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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 27 KB, 500x238, 41iYKn4RFzL._SL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1380805 No.1380805 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone on /diy/ have much experience making toool layout trays fro tooolboxes?

I've just become a mechanic and i'm forking out hundreds for tools and don't really want to waste money on proper foam trays, or whatever they are called.

I figured I could just buy generic foam and cut it all out but im not sure whether it'll just end up being crap and looking shit.

Any advice? Razor blades to cut it out, a box knife or do I need proper tools like a rotary tool?

>> No.1380819
File: 78 KB, 640x800, 45DD8E0C-3159-49CB-BB9D-0B412F6EEA32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you happen to spend hundreds on drill bits? Draw that shit out and use the bits for your sockets and all the round stuff and just use a razor blade to cut the rest in between. Dremel could help too.

Make sure you have drawer liners. Don’t cheap out and skip those. Buy them in the kitchen aisle at Walmart if you need to.

Harbor Freight has these little socket holders for 99¢ each right now. You can add, subtract the little pegs and cut them down to the right size. They sell plastic holders for box wrenches too. I would be concerned with cutting out that foam for everything at the start because you will be adding new stuff for rare jobs or breaking tools or losing tools and it would mess with my ‘tism if 90% of stuff was in perfect slots and the other 10% rolling around loose.

>> No.1380822

these things suck the clips quit holding sockets and fall off JUNK

>> No.1380823

these end up a greasy mess say no to foam

>> No.1380824
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So buy another one for 99¢

I bought 10 of them yesterday so I could chop them and mix and match and have extra since it was only $10. And I have some older ones (not from HF, no idea which brand) that have been holding sockets fine since long before Craftsman was made in China.

>> No.1380840

Boomer hands wrote this post.

>> No.1380847

keisen foam or whatever

>> No.1380867


>> No.1380886

i prefer he horrible freight plastic socket trays over rails and foam inserts. more compact, easier to remove, and still portable if needed.

>> No.1380968

I use a piece of aluminum 1/8" thick and 1" wide as long as I need. I then apply magnetic 3/4"strips with adhesive backing to my aluminum.

>> No.1381196
File: 97 KB, 800x532, Pamper-Your-Tools102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get some foam board or posterboard and cut it to fit inside your tool drawer. You'll be throwing this away, so it can be a fugly color, you just want it for the smooth texture.

Put your tools upside down on the board, using play-dough to hold them in place and make little finger grip holes.

This is the negative for your mold.

Put some stretchy fabric, like t-shirt material, over the negative. Take your time and make it pretty.It's important that the T-shirt overlaps the outside of the drawer.

When you have it the way you like it, fill it up with low expansion foam. Put a board on top of it and a weight so the expansion drives it into all the nooks and crannies.

When the foam sets, remove the weight and board, cut the foam level with the top of the drawer, use a putty knife to wiggle the foam/fabric away from the walls, and flip it over. Clean out the play-dough reinsert tools and you are done.

>> No.1381380
File: 766 KB, 1500x1004, DSC_0784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get rails, foam is ok for travelling boxes but for the shop it takes up too much room, soaks up grease and oil, and will get destroyed after a short period of regular use

>> No.1381390

The harbor freight ones shatter, they are complete trash

>> No.1381439

The plastic ones or metal ones?

We’ll see how they hold up. I don’t see how the metal rails could get fucked up too bad.

Sears had their Craftsman ones with the handles on sale when I was there today too. I think the handles kinda get in the way if your tool box is crowded. Sometimes it’s nice to grab the whole rack and carry it over to the project.

>> No.1381451

Itll cost you more than a dollar when you lose a socket.
And yes the metal ones. The spring clips are brittle and break.

>being a fucking tripfaggot

>> No.1381459

I gots plenty of extra clips. The Craftsman handled ones held up for years so I’ll step it up to those if I have issues. I got them more to keep the sockets in place in the drawer so I probably won’t lose any if/when the Chinesium breaks.

Better than the foam OP wants I think. Consensus seems to be that’s a shitty idea except for dude who lays his pliers on a pillow.

>being upset by a name
Ooooh I bet you really hate when people call you by your birth gender too.

>> No.1381475

>comparing something old and quality to something cheap
>if the cheapest shittiest version doesnt work, ill buy something else cheap and shitty because of a brand name that used to not suck
>trying to make fun of OP for custom tool management when yours consists of the cheapest shittiest thing you can get away with

>attach this astounding logic to a name so people will remember me

Actually im glad you are tripping, filtered.

>> No.1381590

You didn't filter him though. You just posted the same thing in another thread complaining about that poster, in the exact same style, yet here you still are. Do you think saying "filtered" is like "downvoting"? You don't seem to understand this imageboards culture, maybe lurk for a while before posting, you come across as whiny/entitled.

>> No.1381604


>> No.1381608

If you're referring to the Mr Bill comment, that was me, as in, not the guy you replied to. Believe it or not, there are more than a few people here who think tripcunts are faggots, as Mr Bill, and this cocksocket, demonstrate.

And yes, I did filter it.

>> No.1381617

Put your trip back on so I can't see your posts

>> No.1381627

>offers no useful advice related to the thread or OP’s question
>shitposts and rants about how horrible tripcodes are
>goes on and on about how he filtered trip
>still replies to trip’s posts which may or my not be retarded, but are on-topic at least
>ruins thread
Pot. Kettle. Black.

>> No.1381681

What this faggot said.

Your pic is only tangentially related to your post at best (although both are relevant to OP and his thread), what gives?

Go with >>1381196 (the instructions, not the pic). At least that anon has the /diy/ spirit. Maybe replace play-dough with silly putty for a cleaner removal. Dark heavy fabric will be more durable and look better once it inevitably gets dirty than will something light and thin.

>> No.1381728

Dremel/router works great. I have black/green foam and its no big deal to get this done but takes some time. Or you cut out of a foam sheet with a knife using a second layer as bottom layer

Im a wood worker and works fine for me and my tools. i expect them be nasty after a while if they have a lot contact with oil and grease.

This shit is fucking overpriced layer foam. rather invest some time doing it yourself.

>> No.1381757

>making a second trip, then samefagging yourself as an anon

You may need to take a step back and look at yourself anon. Are you really that starved for attention?

>> No.1381760

The fuck you on about? I made this using these exact instructions and result was pic related. How is making your own foam tool insert not absolutely what OP was looking for? Cheap, easy, works great. Builders foam is like 8 bucks a can, and enough for 6-7 trays.

>> No.1381763

Skip handles. They get in the way constantly, and since the handle is always sticking out it always hits something, knocking loose a bit or a pipe.

>> No.1381778


Must say I tried this stuff once and never again.

Best described as bubble wrap for garage cowboys. Frankly I don't have the space, time nor money to waste again.

>> No.1381802

I buy the slightly less crap ones, willing to invest a couple bucks. Prefer the type that twist-lock to secure the sockets and is solidly built with a magnet in the base. No potmetal clips that want to shed sockets or slide off the end of the rail when you pick it up.

Side note: In many american towns there are elections going on now/soon for various things. Lots of perfectly good corrugated plastic sheeting on the side of the road in the form of VOTE FOR ME! signs, could probably make a stand-in for foam. I have access to a laser cutter so I am planning on over-enginerding something at work.

>> No.1381818

Nice....That's my style there.

>> No.1381825

The one you show with a rubber handle isn't what harbor freight is selling for .99 cents

>> No.1381849

this is why you don't buy harbor freight. The clips are fucking mild steel.

get the original craftsman or even the snap-on ones.

>> No.1381995
File: 3.33 MB, 4032x3024, 48132C6F-CCC2-4BF2-B828-4B404BF91BB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they’re older Craftsman ones. Idk, I grabbed 10 of the cheap HF ones for $10, so I’ll see what happens. They seem to hold well aside from a couple loose clips but pliers fixed that. The Craftsman with handles don’t seem to hold much better, but that doesn’t say anything about longevity so time will tell. If I end up hating them I will grab the Craftsman ones on sale for a couple bucks more. But I agree with this for my purposes >>1381763 the handles are a waste of space in the drawer.

What company makes those with magnets and twist locks? Those sound like a good idea if I want something more portable.

The thing is I have a full socket kit in a carrying case if I need to travel, so the HF rails were mostly to get together all the loose shit I have in my tool box.

>> No.1381998

Hey at least your tools are organized I operate the same way. Trying to explain this concept to slobs is an exercise in futility

>> No.1382002

something like this. iirc the one I have in my bag is from Northern Tool or Lowes but it is not exactly like this one so they change over time. Northern Tool is a slice above Harbor Freight, somewhere between a hardware store and a farm store, it's my third option around here.

I was just happy to find something with a positive lock instead of spring or friction that wears out.

>> No.1382011
File: 2.19 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Northern Tool nearby and have been wanting to stop in for years but still haven’t been. I was looking at their website a few days ago and even signed up to their emails.

Yeah those def look more sturdy than the metal ones. That would be good for the tool bag. Can you add/remove the individual holders from yours? The description on the link doesn’t mention it. I like being able to customize because I can have 1/2” drive and 3/8” drive spark plug sockets on the same rail like pic related.

>> No.1382021

Let you in on a secret the 3/8 and 1/4 inch work fairly well but the 1/2 don't hold for shit as the clips are rounded

>> No.1382026

I think I could take the one I have apart (slightly) and remove some but the number of holders matched the 3/8 set I picked up...husky iirc.

Probably a matter of poking around at the store, twistin' and knocking on things to see what you can manage.

>> No.1382044

> complains that it's too hard to remove a trip per board
> starts rotating trips to avoid peoples filters instead
Why are you so desperate to be seen? Are you really so starved for attention that you will roll through multiple trips just to be sen as some sort of celebrity on a vietnamese animal husbandry forum?

And why the fuck are you dumb cunts replying to him?

>> No.1382051

...dealing with the topic while you seem to be focused on the individual? oh shit, it's like your whole point is inside out. Everyone is an asshole! yay!

>> No.1382055

>trying to turn this place into /b/

Whats wrong with you?

>> No.1382058
File: 1.66 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. I’m sure the 3/4” holders being on the same little pot steel rails with heavier sockets doesn’t help either.

Ok, so the Home Depot ones. I think I was looking at those last week. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing with all of these sockets and I still debating more like 1/2” drive deep 6pt impacts. At least it’s organized now so I know I have everything under 1 1/4” or 27mm covered and shouldn’t have to run out in the middle of a job when I encounter a 20mm or 18mm bolt.

/b/ doesn’t allow names. Tripcode is the same so if you filtered me instead of just talking about how you filtered me, you wouldn’t have to deal with this.

Pls stay on topic

>> No.1382060 [DELETED] 

You forgot your trip shitlord.

>> No.1382062

Pls stay on topic. This thread is about tool organization.

>> No.1382078

Ahh, of course, it has not a fucking thing to do with you, does it Mr Tripcunt. No no, you're just an innocent, it is all these evil anons who are rightly pointing out that egotistical fuckjobs who samefag themselves should rightly be told to get the fuck off of an ANONYMOUS. IMAGE. BOARD. who are at fault, isn't it Mr Tripcunt? The exception to the rule is never the cause.

Thank fuck we have someone as enlightened, popular and groovy as you to tell us how to conduct our business. What ever would we do without you and the drama you are causi.. insight you are sharing. Please do keep posting, I'm certain your experience will only get better.

>> No.1382079

Putting a name on your posts makes organizing all the tools in the thread pretty easy.

>> No.1382083

I’m gonna guess this is you

Thinks he’s the smartest person on the internet. Of zero use to anybody asking an honest question, so useless he wouldn’t even belong in grandma’s toolbox next to the roll of scotch tape and seized pipe wrench.

I’m useful sometimes and made it into the back of the 2nd from bottom drawer under the backup tape measure.

>tfw you still haven’t blocked me yet
Thx bby ;^)

>> No.1382087
File: 120 KB, 497x372, boat_chan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would try some anger management counseling.

>> No.1382098

le epic troll