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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 92 KB, 540x748, 1526798758626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1392362 No.1392362 [Reply] [Original]

Dump 'em if you got 'em!

>> No.1392366
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>> No.1392374
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>> No.1392375
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>> No.1392376
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>> No.1392401

Geez am I on old /b/?

>> No.1392418 [DELETED] 
File: 317 KB, 1239x795, 4OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1392605

>no Foam

>> No.1392608

That depends on if you want to make some cool crystals or not.

>> No.1392624

Only use Medihoney(tm) on wounds.

t. Nurse


This is retarded. Your body will still know it is suffocating as your CO2 levels increase, raising blood acidity (the proxy your body actually does monitor to adjust respiratory rate). For painless, research the M*A*S*H 4077 theme song, and add Ativan.


Foam isn't a material, foam is a shape.

>> No.1392653

Only works with indeterminate potato varieties.

>> No.1392660

Does this work with sweet potatoes?

>> No.1392705

No, but you can make a tower, poke holes in the sides, and plant in those and the top. It isn't the same as filling up the tower as the plant grows, but you do end up with a tower of easily harvested tubers. Also see: >>>/out/1277715

>> No.1392782

It is. PS -> polystyrene, which is what styrofoam is made of.
Replying because the other pedantic nerd was unhelpful.

>> No.1392810 [DELETED] 
File: 549 KB, 600x1300, 1343704452169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll share what I got OP. Most of it is /b/ and /k/ tier, but useful nonetheless

>> No.1392812 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1392815 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1392817 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1392819 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1392821 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1392822 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1392824

>string method

Fuck that shit.


>> No.1392825 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1392828 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1392830 [DELETED] 
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That actually looks way better, albeit more expensive to start with.

>> No.1392832 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1392834 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1392837 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1392839 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1392842 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1392844 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1392845 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1392859

Burn in hell faggot.

>> No.1393977

You can grow sweet potatoes in cardboard boxes filled with woodchips. That show live free or die did a bit on it, pretty sure its on youtube.

>> No.1394300

For those that aren't aware. This is a potato trolling image. Don't believe me then look it up. You can't grow that much.

>> No.1394313

determinate versus indeterminate

learn the difference

>> No.1394322

Fake is fake.


>> No.1394326

more like old /diy/

I remember the 1st few months when /diy/ was a new board every day there'd be a infographics thread with over 100 images.

Someones gotta have a saved thread somewhere. This is pathetic. How far has /diy/ fallen?

>> No.1394342

article says exactly what i am stating

>> No.1394354

You moron.

>> No.1394370

It says even with the right type of potatoes the box is still not growing what the ten year old article is saying.

>> No.1395447

thank you I did not own this image.

>> No.1395453

i feel this so much

>> No.1395633

Almost certain the catnip will take over the pot. I planted catnip in one corner of my yard and it popped up about an acre away in the opposite corner. It's almost like it's invasive, it spreads very quickly.

>> No.1395709

so you suggest avoiding the catnip altogether ?

>> No.1395724

What about this combination of plants makes it a "Mosquito Control", and what size area will this cover?

>> No.1395740

Most of them were shit, trolls, or just wrong. /out/ still has some from time to time and they are still fucking shit.

My catnip gets about 4 feet high and 4 feet wide or more. Now there's billions of plants all over the area from last year's seeds.

None. It simply doesn't work.

>> No.1395791

>None. It simply doesn't work.
Sadly he's right, it's whats inside the plants that helps, not just simply growing them. It's the oils that the plants produce, but it requires you to break off leaves and rub them on you.

>> No.1395836

What if one were to grow the plants, harvest them, boil them down into a concentrate and add paraffin? Could I make my own mosquito candle that way?

>> No.1395953

Pretty much, yeah

>> No.1395956

That is fucking bullshit. How much of a sheltered citydwelling soiboi do you have to be to believe that?

>> No.1395959

M8, myself and a few other anons already sent it to our girlfriends. Please stop killing the dream,ok.

>> No.1396044

to make it really useful you should actually melt it not burn it afterward

>> No.1396063
File: 70 KB, 800x715, wax_melter_candle_warmer_tart_warmer_oil_warmer_fragrance_warmer_1912_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn how to make essential oils from those plants. then use a tealight candle melt the anti-mosquito wax in one of these things. It is a, "scented wax warmer". That way you can use it for a very long time.

Indeterminate not determinate, also indeterminate takes forever to reach harvest. Most people harvest way too early and don't get very much from them. Others use determinate and end up with 1 potato. lol

>> No.1396160

Still no way you're gonna end up with 100 pounds

>> No.1398168 [DELETED] 


>> No.1398689


>> No.1399212

You don't need that for sweet potatoes. Their root system grows extremely quickly and will suffocate surrounding plants.

I grew sweet potatoes for a single growing season once. I only harvested their leaves, not knowing how fast growing and invasive their roots are. They're worse than a fucking weed. I had to dig up a big chunk of land just to be sure they wouldn't come back. The dirt was riddled with dozens of small sweet potatoes. And that was all from one normal sized sweet potato I pulled from the pantry.

Sweet potatoes must be the easiest crop to grow. Too bad they taste like shit.

>> No.1399217

That honey thing is bullshit. You would have to eat a lot of it before you saw the benefits, and by that time you've eaten so much sugar you're facing a different set of problems.

If you want "healthy sugars" then eat more fruits. Otherwise just accept your love for sweets is a problem you shouldn't indulge in.

>> No.1399218

I know for a fact the sore throat one doesn't work. I've tried it countless times, it just makes things worse it seems. That was with store bought honey and honey from my own hives. I can't say anything for the other 3 things on that list where you ingest it, but the non-ingestion things do work to some extent. However, don't use it for burns as a first aid. If the skin isn't broken on the burn, immediately apply yellow mustard. If the skin is broken, do your best to not get any mustard in the open area or it will burn worse than the actual burn. After 15 minutes, wash it off and apply honey if you really want to, like for serious burns. The yellow mustard is usually all you need unless you are facing serious stuff like 3rd degree burns. It is like god damn magic for burns, but only if you apply is within like 2 mins of getting a burn.

>> No.1400857


>> No.1401036


>> No.1401147

You can make plexiglass/acrylic from cassava (tapioca), water, and fermented grain.

>> No.1402151


>> No.1402351

Absolute bullshit picture

>> No.1402367

>10 minutes of jabbering
Get to the fucking point, holy moly that video should have been 30 seconds long...

>> No.1402394
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>> No.1402396
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>> No.1402398
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somethings fucked with the image

>> No.1402399

its all fucked. fuck it

>> No.1402709


>> No.1402713


>> No.1402716

Internet is hard

>> No.1402723
File: 337 KB, 1000x1200, 7A_pt1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking sides
don't worry senpai, i've got you
next time don't save the thumbnails

>> No.1402725
File: 359 KB, 1000x1200, 7A_pt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1402795
File: 27 KB, 320x240, videoplayback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this channel
his wife is HOT

>> No.1402825

You can do the same but with old car tires.

>> No.1402865
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>> No.1402866
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>> No.1402869
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>> No.1402872

looks like i'm going to have to post sth, good thread so far

>> No.1402873
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>> No.1402874
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>> No.1402875
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>> No.1402876
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>> No.1402885


Replace them all with pocket holes and kreg screws.

>> No.1402889

There's a lot of important information as to why it works and why the other methods don't work. Take your ADHD pills next time, kid.

>> No.1402931


Not the same board, but this thread might be interessing to you.
Funny stuff but also useful ones
Here is it : >>>wsr/517808

>> No.1402939

t. youtube content creator with 10 minutes of jaw flapping before starting the topic