C52154-EFD6-4C0E-9433-0A3D559EFCE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it’s not European so anon can’t jerk off to it.

Pic related is the tryhard playskool bullshit they fap to.

>> No.1434697
File: 35 KB, 1500x198, 518c4xjkcvL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high quality brand

>> No.1434728

i hate the look and handle feel of these but the ratched is quite nice

>> No.1434906

but the head cant wobobbleflobble to naroow spaces anon

>> No.1434928
File: 7 KB, 600x315, stanley_proto_J5449_14BL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appearance says shit-tier. Fit and finish look chicom af. Browsed some of their other stuff, tho, and would prolly went for one of those scaffolding ratchets w/ bull pin if not for grabbing picrelated a couple months ago.
Hardly, but thanks for playing, captain knowitall. Now go put ur helmet back on tripfag.
Oooooooooh, now that's pure sex. Gots me a couple, two, tree, mmmmm dozens of hazet tools, maybe.

>> No.1434993

Gedore are good quality but nothing special.

>> No.1435037

For those who are unaware, amazon.de does in fact ship to the US.
Helps to understand German though.

>> No.1435060

>harbor freight shill actually whining about Wera tools


>> No.1435072
File: 25 KB, 487x301, A6177DBA-DC58-44F6-9DA3-0E584A904F73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your 8 year old loves Wera because it’s the perfect step up from his PlaySkool plastic hammer
If you can’t make tools good enough to stand on their own, make them look futuristic and goofy and kids who think AvE is god will spend their birthday money on said tools.

>> No.1435089

Im sure putting teal accents on tools is not the reason you hate wera.
Its ok, not everyone can afford quality tools.

Go on and post some more "goofy" looking wera tools.
Problem is, the rotating head ratchets are probably about it. And they dont even look that odd, that is Weras handle and their color. They feel really fucking nice too. Not that Pittsburgh Pro man would ever have touched one.

>> No.1435091
File: 23 KB, 480x228, A7697D5B-13CD-4C06-8300-9285B772C7D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>target market is autistic kids in community college trade classes who really want other students to come up to them and ask “What type of ratchet is that?” just so they have somebody to talk to
Tell them all about your Slav-made ratchet that costs more than their Husky set but no respected pro would ger caught dead with.

>> No.1435095

Why would you even buy the stuff? Especially as an American. I’m sure their screwdrivers are fine because that’s what people seem to go to them for, but who even buys it besides fags who jerk off to Toolguyd?

It’s not marketed the same way as the regular DIY brands, so it costs more money to buy in the US. But it’s nowhere near pro level tools because you don’t have a tool truck guy coming to replace shit for you while you’re on the job. But nobody who buys Wera is doing anything demanding with their tools so I guess that doesn’t matter.

It’s a dumb niche fanboi brand. Go watch AvE scratch at plastic some more.

>> No.1435098
File: 180 KB, 1000x1000, Wera-Ratchet-handle-Zyklop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>continuing to post the one, single ratchet that has accents
>worrying about how others perceive him and his tools
>caring about what marketing says
>making projections on the quality of tools he has never owned
>still whining about the price of high quality made tools with a proper COO

I expect nothing less out of you tripfaggot

>> No.1435102

What are you even on about? You’re paying more for the tools compared to Kobalt because they were made by some Slav and sold in Yurop, but they’re nowhere close to pro level stuff. It’s not like it’s even that expensive.

What is the infatuation with it?

Nothing but fanbois...

>> No.1435106

>"but they’re nowhere close to pro level stuff."

And how would chinese craftsman and Pittsburgh connoisseur know this?

Also I find it quite ironic you are complaining about how something is marketed.

Go on and watch some videos on Craftsmans official youtube channel.
It goes from trying to pander to women, children, blacks, whites, nationalists, and hipsters all in the first 5-10 videos.

Hey boy, lets make a nice cajon drum and join a drum circle man!

>> No.1435111
File: 2.77 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Craftsman-Husky-Kobalt buyer
Regular dude who knows how to change his oil
>SnapOn-Mac-Matco buyer
Mechanic/ Grease Monkey
>SK-Proto-Armstrong buyer
Pro who doesn’t work for book hours
Kid’s stepdad works in a cubicle and he spends too much time on Reddit

>> No.1435113

>the attentwhore tripfaggot again worrying about looks and how what he buys projects to other people

You think this is >>>/fa/ dont you?

>> No.1435119

I think you’re confused. I don’t care how many upvotes I get when I post my socket set on Reddit, hence my lack of Wera products. I just want them to get the job done.

>> No.1435120

>I don’t care how many upvotes I get when I post my socket set on Reddit,

Ironic, as you say this with a trip on

>> No.1435148

So you don't care about the amount of upvotes, but just post them on Reddit anyway?

>> No.1435531

Everything except for the Reddit part


>> No.1435634

Czechs are known for their quality machining, faggot.

>> No.1435636

Those are solid, i have the 1/4.
Used the 1/2 too.

>> No.1435640
File: 173 KB, 504x380, DBE72B4D-ED11-4B10-B244-36D34FE76F33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>german overengineered bullshit
>their screwdrivers are good, not great
HF sells a screwdriver set for $2.99 that will turn screws


>> No.1435644
File: 162 KB, 846x475, stahlwille-feinzahnknarren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones posted are not the swivel type you imbecile. And everybody has his favorite screwdriver brand, because everybody's hands are different.
>german overengineered bullshit
Why make something only 56% good when you could do 100%?

>> No.1435647

>be amerilard
>sperg out about germans buying german brand

>> No.1435677
File: 379 KB, 418x1063, D355069B-DCC0-4654-959C-036ADAA6808C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even. If the slav tools are somewhat affordable there and better than Chinese stuff, go for it because I’m sure any quality US made stuff is way overpriced and lacks the retailers and tool trucks to support the warranty you would be paying extra for.

Any American who buys them is likely a HS kid who has nobody to talk to at lunch so he spends the hour finding all of Regular Tool Review guy’s Reddit posts to upvote and then finishes it off with the newest AvE vid and doesn’t care that the Wera is metric only because he will never turn a bolt with it since the rubber will get too dirty.

>> No.1435680

What kind of person buy Stanley tools?
Id like a dissertation on that!

>> No.1435697

They’re not too bad. Recently divorced wives who don’t want the cheapest tools will buy Stanley while they’re in Walmart. Their FatMax stuff is marketed towards more serious people, even pros. There’s nothing really wrong with Stanley aside from it being sold at Walmart. It’s definitely better than Hyper Tough or cheap Pittsburgh.

>> No.1435713

why does that tool look familiar....

what is it?

>> No.1435721
File: 20 KB, 333x333, prod_1386278612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably recognize it from the Craftsman ratchet

>> No.1435729

Kek, that’s shitty meme new Craftsman too. Those things were dirt cheap on sale forever and now they’re just buried on the bottom shelf in some back aisle. I wouldn’t even buy one at 80%+ off.

You ever play with one of those things? It’s so awkward to get them to spin. Craftsman and Wera need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel.

>> No.1435738
File: 178 KB, 1920x1080, craftsmaan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Craftsman and Wera need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel.

But almost every big brand has made these tools for years. Ive used a Snap-on one with shallow sockets to get a motor support out of a 98 stratus. Worked nice

They are low profile and fill the role where a flex head doesnt fit. Its not really reinventing the wheel when its a long standing design.

The only one putting gimmicks into the ratchet design is craftsman by trying to turn it into a yankee driver.

>> No.1435743
File: 10 KB, 275x183, 4A5B2510-5C06-4B55-ADBB-28DDED1A5956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not talking about the swivel head. I’m talking about the Craftsman Mach handle in your pic and Wera’s big head locking swivel head as well as the hammer ratchet.

>> No.1435746

>Wera’s big head locking swivel head

A swivel head that locks in place?
Biggest gimmick ive ever seen in my life!

>> No.1435770

Wera makes standard wrenches....

>> No.1436044
File: 478 KB, 629x817, A7916B31-7D95-4920-85C9-21BB82B32A3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a reason the swivel heads don’t have detents like most flex heads and a handful of people complained about that feature on the Wera.

Here’s somebody who actually used their Wera for fixing stuff and not just posting pics of it to Reddit like most Zyklop owners.

>> No.1436049
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, 67425C63-F75A-4640-B526-7CFBD7FE8435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I would have to cherrypick more to find shitty reviews. But then you look into it and it’s easy to tell that the good reviews are Wera fanbois who don’t really use it much and are going to give it 5 stars before they even open the package. The guys who wrench a lot and were curious about this new German tool fad are giving it 3-4 stars and saying stuff like “It’s ok, but not great and not worth the money”. Any of the “Premium” ratchets should have nearly 5.0 stars.

>It's a beautiful toy/tool, but it's a little to-fancy and dainty for greasy grunt work.
>It's fun to play with the different things it can do, it does have nice smooth fine-tooth gearing, and it's very nice to have a ratchet that can double as a ratcheting nut-driver.
>It's also cool to show friends.
>But, I was first disappointed to see that the green plastic direction change wheel rubs slightly on the metal frame when in the ~45-degree head position.
>The same green plastic direction change wheel is a little tough to grab with greasy / work gloves.
>I was recently further disappointed that under heavy torque, the rubber handle flexes at the end, such that the internal steel handle stops a little short of the end and allows the rubber to flex.
>The rubber handle, and miscellaneous angled parts are difficult to clean after oily/greasy work.
>For automotive work, I'll be looking for a flex head ratchet with a steel handle.
>I'll continue to enjoy my little "transformer" ratchet, but I've decided that the added bulk of the fat rubber handle is nice for a play-tool / nut-driver backup, but the added bulk is out-of-place for automotive work.

>> No.1436118
File: 626 KB, 1280x1280, 876587686768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna lie, if my work would force me to work on bolts only reachable by this abortion, id put a bullet to my head
also there are good reasons why like >50% of all german sparkys use Wera VDE screwdrivers and no one the Wera meme handle ratchets/spanners
the screwdrivers are just fucking good. Ive been using mine at work for 6 years daily now, they were not even new (like build date 2008)

>> No.1436169

This is a reasonable post. They make decent screwdriver and you don’t want to die sticking a shitty screwdriver into something the rookie assured you wasn’t hot. And I’m guessing any other good tools not made in China cost double what Wera costs for you germans.

This doesn’t explain the American kids on Reddit fapping to that transformer abortion ratchet.

>> No.1436177

>I thought I would have to cherrypick

Instead you cherry picked a single ratchet to call a whole company shit, a company whose told you've never used.
And the ONLY reason you singled out that ratchet was because of looks, you got lucky a few people didn't like the design.

Have you ever wondered why nobody takes you seriously?

>> No.1436185

>This doesn’t explain the American kids on Reddit fapping to that transformer abortion ratchet

The bigger question is, what is your infatuation with what kids on Reddit think?
Must spend a lot of time there and put a lot of weight into how they view you.

Most of us have no clue what they jerk off to, why would I care what the likes of you and all those other faggots do?
Same reason I don't visit >>>/lgbt/ or >>/fa/

>> No.1436189
File: 223 KB, 640x480, 8781B116-C045-4E40-978E-2DC6EECDA010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those Joker wrenches look like overdesigned toys too. So many better choices if you want something to get the job done rather than something to take pictures of before you lube em up and stick it in the poop chute.

>Have you ever wondered why nobody takes you seriously?
Topkek. This is 4chan. If you take advice from here seriously, you deserve the lung damage you get from making the special crystals with bleach and a straw.

>> No.1436196

>nobody takes you seriously?

>> No.1436214

>If you take advice from here seriously, you deserve the lung damage you get from making the special crystals with bleach and a straw.

How ironic coming from the guy who made a trip and then proceeded to make a bunch of thread asking for opinions on tools. Then posted pictures of himself taking the advice and actually buying the tools recommended.

Or do you just hang out on Reddit all day and worry about their grand advice?

>> No.1436217

> look like overdesigned toys too

>>>/fa/ man strikes again!
The same guy asking advice about buying universal spline pass through sockets is worrying about looks!

>> No.1436234
File: 392 KB, 1508x1508, 9A01E325-16D5-4F22-B015-5761E394B213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take all advice with a grain of salt. Ever since /out/ told me jigs are good for bass fishing, I will no longer rely solely on Anon for advice.

Function >>> Form when it comes to tools.

And I think you are mistaken. I bought that pass thru set on impulse and later asked if the things are ever worth using. I already owned it by that point. Still haven’t used that piece of shit.

>> No.1436250
File: 86 KB, 662x720, 65898709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Function >>> Form
no one needs a gimicky shit tool
despite what ave saiys, its all about form
the nicest wrench is garbage if it does not feel good in your hand

>> No.1436257

>Function >>> Form

I agree
The Joker Wrenches offer a few quite useful features, yet you discount them because of form
>muh marketing muh meme muh reddit

You are an idiot.

>> No.1436266

who gives a fuck how the fucking thing looks or what jew stamped their brand on it? all that matters is the cock sucker does what's it's supposed to do. you faggots jerk off over this shit WAY too much like a bunch of fucking kids running around arguing over who's daddy fucks them better

>> No.1436270
File: 36 KB, 520x520, 9D5C9BAF-376F-41D9-9B28-225D6DF917E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fast you think it will strip the fuck out of brass fittings on pipes?

>> No.1436291

Just as fast as you will using a regular wrench

>the man who larps about knowing tools doesnt know what a flare wrench is
Keep digging that hole

>> No.1436348
File: 1.87 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a road flare?

>> No.1436358

Actually no. That wrench is ONLY grabbing the corners and has very little contact so it’ll stop em pretty much instantly

>> No.1436367

>That wrench is ONLY grabbing the corners and has very little contact

And where exactly do you think a wrench should contact a bolt?
You take out the points from the side and its a conventional wrench, the contact points are STILL in the same exact spot.

You are falling prey to the ignorance bepis spouts

>> No.1436519

You are falling prey to one garage journal blog instead of listening to anybody else who turns wrenches for a living that would tell you not to use 12pt shit on 6pt bolts unless you have no other choice.

>> No.1436630

a regular fork wrench only bites on two spots while this has contact on like 6 or more
that's why everyone not retarded uses the ring side for loosening or fasting

>> No.1436631

Sure if you only buy cheap chink wrenches

>> No.1436642

>the ring side

the box end, noob.

>> No.1436672
File: 45 KB, 770x514, 64587576876876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've got a 1.st grader here

>> No.1436687

Get with the times grandpa. Modern quality tools don’t grab the weakest parts of the fucking bolts

>> No.1436699

Bepis again showing how utterly fucking retarded he is again!
The box end of the wrench has lobes,their geometry dictates the contact point. The straighter the angle, the closer to the corner, the more of a lobe the farther back.

This is not true of the open end where you have 2 straight jaws.

Open end wrenches obviously have different geometry than box end wrenches.

Here is a little test that even someone as dumb as you can understand

Go take an adjustable wrench and put it on a bolt.
Turn it and see where it contacts the bolt.
Then take a marker and halfway through the jaw put some dots as if you were to cut out the other nut positions where the Joker wrench has them

See how your wrench didnt somehow morph into something different?
Also see why people say "dont use the open end or an adjustable wrench to break fasteners free"

The fact that you even brought up 6 point vs 12 point is baffling, its clear you still dont understand geometry. The fact you think that people will use the open end of a wrench to break brass pipe fittings free is baffling.
The fact that anyone would take you and your opinion seriously on anything would be equally baffling but im sure we are getting well past that point for most people.

>> No.1436701
File: 106 KB, 1250x576, 543765765765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you ever hold a fork wrench, let alone used?

bought pic related, how fucked am i?

>> No.1436703

Very much. Mostly in the ass i think....

>> No.1436704

Only on the box end

>while this has contact on like 6 or more

Itll still only contact 2 spots if you use it like a regular open end, itll use the lobs like a box end when you turn and use the second position.

>> No.1436705
File: 258 KB, 800x600, Snap On.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snap on sells surface drive open end wrenches, but the vast majority of tool makers dont sell anything like it.

>> No.1436708
File: 51 KB, 590x569, Facom-Fast-Action-Wrench-Open-End.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also note, these have better contact points than a standard open end wrench, they contact where a decent 6 or 12 point lobe would. They just slip off too easily.

>> No.1436711
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 9869789787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not doing everything with the impact

>> No.1437028
File: 19 KB, 192x192, 2B0F0954-E076-48F2-AFFB-B921DEE62D52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Singing anything you can do I can do better
Shut your dumb mouth it’s lifetime warrrrrannnnteeeeeeeeeed! True story

>> No.1437038

>vast majority of tool makers
yeah like i said, don't buy chink shit. well i guess if you like rounding bolts go ahead and buy it but i prefer tools that actually do their job

>> No.1437044

>yeah like i said, don't buy chink shit

You have to specifically buy those flank drive snap on wrenches.
The bast majority of Snap-On wrenches are straight open end wrenches. As are Mac and Matco and Wright and Cornwell and SK and every other USA manufacturer

>> No.1437078


I would unironically get one if it had hook on the other end. Less weight to carry on scaffoldings.

>> No.1437159

More wrenching, less garage journal blogging.

Jelly af

>> No.1438764
File: 213 KB, 1000x392, wera_koloss2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they come with a belt pouch and have a pin

>> No.1438826

for me too, i have a few from them