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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1398306 No.1398306 [Reply] [Original]

retarded idea because the water in my apartment is free but not the power so i somehow make a water turbine from the pipes to the drain to turn a discarded generators alternator its a half assed idea and i wouldnt expect it to generate more than 100 watts but wouldnt it be cool if it happened

i just want to know if even 100 watts are possible

>> No.1398312

>the water in my apartment is free
Are you sure about that ? Maybe you have a monthly quota

>> No.1398313

This shit comes up repeatedly. One take on it:

>> No.1398326

This question has merit. Bumping.

>> No.1398362

your water is not free unless its from a well (still not free becuase the pump costs money to operate, either electrcity or paying a monkey to pump a handle all day).

if your hooked up to a municipality for water its not free, just included in your rent. if you stuck a miny water wheel coupled to a altinator in your sink and just let your water run, your water will more than likey no longer be free.

there are some problems with this

1: the amount of water you run with your normal day to day life isn't going to generate shit.

2: depending on where you live you might not be able to even legally put that marginal power generated back in the wall to make your meter spin backwards.

3: if it is legal to put power back into the system like how NY state has the law that states solar panels can be connected to the grid, its going to cost more money than you woud ever save before it broke.

4: if you just said screw it and ran your inverter with a male to male plug, the power company will know. it will be "dirty as fuck" and not to mention square wave, you will be tracked down.

5: if there was ever a power outage and you had that contraption connected to the grid, some lineman trying to restore power would get knocked on his ass and could die. i.e. lawsuits and prison time for involuntary manslaughter.

OP if your from the US and really want to save money on some free electricity. land line phones have a constant 50-60 volts DC. if you knew what you were doing you could charge your phone and maybe power a light or two. even if you don't have landline service, there is always power for emergancy 911 calls.


>> No.1398422

Retarded response is to make a perpetual motion machine and just live off that power. A proper /diy/ response probably needs at least one underground shipping container, a shot of black, and imitation crab. Did I post this last time this stupid idea was brought up?

>> No.1398536

Imagine being this much of a poorfag you can't even pay for electricity for your place.

>> No.1398818

You won't generate much with your tiny apartment pipe.
And somebody is paying for that water and they're going to be pissed off on what you're doing.

>> No.1398820

xkcd is retarded on this one. Sure, build a dam in your bathtub and get 12 inches of head to run a turbine. But your water supply is already around 50 psi. Which works out to about 1400 inches (or 116 feet) of 'head' coming out of the pipe. So just make a small Pelton wheel and plumb it directly to the water line.

>> No.1398826

It covered that case, too.
And no matter how retarded it is, it is still better than OP deserves.

>> No.1398873
File: 69 KB, 900x506, southafrican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically you want to extract energy from the water *pressure* out of a faucet

>> No.1398981

You forgot great stuff expanding foam

>> No.1398983

which one, there 's like 4 of them.

>> No.1399062


>> No.1399081

No it doesn't, it's a terrible idea.

>> No.1399588

that's the trick, if you never specify you're never wrong

>> No.1399645

Read your lease and read your state’s Landlord tenant code. Bet one of them states that wasted untilities provided by landlords is grounds for eviction. They will figure which apartment is running up the water bill and kick you out.

>> No.1399844

Ffs... sage and landlord has aux meters to each place for retard fags like u.

Banned for illegal

>> No.1399859


>> No.1399862
File: 42 KB, 362x584, GetTraining_AptMain_Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hol up. Why don't we put these in every drain? Could replace a ptrap.

>> No.1400559

>every drain
Or you could put only one at the main water' entrance of the house ?

>> No.1400561

Pls be trolling.

>> No.1400566
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>> No.1400573

Why trolling? If you just use the water as normal, and not get it into your head that you should be running the taps all the time, then it's free energy. The only cost would be installation, and a slight drop in water pressure. It'd be cheaper to install and maintain than the 'all the drains' idea due to a) only needing one, and 2) using clean water instead of dirty/greasy/whatever.

It wouldn't be much, but you could charge a battery pack for emergency lighting/someway to charge your phone in a crisis or whatever...

>> No.1400577

>If you just use the water as normal,
Because in that case the available energy is really fucking small. You need to use shitloads of water just to get your "investment" back. This is even more true if the generator is in your drain, since the available pressure is much lower.

>> No.1400581

>>1400559 was a remark for your post only, not the thread