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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1336515 No.1336515 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know how to go about painting an old games console with the cheap plastic?

I'm scared because I imagine needing some paint on the thinner side in order to keep the grain of the plastic and so everything goes back together snug.

I'm also worried it'll look like a kid painted it in shop class.

>> No.1336741


>> No.1336748

I petition that we get rid of this board altogether!

>> No.1336756
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I petition for you to kiss my ass

>> No.1336777

Holy fuck thanks. I didn't know I could just Youtube every DIY topic. Actually, now that I see it, you can Youtube every discussion topic in existence... Goodbye discussion with other humans...

>> No.1336779

He does it in almost every thread, ignore him

>> No.1336785

What, giving a helpful response unlike the others?

>> No.1336791
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I would say you stunt discussion, but you seem to actually spur discussion. Its off topic drivel that destroys threads, threads that otherwise would have gotten no responses and died (like they are supposed to).
Instead these threads that trigger you, you are effectively keeping them alive.

Makes little sense to me anon.

>> No.1336793

>it's better not give people any advice because it triggers some niggers

>> No.1336796

>giving advice

You didnt provide any advice at all, you essentially told OP to go fuck himself because his thread triggered

Im surprised you didnt pull out the "a good thread died for this" line you have been using a lot lately.

>> No.1336801

> you essentially told OP to go fuck
>because his thread triggered you
>Im surprised you didnt pull out the "a good thread died for this" line you have been using a lot lately.
Are you mixing me with someone else you fucking nigger? Fuck off.
Give OP an actual response or fuck off triggered autistic nigger.

>> No.1336806

Google it, maybe you could even try Bing!

There, I have given him some golden advice akin to yours.

We are brothers in arms now, ill just go around and do the same in every thread that pops up.
What exactly will it accomplish?
Who knows, but maybe itll affect the board in a way that makes someone like you happy.

>> No.1336809

>better let thread die with 0 replies than giving a helpful response because it might trigger some fags

>> No.1336812

More like
>I know literally nothing about the topic
>should I tell him to google it or should I let the thread run its course without my useless input

I know that youtube and google are new things you just learned about anon, but most everyone else knows about them

>> No.1336817

Fuck off cuck. If OP is triggered by it then he shouldn't be on 4chan.

>> No.1336819

So it went from

>im giving op useful advice by reminding him that he owns a video game console, that the plastic is yellowed, and that he can google it, even though thats exactly what he wrote in the op


>OP shouldnt be triggered by my inane shitposting in his thread
>its better to shitpost in his thread than to let it runs its course
>nigger nigger cuck cuck muh 4chan secrit club

This board sure has gotten some interesting posters lately

>> No.1336829

thanks for reminding me to do my annual play through of mario rpg

>> No.1336830
File: 60 KB, 470x685, 1507946325655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this fucking thread.
It's this simple you cum gargling faggots.
> First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
Right there in the fucking sticky, for just this reason. There are countless guides for spraying every console known to man out there. If OP cannot even be bothered to attempt his own research why the fuck should we spoonfeed him? Conversation with others is not born of "hay /diy/ I want to do thing wat do", it is started with "hay /diy/ I want to do thing, guide A suggests this, guide B suggests this, but guide B sounds a little retarded. Have any of you tried this". We help you if you demonstrate you are capable of helping yourself.
> muh triggered this and that.
This. Is fucking. 4chan. Home of the arsehole of the internet. It is not your personal search engine. It is not your hugbox. Get a fucking helmet, or fuck off somewhere nicer.
> b.. but u are just a mad fag who..
No, no, fucking no. There are thousands of other forums, image boards and chat rooms out there. Fuck the fuck off to one of them if this is not what you want. No matter how much you cry about your fee fee's this will not change.

Sage because you are all faggots, this thread needs to die, and I don't want this shit sandwich clogging my view while I go responding to people who are capable of asking a question worth my time to answer.

OP, its twenty fucking eighteen. Learn to use a fucking search engine you dumb cunt.

>> No.1336841

So I had you boiled down way back here

Its 2018, google it, this board shouldnt even exist!

>> No.1336843

Dye that shit homie. But that other faggot was right, could have Googled this.

>> No.1336845

The man who wrote a dissertation full of buzzwords and how important his opinion is was right. You didnt need to come here for this, it didnt meet his arbitrary criteria for a thread!

Better think twice before making a thread next time anon, you DO want the opinion from this man dont you?

>> No.1336848

I personally wouldn't listen to a passive aggressive cunt, but that's just me. Sounds fat.

>> No.1336850
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>ITS 2018

listen to this Justin Trudeau-John Oliver Horses Ass, yo its 2018 guy, gender shouldnt even exist ! Youre obviously a Russian Troll Factory worker, a provocateur of fake news , the spitting image of the mythological archetype of the trickster. This stops now - we've spotted you with your bag of tricks and dicks

>> No.1336853
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Well its either be passive aggressive, showing the other poster how stupid he is with his own posts until he angrily outbursts and then larps as someone else.

Or its a "take the bait and yell buzzwords back turning into a pissing match" letting the other poster feel like you have conceded.

>the internet is serious business! especially 4chan!
>if you want MY amazing opinion then you MUST give me several links (multiple choice options) so that I can give you a concrete opinion on something I know nothing about!

I love it

>> No.1336854
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wrong, obviously the man is a deluded, mentally unstable intoxicated homeless nut job

>> No.1336857


>> No.1337089

I just came here because there are few guides and the youtube videos on spraying a console suck dick.

I thought an actual painter would give advice.

>> No.1337094

I'm not a painter though, I'm a dyer.

>> No.1337111

How do I dye it

>> No.1337384

Ughhhh are those 944's? Is this some sort of effigy to keep out other Porsche?

>> No.1337395


>> No.1337397
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>> No.1337402
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Just to let you know I buy them for $1000 and sell them for 10k
You're jealous. 288 horse power. German Corvette.

I own them for three reasons.

1. My favorite Porsche.
2. Women love to fuck me who can afford a Porsche, no questions asked.
3. It's a business. Big ego's, big wallets. No faggots allowed. "YOU".

>> No.1337421

Nice to see this thread has continued along its trajectory of top quality and insightful posts.

>> No.1337463

What paint is good for a washing machine with rust.

>> No.1337469

Try this video - by a trade spraypainter

Watch some of his other videos on surface/plastic prep to get the full idea of how to do it.

Get some practice on other plastic things first.

>> No.1337470

>and the youtube videos on spraying a console suck dick
bait harder

>> No.1337596
File: 113 KB, 960x960, 26169596_1520323444745778_6752535137114746271_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was impressed at some of the consoles Mizucat has done.

>> No.1337598
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>> No.1338359

those frontlight has a name? i really like those, is there any new car that looks like this?

>> No.1338363

With rit dye. Take apart and boil it in a water/dye solution. It does wonders for magazines.

>> No.1338369

Hahahaha I thought it was just me

>> No.1338530

I'd take that old benz over any of those 944s all day anon but if you can make a buck off those impostor porsches good on ya.

>> No.1338536

They are just pop up lights anon
And no, exactly 0 cars have them now. They are illegal as of like 2007

>> No.1338542

04 is the last year Corvettes have them

>> No.1339027
File: 943 KB, 964x741, genccaudiomod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

regular spray paint works fine

>> No.1339264

Fug man, that would be so fun to strip down, i saw them going for less than $1,000 last year

>> No.1340390



>> No.1340394

>Goodbye discussion with other humans...

Do you want social nigteraction or to paint your toy? Didn't you read the sticky? You need information. If you want social interaction buy a cat.

Painting plastic cases is similar to painting automotive interior plastic, and you can use the same paint. Shit goes back to the beige box PC era when owners got bored of smoke and cum stained beige cases.

Go to auto store, select color, clean off your case with alcohol (nothing stronger because solvents can fuck shit up) to remove dust/smoke residue/your mom's dried menses, mask with painters tape (not tan "masking" tape) then (per any spray painting vidya) give it a light coat and let cure per the paint makers instructions.

If you want to see how it will turn out you can spot spray a patch inside your case and let cure.