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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 60 KB, 700x320, vocational-trade-school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1409360 No.1409360 [Reply] [Original]

Are trade school a scam?

>> No.1409362

Nowhere near as bad as a liberal arts degree.

>> No.1409363

Yeah true that, went to a university for a STEM degree, I cringed at all the brainwashed liberals with psychology majors

>> No.1409372

No not at all. It is one of the few things you really should do when going into a trade as a career. It isn't like regular colleges or STEM courses. You actually get taught shit in a trade school and it is far less of a tuition farm.

>> No.1409390

Much less than college
t. went to both

>> No.1409393

Depends where you go too. Some trade schools will get right to the point while other programs will waste your time . Some like to drag it out. Like you can get your CDL from a private place in a few weeks for $1500 or you can go to a community college and spend $5000 and 4 months to get to the same end. You learn how to do 99% of stuff in the field anyway.

>> No.1409394

Well, if you are going for stuff that you can get a certification or license for without actual schooling then it won't matter as much. Like welding, operators, or PC repair shit. It'll will come right down to skills learned by watching others and being taught in hands-on situations.

>> No.1409397

As long as you pick a trade that's in demand like Electrician, AC Tech, Mechanic etc then it'll be money well spent because you'll never not have a job.

>> No.1409463

Lots of my friends went into welding after I talked about going. Figures I have enough welding friends now not to have to do it myself. I'm thinking about doing HVAC. Now. As long as where you want to live has a demand. I'd say go for it. Lots of my welding friends think they gonna be making six figures right out of school in an automotive place.

When I told them all the money's near boat yards...

I know nothing about hvac.

>> No.1409467

Probably should give them a heads up about the cancer

>> No.1409480

Maybe someone should give you a heads up about respirators and ventilation systems.

>> No.1409483

It's always a scam

>> No.1409490

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.1409503

If you're gonna post this pasta try at least making sure the guy is actually using a tripcode.

>> No.1409558
File: 79 KB, 424x424, 1516001566458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

respirators and ventilation systems can only do so much.
also >implying welders dont wait until they can barely breath to turn ventilation on.

>> No.1409620
File: 198 KB, 658x987, IMG_20180501_1423488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went to a 'applied arts & technology' school for electrical engineering technician, which is pretty much a 2yr pre-apprenticeship program. There were no jobs in the town I was in so I switched provinces and found an electrical apprenticeship. Alberta did not recognize the school and did not reward any hours for it, so my 2yrs of schooling is nothing more than knowledge right now.

tl;dr call the trade school you're interested in and ask what % of graduates get jobs and with who. If they can't give you those numbers or they redirect you to some government statistic website then you know that the school is trying to hide the failure of their programs. If their kids were getting jobs they would have no problems bragging about it

>> No.1409682

Most guys at my shop wear their respirators diligently, myself included.
If you're this scared of everything that can cause cancer you might as well stay home and eat kale for the rest of your life.

>> No.1409719


>> No.1409854

>finger safe phoenix contacts
>not finger safe contacts, just sharp uninsulated tabs sticking out of the transformer and marked 600V
>wires from both terminals touching
>blue wire not stripped properly
>no fire retardant caulk in the cable holes
>wires on the bottom twisted around each other in a coil
>no driplines

yeah, you learnt nothing at your course. sorry friend. I can completely understand why they dont recognise that you learnt anything in that 2 years. pre-apprenticeship programs are like a pre-pre-job training. we train you how to look for a job! from what maplefags post on this board on electrical you dont even need a license in canada, just pour syrup on the terminals and be done with it.

>> No.1409858

ventilation is only going to do so much for the x-rays.

>> No.1409990

Hahahaha yeah no. They may be there but nobody really uses them. Welding is done in the shop and the air there is horrible. Nobody wears a respirator 24/7 in a welding shop. Even if you use them for one job you'll be considered a bitch pussy. Not to mention the radiation.

>> No.1409996
File: 1.69 MB, 2160x2160, 20180620_140303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hvac is easy as fuck and is in high demand.
My area in Ohio has an average HVAC tech age if 54 years old....

I've been in the field for a little over a year and have already had raises totalling 8 bucks an hour... On top of that there is mad commission, even for awkward retards like me they can't sell worth a fuck. Buddy I work with that Is a smooth talker just made an extra 2g on his last pay check from commission....
Honestly though, that's not for me, I am in this to help people and fix shit, not to sell shit, even so I still make pretty good commission, best week I've had so far was an extra 980 on my check.
Sense I've started the company I'm with has been constantly searching for techs, they have only found 2 in the last year they were worth keeping . 2 out of 5 total, the other 3 being worthless faggots. HVAC is the way to go friend. Welding is taught by high school vocational programs, which saturates the field. HVAC is a community college program, meaning much less people in the field.
>Pic related from today. Charged customer 300 bucks to fix though it only took 15 minutes.

>> No.1410008

this is just a reminder that paying for a trade related education instead of a proper apprenticeship makes you a hack.

>> No.1410028

>Sense I've started the company

Holy shit. You are certainly in the HVAC field. I have never met a more pound for pound retarded trade.

>> No.1410040

See >>1409682
Your buddies being retarded doesn't mean everybody else is.


>> No.1410051

Just dont eat kale in California,, it causes cancer there.

>> No.1410053

Is there one single thing in California that doesn't?

>> No.1410284

Big fucking deal. I was drunk and laying in bed when I posted.

>> No.1410293

My impact sockets cause cancer, but only in California. Sure glad I’m safe up here in Canada.

>> No.1410360

Where do I start looking to join a school or something. I need to do something asap. I lost my job on the 30th of last month and I need to get into something.

>> No.1410421

HIGHLY recommend and i never even went.

Average anons life.
>go high school
>go work or meme degree
>go work after meme degree for hopefuly more money

What the average anon SHOULD DO.
>go highschool
>go work or meme degree

8 months to 2 years dependng on wtf u wanna do.

May as well make $20-$30 an hour for a bit and a chance at a descent part time job in school. Or while deciding wtf you want to be when you grow up.

I took cheap ass CISCO class in high school half the day.

>reading a VCR manual for 4 hours a day.

What i should have done was busted ass so i could work the summer networking and getting a foot in the door through school instead of going for a meme degree and getting BTFO from wtf i wanted to do.

>> No.1410424

Former truckerfag. Can confirm. Go to truck driving school for 2 weeks, grt liscense, fucking bounce.

99% of trucking schools are a scam for cheap labor. There is a reason the megacarriers have a 98% turnover rate.

Most all companies require minimum 2 years and clean record. There is also the faggot fucking snitchboxes to consider.

However. Look hard and find a small 4-20 mom and pop operation. Get to know some drivers and get in good with one of them. Get your 2 years that way. Or get 5 and hazmat and make fucking bank hauling gas and shit.

90% of the time if you fuckup bad enough to blow up a gasoline tanker you'd have died from impact anyway. May as well make bank and go out in a blaze of glory.

>> No.1410426

True. But welding school is 9 months. Build a welding rig and get a camper. Pipeline for 6 figures 10 months out of high school.

>> No.1410431

Lying faggot

>> No.1410432

Chuckle every fucking time.

>> No.1410433



>> No.1410435


Tank building company of 20,000 emploees.

Tulsa welding school. No.


>> No.1410439

Man. I really want to do hvac as a hobby and second job. Could i make any money repairing busted rindow ac units? If so is there any way to get that freon liscense or wtf ever without actual class time?

I live 30+ miles from 2 community colleges and work 50+ hours a week.

Hell, i guess i could try and make online hvac bros and study on my own? Just work unliscensed for cash and call a real repair man in if i am too stupid to fix it

>> No.1410441

Just a reminder aprentiships are gay as aids and fuckoff classrom time is easier

>> No.1410442


>> No.1410443

Sunscreen. Oh wait...

Go outside after millions of years of evolution. Get skin cancer.

Wear sun block. Get skin cancer.

If i have said it once i have said it 23.7 times. Molepeople is best people

>> No.1410511

That's not a tripcode, newfag

>> No.1410543

I want to be a heavy equipment operator, any advice? I have a lineman certification and I have extremely light knowledge in heavy equipment aside from a bucket truck boom. I know of one contractor in my area that'll take green people but they aren't hiring at the moment.

>> No.1410884

This image isn't from any work I, or the company I work for did. This is a diesel fuel pump system switch system constructed in 1998 by the site electrician. The box is a class 1 div 1 box with the class 1 div 1 teck connectors coming in the bottom.
We were making the switches activate by a keyscan and sending the signal from the plc. We bypassed the existing toggle switch and needed the picture for the original install as a reference.

>> No.1411255

Everything causes cancer in California.... From what I can tell it seems to clusters mostly in the south of the state.

>> No.1411260
File: 2.57 MB, 4032x1960, 20180622_161827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a state University for my schooling. It had been considered a community college a few years earlier. I'd suggest just checking out local schools websites, they will have info on their HVAC program if they have one. I don't know if I'd go to a trade school unless you hear good things about it. Definitely talk to the program teachers and ask them about their job placement rate.

I got super lucky, the school I went to had the best program within a 5 state area.... At least that's what they claimed. They had something like 40 different furnaces in the lab and approx 15 to 20 split AC systems plus 4 packaged roof units to work on. Cost about 12 grand total, including the 2000 for tools. Was very much worth it. There was also a state program that threw down half my tuition because they were looking to train up tradesmen to cover the upcoming gaps that will be caused a shortage of techs and the old timers retiring.

Good luck, Anon. It's a good field to get into. Schooling will make it seen difficult but once your in the field you will find it to be much easier than expected.

>Pic related
>Bad expansion valve from earlier today

>> No.1411261


>> No.1411262

Make sure to ask around about state funding. The program that paid half of my tuition actually paid full tuition plus gas and food money for a bunch if guys in my class. Some were eligble because of income level, others because of the fact that their jobs had been shipped overseas

>> No.1411272
File: 2.05 MB, 2160x2160, 20180418_110616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not a lot of money in repairing window units because they're so cheap. You would need an EPA cert to be able to buy refrigerant also, which is likely most of the repairs you would be doing. Most window units don't even have ports to throw gauges on, so you have to buy special taps to get your gauges on. Even then, the units are "critically charged" meaning that just an ounce or two is enough too throw everything off. If you have enough knowledge and the proper tools to work on window units, then you def have enough to work on normal residential split systems. It's honestly pretty easy, what you can't figure out on your own you can figure out online. If you're going to go that route, don't be the local sheister.... If you're in over your head, say so and walk away from the job. You and the homeowner will both be better off in the long run. I don't know if I'd even suggest DIY hvac, there is a lot to learn and a lot if mistakes that need to be made, better that you're learning and fucking up as part of a company were experience and answers are just a phone call away.

EPA certs are really not that hard to get. Will cost you some money to have somebody proctor the test for you. There is 4 parts to the test , the Core Test, High pressure systems, medium pressure, and low pressure. (Referred to as parts 1, 2, and 3). You will need to pass core and also part 1 to be able to buy refrigerant.
IMHO, you're wasting your time if you're going to work on window units.

>> No.1411275
File: 1.62 MB, 2160x2160, 20180530_150815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck man... I could be wrong. You will have to look it up, it's been a bit so I'm afraid I might be misremembering. You might need a universal EPA cert, which means passing all of the tests, to be able to buy refrigerant. I believe it's just Core and part 1 though. Just Google it and you will find out easy enough. The test is simple. I passed it the first time only missing 2 questions. Hell, I still have the flash cards I made to study with, send me a few bucks for shipping and your address and their yours. There's like 400 of them... Seems like a lot but it's easy shit. Good luck in your endeavors, anon.

>> No.1411282

Here is how I will put it are you book smart enough and willing to put in the work to be a doctor. Yes then go to college and become a doctor.

Are you not smart book smart enough to become a doctor okay that is fine do you have an idea of what you want to do? Yes if you are in highschool and tech classes are offered take the one that is inline with what you want to do if you still want to do that go do it after highschool. If highschool does not offer it then find out if there is an apprenticeship program. If not then go to trade school.

You don't know what you want to do alright whatever you do stay the fuck away from college. Forgoing college will actually put you a head of the people who fall for the scam and inbed themselves in debt they will be paying for 10 years.

>> No.1411304

Id like to say I disagree with you. I think it depends on what range of work you are willing and capable of doing. Such as if you feel tied to one city. I may just be speaking anecdotally but my father is a journeyman electrician and is union, so to say he would get more work than usual. He has found jobs that last several years and he was lucky to be on them. But there were also several times where the union did not have enough work. inb4 he is only licensed in one state. I think you have to be a master electrician in order to start your own company, which is something he has expressed wanting to do before.
ttf the trades are flooded with illegal mexicans.