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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 216 KB, 1200x842, 1200px-Bed_bug,_Cimex_lectularius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1337280 No.1337280 [Reply] [Original]

I have a bed bug infestation. How do I exterminate these fuckers without dropping a couple grand on pest control?

>> No.1337296

If it's cold outside, shut off the heat and open all the windows, the tempature shock will kill most of them. Wash all your clothes with super hot water and some crazy shit like mr. clean. Vacuum and bleach the floors. Buy borax powder (laundry section). lay lines all along the walls and sweep it into the baseboards or blow it in the cracks with a straw.

Throw out your mattress.

Keep the house cold and mr. cleaned up for several days. Wash with turpentine a couple times.

Mr. clean contans sodium hydroxide which should kill anything if it's concentrated enough.

>> No.1337299

Suicide is the only permanent solution

>> No.1337311

I'll try it thanks anon

>> No.1337313


>> No.1337314

I dont think bed bugs kill themselves anon, its the job of OF to kill them.

>> No.1337323

pros do it with heat, so towards that end you would find the cheapest space heater rental with the cheapest source of energy.

>> No.1337326

throw out mattresses and couches get 4 4x8 sheets of thick foam insulation and a good space heater build a box with the heater venting into it put anything you would like to keep in the box and cook it for several hours bag up the cooked stuff dont mix it with the uncooked take the stuff you managed to save and then burn your fucking house down!!

>> No.1337327

Burn everything cause you're fucked you'll never get rid of them

>> No.1337328

All of these are wrong you have to drop 20 bucks on a gallon of bed bug killa then cover every inch of infeated area. Then all your clothes have to go in the dryer. I had bbs and i now have nightmares if them...

>> No.1337504

I've had these disgusting creatures for like a year.
Wash all your clothes, bed sheets etc.. and then put them in the dryer.
They don't like the cold, keep your windows open as much as possible.
Cover all the gaps between the baseboards and the floor/wall they like to hide and lay eggs there. I did it with duct tape because i didn't have anything else, but it worked.
Throw out your mattresses.
Clean your floors, especially the corners.

>> No.1338184
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>burn it
>Do backbreaking work that is in no way a guarantee that it will work
>spend $600-$1000 per room on heat treatments
Don't listen to that garbage, it's a way to get rid of them for a while, yes. But they'll be back. Let me give you a little run down on how bedbugs started to come back and infect a large portion of households throughout the United States. DDT was made illegal because of birth defects and shit. I've helped my in-laws to get rid of bedbugs and I can tell you there is only one fucking thing that works that is not banned. EVERYTHING else will not help you in the long run or they'll run your bills sky high.

There is a product out there that's called BotaniGard. They use it in green houses to kill caterpillars and shit like that. It has a natural occurring fungi that is called Beauveria bassiana. BotaniGard is the only site that sells the good shit. You wanna buy BotaniGard 22wp, it's the powder but the other is a liquid, same price, has to be refrigerated, and only a quart. The powder on the other hand can make you about 16 gallons. Just DO NOT inhale it. The powder contains petroleum distillate and will give you pneumonia.

Now note that this stuff is not toxic after application. The most it can do is give you allergies or pneumonia but this is only during the application period of 4 hours. Basically mix a 1/8 cup ratio with a gallon of water (but before anything put on a air filtration mask or one of those medical masks & some gloves), put it in one of those lawn spray cans, lightly applicate or douse the room (either way you gotta wait 4 hours before entering the room again), and lastly wait 8 days to reapplicate and they will be gone on the 14th day from the first day. It takes a while but only because its fungus.

It's not harmful to kids, adults, pets, or plants.
Not airborne (after the period).

>inb4 not for its intended purpose
See >>1337299

>> No.1338309
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heat em freeze em or scratch them to death

suffocation is also a option

you could throw out every thing you own and set the place and yourself on fire

for those of use that don't have that option GO AND BUY DIATOMACEOUS EARTH !

Mattress covers are available and work even cheaper is to wrap it in plastic sheet after nuking it with powder after a while they will all be dead

if it's hot enough or cold enough you can use your car as a treatment compartment or put stuff outside if it won't get stolen

hot car works best because it easily get up to temp , do this for at least 24hr then use trash bags to hold "clean" stuff in

yeah if you have the money just get pro heat treat done or take em out one little fucker at a time

and it will take time

focus on keeping sane first that's why you start with having a place to sleep and clothes that are ok

BENEDRYL helps with the itching and sleeping

I could go on but whatever

oh shit forgot to mention to vacum a lot and don't breath the dust from the powder

>> No.1338328

Note that this will not work in an apattment as other tenants will likely have the same problem and give it back to you after you fix or

>> No.1338329

Diatomaceous earth isn't as grand as you think. First of all he's going to have to have powder all across his room that isn't going to do anything except make a mess. Diatomaceous earth only dries them out, while as you still have bed bugs in the box spring, bed lining, and even if you make a border around your bed after getting a completely new mattress, they can still climb on the walls and ceilings to get to your bed.

>> No.1338348

Cedar wood oil on everything, use an industrial hand pumped sprayer and buy undiluted oil on the interwbs. That cream your doctor gives you

Vuaw law

>> No.1338405

Fill bathtub with bleach, hold breath, dump ammonia in, leave for a few days.

>> No.1338420
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I don’t give a fuck about your mama
Jizzing on her face ain’t no drama
It’s probably different than the nigger cock she’s used to
Kill a nigger and skullfuck a jew

>> No.1338425
File: 42 KB, 215x584, Off Bed Bug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used this for a week and they were gone
Lowes and Home Depot have it
It doesn't stink like regular off either

>> No.1338445

i had them but not that bad

i used this stuff

an this


i sprayed the hell out of the box spring with the aerosol can and use the other stuff on carpet and around the bed room i sprayed 2x a week and vacuumed the room and box spring and mattress every other day it took 2 months to get rid of them

>> No.1338448

>took 2 months to get rid of them
Didn't have them that bad

>> No.1338450
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put them around all bed, couch, chair, table legs. Then around the edges of your walls. Do also what others say above.

>> No.1338464

>Throw out your mattress.

Use a matress encasing.

>> No.1338497

this works great
smells like oranges

>> No.1338505

>vaseline around your bed legs
>cheap plastic bed covers
>a strip of tape around the wall covered in vaseline so they can't climb up the wall and ladn in your bed (they do this)

there you go. they literally cannot cross vaseline. create a barrier. nobody ever follows my advice though and it's irritating. the entire bedbug crisis could be ended once and for all if people did this, but nobody will. you can all fuck off

>> No.1338509

>bitch slap

>> No.1339378

Get this along with a bulb applicator/blower.

1. Unscrew outlets covers and pump DE in each corner, put covers back on.
2. Pump along the (under)baseboards at 45degree angle (from he wall) every 12"
3. Pump in any and all crevices along every wall
4. Pump in and around vents
5. Place mattresses and box springs in full zipper enclosures. Pump the shit out of them and leave them sealed.
6. Place all linens, clothing, anything washable in garbage bags and seal them at the top with zipties/ducktape (a couple of pumps of DE won't hurt before sealing)
7. Pump DE under and inside all furniture, hitting corners especially
8. Close all windows. Pump EVERYFUCKINGWHERE, even behind picture frames on walls. Get a huge dusty mess in the rooms.
9. If your furniture is heavily infested (like under couch and inside/under seat cushion) best to chuck it. Same if bed and box spring is bad.
10. If you have carpet, best to just chuck it.
11. Leave stand for 24 hours.
12. Return and pump DE like a mad man again. Leave stand for 24 hours.
13. Go to laundry and wash all your shit in HOT water. Dry in HIGH heat. DISCARD THOSE GARBAGE BAGS.
14. While at laundry go to Walmart and buy more garbage bags, and a few Hot Shot No-Pest Strips. Place one inside your vehicle. Pump DE inside your vehicle, on the floors, inside the seats, in crevices etc. Drive with the windows open.
15. Return to laundry and fold your clothes(we're not animals) inspecting every article
16. Place them in new garbage bags and seal with tip ties& ducktape, these will remain in your treated vehicle for a time.
17. The more you leave the dust in apartment, them better, you will kill just about every living insect in the apartment.
18. Remove all existing furniture outside. Install new carpet if desired (LEAVE THE DUST UNDERNEATH- DO NOT VACUUM YET)
19. Clean furniture outside (vaccum) then treat with pesticide that kills Bed Bugs & Fleas (Enforcer is good brand and effective) - soak them good, let dry

>> No.1339380


20. CHANGE YOUR CLOTHES, throw them out, burn them or bag them and seal with some DE and zipties, leave outside
21, Return furniture to apartment
22. After they dry, spray those fuckers again and let dry.
23. You can vaccum now if you like, but make sure to avoid the baseboards and outlets. If you have to treat them again in the manner I described above. Bed Bugs usually retreat to walls after feeding, they can crawl up walls along insulation and surrounding apartments. The borders of DE will ensure that any traveling BB will die. Think long term.
24. After sufficient time, bring your clothes in and place wear they need to be.
25. If keeping mattress/bedspring, leave them inside the treated sealed cover
26.Contiue to treat your furniture and surrounding area with the pesticide (like Enforcer) once a day, for a couple days. Then once a week, then once a month

If treating for fleas, do as above but leave the DE dust treatment inside apartment for 20 days (fleas have a 17 day life cycle) - I would return after about 20 days and retreat with DE dust like a mad man, and let stand for a another week or so. Vaccuum then spray Enforce like a madman, wet everything, let dry. Retreat let dry, retreat let dry. Get a couple layers in there of pesticide. Bring your furniture and Leave a couple of the Hot Shot No Pest strips, one in each room standing on the floor. Treat every day in every corner before you leave the house. Do this for another 17 days.

If infestation is still there, burn the fucking house down. If your tenant is responsible for the Bed Bugs or Fleas, murder them.

t. landlord

>> No.1339577

or move

>> No.1339594

These types of dirtbags would simply pack bedbegs along with their belongings and bring them to new location. Tenants are scum.

>> No.1339634

spray yourself with off bug spray every day and night for 2 weeks simple shit

>> No.1339669

Get it hot in there, space heaters and propane heaters, whatever. Make it like short of melting the plastic hot for however long. Bed bug infestations are a problem in this region which is a big part of why I don't go to theaters. I was told the above by someone who paid a professional to fix their problem. That's what the did, I think they also plastic wrapped the mattress and curtains and threw them out. I know pest control guys will put a clothes dryer in their garage and strip down before going inside, throwing all their clothes in that dryer because the hot air kills all the insects.
I've never heard of cold treatment.

>> No.1339792

this /thread/ makes me itch

>> No.1339796

Cheapest my fucking dick. Get 3 propane bottles and burners up there full blast.

>> No.1339922

Rent or buy steam cleaner steam clean the fuck out of everything. All clothes in trash bags wash and dry using high heat. Mattress covers. Buy Deatamacious Earth and sprinkle lightly around perimeter and under furniture. Get an insecticide (I recommend Suspend) with pyrethrum. treat carpet, sides of matress, around outlets, just go nuts. Finally fog house with (pic related) and go watch a movie, eat dinner, go home and air out the house. It’ll be safe, but will smell weird. It’ll cost around 130$, but you’ll get enough to do multiple treatments if needed.

>> No.1339924
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 9F846C85-5F9B-4B1C-9C1F-1D0D3EBABA40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.1339938

If you can, go online and look for a chemical called "bedlam" or "bedlam plus" spray that shit on both sides of your mattress and box spring, spray your baseboards in the rooms with bedbugs and spray the headboards too. Do the same thing with your couches. I'm an exterminator btw.

>> No.1339942

forgot to add, put any clothes and sheets/blankets into the dryer on highest heat, you can wash them but the heat from the dryer will kill them.

>> No.1339984

Have you tried shooting them?

>> No.1339993

bean leaf for some reason traps the little fuckers

>> No.1340004

Get space heaters and heavy duty ones, get the house up to about 120 degree and try to get it about 150 where the most are. At that heat they die instantly

>> No.1340054

This thread gives me the creeps. When will it fucking die?

>> No.1340143

I'll start some more creep threads just for you son

>> No.1340493

when you burn the whole thing down

>> No.1340564
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>> No.1340621
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BBs are cute. CUTE!

>> No.1340622

Meant for

>> No.1340638

No, you dumb spood. I threw you out. I understand that you disliked it, but please don't fabricate stupid lies like that.

>> No.1340639

buy a big jug of odoban cleaner from home depot.
dilute it in water and put it in a spray bottle. cover all of your fucking carpets in it. get one of those plastic bags that cover your mattress, put that on. wash ALL of your bedding, pillows, and clothes with HIGH heat. if it is cold outside. open all your windows and make it extremely cold inside for a day.
you probably have them in your car too, if you have one. so be sure to either set off a bug bomb. or spray odoban all over all the fabric in it. if it is really bad, you should honestly cut your losses and throw out your bed, couches, chairs. any fabric that skin touches.
I once had roommates and the stupid fucks had bedbugs. and the dumb fat ass couldn't figure out why he kept getting them over and over after getting expensive exterminators. then I saw that his car was full of trash,roaches, and the driver seat was completely infested with bedbugs. dumb mother fucker couldn't figure out why he kept getting them. I covered my entire room and all the carpet in the enterance to my room in that odoban shit and never saw any of those horrible little fuckers.

>> No.1341590

Make DDT works for everything. Only banned because farmers were using it and epa was being faggy about water fowl egg shells being thin.

>> No.1341601

Was going to post this, then I Googled it, and it's claimed that the little shits are resistant to it. It wouldn't surprise me if they are, but if they aren't, DDT isn't that hard to make.

>> No.1341634

Well, the farmers fucked things up, but DDT was bad for humans too.

Many, many insecticides kill bedbugs - as long as they haven't developed resistance to them and the chemicals are used properly. DDT isn't exception to this. At this point the specific resistance to DDT is largely gone, but resistances to some other insecticides give protection against DDT too.

>> No.1342060

They also hide in the couches, so you gotta do this pretty much everywhere, or start sitting on hard benches and chairs. Then you gotta systematically rip everything apart and destroy as many as you can to bring their numbers down, and even then you still gotta wait a year and half until you can be absolutely sure the last of them have been starved out, and if you live in an apt, you can pretty much forget about that ever happening.

>> No.1342719

Those fuckers almost drove me insane years ago.
Don't try to do this shit yourself, it'll cost you a fortune and drive you nuts.

Call a professional. Bed bugs aren't ants, they're satan's spawns.

>> No.1342870

I got very lucky and just shoahed them by pouring hot water on my couch. No clue how did they get there.

It's funny, because banning DDT actually killed more people in the end. We could have shoahed mosquitoes but instead we still have to combat malaria.

>> No.1342886

Throw out pillows. Wash bedding. Put plastic cover over mattress. Put double stick tape and legs of bed.

>> No.1342967

you can literally drink DDT. It is not bad for you

>> No.1342993

Even if that were true
>/pol/tard pretending to care about Africans and Indians.
India and a bunch of African countries still use DDT on and off. Interestingly, even USA haven't banned it for malaria control and similar uses.

You can make a similar moronic statement about asbestos too.
The lethal dose of DDT is smaller than with methanol, but that's not really a problem. The delayed effects are the problem, and even those aren't nowhere near bad enough to prevent Africans etc. from using it. They are considered bad enough in civilized countries, though, since there's no such desperate need for insect control.

>> No.1343251

fill the infencted area with uv an ozone

>> No.1343314

>India and a bunch of African countries still use DDT on and off.
There's a difference between random isolated use and coordinated systematic use.

>> No.1343620

Set house on fire

>> No.1344565

I have a bunch of wasps setting up a nest in my garden in the ground.

Is there a safe way to remove them?

>> No.1344627

christ what about their CAR
then their kids get in the car and spread the horror
its a fucking BLOODBATH

>> No.1344630

did you move out?
did you douse the house with gas and set it ablaze and prance around till the authorities came?

>> No.1344650

You have to call an exterminator, it's very unlikely you're going to be able to be as thorough as a professional. Download Groupon to your phone and find a coupon for a pest control service, they're everywhere on that app.

>> No.1344655

You don't. Sorry. There really is no way, I wouldn't wish them on Lenin himself.

Go get a loan to get your house tented and heated. High heat is their only weakness.

>> No.1344811

Gasoline down the hole, setting it on fire is optional.

>> No.1344835

Get rid of the Cheeto dust in your bed frame then maybe vacuum the floor?

>> No.1344946
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>> No.1345146

Bedbugs do not care if it is dirty or clean. They do not care how much you vacuum your floors. They give only a vague preference towards people who do their laundry less often (especially if they don't use hit water or Hugh heat in the dryer).
Bedbugs can get anyone.

The difference comes in at the point people catch infestations. The earlier the better. If you let it go for a year then you will pretty much garuntee you will lose furniture and need professional help. If you catch it in the first month and have a plan, and are willing to adjust your lifestyle (i.e live in a room covered in DE) for several months, then it can be a relatively simple /diy/ fix. Once the fuckers start hiding outside of your sleeping place, then it gets to be challenging for a normal person. Before that, it is a simple matter of regularly treating the affected area.

>> No.1345150

>Bedbugs can get anyone.
Bed bugs are extremely rare in Russia. My parents said they knew a guy who had them many years ago but that's it. Probably they can't stand cold winters? Who knows.

>> No.1345152

>Diatomaceous earth only dries them out
That's not how DE works. It grinds them up.

>> No.1345156

they don't really like the cold.

Its been becuase of the rash of mild winters in the new england cities like new york in the early 00's. Didn't really kill them off as usual.

I rmemebering moving to the pacific northwest thinking how great the mild winters are here.
But then I got his with a bed bug infestation myself.

>> No.1345159

That's not very important, particularly if everything else he said is correct.

>> No.1345366

>Inb4 not for it's intended purpose
But that just makes it all the better, anon

>> No.1345488

can you get these bugs from being in a restaurant?

>> No.1345524

you can get them from the seats in a movie theater so I'd assume so

>> No.1345528

>inb4 u

>> No.1345563

Hell yes you can. Any place furnished with cloth covered stuff that has bedbugs can absolutely give them to you. Passenger cars on trains can do it.

>> No.1346829

Release a shitload of spiders into your house. Make sure they've gotten everywhere. Eventually, the bed bugs will be gone, and you will have thousands of bros to keep future infestations non-existant

>> No.1347067

did read anything in here but lurked DIY a while and I heard a good one:

>> No.1347069

dude said the only way was
he filled spray bottles with rubbing alcohol and explained:
Everything was laboratory clean
you need to spray isopropyl in every literal corner on the house
the idea is the bugs crawl through these paths.
he held this method over CO2
he agreed it sucked, but if corners(sounds like a bitttttch) are sprayed for 2 months the bed bugs are out.
CO2 they may still survive because they get deep into walls through outlets,
the rubbing alcohol cuts their paths off an after 2 months they bounce or die out.
ps you can thank exterminator companies for spreading shit around like tire repair guys throw nails in the street etc

what else
get a dog to smell it out to see if you are clean

really don't want to proofread cuz beer, hope that made sense, will check back to correct typos or something

>> No.1347070


>> No.1347543

can't you just put the matress outside for a few hours when it's freezing?

>> No.1347584

I have heard this and I know for a fact that they sell expensive little heaters that pros use to bake the room. Like stupid hot.

>> No.1347736

Can you use piss bottles?

>> No.1347843
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Mom hits me with this

>> No.1348118

Light your house on fire

>> No.1348271
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I wonder if liquid nitrogen would be effective?

>> No.1348273

now how to apply it.

>> No.1348280

Use Shockwave, Talstar P, or permethrin.

Don't use Talstar P or permethrin if you have cats though.

>> No.1348304

good luck op i hope you don't have them too bad. i had to move and get rid of basically everything. if you don't live in an apartment complex and don't have that many/haven't had them for that long, you might be able to get rid of them. otherwise just burn it down.

>> No.1348331


>> No.1348367

I had these little niggers last year. They're gone now, but it was a fucking struggle.

1. Throw out your bed. It is lost. Throw out all pillows as well. 70% of bedbugs live in the bed and 30% live around the room, so you've immediately put a dent in their numbers.
2. Sleep on the floor and murder as many bugs as you can when you inevitably wake up in the middle of the night. Use only a light blanket so you can see the bugs.
3. Every piece of fabric you own goes in the dryer on high, and is then moved to an off site location. (Your car for example) You should only have the clothes you're wearing and your pox blanket.
4. Treat your home like a quarantine zone. The car trick is useful for removing objects from your residence. Bugs die at 140F, so placing an object in a plastic bag in a hot car for a few hours will fry them.
5. Cold is NOT EFFECTIVE against bed bugs. They can do that bug-hibernation thing, you've gotta get it absurdly cold for them to die and not just slow down.
6. Heat treatment, spray treatment, and Ditomaceous Earth. Get an exterminator to do a heat treatment to your house. Have that same exterminator do follow up inspections with spray. They isually come back to check every two weeks until no bugs are found. Lastly, sprinkle DE on every floor in your home and some of the walls too. Leave it there for a while.

>DO NOT Use a spray treatment on your bed. Spray generally only kills on direct contact, so you'll just make the bugs uncomfortable enough to leave and spread thenselves around your house.
>DO NOT let an exterminator see any evidence of "diy"ing the infestation, as many have guarantees that are waived if you use diy products.
>DO NOT take this lightly. You're basically a leper now, and getting cured is not easy. Don't put other people at risk.

Good luck.

>> No.1348388

I took a blowtorch to my bed to burns the fuckers and their eggs to death. Cover the area around your bed with a dehydration powder and then just burn them

>> No.1348580

diet tomato earth. Put it in every crack and crevice behind the baseboards, between floorboards, in your bed, on top of your doorjambs, and sleep on a piece of 5 mil surrounded by a ring of the stuff, it works wonders.

>> No.1348635

what's it like being a disgusting nigger? I have never in my life ever even met someone who knows someone who had bed bugs.

>> No.1349470

I finally destroyed an infestation of the little shits years ago at my grandmother's house by dragging her mattress and boxsprings into her walk-in closet and sitting in there with an electric space heater, a thermometer, and a vial full of the live buggers I'd managed to pick out.

Turned up the heater and waited in there watching the vial, eventually well after I've broken a sweat the bed bugs in the vial start freaking out and trying to crawl around, soon they start spazzing out and pushing out eggs, then finally they stop moving. I kept going with the heat for another thirty minutes after that. Kept a fire extinguisher outside the closet and made sure to stay well hydrated just in-case.

After the heat treatment I powdered the nearby carpets and baseboard with diatomaceous powder and set up little tin cans (like tuna fish cans) under the bed frame legs with a spoon full of olive oil in the cans. Just to be sure any survivors in the room itself couldn't make their way back to her bed.

>> No.1350153
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I haven't need to, but I'd try oven cleaner on those fuckers.

>> No.1350154


Oh, here's a poor man's trap as well:


>> No.1350158

Anonymous, having forgotten that this is 4chan: "Holy fuck, these people are crazy..."

Sprinkle diatomaceous earth on the carpet and stick your mattress in a taped-off mattress bag with a block of dry ice, then set off a bug bomb (in the room, not the bag).

>> No.1350167

This is by far the best answer.

>> No.1350182

t. Mr Clean

>> No.1350185

Just drop it allover your floor, bed, desk

>> No.1350291
File: 189 KB, 1280x1042, 1280px-Traumatic_insemination_1_edit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bedbug mating habits are really something else.

> North Carolina State University found that bedbugs in contrast to most other insects tolerate incest and are able to genetically withstand the effects of inbreeding quite well.[33] Male bed bugs sometimes attempt to mate with other males and pierce their abdomens.[34] This behaviour occurs because sexual attraction in bed bugs is based primarily on size, and males mount any freshly fed partner regardless of sex.[35]

All bed bugs mate by traumatic insemination.[4][36] Female bed bugs possess a reproductive tract that functions during oviposition, but the male does not use this tract for sperm insemination.[4] Instead, the male pierces the female's abdomen with his hypodermic penis and ejaculates into the body cavity. In all bed bug species except Primicimex cavernis, sperm are injected into the mesospermalege,[4] a component of the spermalege,[4] a secondary genital structure that reduces the wounding and immunological costs of traumatic insemination.[37][38][39] Injected sperm travel via the haemolymph (blood) to sperm storage structures called seminal conceptacles, with fertilisation eventually taking place at the ovaries.[38]

The "bed bug alarm pheromone" consists of (E)-2-octenal and (E)-2-hexenal. It is released when a bed bug is disturbed, as during an attack by a predator. A 2009 study demonstrated the alarm pheromone is also released by male bed bugs to repel other males that attempt to mate with them.[39][40]

Cimex lectularius and C. hemipterus mate with each other given the opportunity, but the eggs then produced are usually sterile. In a 1988 study, one of 479 eggs was fertile and resulted in a hybrid, Cimex hemipterus × lectularius.

>> No.1351118

>Cimex lectularius and C. hemipterus mate with each other given the opportunity, but the eggs then produced are usually sterile.
There's your answer! Figure out what kind you have and intentionally infect your quarters with the other variety, after one more generation, they should all die off without the ability to reproduce!

>> No.1351137

>Breed bedbugs with an extremely low survivability rate, poor heat and cold protection and most important of all MEGA SEX DRIVE
>Cultivate until population is big enough to survive on it's own even with shitty living conditions
>Release at bedbug infested place and wait for your race of superbugs to rape the everliving shit out of the original populus
>watch and smile knowing that hundreds of bedbug females are being raped violently, over and over by sex-crazed non-productive males
>bedbug female end up either raped to death or in too poor condition to produce their sterile eggs
>bedbug survivability plummets as the only bedbugs being born are sex-crazed retards who instantly start violating their mom the moment they burst out of their egg screeching
>When winter comes the rapebugs will end up dying off due to inheritely bad genes.
>no more bedbugs

Welp time to quit drugs

>> No.1351144

Haha sorry you'll pretty much have to burn or get rid of at least half your stuff. They can live in wood (had infestation started in a solid oak headboard I inherited,pissed) these guys are had as fuck to kill you have to kill them in waves cuz the eggs don't die when you kill adults. And any furniture within 9 feet of an affected piece is also effected that's how they spread so fucking fast. They love beds chairs carpet and clothes most of all but will take warm sucluded nooks and crannies too

>> No.1351156

they did this at my moms house and it's the only thing that worked after a couple pro attempts

>> No.1351242

>what's happening to whites in the first world

>> No.1351340
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Not reading the whole thread. Use 20 mule team borax. Throw it all over the house until it looks like it is snowing inside, ok maybe not that much but a good bit. Let it sit for 2-3 days, then vacuum up. Bugs gone. It dries up their exoskeleton and they die. Cheapest solution for these, fleas, all kinds of bugs and mites.

>> No.1351343

holy shit

>> No.1351367

But they need to eat it for it to work and the bedbugs don't eat random trash, only blood.

>> No.1351370

What’s the glue used for?

>> No.1351439
File: 298 KB, 476x514, 1520300434920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seal house
>grab gas mask
>grab can of R-22
>get candle
>put on gas mask
>put a very small puncture in the can
>set it on fire
>get the fuck out
>come back a day later and open up the windows

>> No.1351460

Yes it was a nightmare. I was in constant fear of getting them. any time I ever felt an itch or tingle in bed I thought it was a bedbug. drove me fucking nuts. could never sit on any furniture that wasn't in my room.
Yes I ended up moving out shortly after.
I wish I could have burned that fat piece of shits car down to the ground. absolutely fucking disgusting. this guy wouldn't shower for weeks at a time and always smelled like sweaty balls. his car was literally INFESTED. a friend and I were once in the driveway making fun of how dirty his car was and we shined a phone light into the window and saw that the driver seat had what seemed like hundreds of bedbugs and roaches crawling all over it. My poor friend got drunk and passed out on the living room couch which I refused to ever sit on. and he woke up and his entire right arm was swollen and covered in bedbug bites. he stripped down and threw all his clothes in the garbage and went out to his truck in his undies.
bed bugs are no fucking joke man.

>> No.1351461

they eat any skin flakes. blood. human waste etc.

>> No.1351463

I believe that is probably just a stock image. borax is often mixed with elmers glue by children to make "slime" "goop" or whatever that fad in middle school children poking blobs of goo was a few years back.

>> No.1351641


suffication => crazy idea that could work.

seal up the building, buy like 100kg of dry ice. lit couple of hundred candles ? placed like 1.5m up from the floor. break the ice and lay out. seal up and leave the place for a week.

when entering again, ventilate to not get knocked out by the gas.

could this work? prob not, but in a sealed container yess. just spawning ideas.

>> No.1351667

Why the candle tho?

>> No.1351835

Keep a flame going near it in case it extinguishes

>> No.1352078
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Okay I'm going to give you what it worked for me
Sulfur powder
Mix it with water then put it in an atomizer and begin to clean your house with it
Wash the stuff that has contacted with the bugs with that mix too
In a few days you will be free of those pests
If you have pets shower them with that stuff too but be careful

>> No.1352113

You don't need stupid hot. You need a mild heat like 120-130F. Maybe stupid hot for a human to be in there but you're not supposed to live among the bugs

>> No.1352119

Flip over mattress
Spray down with whole bottom then whole thing with 90% rubbing alcohol to kill eggs, larvae, adults.
Put 2 fans on aimed at the bottom and head area. Leave the fans on for a month. Bed bugs can't hunt CO2 from your breath in strong wind currents. We did this in our apartment. It worked. They'll eventual die out.

>> No.1352125

But R22 is not flammable under normal conditions..?

>> No.1352145

That's what the candle is for.

>> No.1352146

>t. man-spiders

>> No.1352167

This is unironically the best idea here.

>> No.1352170

It's best to use distilled water with this, as tap water contains chlorine (kills the spores)

>> No.1352173

Get a pot, some sulfur, and a portable cooktop

Put some sulfur in the pot and put it on high, the sulfur fumes will fill the house (helps if you have fans to circulate the fumes) and kill the bedbugs.

>> No.1352199

Bed bugs are a myth

>> No.1352501

Reminder, bed bugs can survive by hibernating for upto year or so.

>> No.1354065

I'm suddenly glad I live in Northern England without central heating. Never known anyone with bed bugs.

>> No.1354315

God bless harsh lady winter.
Ive drained the pipes and left the house for a week in february more than once.

>> No.1354329
File: 255 KB, 800x800, diatoms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck man I had a serious bed bug infestation a couple years ago and this thread makes my skin itch. Ended up throwing away a lot of furniture and spreading diatomaceous earth EVERYWHERE

>> No.1354389

if your bed has one of those metal frames on the bottom, put plastic bowls under each leg (be gentle when getting on/off the bed) and pull the bed away from any walls. they won't be able to get to you.

if your bed has a wooden frame they can infest that though. mine has a metal frame under the boxspring. I sprayed the boxspring down with rubbing alcohol and the mattress too. if I sit on the bed with my feet on the ground I will get eaten up, but they can't get to my bed so I can sleep at least

>> No.1354601

I've used this stuff before and it works like a charm. I will say though, when I used it I think I got some on my sheets because I would get itchy after getting into bed at night, but after I washed the sheets the problem went away. Spray this stuff on the frame and legs of your bed, around the perimeter of the room, in any nooks and crannies the bugs may be hiding, etc. It's expensive but worth it in the long run.

>> No.1354782

borax worked. spray 99% alcohol in corners of everything...spray in matres also....bag the matress so you dont throw away a 1200 dollar mattress. bom it and bag it. spary corners every few days. bom the bag again. borax around posts of bed so they dont climb up. borax to limit boundry....it is not hard just was and high heat dry what you can and do the above for the rest

>> No.1354789

>take your bed and eveything its been in contact with
>lay on it
>cover it and yourself in gasoline (10$ worth)

>fire is holy

>> No.1354882
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>not just dosing yourself with imidacloprid
>parasite feeds only on mammal blood
>not introducing a poison to every nearby mammal that makes you fatally toxic to the parasite when it tries to feed

you faggots cant even brew a simple itching curse dispelling potion. did your mommy tell you that your dick would fall off if you toyed with magic?

>> No.1355321

so bed bugs are literally my worst nightmare and I actually saved a leddit post from a while back just in case.

>Edit: DISCLAIMER - you have to do this immediately upon discovering you have bedbugs. Things only get out of hand when people put it off until the next day. When they feed they breed, and they lay 8 (?) eggs at a time. The baby ones feed on you too, and develop quickly so you can see how things will get out of hand.

>Unless someone is pulling the world’s most horrific prank on you, when you start out there is probably only one bedbug there. Worse case scenario is that it is an already pregnant female. So you begin by taking all your bedding and basically cooking it, and then very methodically wiping/spraying down every inch of your bed and mattress with rubbing alcohol. Get diatomaceous earth and put that in any cracks in the bed frame that you can’t reach.

>Bedbugs are basically very well designed machines with a very predictable program. So if your bedbugs aren’t in your bed, they they are absolutely going to come out of hiding when you are sleeping every 2-3 days to feed. So to that end you make yourself the bait (they hate light and are drawn to the carbon dioxide you produce when you breath), and any avenue on to your bed into a trap. All you need to do to ensure this happens is either surround your bed frame/legs of your bed with diatomaceous earth, or simply double sided tape.

>They don’t go after pets. They can’t problem solve. You’ll hear that they climb up walls and drop on to people, but this is either something that was observed in a lab or bullshit. Either way they’re just bugs. Eventually they will hit the trap because the only thing they know how to do is go straight towards the carbon dioxide. They can’t climb glossy surfaces, and they aren’t very strong (though they are very hard to smash).

>> No.1355323


>Most of the stress with bedbugs is the whole “where are they? How many are there?” panic that sets in. So if you behave logically and don’t start tearing apart your home it’s no worse than having a particularly vicious mosquito in your room for a week or two.

>If you are crafty you can also build a trap with a live yeast culture (to produce carbon dioxide) and double sided tape, diatomaceous earth, or a little tray of mineral oil for them to fall in to. Then you can make your room dark when you’re at work and they’ll go for that during the day.

link if you wanna peep for yourself:

>> No.1355404

just dry your clothes on high heat. they survive washing

>> No.1355787
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>> No.1355788
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Strip down, leave clothes inside, go outside, set fire to your home, problem solved.

>> No.1356441

I did this a couple years ago. It does work... eventually. I spread diatomaceous earth around the bed, in the frames, on the mattress, every crease and crevice I could. And I wouldn't get bitten, it was a good ring of protection. However whenever I changed the sheets and didn't spread anymore thinking it was safe because they all should have been baited and killed, I got bitten. This happened everytime I changed the sheets. In the end it was only after about 7 months that I was able to sleep directly on the bed with no diatomaceous earth around and not get bitten.

>> No.1356457

Had the problem a couple years back. I forget the exact setup, but you make these CO2 traps with bottles and yeast, with a straw so it points the CO2 down. its how bedbugs find hosts, they sense CO2 levels.

you put these traps near the infested area, in a tupperware filled with talc powder/baby powder. with tape going from the floor to the tupperware.

The bedbugs sense the CO2, climb up and in, get covered in talc, and are too slippery to climb out.

putting tupperware and talc around bed legs helps too, but depends how infested the bed frame is. Also replacing matresses and covering with bedbug-proof bedcovers is recommended. hope that helps.

>> No.1356995
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My ex wife has/had bedbugs. She spent $1500 on an exterminator for them.

I've torn my apartment apart looking for them because we have kids together, and although I'm extremely careful I'm still hyper paranoid about it. I imagine bugs crawling on me at night all the time thanks to her. Sometimes I'll even throw the sheets off - "I KNOW IT WAS DEFINITELY REAL THIS TIME" - but no bugs.

God help me.

>> No.1357021
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Once woke up with a bedbug on my arm. Freaked the fuck out, called out of work, and spent the next two days destroying my home looking for them and putting down treatments.

Not one was ever found. Not a sign. Not a hint.

I went for months thinking I had bugs crawling on me. I still occasionally do, years later. They're just such a terrible problem to have to deal with, and it takes so long to know that they're gone that it stays with you.

>> No.1357023

Man, fleas aren't shit compared to bedbugs. I've dealt with them a couple times without much effort or expense, and they were gone pretty quick.

Get gud, fleas.

>> No.1357043
File: 85 KB, 640x672, Oh no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only being paranoid in the bed
senpai unless i'm in the shower or stark naked, i can feel them on my back, in my arms, its fucking scary.

>> No.1357085
File: 38 KB, 199x299, 1520546580003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it was the same. The worst was freaking out thinking they were on me when I was at a friend's place, imagining how I'm spreading this shit to other people.

>> No.1357306

>This thread
Feels good to live in the first world where bed bugs are a thing from the past, instead of living in third-world helholes like New York where most homes and hotels are infested with them.

>> No.1357311

Just but a Vaporetta, and steam the everliving crap off your bed and clothes and likely hidding places. It kills all adults and eggs outright, no "develop resistence to this poison" crap here. Repeat daily - as you should to begin with.

Adults are 4 to 5 fucking centimeters long. Eggs are 1 or 2 milmeters long. They are not Ebola virus, OP. You WILL find them if you search for them

>> No.1357393

>4 to 5 fucking centimeters long
Oh god i don't want whatever kind of bedbugs you have

>> No.1359406

>Adults are 4 to 5 fucking millimeters long.


>> No.1359475
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>>>1337280 (OP)
>fill the infencted area with uv an ozone

>> No.1359659
File: 41 KB, 500x500, Vinny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>"huh, thas pretty good i should try it"
>use the gene-damaging untral-v rays
>go to work and leave it on
>come back to find mutated super-bed-bugs have developed a society and worships the lamp, they're all 20cm in size
thanks alot /diy/ >:^(

>> No.1360033

>douse a flammable object with a flammable;e liquid

>> No.1360545

Nah other anon is right. You gotta get it as hot as it is in a locked car on a 90 degree day. Hot enough to kill a dog or child. Either that or DDT. You can buy DDT on the web. Google NYC Bedbug Extermination kit. Costs like 60 usd for the chemical,the sprayer,some DD,and the applicator for that. You also have to mix it yourself so READ THE DIRECTIONS!

>> No.1360589

Interesting to see this thread after battling a bed bug infestation a few months ago. My method of choice was ozone. You have to get a serious ozone generator, and of course remove all living things (including plants) from the room(s) you're treating. I used this one:
They were all dead within hours.

>> No.1361056

put all of your clothes in the dryer for a long ass time, like an hour or two. idk if two will burn the clothes.
You also need to get heaters and get the inside of your house insufferably hot. This however is somewhat of a fire hazard, getting the building up to flashover temps and what not.

>> No.1362655


Has anyone ever used elecrtic blankets to make beds sleepable?

>> No.1365042

Simple, just flood your house with nerve gas, chlorine gas, bromine gas, cyanide gas, and mustard gas.

>> No.1365590

dude, don't bother messing your place up with that DE.
I can tell you what worked for me for ridding of BB's.
After 1 year of hell, say thanks, brah:

Go on amazon, order 2 cans of Phantom, and Transport GHP. Transport comes in dissolvable packets that you can drop in a gallon of water, mix, load that shit into a spray bottle and do along all your walls, bedframe, flip the bed over, etc. Most bugs will be dead by day 3. Read the labels.

Dude, I spent over 1 hundred bucks on DE, tried importing miracle chalk(deltamethrin) from china, methyl hydrate(home hardware's commercial way of saying methanol), boric acid, I would get into fights with my folks because no one fucking believed me even when I bitched and moaned and I did all my research to confirm I had BB's. Not even the inspector believed me and thought I was crazy after like 40 minutes of searching. Then their special dog that I paid 190 to be brought in found a HUGE FLAT ROUND fucking BB hiding in the curtain next to my bed. That was the first time I've seen one after reading about them so much and obsessively watching YT vids to find out what they look like. Paid about 700 cash for chemical extermination. Still kept getting fucking bit, more arguing with my folks about this whole "made-up BB problem". My folks would tell me that I just have a skin problem, but honest, I started getting fucking pissed, been sciencing all my life, and they would still tell me it's just another stage of puberty in adulthood blabla. I know my body better than anyone, and I'm generally hairless and never had zits on the body my whole life. After reading, I found out these fuckers can live over a year without food and start fucking you up over and over, and all of the legal OTC cans sold here in Canada are scams; pyrethroids that BBs are highly resistant to and have 0 residual effectiveness(they have a half life of 4 hours out of the can WTF). Luckily we can import any pesticide below 470mL or 16fl. oz for personal use.

>> No.1365620

legit, I did all my research and Transport GHP is the only shit rated with highest kill rate https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4808785/
I bought Phantom(Phantom II is just the same thing but less odor, but vendors will ship you II regardless since the first one is discontinued) as a second way of killing BB's since you should never only rely on 1 insecticide they can potentially develop a tolerance too. I paid about 34 dollars per can of phantom, and almost 170 with shipping for Transport GHP, fucking worth it. Plus, you'll be left with a lot of leftover plus the 23 remaining packs you can give to friends or keep for future use.
lol rely on that stupid "natural remedy DIY" shit if you wanna keep getting fucking bit. I looked up a lot of studies and experiments with DE, and other shit but desu I don't have that kinda time to wait and get bit. Also, fuck so-called "professionals exterminators", it's a big business for them. They dispatch independent licensed PCOs that call back to get a quote to get a mad fuckin cut of profit. Their guarantee is "we'll come back in 2 weeks and treat where I think they could be, peace fucktard, thanks for the cash". After that, you're on your fucking own again after paying them that much to use not even a quarter can of spray and like 10 minutes of suspended concentrate spray that probably cost them like 5 bucks for the treatment. The shittiest part is that a lot of these pesticides are manufactured in Canada (BASF, Bayer Inc) yet they're controlled substances that we can't even fucking buy or sell here like WTF bro

>> No.1365655

I picked the two insecticides cuz they both hit pyrethroid resistant BBs fucking hard, and also, they have a residual killing of over 30 days, and 90 for Transport. If you look at the ncbi study link, you'll see that the latter has a high mortality rate, outperforming on porous surfaces such as fabric.
and also, I'm guilty of buying those climbup interceptors, costed me like 70 bucks, and a white waterproof mattress encasement for 20 bucks, but I can confirm they are fucking scams. Never seen a shit stain, still got bit even with encasing so I figured they were hiding in the wooden bedframe, and I never caught a single BB in the cups, except for maybe a silverfish, a black ant, 2-3 carpet beetles, 2 dead millipedes because of the insecticides. I always threw my old clothes in the bathtub since baths are for chicks and have found maybe 2 transparent nymphs so small that I can't even be sure they're bedbugs. I thought of introducing predators such as centipedes, and cockroaches, but that's fucking retarded and this is a newly constructed home, no way in hell I'll be bringing in any fucking roaches. I already kill the big black fucking spiders at home because I don't know how deadly it is to have them around. And holy shit, I would always plan my outings 40minutes ahead so I can throw my clean set of clothes in the dryer in case so I don't infect my friends. It was fucking hell, and fuck I'm glad it's over. I'm as hell especially with university n all.

>> No.1365656

broke as hell*

>> No.1365661

With the scars and bites, you'd have to first spread wintergreen oil all over the bites and then apply a layer of white creamy moisturizer lotion that comes in those typical industrial bottles that you use for jerking off(it's going to sting a FUCK TON). I also use this imported japanese ointment called "Oronine" before bed time just to prevent the scarring and itching and speed up healing

>> No.1365700

Yes pour dm dirt everywhere. That'll kill em. It's just sooooo toxic to those little fucks.

FAQ off.