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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1433196 No.1433196 [Reply] [Original]

Prison ingenuity is amazing. I've seen tons of cool home made shit like Tattoo guns, but the most impressive was homemade TV remotes.

The TV's you get in prison have clear paneling so you can't hide shit inside them. They're 13 inches and $150, they also have no speakers (Could you imagine how loud it would be with 160 nigs blaring BET and a basketball game?) It gets kind of annoying having to sit up to change the channel.

There's always a few guys in every prison that are truly gifted with electronics. They're almost always called "Radio". They'll make a wired remote for your TV for $20-$30.

This requires a homemade soldering gun. I don't know the exact specs on this but I know they use old TV power supplies to make them.

Then they open the TV up, pull out a certain circuit board and score it with a blade style shank. Then they will snap the board in half along this score.
They then solder a few key points to the end of an old headphone cable. They burn a hole in the TV case with the soldering gun and wire the headphone cord through that.

Then they make a little cardboard box with an Up and Down arrow on it. The headphone cord runs into here and actually works. Sometimes it jumps 2 channels but for the most part it works just fine.

I miss having a guy that could repair ear buds for $2. In the streets I have to buy a whole other pair.

How to light a joint in prison
Take a fairly fresh battery. Find a chomo and cut the cord from his light or other electronics. Peel a single thread of wire away from it.
Wrap the middle of the wire around a pin a few times. So basically you have a coiled up section in the middle with an inch or two on either side. Touch one side to the top of the battery, the other side to the other. The coil will heat up bright red.

You can also "pop a socket" which is putting pencil lead in an electric outlet and using the sparks to light toilet paper for flame.

Ramen + Peanut butter = pad thai.

>> No.1433227

Grape juice and breadcrumbs for wine
Pool chalk for blush
Hot sauce and a bit of current to rust out the bars and escape
Grape jelly or syrup when u toss someone's salad
Metallic gum wrapper and a wall socket as an alternative lighter
4chan to look for ideas

>> No.1433347

so how longs your sentence op

>> No.1433354
File: 114 KB, 500x506, not-atf-30154975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of mine made an alcohol with fruit juice he called "prison brew"

Drink maybe 1/4 of a bottle of juice, add some extra sugar, add yeast and screw the cap on half tight, it'll be loose enough to act as a air-lock.

We got absolutely smashed, I'll tell you what.

>> No.1433549

>It gets kind of annoying having to sit up to change the channel.
oh is that why we have remotes?

>> No.1433550
File: 401 KB, 1214x2400, Hobo Wine - Grape-Cranberry 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's "hobo wine". "Pruno" is what is described in >>1433227 and pretty awful. Hobo wine can be fucking amazing, if you make it correctly.

>> No.1433554

Fuck you OP, I hope you get brain damage, just enough to confine you to a wheelchair for the rest of your life and require round the clock care.

>> No.1433599

You will never be able to compete against BBC whiteboi

>> No.1433658

>You can also "pop a socket" which is putting pencil lead in an electric outlet and using the sparks to light toilet paper for flame.
lmao I remember doing this in high school. We'd take the stick of graphite out of a mechanical pencil and stick it into a school computer's USB port only for it to catch on fire. We were assholes but it was fun

>> No.1433683

>USB port
>5v 500ma tops
Sure you did.

>> No.1433711

>truly gifted with electronics
>called "Radio"
>runs some cables to make a remote
While practical and easy, I fail to see the genius part.

>> No.1433721

To be fair, many older computers had very lacking overcurrent protection for their USB ports.

>> No.1433806

Am I supposed to read all of that?

>> No.1433894

>Find a chomo
You lost me with this prison lingo paco

>> No.1433928

>A contraction of "Child Molester"
>"ey Faggot go rip out Anon's lights, I need a cable for the TV remote ole radio's makin' me"
>"But won't I get in trouble Boss"
>"You kiddin'? they caught Anon over there wit' a 'ard drive full a cheese pizza, ez a fucking Chomo, now get to it or I won't use any jelly next time"

>> No.1433943

Personally I prefer the tales from Colditz.

>> No.1434106

>Hot sauce and a bit of current to rust out the bars and escape
It will be faster to grind it with your teeth

>> No.1434203

What about toilet bowl wine

>> No.1434208


Lrn2google before shit posting fuckwad. In prison u'd have been my bitch by now, just like how I made you my bitch here.

>> No.1434215


For people who dont work with electronics, electricity may as well be fucking magic.

>> No.1434292

Is mythbusters all you have to back that up ?

>> No.1434298


>> No.1434300

Confusing possession and molestation.

>> No.1434304
File: 33 KB, 629x505, 1523980632183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is a easily reproducible physical experiment all you have to back that up?

>> No.1434509

I never said it wasn’t doable but it would take a shit load of time to do it and unless you are a mexifag I doubt you have a daily supply in salsa in jail.

>> No.1434514

Good luck telling the average celly that. They're not going to split hairs on your status whether you just had a bunch of cutesy Ujiie Moku anal doujins or you raped an entire preschool. Once they figure out what you're in for, you're branded and your best bet is to checkout to solitary or have enough status to get transferred to a prison with other undesirables.

>> No.1434517

I dont know how it is in the states, but in Canada they have sex offender blocks, and they exist for the sole purpose of preventing them from getting their heads split open out in the yard. Being in there for any sort of sex offense will instantly turn everyone against you.

>> No.1434693


>> No.1434801

It took months. Maybe you should lrn2read little bitch.

>> No.1434946

That was an interesting read.

>> No.1434954

Learn to admit when you made false assumptions and made yourself look like a fucking retard.

>> No.1434966

Then it's no longer hobo wine is it? Don't see the difference between /diy/ wine.

>> No.1434968

Electricity is basically domesticated lightning. Pixie wranglers only playing around pretending to know what it is but really only knowing how it works.

>> No.1435093

Magnets how the fuck do they work, is still a perfectly sane line of inquiry.
>muh dipole alignment
but how the fuck does that create a force field

>> No.1435127

Magnets are actually pretty neat. Permanent magnets are magnetic because that's just a physical property of them. Asking why some metals are magnetic is like asking why stuff has mass, the answer is just "because they do".

Electromagnets on the other hand work because of special relativity, which is fun.

>> No.1435135

>"because they do".
Thats not an answer, thats intellectual laziness. Explain how they generate fields or shut up with your facile line of reasoning.

>> No.1435146
File: 521 KB, 1424x1068, DSCF3532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a little shank I made dudes

>> No.1435168

Well a longer version of the answer as to "why are permanent magnets magnetic" is something along the lines of this:

Permanent magnets are magnetic because their magnetic domains, smaller regions of the material in which the particles' magentic fields are all in the same direction, are all aligned the same way.

But if you ask why the particles in the domains are magnetic that is literally like asking why particles have spin or electric charge. Sure we can subdivide the problem, but as far as physics has come now, the answer boils down to "magnets are magnetic because they are magnetic"

>> No.1435192


I got a buddy getting his PHd in some physics thing and I asked him how magnets work and he responded by saying it's easier to not answer because it involves math that he would also have to explain to me

>> No.1435196

I understand the basic precepts, what Im specifically asking for clarification on is how the spin alignment generates a physical field in space.

>> No.1435198

Crush up ramen for pizza crust

>> No.1435202


>> No.1435207

So you freely admit that "magnets, how the fuck do they work" is still a rational line of inquiry?

>> No.1435208

Well if you accept that the material itself is magnetic and how that works, that's the hard bit. Magnets fuck about with the electromagnetic field that is all around us. They don't so much generate a field as they bend what is already there. Imagine it kinda like how a fan blows air, the fan doesn't generate air on the one side and consume it on the other, it just fucks about with the air that's already there.

>> No.1435210

It's a good question to ask, but one that doesn't have an easily explainable answer.

>> No.1435213

Whats already there though, I understand the difference between gravity and electromagnetism, and it has to do with spin symmetry, but I dont understand what a magnet is acting upon when it generates pull.

>> No.1435217

This is why educational opportunities for inmates are a joke. They will teach you to become a janitor or something similar, because if they taught them chemistry or math it would better enable them to kill each other or escape.

>> No.1435247

A magnet acts upon a magnetic field, like gravity (i.e. mass) acts upon a gravitational field. If you say you understand gravity you also understand magnetism, as it's the same concept just slightly different

>> No.1435253

So its the excitation of the infinite magnetic field?

Of course this naturally leads to the question of what produces the field.

>> No.1435254

kek, how the fuck did a thread about prison ingenuity end up here.

>> No.1435255

commie psy-ops

>> No.1435741

Just use bread (knead it/add salt) or soap. Another option :
Salt dough made from a mixture of flour, salt and water. (1:1:X)

>> No.1435810
File: 93 KB, 650x650, rqsjuh4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant stop laughing

good post, pic unrelated

>> No.1435924

I'm pretty sure that's not yet known. And it's not really the "infinite magnetic field", more that objects with opposite magnetic polarity attract each other, in the same way objects with opposite charges attract, or objects with mass. We can quantify and describe how and why things happen, like an object with a greater mass exerts a greater gravitational force on another object than one with a lesser mass. An object with a greater magnetic strength attracts magnets of opposing polarity (or paramagnetics, but they basically turn into a magnet of opposing polarity at will), than one with a lesser magnetic strength.

We know it happens, we know how it happens and we can predict what will happen to a pretty good extent, but going all the way down is still unknown, afaik.

>> No.1435947
File: 18 KB, 316x316, David_marshall_williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Marshall Williams.
Designed a new semi-automatic action for firearms while in jail, and the M1 Carbine.


>> No.1435960
File: 118 KB, 800x577, 800px-khost_children_in_2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magnets are magic. They aren't just any magic they are a magic spell designed to inhibit our inherent magic abilities. If you could somehow get out of the magnetic fields created by evil wizards you could use your magic to do amazing things, you would become gods. This is why they confine you on earth behind a powerful magnetic field. Seriously do you think a natural magnetic field could be planet sized, I have played with magnets of all sizes, the magnetic field is always a few inches at most. The magnetic fiend around earth is certainly a spell created by foul wizards most powerful.

>> No.1435972

wow you are a true retard

>> No.1436053

I think you may be onto something, it would explain the supernatural abilities of pre-colonial melanoid kangdoms

>> No.1436064

Something that will never again happen because of Lyndon B. Johnson

>> No.1436132
File: 45 KB, 600x319, cnn-who-is-this-4chan-gif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry anon, did you not know who is this 4 chan?

>> No.1436133

That and it's unnecessary af to reinvent the wheel.

>> No.1436548

I made 10 gallons of 16% hard cider when I was in college. I used walmart brand apple juice, a 5lb bag of sugar, and some champagne yeast. Aged some for 6 months and it actually became very drinkable. Kinda hard to put down when it was fresh. Got you wrecked though.

>> No.1436550

The earths magnetic field is a bit of a mystery, were still aren't entirely sure how it is generated, molten iron isn't magnetic, but it has something to do with the convection currents in the magma. If it weren't for earths magnetic field life as we know it wouldn't have spawned or survived cosmic radiation and radiation from the sun.

>> No.1436563

my workmates built a working model of the earth magma movements with iron moving in more iron slipping in mercury. It generated a magnetic field and swapped poles after many revolutions. Still can't fathom it with any clarity.

>> No.1436635


Shank Is for stab

>> No.1438472

I did this during my german test by accident, the tip broke off and was jammed in the port so it just kept smoking. Teacher never noticed though.

>> No.1438515

Oh yes the good old 40V usb sockets.

>> No.1438741


Not to mention the limewire porn downloads just cranked up the cpu power.

That face when 1990s 14 year old hackers arson house fulls of kids..

>> No.1438811

In college currently. Recipe and or method?

>> No.1438927

Why not just make a pointy wooden stick?
A stabbing device doesn't need to be made of metal, just pointy.

>> No.1438974

method is there but if you want somethin harder freeze it after its done and use whatever melts first.

>> No.1439652

Only other question is how mich champagne yeast?

>> No.1439721

One is made out of carefully selected grape varieties; the other from Costco fruit juice.

>> No.1439745
File: 155 KB, 1280x640, 1522446365876.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but in Canada they have sex offender blocks
what a surprise

>> No.1440400

This is a great argument as to why the death penalty should be banned.

>> No.1440428

>>muh dipole alignment
>but how the fuck does that create a force field
Because it produces the field no matter what.
Take 1000 battery powered box fans in sphere cages, toss them into a pile. Chances are that there will be no meaningful air flow across the mass. Then align all the fans so they point in the same direction.

>> No.1440514

All sex offenders are auto chomos really, it's just a status thing

>> No.1440552


Behold, one of the only men on the planet that actually knows what magnetism is. (hint: it's not fucking particles)

>> No.1440554
File: 881 KB, 3277x2522, lol_one_guy_built_all_these_waht_have_u_done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually knows what magnetism is. (

nobody knows what magnetism is, or gravity, or any other fundamental force.

we just characterize them. and that youtube clown did not add anything to the current knowledge.

>> No.1440558
File: 193 KB, 992x762, 19aef8218bbffb227ab2375a0a395c11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An acceleration is not a force .

>> No.1440563

>sex offender
So regular 'ol rapists and prison-gays get the rope in prison?
This is counter-intuitive.

>> No.1440763

>If you say you understand gravity you also understand magnetism
But nobody understands gravity. Stop lying.

>> No.1441542

It causes a force. F=ma

>> No.1441559

>But nobody understands gravity. Stop lying.

gravity is scary. that star a billion light years away pulls you towards it.