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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1336234 No.1336234 [Reply] [Original]

Post your best (or worst) injuries from your favorite projects.

Just impaled my thumb with a wood chisel last night and hit a nerve. Waited 5 hours for the doctor to stitch it back up

>> No.1336261
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bumped my head a little

>> No.1336353

>nerve strike
So how bad did you scream?

>> No.1336584

Got fucking lead poisoning a few weeks ago. Was down a few days.

I am sure i been hurt worse but im tired

>> No.1336612

I was building a shed with my dad once, a hammer fell on the crown of my head.

probs about 9 at the time.

Not a project but just work.
>Ramming a stem extender into a bike fork, no vice
>Crappy small hammer, smashing this exteder like the driver in drive.
>Security guard come from no where yelling. " OI ANON HAVE YOU SEEN PIRATRES OF THE CARABEAN?"
>Get distracted and smash my hand with the hammer and cant work properly for 2 weeks.

>> No.1336615
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>> No.1336852

No screams or tears, just several loud "OW"s as I rushed out to the kitchen trying to contain the blood because I had hit a vein too. Had to clean up the trail when I got back from the hospital

>> No.1336875

You're a stronger man than I
And remember pressure closes all wounds

>> No.1337457

was trying to hold a grinder in one hand, and the thing I was grinding in my other hand...grinder slipped and went right into the tip of my thumb

could have been a lot worse

>> No.1339315
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>Be me, 20, fuckin around behind an abandoned restaurant
>Find an old engine block cut open
>Gears spill out everywhere
>Decide to take one home to make "steel knuckles"
>Cut out shape, drill out holes.
>Decide to test if the size is right by sticking my hand in it
>Instant regret
>Try pulling off fingers, wont come
>Water, soap, ice, butter, KY, some weird automotive lubricant I got from my neighbor, and an hour later all I have to show for it is a couple layers of scraped off skin
>File away at it for another 45 minutes before remembering I have a hacksaw
>Sucessfully cut through gear into finger
>The most important one
>Throw gear into swamp
>Feel better

>> No.1339318 [DELETED] 

Pic of gear. Hope you enjoy.

>> No.1339321
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This gear is likely under several feet of mud now

>> No.1339323

I also once had a screwdriver slip and punched the business end of a sewer snake. The head was such that it left two wide cuts on top of my first knuckle. There is, visibly, slightly less finger on that finger than the same one on the other hand

>> No.1339335

cut them finger nails you fucking bum

>> No.1339372

Lol, you are a retard.

>> No.1339381

You could have used the string method.

>> No.1339411
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>these are the people giving you advice on this board

>> No.1339425
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Follow up. Gotta pull the damn things out in a few days and pray that the swelling goes down. Hopefully don't have permanent nerve damage, but gonna have to wait and see

>> No.1339447
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Pastor Paul Sellers says to work the blade away from your body. Where you hand holding the wood?
That being said, I'm always slicing my fingers and hands a bit because my blades are soo sharp. I've learned to be careful when working the blades.

How did this occur?

>> No.1339891

Geartard here, I dont come to give advice I come to get it lol you can see why

>> No.1339908
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Got a nice big drop of liquid aluminum in my boot.
That's what happens when you weld in retarded positions underneath a truck bed and forget to check your pants legs

>> No.1339921
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never again cup small items on table saw
>tfw never felt any pain nor when healing or when actually cut it.

>> No.1339923

Walk it off puss

>> No.1339931
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i had something stuck in my throat

>> No.1340712
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Long time ago I cut my thumb off with a circular saw bad pic taken with an old phone years ago

>> No.1340750

Was trying to cut a drill hole into a branch with a pocket knife - the kind where the blade doesn't lock. I was pushing down hard and rocking it back and forth, and I remember thinking "gee, this seems kinda dangerous" and sure enough, the blade snapped shut and I got 6 stitches in the side of my thumb. When it happened, I only saw the wound for an instant, it was mostly white. Grabbed it, wrapped it, woke up my wife who was sleeping 6 feet from the incident: "honey, wake up I need to go to urgent care". The nurse complemented my flap.

>> No.1340902

>The nurse complemented my flap.

>> No.1341759
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Stabbed myself with a dirty rusty fish cleaning knife. No stitches or Tet shot.

>> No.1341763
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Stripped bass have bony spikes on the fin on their back. Took one in the palm side of my left index finger. It slowly worked it's way through and came out the back side... 2 1/2 years later.

>> No.1341892

>No stitches or Tet shot

Tetanus needs an anaerobic environment to thrive. Rusty metal alone, penetrating the skin, is not enough to worry about. If your knife was buried in soil and rusting, then you'd for sure need to get a tetanus shot.

>> No.1341933

Still a good idea to keep up to date on your tetanus booster, though.

>> No.1341980

That's mildly chilling.

>> No.1342038
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Doctor said to get the stitches taken out in a week, so I did it myself with a picket knife, some nail clippers and a pair of tweezers. Bleeding has stopped and I'm waiting for the gash to heal.

Don't stab yourself with a wood chisel.

>Where you hand holding the wood?

>> No.1342059

Looking pretty good, can you move it?

>> No.1342315
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Use gloves.

>> No.1342365

holy fuck

>> No.1342660

How are you still alive

>> No.1342674

Umm.... This is a blue board Anon. Reported

>> No.1342789
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I guess this is thumb injury season.

>go to cut the top off a bottle with pocket knife
>plastic deflects stab into finger
>think I just poked my hand really hard
>shake hand in pain
>friend says I am pouring blood
>"haha, very funny assho- oh..."
>tell doctor to skip the lidocaine because gotta go to work and I need my dexterity
>regret it fast

>> No.1342801

Stitch it up yourself with alcohol hand sanitiser and a piece of rope in your mouth next time.

>> No.1342810
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>Be me
>Devise pipe bender with 6T bottle jack
>It's shit, but kinda works
>Stiff plate with ribs. 2 horseshoe shaped 2" flats hook onto plate. Jack in the middle
>I wonder if it will bend box section too
>It does
>keep pumping in the interests of science
>Flat bar slips, runs over my thumb which was holding the box steady
>Not enough clearance for thumbnail though
>Drip white death sweat engaged

Another but no pic
>Welder of 30odd years (Guy that taught my teacher)
>Doing a bit of stall maintenance on a pig farm
>Pick up a small scratch during job
>Feel a bit peaky next day
>Wake up in hospital 3 weeks later
>Both legs are off below the knee
>Doctors tell him it's a miracle he survived

>> No.1343587
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>Helping a friend to prepare some steel plaques
>Need to clean them up using a very corrosive chemical.
>”Be very careful anon, wear double protection on your hands”
>Clean that shit, it’s all shiny and looking brand-new.
>”all right, no accidents with the chemical, we were extra careful!”
>Remove protective gear, Take off the gloves and see pic related.
>”Anon! Why didn’t you said something?!”
>I honestly did not feel a thing until about an hour after the burn became exposed.
> Now i have a chemical burn scar on my wrist.

>> No.1343593

>>Need to clean them up using a very corrosive chemical.
What did you use for cleaning?

>> No.1343625

Possibly just a very strong oxidiser like a permanganate, but that would etch the steel itself.

>> No.1345198

Got 3rd degree all over my hand when I spilled molten aluminum

>> No.1345203

>cringe pic

>> No.1345255

I was touch and go for a bit. My obama care helped, but I had to wait a day to see a part time practitioner with a stained white jacket. He also, works at the Jiffy Lube Express. I think he got the two jobs confused because he said he has to order parts.

>> No.1345357
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>> No.1345387

me too. The plaster i was pouring it in was not dry enough and vaporsploded

>> No.1346041 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1346044 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1346046 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1347073

>Got 3rd degree all over my hand when I spilled molten aluminum

aren't you supposed to wear special protective clothing when casting metal?

>> No.1347102
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The emergency doc was really cool and even posed it a few weird ways like this before doing temporary sutures so i could get some pictures.

>> No.1347113
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>> No.1347131

When did you notice it?

>> No.1347134

That's a neat doc.

>> No.1347148

What a stupid question.

>> No.1347150

Jesus, that second story is fucked up.

>> No.1347154
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>be me
>15 at the time
>safety manager of a dad gets me a carpentry job doing demo work for his golf buddy.
>young and stupid
>No safety glasses
>demoing a bathroom
>Peice of title cuts open my eye.
>14 stitches later and I'm good.
>pic related

Wear safety glasses

>> No.1347192

Wow that's pretty freaky looking. Think you can get a better shot with better exposure and focus? For educational purposes.

>> No.1347195

Fucking moron, you're supposed to have a flat side that presses against your palm or thumb muscles. Otherwise, you just break your fingers

>> No.1347211

I can feel this, in my rectum

>> No.1347524

that can be arranged

>> No.1347586

does it obscure your vision at all?

>> No.1347739
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That's the best pic I could get.

And yeah it does. I'm nearsighted and can see better out of that busted eye because I had a prosthetic leans installed. Still burly tho. Kinda like trying to open your eyes underwater or when you get a bit of water in your swimming googles.

>> No.1347741
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This is another pic. Also the Dr said it is a merical I can still see yet alone have as good of vision as I do out of that eye because I had some of the worst damage to my eye she has ever seen. If anyone is in the Chicago area and needs eye surgery Dr Kernin is the lady who fixed me up. She is a goddess with a yellow jeep in my eye.

>> No.1347744

Mate you fucking lucky son of bitch
Do not try to push your luck next time

>> No.1347745


And yeah ever since then I'm that asshole who's always reminding you to put them safety glasses on. I got lucky and wish this on no one.

>> No.1347755

you're so goddamn lucky bro

>> No.1347762

>not using a dremel

>> No.1347844
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a little wider and you'd have goat eyes

>> No.1347854

my dad was cutting a slab of aged oak on a mitre bench in the late 80's and hit a non visable knot in the world, it tweaked and pull his hand into the blade and cut 3 fingers and his thumb to ribbons.

doctors repair it, but said he wouldn't be able to use his hand properly ever again.

he keep pumping his fist for months and his hand/muscles and nerves worked again.

>> No.1347874
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>worst injury
I wear PPE so I don't have any.

>> No.1347878
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Had a 10mm bolt from my car frame go into my left index finger when the frame fell on it.
Snapped the nerve.
It's grown back now but my finger is crooked from scar tissue and cant bend.

>> No.1347881
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>> No.1348143

>Dr Kernin
Kim Curnyn?

>> No.1348187

Yuuup. My dumb ass spelled it wrong.

>> No.1348251

What were you cutting?

>> No.1348272

13x13x60mm piece of wood, it god caught in blade and since it's was small piece I was holding tight, also pulled in fingers.
left thumb shaved skin to last skin layer 1x1 cm area, right thumb hit a lit bit nerve and somehow didn't cut tendon, but doctor could fit both his thumbs inside mine.
also while waiting for doctor, guy next to me, had cut off 4 his fingers with angle grinder wood chain disk, but they reattached them and came to check in.

mfw come home and first new video in subs is Matthias Wandel building push sticks and I find they are a thing.

Experience is important, never cup small pieces on table saw.

>> No.1348437

Those would have been kinda cool though, had it worked out.

>> No.1349544

ITT: People who shouldn't be doing anything more than drywalling with a dull putty knife.

>> No.1349713
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Stitches on the thumb suck, mine took forever to heal and it still hurts over a year after it happened

>> No.1349794

Well... Not really. Pressure stops bleeding for most wounds.

Many wounds require stitches or adhesives to close them.

>> No.1349799

How's the mobility in your hand?

>> No.1349892
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I was cutting a piece of black rubber piping for some project I was working on. I was cutting from the top down. Somehow, the blade slipped and it ended up twisting and cutting out of the rubber and into my fucking hand. It sliced from the top of my nail down to almost the first knuckle. Luckily, I ran and grabbed the superglue and patched that shit up. Healed up right and quick, no scar and no infection while healing.

>> No.1349893
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This was the tool I was using. I thought I was going to lose the nail, especially when I saw the blood coming from the cut IN the nail but I ended up being OK.

>> No.1350125

of course the finnish tool will cut you