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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 66 KB, 500x332, rab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
136101 No.136101 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for diy rabbit eradication ideas.
>they are classed as vermin here.
>guns = too much red tape
>I have traditional traps but they are illegal and the rabbits are alive till you kill them even with their leg snapped in half.
>I do use propane provided nothing flammable is nearby but it usually is (buildings, firewood piles etc).
Other ideas? Preferably not dangerous to native animals.

>> No.136106
File: 416 KB, 800x1200, humane homemade mousetrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the basic principles of this trap. Dig a bunch of holes in the ground, deep enough that the rabbits can't jump out. Bait them with food, in the same manner as pic, and then you can just go along and empty the holes.

Take any other animals accidentally caught and drive them a few miles away for release. Take the rabbits and throw them in a CO2 gas chamber. Can be as simple as a bag or box hooked up to your car exhaust.

CO2 is pretty quick and relatively painless, reason why so many people use it for suicide.

>> No.136114

>Dig a bunch of holes in the ground,
>.......and throw them in a CO2 gas chamber

I'm wondering if fake rabbit holes could be both of the above.

>Bait them with food,
There is so much natural food they show no interest virtually.

>> No.136122

>CO2 is pretty quick and relatively painless
I don't know about animals, but for humans the choking feeling comes from a build up of CO2. The body cannot detect a lack of oxygen, but it can detect the build up of CO2.

> reason why so many people use it for suicide.
I think more people favored CO, which is painless.

Anyway OP, by traditional traps do you mean bear traps? Are conibear style traps legal in your area? They generally kill on the spot.

>> No.136125

If you are not dedicated to catching and killing you could try using a repellant. There are usually several available on the markets.

>> No.136128
File: 29 KB, 608x350, trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the traditional traps I mean which are no longer legal.
>Dig small hole
>Put peg in ground
>Lay newspaper over it
>Sprinkle fine layer of dirt over the top with sive

>> No.136146

I used to poach and rabbits were a regular target.
Best way is to ferret the warren, you wont get all of them the first time but if you hit the warren 3/4 times a week for perhaps 3 weeks you will get most and the remaining will leave the warren.
With traps, at least if you dont buy a dozen of them, all you will be doing is picking off the odd one and not enough to effectively control the population.
Also are you UK, if you are wire snares are still legal so long as they have a stop to prevent the animal chocking to death
Look on youtube for ferreting videos
Never used gas so cant comment but helium might work as well as being easily available

>> No.136150

>Are conibear style traps legal in your area?
I googled them. I have never seen any of those around here. Not sure. I know box traps are legal.

Shooting and poisoning are the most common methods around here but the poison can be problematic with native animals and also being passed down the food chain. Much hur dur regulations to have a gun too.

>> No.136177

>Never used gas so cant comment

Works great provided nothing flammable nearby.
>Cylinder with hose
>Turn cylinder up side down, hose down warren
>Good blast
>Remove above, stand back and throw match
>Red flames at first followed by clearer flame then woof
>Oxygen removed from warren

There are pro devices but I find the above works fine. Ausfag here btw.

This is a UK pro device. http://www.warrenater.co.uk/

>> No.136192
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>> No.136212

Yep thats the feel of killing trapped rabbits only they are an introduced species that has become a menace just like foxes cane toads and black berries to name a few.

>> No.136217


>> No.136219

This thread is like the prequel to Watership Down.

>> No.136220


Maybe some kind of virus????

>> No.136228

I remember I found a deer trap in someones back yard. I ended up moving it carefully so that the owner of the house might step into it and feel what its like to lose a foot.

>> No.136236


We already have two of those but neither is that effective anymore.

>> No.136244

Rabbit hole, meet liquid nitrogen.

>> No.136245

can you make your own firearms in australia?

in the US theres pretty few restrictions on guns you make on your own.

maybe a nail gun?

>> No.136263

Get some strong twine, make a noose shape with it, put it on a common rabbit trail, return daily to collect rabbits. Once you have the rabbits, kill them, paunch them, bring them home. when you get home, skin them, drain the blood, and cook them. This should take advantage of the rabbit population to save you money, and you can learn to cook some delicious food.

>brotip: ask /ck/ for some nice recipes for rabbit.

>> No.136264

Not legally anyhow (unless you registered them perhaps).

Compressed air has crossed my mind.

>> No.136266

>no guns or traps
Shoot them with a bow and arrow.

>> No.136267


Actually i was being a troll.... to be honest, any eradication method is going to be ineffective.

When i used to live on a farm we would go "bunny bashing" at night on the 4wheeler and also get the sheep dogs to kill them.

>> No.136270

Get a dog and a gun. According to people who say they're not oppressed, it's reasonably possible to get a gun in Australia if you need one, so bite the bullet (metaphorically) and do the paperwork.

>> No.136271

Another Ausfag here, whats the big deal with the guns? Granted you can't get an AR-15 at Big W but it's not that hard.

Apply for licence pay like $60 max, buy Norinco JW-15 or some other Chinese .22 about $250

Buy bulk ammo at $70 for 525
That's 60+250+70=$380

525/380= $0.70 a rabbit for your initial investment
525/70= $0.13 a rabbit after your first box

>> No.136272

That's assuming his accuracy is decent. Realistically it might be as much as $2.00 a rabbit on that first box. But accuracy will improve over time.

>> No.136273

That's true but atleast he can be an opportunist with it as well,

Oh look a rabbit! I'll go lug my propane tank over that hill!

>> No.136274

i love being american,i can legally buy a tank :D

>> No.136275

If your looking for a dog now would be a great time to get a beagle. My 11 month old just got his first rabbit a few weeks back, and we've been to a farm where he got 2 more. There's plenty of people who will volunteer their dogs for the practice or the sport.

Would gassing them ruin the meat?

>> No.136299


Used to use these things as a kid with rabbits.
Doesn't kill them, just traps them.
We would get a big bag and hold it infront of the door, they would run into the bag. Then we would relocate them.
But you can sling them against a brick wall or make a bonfire or whatever, i don't know.

>> No.136315
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This pic taken at OP's house

>> No.136317

spear and magic helmet?

>> No.136335
File: 28 KB, 400x345, on internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mate uses traps on his farm and its very simple and easy to make, just get a metal cage about 50cm high and wide and a metre long with one of the sides on a loose hinge, get a piece of metal, one end inside the enclosed end of the cage and going through the top and along and hooked onto the end which moves. just put some apple on the end of the piece of metal inside the cage pretty well and when they try to rip it off the other end is pulled off the grating of the cage door and falls closed
then you can kill and eat the rabbits if you havent tried poisoning them yet

>> No.136337

or just make a box out of chicken wire but one side has a hole with frayed ends of the wire pointing inwards on an angle so it can squeeze through and eat the bait but cant get out, itd just hurt itself

>> No.136345

bb guns should do well enough for killing them, provided you dont get a shitty one. hell, even a slingshot can do the job if you can aim

>> No.136361

My old man used to knock magpies out of the sky with a slingshot. It was weird, he'd miss on purpose when they were in the tree to scare them, then he would wait until the flew overhead and knock them right out of the sky.

I can't even hit one when its 20 feet away on a post.

>> No.136367


hey OP, this method of setting a snare is like the only method i've heard people use to catch(kill) rabbits, set a whole bunch of them everywhere (assuming theres no house pets nearby, it can kill them too) and go back every few days to get the rabbits and re-set the snares, you can also make little fences out of sticks to corral them into the trap

i would advise against poisons, that poison will likely get into the surrounding environment

also, eat them

>> No.136368

Sprinkled Cayenne Red Pepper seasoning eliminates shit all together. We put it on the bottom of our trash bags and animals do not get into them

>> No.136372

takes some practice to use a sling shot right, on the other hand you could also learn how to use an old sling. Just as effective on small game, and rocks are always more plentiful than ball bearings. A bb gun should do fine though, most gun regulations don't apply to them and ammo is mega cheap.
cap: recordn peduncles

>> No.136375

There's no way to just cut off the food supply? If you don't they'll just keep coming back. the saying "fuck like rabbits" exists for a reason.

>> No.136379

medium sized cage traps. also go to /k/ they will show you shit
also catch them alive in the traps, then clean em, cook em, and eat em.

>> No.136387

Make sport of it - air guns, rabbit sticks, slings

>> No.136394

I bet you get mad every time you read Watership Down, huh? Like "DAMN, they should've gotten all those pesky critters!"


I've got lots of cayenne pepper hanging around.

>> No.136398

Yep its called black saturday but I don't want to see that again any time soon. A spot fire 2km away was close enough.

>> No.136401

i'm in aus too, if theres a local rifle club go and enquire if anyone wants to shoot your rabbits. chances are a lot of people will. esp if you offer like a dollar a head
my dad and me both often go and shoot rabbits on a friends property and i havent had a license in years

>> No.136405

One word.
Sodium Fluoroacetate

>> No.136412


Yeah, we had a bad problem with animals getting into our trash and after we did that, we were the only family on the block to not have trash everywhere. They won't piss/shit on it because it's too hot and they don't stick their noses in it either

>> No.136437

Stuff steel wool in the burrows. The rabbits will happily chew through it to get out, causing their intestines to be lacerated into a wet mess of bloody ribbons as they digest and try to pass it. Humane.

>> No.136441

I have two neighbours who already do shoot them.
>Be reading on 4chan
>Hear gun shot <10 metres away over fence.
>Hope rick o shey is on holidays

>> No.136442

Watership Down

You've read the book

You've seen the film

Now eat the pie!

My gran used to make rabbit pie most weekends and it was delicious -far tastier than chicken.

>> No.136444


>> No.136462

You don't need firearms.
Good slingshot with one ounce lead ball ammo
bow/blunt arrows
rabbit stick.
If you like to hunt one of these is all you need.

>> No.136502

Put up a bounty for the local kids, offer them $2 a rabbit.

>> No.136522

>Kids breeds five hundred rabbits, drains OPs bank account and worsen the problem tenfold.

OP: ask your local university to put some undergrads on coding up some rabbit-recognition software, then wire up a few IP cams to solenoid-spear traps, rock drops and pitfalls or whatever flavour of dungeon style lethalities you prefer.
License the clips to japanese TV to recuperate the cost of the system.

>> No.136528

if there is one one way in and out of the burrow, consider a hose attached to the exhaust of a vehicle.

>> No.136537

Get some Aluminium phosphide tablets. Aluminium phosphide reacts with moisture in the ground to release phosphine gas. If you have dogs, let them lose and the ribbits will all run into their burrows. Darop a few tablets into each hole, stuff a cloth or some paper into the hole, and back fill with dirt. It will poison everything in the hole, without harming the surrounding wildlife.

>> No.136562

How much are airguns regulated?

>> No.136768
File: 17 KB, 480x344, baby bunnies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love rabits. dont hurt them op
seriously fuck you, fire is a horrible way to die
fuck you too
thats not quick and painless either

use the traps and relocate them
it makes me sick to see an animal suffer
if you have to kill them make it instant and painless

the gas pellet method mentioned earlier seems like the best option

>> No.136771
File: 27 KB, 417x403, afternoontea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.136778

They're just fucking big floppy-eared rats. They destroy property and cause disease.

>oooonoooo snookumsbunnnnnny
I bet you'd think differently if you were homesteading and all the crops you broke your back planting were eaten by fucking cute little rabbits.

>> No.136820
File: 118 KB, 800x600, homebuilt rifle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, /diy/. How do I make one of these?

>> No.136832

i concede i would
but i dont like anything to suffer
>beta as fuck

>> No.136836

Just snap their necks when you get them out of their traps. Rabbit is fucking delicious.

>> No.136843

Did you ever try using a fence you fucking imbecile?
>broke your back planting
Way to spent so much effort without protecting it.
Sorry, I mean kid. I always forget the board specific insults.

>> No.136846

Fuck I made a project and was going to ask at /k/ if that would work, a gun made with pipes that would use a tube with pressure to send bullets. that picture will help me a lot thank you.

>> No.136849


>> No.136854
File: 144 KB, 718x599, 718px-Rabbits_MyxomatosisTrial_WardangIsland_1938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, of course wikipedia have an article on this topic.

I take it crossbows aren't unlicensed? look up high power airguns, if they can kill humans then rabbits should also die from it. But they may also require license. The poison if you just want to get rid of the rabbits sounds most reasonable, if you want to eat them then rubber traps?

>> No.136859

Careful with poison, you could kill more than just rabbits and that shit WILL get into the local water table and affect plants and other wildlife.

>> No.136863

>using a fence to contain a subterranean burrowing animal

Good one kid.

Takes 10 times more effort burying a fence to a depth where it would stop rabbits than it does to just fucking kill them.

>> No.136871

>Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) was tested as a technique to map the subterranean tunnels of the European rabbit, as a representative fossorial vertebrate. The technique readily located tunnels separated by at least 1 m in a dry coarse compacted sandy soil, but images of tunnels less than 0.4 m apart were fused. GPR was of no use in a highly saline, sandy light-clay soil. GPR is a non-invasive technique by which the routes of isolated blind-ending tunnels of any length can be ascertained, even in unstable soil.

Viable for your soil type? take the war to their homes. Although the equipment is probably everything but cheap.

>> No.136872

>more effort burying a fence ... than it does to just fucking kill them
Good thing more won't come.
Have fun killing them forever.

>> No.136873

>free meat forever

>> No.136978

OP, some lightly modified air rifles are just as effective as a real gun. The benefits to that are that they are considerably cheaper to purchase, fire, and modify. Some even come with a silencer type device installed so you wont run into any problems with someone thinking they heard a gun shot. Not sure about laws in Australia, but it might be something to look into. A pellet rifle that shoots about 1200 feet per second should do a pretty good job to kill small animals like that. Heres a retailer in my area that has a few options.

>> No.136984

The underground component of the fire lasts about 1/8th of a second at best. The killing blow is not the fire its self but the removal of oxygen.

>> No.136997

get a rabbiting ferret bro, he/they won't be very close to you but dayum after a bit of training they will get rid of all your rabbits and bring them out the holes for you aswell.

>> No.137244

how long for them to suffocate?
still sounds like a shitty way to go