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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1361883 No.1361883 [Reply] [Original]

what was your first /diy/ project

>> No.1361886
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Pic related, some benches when I was 17. If you look reeeeal carefully you can see the front legs on the first one (background) were 400 odd mm too short and I had to kludge some timber on to make up the difference. 20 years on and I still have no idea how I fucked that up. At least they were flimsy as fuck.

>> No.1361887

> 20
Err, 15, I think I am starting to understand how I fucked up those measurements -_-

>> No.1361890

My son

>> No.1361903

Cutting a wirecoat hanger into a launcher/holder for match rockets (tightening aluminum foil around a matchhead making makeshift rockets).

I still have the first wirecutters I ever bought at age 12 and my first toolbox that I still use to this day.

>> No.1361906

>u never finished your first project.

>> No.1361907

this guy`s son

>> No.1361917

Made a coffee table during Resistant Materials class in high school. Turned out well, but I never thought about how big it should be. It ended up being too big for the front room, worked alright for the patio though

>> No.1361920
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Getting the attention of my parents, I never did finish the project.

>> No.1362056

A really crappy dog house I think

>> No.1362058

3x3x3 LED Cube

>> No.1362067

I made a switch network to swap between video inputs because my TV only had one, and I had multiple game systems that I played regularly. I think I was 12 at the time. It just did video because I used a stereo receiver for audio. I took it apart a few years ago and was amused that nothing was soldered and it was all just twisted wires wrapped with electrical tape. It worked perfectly for years until I got a better TV.

>> No.1362107
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some kind of electronic fart noise machine that modulated the fart sound through skin conductivity. it had two probes that made different fart noises depending on how you held it.

>> No.1362212

I tried building a robot that leaped around like a frog when is was 12 but it didn't work because I didn't have a reliable way of snapping the legs back that wouldnt over power the motor's torque.
It was a retarded design but I didn't have cool shit like 3D-printers. I wouldve had a blast with a 3D printer as a kid.

>> No.1362222
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>12-feet tall, wooden ladder made from branches

I don't even remember my first one, but that is the first one I remember where no one helped or knew about it until it was done. I don't even remember what merit badge it was for, but I got it at least.

>> No.1362406

I found a light socket in the trash. I put a bulb in it, stuck the two wires in an outlet, and the bulb lit up. I was 6 years old.

>> No.1362408

How am I supposed to remember that?

>> No.1362410

Ikea table

>> No.1362414

I can't see it, have the back leg a solid 45 second look

>> No.1362417
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Green army man fort built from dirt. The power rangers didn't stand a chance

>> No.1362421

My earliest memory has to be when I was 8 and a couple friends and I decided to make a sail boat out of stray board, some barrels and some sheet.

It sailed I tell you. But we had no way to trim the sails and the wind blows straight offshore. Luckily my whole family are salty dogs and were aware of what we were doing so my uncle rescued us on the maiden voyage. Slightly embarrassed but everyone was impressed with our attempt.

I am sure I DIY'd something before that. But I am not a comfortable first worlder who /DIY/ as a hobby.

>> No.1362427

Made a sled for my stuffed animal with my dad when I was 3 or 4 so I could pull it around the house

>> No.1363350

I made a squirrel trap out of chicken wire and plywood. I caught way more with it than the 100$ cage traps they sell.

>> No.1363376

I made a birdhouse when I was a kid

>> No.1363379
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>> No.1363564


>> No.1363960

Used to build a ton of shit from wood scrap my dad would bring home from work. Earliest thing i remember (and most significant) is my computer desk. Built it when i was about 14, and still use it today. No pics unfortunately because shit lighting and my desk is a mess rn.

>> No.1364183


>> No.1364184
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>true story
>be me
>be 3 yrs old
>take apart the remote control
>almost put it back together
>mfw I ride my bike with no handlebars

>> No.1364191

You authoritarian piece of shit.

>> No.1364271

I was building an 18-wheel tanker truck in my dads basement out of 2x4 planks. I got far enough to nail one plank to the floor.

To my defense, I was 4.

>> No.1364840

Made a fire pit out of an old giant propane tank cap. It's at my parents house, can get pics if you guys want.

>> No.1365013

Thx nostalganon

>> No.1365033

modding my ps2, didn't work out. :/

>> No.1365058

A birthday card with blinking LEDs for my friend. I didn't have time to design the 555 circuits, so I did it using an arduino pro mini.

>> No.1365073

I made a male masturbator out of Lego when I was 12

>> No.1365290

Baseball bat in junior high shop class. I still have it.

>> No.1365331
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In 1977 at the age of 16 I rebuilt the trans. in my car

>> No.1365351

When I was 16 I lost a Crayola in my ass

>> No.1365356

>When I was 16 I lost a Crayola in my ass
was it black?

>> No.1365360


I imagine a lot more stuff like this was common before the internet. Granted television was a thing but I wonder how many more hobbies people had before the internet. I know its easy for me to sit on my ass in leiu of getting around to the work I gotta do.

Do you see yourself doing that kind of work again? how come?

>> No.1365366


>> No.1365405

Foreskin stretching device. Following forums on foreskin restoration, where people who've been circumsized try and stretch their remnants back into the semblance of a foreskin.
I'm not circumsized, I find no sexual angle out of it, but I do enjoy the idea of stretching my foreskin to comical lengths

>> No.1365408 [DELETED] 

why pay someone to do shit?
just do it yourself, saves money and it is rewarding. I can fix anything and have.

>> No.1365424

>I do enjoy the idea of stretching my foreskin to comical lengths
with a black crayon in your turd cutter

>> No.1365430
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Long board nailed to the underside of a potato box. Big pram wheels nailed to the box with u nails, small pram wheels nailed to a piece of wood with u nails. Single nail to attach the front wood to the long piece for steering. Single nail through a piece of wood beside the rear wheel for brakes.

Was probably about 5

>> No.1365515

>Was probably about 5
5 years only and still fucking around with turntable steering? pathetic!

>> No.1365676

A simple cage for my rabbits....my dad and i used old wood, fences and bricks

>> No.1365728

Very first?
I guess when I was 12 or so I set out to make a tiny submarine out of a coke can.
Actually worked too, had it's own motor and everything. Then my dumb ass "test drove" it in the creekby our house. With no way to retrieve it.

>> No.1365733

If you're still around anon that's actually cool as fuck

>> No.1365734

A fridge trailer

>> No.1366018


>> No.1366222
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a shitty shelf with 19" rack mount

>> No.1366573
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I was maybe 7-8 when I made my first wooden sword.
The first real project I still have, which I made when I was 13 and saw Alien 2 for the first time, really wanted Hudsons pulse rifle.

>> No.1366585

That looks pretty sweet but why do you exist sideways?

>> No.1367316

Soda can stove for innawoods purposes. I think half of the shit I've done for /diy/ stuff was for /k/ stuff. Like my current mess kit.

>> No.1367474
File: 54 KB, 540x720, bf28488d-b7ce-4805-94b0-144bcbb9dfe0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wooden sword for a GoT Halloween costume.
Simple, but it was really the first thing I made myself. I named it Broken Long Boy on account for it looking "eh" but my prop making has gotten much better.
>pic related of in progress swordboy
I now do /diy/ projects whenever I can.

>> No.1367481

Half the shit we did as kids was bike related. Playing card noise maker on spokes, ramp for getting airborne, carving out trails innawoods. ...

>> No.1367535

Tree forts. Lots of tree forts. They were little more than platforms 10' off the ground made of scraps but we never had one collapse on us.