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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1359863 No.1359863 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know how to build a pc from max 200 USD, that can run games (Like PUBG or something) around 30 fps if possible?

>> No.1359865

No but reply because want

>> No.1359867


>> No.1359872

Yea. But not wasting my time telling and planning it for you. Go to youtube and find some guides for budget gaming pcs. If you don't know anything about pcs enjoy getting ducked at some point and do your best to unfuck yourself. You can't slap shit together and hope it works.

>> No.1359877


Not going to happen kids. Everything has a minimum cost, and a gaming computer bottoms out at like $500. Example: Motherboard $70 min, CPU $70 min (for trash), 550w+ PSU $50 min (will die in six months), video cards rn are a laugh, this is the primary cost of your build. BTC mining is to blame for this. Nvidia says they're fixing it with GPU cards with no video output, but we're not there yet.

I didn't even list Ram, thermal paste, a case, keyboard, mouse, monitor, SSD/HDD, or cables.

Use your head, what does $200 get you in other places. PuBG just came to mobile ; the phones that can play it cost $750+. Why would a $200 computer suffice? Fucking kids.

>> No.1359890

you dont get Pubg at 30 fps for 200 bucks.

the game runs like a 4 cornered wheel. 1000 usd at least.

>> No.1359891

Have you tried a Raspberry Pi?

>> No.1359895

What do you have now?

>> No.1359896

Haha another jackass that shouldn't be here!

>> No.1359898

I take that as "no, I haven't tried "

>> No.1359927
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>> No.1359942

find an old business pc from a recycling center

>> No.1359946

Do it yourself
use reddits hardware swap to buy used equipment

This is bad bait

>> No.1359951


The short answer is that you will need to do a lot of research, but it is possible to get a strong enough processor for a low enough price if you know which suppliers to look at. PC-Part-Picker is too expensive. You may need to do some soldering too some check out >>>/diy/ohm/

Get /hard/ and read a book on computational architecture.

>> No.1359953

you can actually bottom out at 290-440 if you /diy/ the motherboard and everything yourself, and buy and build the whole thing from components by primary suppliers. By skiping the middle man you skip out on high prices, but at the cost of much more time spent making the damn thing.

>> No.1359960

you're going to home build CPUs and GPUs?

>> No.1359971

Your only chance at that price is buy used. Old, outdated, used.

>> No.1359979

That part can't happen, it would cost a super-computer to start even a small budget-bitch facotry for that, and then it would cost another million a year to keep the thing running.

You can get some really cheap processors though, just not latest or anything made by fagtel or AMDong because they have a strangle-hold on the industry.
Everything else is really cheap though, i managed to get 4 1Ghz die for 50$

>> No.1359980

>That part can't happen, it would cost a super-computer to start even a small budget-bitch facotry for that, and then it would cost another million a year to keep the thing running.

I mean, if you wanna be REALLY technical in the use of the term "factory"...


>Old, outdated, used.

like ur mom lmao

>> No.1359983

200 bucks can get you a cheap .38 revolver and a box of ammo to go out and rob someone with a decent gaming computer.

>> No.1359990

can that lab go to 14nm densities?

>> No.1360065

buy a prebuilt pc with an i5 2400 and higher, go on facebook market, let go, offer up, craigslist, ebay, etc. then buy a gpu gtx 660 ti and above would serve you good, like gtx 670 680, 750 ti 760 770 780 780 ti, hd 7850 7870 7950 7970 rx 280x and above. dont go for an i3, monitors they sell cheap on all those markets, some go for 20$ and up. go to the free section of any of those markets and you can probably find a desk or computer chairs for free just pick em up. if not buy some cheap desk. if you want more in depth just ask, i'm free all night

>> No.1360181

Why can those cucks not just drop the cost and up production

>> No.1360182

>4 cornered wheel.


>> No.1360184

>not diy cpu...
>do you even build bro?

>> No.1360185

Mfw i got core i3.



>> No.1360186
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That hilarious, sad, and true...

>> No.1360187

Contact local school for used shit

>> No.1360272


>> No.1360287

why play pubg when all the best games are on snes and ps1. both their libraries have enough gems to keep you busy until you need diapers again

>> No.1360662
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Okay, I'll tell you what I do.
With that out of the way, I'll tell you how I usually do it.
Just ask around for ""old"" computers, I recently had received 5 because it's old.
I mean, it's Vista era. But just slap some Linux on it and it's pretty much enough for my daily needs along with photo editing and art projects.
I've been doing this for about ten years now, gutting PC's and other boxes for their guts and then using what I find to upgrade my box.

Things to look out for:
-TV boxes, they usually contain some nice HDDs and possible PSUs for small projects.
-Broken phones and tablets, it's so fucking easy to replace those screens if they are a bit aged. But the newer ones are tougher.
-Companies who don't need their equipment anymore. Simply ask nicely and you shall receive, but most likely looted for their HDDs, so this is where the guts of those TV boxes come in play.
-Dumb folks who are bad with computers, those usually trash their devices the quickest. Ask them if their computer is slow, if you're going to be sneekibreeki, liquidate their current device and tell then there is nothing you can do about it, reason it with some kind of h@xXxor or simply too old if the device is aged.
The best thing you can do in that case is help them look for a new device and assist them in transferring their data.
-Local dumps. Really. Check that shit out, loot some computers if you are not in direct sight, I am aware it "might" be illegal to snag them of that place, but for fucks sake, ones trash is the other's treasure. Be cautioned if you want to try that, the workers try to keep the place in check.
-Look for defective gear and try to repair it on eBay or so.

>> No.1360664
File: 258 KB, 1302x625, Screenshot_2018-04-01_21-11-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>run pubg at 30 fps
This is going to be tough.
Maybe try to grab some used desktop computer for 50$ on craigslist. Wait for a really good one, like a good pentium G or i3/i5 with at least 4/6gigs of RAM. Then buy a 150$ GPU like a 1050ti or a used 970 gtx. go ask /g/pbg and check logical increment website. Good luck senpai. You should look for somethink like pic related.

>> No.1361223

There are only like 100s of pc guides that are based around business pcs with a 1050 on YouTube.

>> No.1361224

An RPi is a viable PC, just not for gaming

>> No.1361320

ryzen 2200g 99$
a320 mobo 40$
b350 mobo 60$ but you can oc so like 30% moar fraymez
8gb ram 75-80$, oc the shit out of it

if 240 burgers is too much, buy an old core2quad machine or some shit for like 50 and a used graphics card

>> No.1361323

get a potatoe and lower your resolution

>> No.1361530
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>> No.1362315

Save up for a X79 MB from china get some ECC and a 6-8 core XEON and a used GTX 780, you can also find a used 256 GB SSD, if it was used in a normal PC for normal stuff it will be fine for a long time, not sure what it will add up to but it will run everything.

>> No.1362349

1. Invent the following: butthole enforcement technology (BET)
2. Patent BET
3. Go to China and have BET mass produced
4. License technology to Jewish pornographers so they make related porn instead of beastiality cuck porn
5. ????
6. Buy legit gaming rig with profit

>> No.1362604

Yeah, by streaming it from your $2000 computer to your computer that you built for $200.

>> No.1362700


>> No.1363122
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>phone posting
>in a fucking PC build thread
nigger die in a fire

>> No.1363334

korean manufacturers own the ddr market and they've made price agreements.
Gotta wait for the chink overlords to set up their own factories and save us.

>> No.1363337

not for modern gaming that is.

An excellent PC, and excellent for your average mans emulations. I never regretted buying any of my five Pi's

>> No.1363364

Everything will have to be on low obviously, but for 200 dollars it might be possible. Fortnight will probably work better though
Dell optiplex with with windows 10, 4gb ram, psu, and a core 2 duo, about 100 dollars
Gt 1030 low profile, only requires power from the pcie slot so its perfect for this build, 100 dollars
This is probably the best you can do anon

>> No.1363394

WHY would you aim for 30 FPS for the purpose of playing a PvP game that requires aiming??

>> No.1363400

Chromebook with pubg mobile, or cheapest computer with high specs and Android x86

>> No.1363429

lol this. also, why do people always buy new psus with their builds? mine from 10 years ago is still big enough because I spent a little more up front

>> No.1363480
File: 340 KB, 818x814, 9ce56882deff2aa7ffe2bf5ed7484e28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to electrical recycling centre
>Pick up 16GB i7
>Nothing wrong with it except PSUs -5v line dead
>Replace PSU
>Fully working £500 PC for £0

>> No.1363492

I hate to be the guy shitting all over an attempt at a budget build (just did a budget Ryzen/GTX build in November for ~700), BUT. . .

The real problem is finding a decent video card at your price point. Even old cards are priced retardedly because of coin miners. Looking at Newegg, and guessing that a vidya will be about a quarter of your build cost ($50) (1/4 is my made up benchmark), there are about 300 cards you can use. They all blow, and I doubt you can find suitable drivers.

TL;DR No. Good luck though, homie.

>> No.1363514
File: 129 KB, 686x571, Marconi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this summer ill have a budget of about 700-1000$ for building a pc. i have a few cases, but im not sure if ill need a new one or not. my main concern will be how easily ill be able to update it in the future, a few years down the road.
id like to run 3 monitors off of it, one for weather, a wide screen for a band scope for ham radio, and one id use for general browsing and such.
almost everything i have now ive gotten from the dump or yard sales, but i think it would be fun to build something new.
can anyone point me in the right direction?

>> No.1363517

>This is bad bait
>I use a Dell my mom paid for

>> No.1363518


>> No.1364366

Its not possible unleas you steal the parts. Protip though: /g/ has a pc builsing general

>> No.1364424

May I steal this saying?

>> No.1364482

I bought one of those as my shipping center computer. 129 for full system with monitor. Works great.

>> No.1364522

1 TB HDD ~($14-$20)
8GB ECC DDR3 RAM ($20) https://www.ebay.com/itm/192504008911
3.2Ghz Xeon 6c12t W3670 T3500 ($150)

That's $190 for the main build. For GPU, you can shit out and buy a garbage $10 for a strict "$200" budget build or you can shell out few more and get a semi decent $50 gpu from craigslist/ebay/etc. Or you can shell out big bucks for the latest GPU. In anyway you choose, the CPU/system itself can compete with the best of today's CPU. Ryzen/Intel Kabylake/etc.

>> No.1365052

A $200 or less phone will play pubg mobile fine. Do some research.

>> No.1365161

i play the game on console, how could that game even be played on a phone?

>> No.1365184


