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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 299 KB, 868x546, pic related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1349012 No.1349012 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /diy/

I'm lifting a eight meters long 2x4 that's meant to stretch a projector screen for an art project. The ceiling is concrete, so I need to use expandable bolts, but it has a lowered section of ceiling boards that covers most of the surface. The 2x4 stretcher is getting mounted flush with the lowered section, so I can't used hooks to hang the structure, as it'll make a gap.

Pic related is the best I can come up with, and I'm thinking to secure each couple of eye bolts together with a couple of hose clamps - but there has to be a more elegant way to make sure the eye bolts are aligned, won't sag, and strong enough to lift approximately 22 kilos devided on five couples of bolts . Any clever ideas?

>> No.1349014
File: 20 KB, 390x400, 41Iau6afMSL._SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh.. Screw hooks into the 2x4..?

Take it to /sqt/ next time, because thsts what this was.

>> No.1349020

Said in OP can't use hooks. When hooking, the 2x4 will get lowered by a distance equal to the inner radius of any hooks I use.

>> No.1349033
File: 18 KB, 474x474, 0B64D9DE-5535-4072-81ED-722274A96D93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1349046

Same problem as with hooks. There can't be any gaps between the stretcher and the lowered ceiling. Probably just going to run steel wires through the 2x4. Thanks though, you guys've been great

>> No.1349051

Can’t recess the hooks farther into the 2x or add a fur strip to the 2x to make up the difference ?

>> No.1349057
File: 35 KB, 798x734, cad9000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't you just make a recess in the 2x4 and pass a threaded rod/bold and secure with a nut?

Not sure if I understood anything.

>> No.1349135
File: 914 KB, 2448x2448, IMG_7115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting the bolt through the wood isn't an issue, it's making sure the 2x4 doesn't drop as the support latches into the eye nut. I'm going for wires, did a test for it already, problem solved

>> No.1349136

Fucking iPhones and their inconsistent image rotation

>> No.1349257

>how can I seamlessly hang this screen so that its flush with the ceiling?
>just dangle it off hooks, idiot, fucking obviously

This is the first thread I've been to here and I already know I shouldn't ask you fucks for anything, guess I'll just stick to google

>> No.1349272

You're wading through shit one way or another. At least it's funny here

>> No.1349319

Not really funny to post a question and have to wait like 5 minutes just to get someone to condescend to you when they didn't even read the OP, or at least didn't comprehend it.

Then after about an hour someone posts another dumb suggestion, meanwhile you've already thought up your own shit/googled for it and are working on the proof of concept for it

Really just seems like a waste of time, the guy got two shit answers and worked it out on his own before anyone ITT had an idea that kinda worked

>> No.1349322

>expecting serious results from 4chan
>expecting time to not be wasted in some capacity

>> No.1349330

>have to wait like 5 minutes
fuck off nigger

>> No.1349343

OP sounds like some dick from India.

>> No.1349347
File: 98 KB, 612x491, 1461032960924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When hooking, the 2x4 will get lowered by a distance equal to the inner radius of any hooks I use.

>eye bolts ok
>hooks not ok

>> No.1349355
File: 13 KB, 350x204, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful OP

>> No.1349365

Why not just bolt your thing directly to the ceiling then?

>> No.1349377

Spending a little more time with a pencil and paper and less time on sketch-up or whatever the fuck that is. Description is vague af or maybe I’m just retarded. I’m just you can get some type of clevis rod bolt thingy and keep you “design”. A double shear is a lot mor stable than the hose clamp atrocity you are thinking

>> No.1349406

was gonna post this

>> No.1349408

Where'd you get the blueprints for my hotel?

>> No.1349422

Great, another entitled millenial snowflake.

>> No.1349423

I don't get it, why couldn't you just mount the eye closer to the ceiling?

>> No.1349621

I can. What different does that make?

I already trashed the hose clamp idea. Why doesn't anyone read threads before posting? It's 23 replies long.

Didn't expect this many brainlets on this board. The eye nuts go on expandable bolts that are attached to the ceiling. As a hook latches on, it'll drop down in the eye, which means the stretcher won't be flush with the ceiling boards (lowered section) anymore. Was my wording really that incomprehensible?

Thank you

Yeah, cool, if I was using 25 cm long expandable bolts. Only way to make that happen is by extensions, which not only seems less safe, but I'll have to raise the 2x4 by hand, five meters up in a single wheeled scaffolding, instead of raising it with rope through the eye nuts that I'm using for a fucking reason.

>> No.1349625

It took me until now to understand that you probably meant fir strip. I can't, the projection is supposed to hit everything but the ceiling, so the screen itself will touch the ceiling boards. There can't be a gap.

>> No.1349626

>guess I'll just stick to google
You mean like it says in the fucking sticky?

>What different does that make?
Err.. it achieves your desired outcome of being able to use something simple like a hook..? Are you really this fucking dense?

>> No.1349648

Never wished to use hooks. I've said it in the OP, I've said it in replies. I've explained why I can't use them - and not because I wanted to, but because people keep pushing the idea. Please explain how to avoid the 2x4 dropping as a hook latches in the eye, and I'll consider it. The way hooks work is you have to raise the structure you're hanging higher up than it's resting point, in order for the hook to slip into the eye nut. The lowered ceiling prevents me from doing this, and I'm the dense one.

>> No.1349651
File: 203 KB, 1242x1242, IMG_8488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: to upload a picture from an iPhone that doesn't rotate you need to take the picture, then open it up in the regular Photos app. Display the picture on your screen and press the "home" and "power" buttons at the same time to take a screenshot of your screen. This is essentially taking a picture of the picture. Crop as necessary, and upload the screenshot rather than the original picture. I think this happens because original pictures you take have a lot of detail stored in them so you can zoom in a lot and still see stuff. That also means they have a lot of data in them. Screenshots however just have as much detail as what's on your sceeen when it's being displayed. So you can still see the picture but it doesn't have as much data to upload to 4chan. This way uploading the screenshot instead of the original picture doesn't cause it to rotate

>> No.1349652

RIP in peace those people. Stupid lazy contractors couldn't follow simple instructions

>> No.1349654

That's a neat little protip. Thanks for not being an asshole

>> No.1349700

/pol/ comes here now also its a slow board

>> No.1349701

dont you fucking get tired of repeating yourself to the newguy? i know i do

>> No.1349707
File: 11 KB, 500x197, belleville-spring-washer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use two belleville springs. They will center the hole, then run bolt through spring.

>> No.1349717

Thanks, that's actual /adv/
Will still go for the wire solution. This is a temporary project, will be up for three weeks, so the cheaper the better

>> No.1350370

don't forget the chainsaw

>> No.1350386

Always the best example to explain why small changes, not following the plans, or skipping the basic math is one of the 8 deadly sins.
They used chainsaws to cut through some (what they hoped were dead) bodies to get to some survivors.
Remind anyone who does dumb shit that can affect others.

>> No.1350508


>> No.1350976

>"meanwhile you've already thought up your own shit/googled for it and are working on the proof of concept for it"
>7 hours after OP
Why did you even bother coming here? WTF are you still doing here?!

>> No.1350980

stupid lazy inspectors and foremen couldnt just do their job to make sure the hurr durr i has a dreeeiiilllll contractors followed the plans.

there was a good reason they didnt follow the plans tho.
>retard architect
>calls for 50ft threaded rod
>u wot m8?
>nobody makes them that long
>it would be a colossal effort to fabricate these magic rods and transport them
>one guy can throw a few standard rods on their truck
>we're doing that

>> No.1351077

If the plans don’t work you yell at the architect to fix them while you get payed to be there. You do not figure out yourself because then stupid deadly shit happens.

>> No.1351080

Because he's a retard from an art school. He can use hooks and mount upper one higher on recess lower one in the 2x4

>> No.1351081

>Didn't expect this many brainlets on this board. The eye nuts go on expandable bolts that are attached to the ceiling. As a hook latches on, it'll drop down in the eye, which means the stretcher won't be flush with the ceiling boards (lowered section) anymore. Was my wording really that incomprehensible?
God, you're a retard, just screw the eye bolts a little bit higher or make the hooks in two-by-four recessed to accommodate for the size of the eye bolt and your beam will be flush with lower ceiling

>> No.1351092

Fucking architects trying to make fancy bridges

>> No.1352902

Call supplier "hey i need 50ft threaded rod". Supplier says that's special order you're really sure you can't get away with using several 6m standard pieces? "no" ok. Supplier rolls endless rods and cuts them in 50ft pieces. It's not like it's going to be a DHL delivery. A truck is needed either way and should be no problem for construction company. And of course an ebay reseller won't have these kind of things on stock.

I would be more concerned about people threading nuts on 50ft rods all day long. Sounds stupid.

>> No.1353282

The problem with the original length was that they couldn't thread them through the platforms and put the nuts on them, not availability.