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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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137490 No.137490 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a home made furniture / cool room thread?

Im planning on moving out in a few months, after saving up some cash.

Want some ideas to make my place a bit more cool and bearable than a blank box.

Extra points for pics of cheap cool stuff, even more if you provide a how-to guide.

>> No.137551
File: 1.85 MB, 3466x2776, 1321981395857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nugget crate into coffee table

>> No.137571
File: 117 KB, 515x801, tomschair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually don't have this kind of stuff in my house, but in the shop we do sofas/chairs out of old car seats that we take out of the projects when replacing with a racing bucket or something. It mostly just requires making a simple wood frame for the seat mounts to bolt to, if we don't use the seat mounts for the new seats.

There was a friend around here who had fenders and a hood + 2 wheels under the fender over his bed for a while. Mostly as a joke, it was just held together with small tabs, trying to get a picture if I can find it.

Here's someone's office chair with an old car seat.

>> No.137584
File: 107 KB, 600x830, doortable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this yesterday, absolutely love the idea of it.

>> No.137585

How do you keep the stuff in the pouches from falling out? Or am I misinterpreting the design

>> No.137586

It just folds down, you wouldn't try to stuff the pouches so gravity shouldn't really act on whatever you have in them. Making the front of the pouch come up farther, or having a top flap that you tie shut would be a good adjustment.

>> No.137599


We obviously have a /k/ammando on our hands

>> No.137703

HA that looks like my old CRX chair
i had parted out a 1991 honda crx and had a shitty desk chair
one became the other and it looked like pic

>> No.138113

Thats cool.

Anything else?

When /diy/ first started I remember heaps of "cool room" / diy furniture threads.

Where did they all go?

>> No.138123

They seem to come here a lot, idk.

>> No.138124

>cant even spell /k/ommando

/k/ is where all these threads used to be before this kid board was created. it was better when all the diy stuff was on /k/ because most of the hipster liberal kids stayed out of /k/.

now look how liberal kid infested this board is.

>> No.138131


Now post some damn pics.

>> No.138134

Only a kid would request pictures to be posted instead of posting them himself. Typical liberal, always want someone else to do your work for you.

>> No.138138

Another promising thread shat on by the liberal kid guy. Well done!

>> No.138142

>cant post his own pictures
>gets called out on it
>thinks someone else ruined the thread not the faggot who cant even keep his own thread going

typical liberal, blames others for his own misgivings.

>> No.138141

Omfg I hear this crap all the time on this board now.
Why the fuck does it matter.
I came here to look at cool DIY projects, weapons or otherwise, not to here people babble.

>> No.138143

Don't sweat it, tune the fucker out. He's an annoying troll, nothing more.

>> No.138145

then look away, no one is stopping you kid.

typical liberal, always complaining about shit and never does anything about it.

>> No.138147

Moving out, getting my own car, my own place, and sharing it with a girl I love. Do you guys think my dreams should be any bigger then this? Cuz a menial existence is fine with me.

>> No.138151

what the fuck does this ahve to do with ANYTHING /diy/

fuck off back to /r9k/ you liberal kid.

>> No.138160

OP mentioned moving out, and getting his own place, also; what do your democratic ramblings have to do with existence?

>> No.138158
File: 56 KB, 469x500, build this on day future me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.138161
File: 34 KB, 501x384, loldud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'm the only one posting

>> No.138166

I once saw a video about cardboard furniture that was super fucking strong, don't have pics though...

>> No.138169

fuck off liberal kid, your talking shit just like that other faggot was. this isnt a "share your emotions" thread, its a home made furniture thread.

fucking liberal kids.

>> No.138171

just searched it

>> No.138173

what a useful post! thanks for telling us you searched for somthing!

>liberal kids

>> No.138176
File: 27 KB, 550x421, flatpack2_3n833_1333_qIsUm_5638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol forgot to post

>> No.139524

Bump for interest.