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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 112 KB, 1300x866, 48806296-close-up-dirty-lavatory-in-toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1377960 No.1377960 [Reply] [Original]

kinda like pic related
regular ajax+heavy brushing not working, what are your recommendations /diy/? should i get some drano and let it sit overnight?

>> No.1377972


>> No.1377974


>> No.1377977

most plumbing supply stores have what's called "ring-b-gone" that stuff is cash.

>> No.1377984


a cup or two of muriatic acid. a gallon jug is ~$6 from home depot or sometimes supermarkets

>> No.1378011



If you are afraid of it. Just get a couple gallons of distilled vinegar.

There is also limeaway.

Muratic acid>vinegar>lime away

>> No.1378015

i'll look at prices tomorrow

>> No.1378021

A literocola

>> No.1378028

Buy some coca cola and pour it in, it will clean the shit out of your toilet.

>> No.1378030

coke zero work?

>> No.1378032

I dunno bro i guess you can try

>> No.1378036

It should, its probably just as acidic.
>this is why I quit drinking soda
Not trying to preach but that shit scares me

>> No.1378037

it does wonders for constipation tho

>> No.1378048

>It should, its probably just as acidic.
>>this is why I quit drinking soda

The acidity of coke is about the last reason you should stop drinking it. Citric acid (citrus fruit), acetic acid (vinegar), and carbonic acid (soda) are all weak, edible acids. None of them are bad for you. The crazy amount of sugar you usually find in soda, however, definitely is.

You want a clean toilet? Get toilet cleaner. The stuff with the hydrochloric acid in it. But only if the enamel's not damaged.

>> No.1378073

No. Not on something that crusty.

>> No.1378076

You want hydrochloric acid, aka Lysol Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner (or any other brand, really)

>> No.1378087 [DELETED] 

Pour one liter of muriatic acid on it, and then throw inside about 500g of caustic soda, let it sit for an hour.

>> No.1378090

Huh. It's actually nothing.

>> No.1378093 [DELETED] 

Mix it equal parts and drink it. If you've done it right, you'll have created saltwater. If you fucked up the measurements, you'll probably die.
A few friends and I did it in college, we all got it right. Chemistry is a hell of a drug.

>> No.1378100

limeaway is shit, as is CLR (CLR used to not be shit it became an ecofriendly woman owned company and muh terrorism...)

wallyworld has a product i like called LimeOut.

for people worried about muriatic acid, it's just stomach acid. Coke is just phosphoric acid, the stuff used in rust removers now (BTW, naval jelly is also shit now because they replaced the hydrofluoric acid with phosphoric acid). citric acid is also a popular scale remover now, not sure how it does on rust stains.

>> No.1378113

Brushes you can connect to drills. I am not kidding. They will do a number on that shit with the right mix of chemicals. Wear a mask.. like welder level. long sleeves and gloves. Open windows.
>Pour in chems
>Run drill 1-2 mins
>Wait 20 mins
>Run drill 1-2 mins
>Wait 20 mins
>Run drill 1-2 mins

>> No.1378114

Pumice scour stick and elbow grease

>> No.1378316

Crazy how this wasn’t the first reply

>> No.1378318

Why would you scrape your enamel finish for hours when you could squirt some acid in there and swish it around?

>> No.1378323

Pumice stone takes like 10 minutes. It's softer then porcelain enamel and doesn't scratch it.

>> No.1378368

Fill it with cleaning vinegar (just search for it on Amazon).

Soak toilet paper in vinegar and pack it around the rim and onto anything above the waterline.

Leave over night.

Flush and scrub with brush.

Repeat as necessary.

>> No.1378370

Use the street like our friend pajeet.

>> No.1378373


>> No.1378616
File: 664 KB, 498x342, 1500330990570.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw I just realized that thread was pajeet free, because muh designated streets

Hydrochloric acid.
Pour half a liter into it before going to bed, go to bed, sleep, wake up, flush it, done.

>> No.1378688

>just put some fuckin metal eating acid in your possibly metal pipes overnight senpai it'll be fine
You fucking people I swear

>> No.1378700

>Hydrochloric acid
>Metal eating
Unless your pipes are made out of aluminum you've got nothing to worry about. But you shouldn't leave it for that long, it might damage the enamel of the shitter.

>> No.1378826

Don't use anything acidic if it's in a newer house
I used some kind of a pumace on mine

>> No.1378981

> Well water, shit-tons of minerals in it
> all toilets look like ass-splosions

1/4 cup of Hardware Store Hydrochloric acid, wait < 2 minutes, all the minerals flake off. Scrub with toilet brush to get the last little bit. Flush repeatedly to rinse and dilute.

We have PVC piping from the toilet to the septic tank. No issues.

>> No.1379059

Not sure that's gonna do the balance in your septic tank much favors bud.

Not telling you you're wrong, just that it would be a, uh, downstream concern.

>> No.1379062

coke cola. really works.

>> No.1379100
File: 355 KB, 250x183, 1499909378147.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being aware how a siphon works, and how shitter are made.
Found the pajeet.

>> No.1379233

>Not sure that's gonna do the balance in your septic tank much favors bud.

For all three toilets it's < 500ml of 30% acid in a 12x8x6 foot tank once or twice a year. I'm far more concerned over the toxiconium poisonide that's in the death-tabs we use every day in the dishwasher.

>> No.1379240

If you're really worried about the acid, toss some baking soda in right before you flush

>> No.1379246

Pumice Stone.

>> No.1379896
File: 36 KB, 450x450, 8783a42e-5a53-411c-b1e0-d69d9672ac21_1.cb3d309c7ce7a7ba51164962b5fba33b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these even get the old stains off soak overnight then do a little hard scrubbing

>> No.1379936

2 liters of coca cola

>> No.1380291

I use a product called Iron Out. It cleans out my sinks, toilets, and I run it though my water softener once a month or so. Its a powder that you just pour in and let sit for a while, then scrub with a regular toilet brush.

>> No.1380309


>> No.1380368

Caustic soda, leave for a long time

>> No.1380432

Dollar General. "Just works" toilet bowl cleaner.

>> No.1380456


>> No.1380457

Scoop out all the water and wipe it out with a towel. Fill with hydrochloric acid for overnight.

>> No.1380603

start pissing phosphoric acid

>> No.1380606

>that shit scares
and the hydrochloric acid that happily lives in your stomach, digesting the shit you eat doesn't?