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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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142410 No.142410 [Reply] [Original]

> Go overseas and way off the technological radar for two months.
> No interbutts.
> Come back.
> Throw myself with joyful abandon upon /diy/ for the first time in all that time.
> Every fucking thread derailing into faggots calling each other kids, scum, hipsters, or a combination thereof.
> mfw /diy/ is turning into /b/

What the fuck happened?


>> No.142419

relatively new to /diy/ but even in a the months I've been here its
been slipping from bro-tier discussion and projects to shit-tier rage and hate.

what is all this "kid" bullshit anyways?

>> No.142423


This was a heavily moderated board at the beginning. Less so now.

>> No.142433

/v/, /a/, /k/, /s/ etc are all heavily moderated, most likely to keep the wheat from the chaff, I can't understand why this board is being left in the dust on that regard.

No idea, but I have seen OP's delete entire threads out of frustration that their topic had been derailed by 3 or 4 idiots with nothing but trolling to contribute. dayum shame its happening if you ask me, this is one of the few boards that keeps me visiting 4chan.

>> No.142434
File: 41 KB, 255x224, lrvzf5SDOI1qfu4tho1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once upon a time /b/tards asked each other how to make shit, they were linked here. They stayed to troll and derail amazing threads

>> No.142442

You guys have been reporting troll posts, right?

>> No.142444


Otherwise yes it sucks that /diy/ has gone the way of all less moderated chanboards

>> No.142445

Sadly can't report from yon 4chan app yet and don't have a better alternative.

So no.

>> No.142446

I am, but I seem to be spending more and more time reporting, and less and less enjoying the board. If this were cost/benefit, i'd be scrapping the project and going again at this point.

>> No.142448

> don't have a better alternative

Heard of a web browser? it's like an app, except it works.

>> No.142452

yeah, because I enjoy zooming and waiting for every page to rescale so I can read it, having captchas that don't load properly and terribly unreliable image uploading if it'll even let me select the image to upload.

Ever stop to think there's a reason I use an app instead?

>> No.142468

meh, no big issues with it on my toy is all.

>> No.142476

I wish I could say the same.

waiting for my warranty to expire so I can root and switch to CM, HTC sense is terrible.

>> No.142488

You went ever seas like the hipster faggot you are and brought back your hipster fagness

>> No.142499


thats kidtroll

i think its a bad translation from a culture that calls people son, nephew, etc.

south american scumb

>> No.142501

Heh, I'm waiting for the same actually, I came from a shithouse Nokia E63 though, so I'm used to zooming around etc. I guess anything is better than that for now.

Also, bump for awareness. make sure you are actually reporting all this shitposting /diy/nosaurs. Fuck these areseholes ruining what has to date, been an epic board. Mods aren't gunna act unless you pester the fuck out of them, so get pestering!

>> No.142516

>have been here since it this board opened
>was NEVER about DIY
>how should I rearrange my room
>dumpster diving
>I found a tin can outside... what should I do with it
>I've never done anything in my life but I've decided to make a suite of armor. wat do
>welcome to /diy/

>> No.142520


what's the big problem with dumpster diving? I can see how the act itself isn't very /diy/ but the products of said act leads to many a project.

>> No.142522

this. the liberals and the hipster kids don't know what diy is and they shitted this place up from the start. This board is pretty much "solve this for me, google this for me, im to retarded to think for myself, you think for me". its fucking retarded kid shit.

>> No.142523

whats wrong with digging through trash? you have a mental problem or something kid? are things that bad in america you need to dig through peoples trash? glad i dont live in that liberal shithole, kid.

>> No.142525

Lurk moar.

>> No.142528

>have been here since it this board opened
>lurk moar

the stupidity of some kids is astounding...

>> No.142536

>oh you
seriously though you need to stop posting

>> No.142542

>cant defend going through trash
>you should stop posting so i dont have to use my brain and think for myself and come up with a rebuttal.

>> No.142543
File: 32 KB, 429x279, christian_disposal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure smells yuppie in here. I know, your just a poor troll but still.

>> No.142544

Who said anything about needing to? I have absolutely no need to dig through rubbish, I choose to as a hobby.

Also, not American.

you should stop making so many assumptions.

>> No.142545

>choose to dig through trash
>calls it a hobby

so what medication do you take kid?

>> No.142546

again with the assumptions? what did I just say?

>> No.142550

why the fuck are you dumb, dumb cunts responding to this crack head..?

>> No.142553

I find it entertaining while I wait to get off work.

>> No.142554

>what did i just say
>I choose to as a hobby.
so what medication do you take, kid? because no sane person would do that.

>> No.142555

right. meanwhile you're assisting in the destruction of any chance of a decent thread on this board. way to go sparky..

>> No.142556

Go omn, reply to him again you idiot.

>> No.142559

I didn't realize a discussion thread about why this board is going to shit qualified as good. my apologies.

>> No.142561

maybe if enough people read it, and saw the sane half of this board going STOP FEEDING THE FUCKING TROLLS YOU MORONS then something good would come of it.

I guess thats a bit too much to hope for. C'est la vie.

>> No.142562

Pretty much this. Also, stop feeding the trolls.