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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1334382 No.1334382 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, lockpickers, how would you defeat a door that was barred?


>> No.1334392

looks impossible without cutting a hole in the door itself
even if you do manage to get the bolts out from the outside the anchors on the wall are still holding the brackets for the bar

>> No.1334395

Oxy acetylide or a thermic Lance, I saw one of those at a demo by British Oxygen and it went through a 4' concrete block. Though that door is probably hardened so.... Yeah, thermic lance.

>> No.1334440
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>> No.1334457

Looks like the bar is a lift to remove style.

Old school car slimjim through the hinge side edge and lift, repeat for the handle side (If needed).

If im feeling super froggy, massive neodidlyum magnet. The bars are cheap ass steel since no one wants an aluminum/brass door bar.

>> No.1334459

It opens outward. So, just like the video, an adz and sledgehammer are all you need and you could get it open in under 90 seconds. A lockpicker would be SOL.

>> No.1334465

why is the FBI posting all these break into doors threads, fuck off deep state shills

>> No.1334551

I have the answer
knock on door until someone answers

>> No.1334561 [DELETED] 

Theyre busy in here instead of catching school shooters

>> No.1334564

das it, mang. pay jamal to leave it off during the night shift cleanup.

>> No.1334638

Oh that's easy, just use a magnet to lift the bar up out of the latches.

>> No.1334696
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>> No.1334698

what? no. they prevent the door from being blasted inward with a ram or something (assuming the frame is nice and ROBUST)

>> No.1334706

Plasma cut the door or sawzaa the wall

>> No.1334714

It looks like drywall. Might not even need the saw.

>> No.1334724

>all these fire fighter vids where they are only taking down a door with a bar that opens outwardly

With a door that swings inwardly, there's no bolts showing on the outside to indicate there's a dropbar. Also, most good dropbars have a lever lock on them to keep them from being lifted up. You need to remove the door or know where the bar is so you can saw through it with the big grinder or go through the wall.


>> No.1334728

Man, sure are a lot of people not watching the video in OPs post up in here.

>> No.1334734
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you have to cut a hole

there is no way around it, but it's even easier and quieter to knock out some bricks with a sledgehammer

>> No.1334740

second this. if its a steel bar -> massive magnet.
could make a hefty electromagnet with a microwave transformer.
lift from one end

>> No.1334742

but he door is made from steel aswell, and it works as an insulator

>> No.1334803

>Big thick bar, thin bent sheet metal brackets.
The use of a strong bar is still useless. You only need pry the door outward with enough force to bend the brackets on the door.

>> No.1334806

what if they encounter a door where the rivets are hidden? how do they know where the bar is from the opposite side then? what if the door opens inwards, but doesn't have brackets at all, and the bar lies across the frame?

and why are firefighters breaching doors like this? why don't they just have a fucking grinder? why aren't they just throwing water and foam on the thing if it's on fire instead of going inside? wouldn't punching holes like that create lots of flashback, rather than allowing the fire to smother itself and using the water to cool the structure?

>> No.1334890

knock a hole in the wall next to the door.

>> No.1335007
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I'd lift the bar up and open the door.

>> No.1335069
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>> No.1335104

i'll get through the window.

>> No.1335110 [DELETED] 
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5 minutes

>> No.1335463

They prevent the ends of the bar from being bent out

>> No.1335465

Watch the videos, they are inside in less than 2 minutes, a grinder would take longer. They are breaching to save the lives of people trapped inside.

>> No.1335475

Man, if only they had other fucking videos to watch that cover these scenarios! Oh, wait, they do.


>and why are firefighters breaching doors like this
Right, because every building that catches fire conveniently does not have any doors like this. This is the kind of shit they encounter. They have to get inside the building to fight the fire and that often means they don't have time for someone inside the place too open things up. That is assuming there is even anyone still there (if my place catches fire, I'm not gonna run around making sure all the door are open first, I'm gone) or they aren't dead.

>why don't they just have a fucking grinder?
Cause it takes longer and requires power. Stop smoking whatever it is you are smoking. Weed, meth, lead paint, glue, it's clearly making you retarded.

>Why aren't they just throwing water and foam on the thing if it's on fire instead of going inside?
How fucking retarded are you?

>wouldn't punching holes like that create lots of flashback, rather than allowing the fire to smother itself and using the water to cool the structure?
Oh, you are that retarded. Okay. You think they never enter buildings? You can't just piss on the outside of a building and have it put the fire out inside. You want to get the fire out as soon as possible and save as much of the building as possible. If you are on the ground floor and the fire is three floors up in a 10 story warehouse with no windows you gotta get inside somehow.

Also, You only get flashback when the fire has really been cooking for a while and has no other sources of fresh air.

>> No.1335478
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No way around it? The OP posted a video of someone getting around it. Jesus.

Wouldn't work in a lot of cases. They will often times have brackets that only allow the bar to be slid in and out, not up. If they go that fat they can also lock it in place so it can only be moved if you unlock it.

That is not how doors work. They have a frame that prevents doing just this.

It is slower than the video posted.

Nice troll, kid. The adults are talking here, move along.

>and why are firefighters breaching doors like this?
Probably 'abandoned' buildings. The owners try to bar all of the doors to keep people out, someone gets in from the roof or something, starts a fire, it gets out of control, and the firefighters show up to put it out. We say a bunch of stuff like that some years back. A lot of places closed up when the economy went to shit.

>> No.1335510

Well, first lift the bar up, doesn't seem to have a lock so maybe you're just free to open it, if not: plant some heavy explosives like firecrackers or maybe even a bowl of gunpowder and ignite it, if it doesn't break up the door, go to the closest window and smash it in.
If there are no windows, set the building on fire and wait for a hole to emerge in the walls, then go in and unlock the door from behind.
If there isn't any lock even behind the door, then just give up, there's no way you'll be able to open it.

>> No.1335516

Why are you so defensive? Did you get bullied by mallninjas or something? Did you post this thread just to get mad about door openery? Are you a /k/ reject who got yelled at by someone from a real country with real emergency services that aren't composed exclusively of Muhreen dropouts?

>Also, You only get flashback when the fire has really been cooking for a while and has no other sources of fresh air.
Such as sealed concrete bunkers with giant steel doors that apparently go nowhere but an empty room with no windows or ventilation?

And what madman would pull a fire alarm and then not take the bar off his giant door? if it's so important that this particular room be breached, why not just use a ram to smash the bar's brackets out of the frame, or go whole hog and repurpose a bulldozer or digger to go through a wall? how is a fire, or anything for that matter, even surviving in this windowless unventilated room whose only entrance is a giant barred door? if it's some crackhouse or abandoned storefront, why are there not windows to smash instead? how do they even know there's a bar across the door and not some other locking mechanism? how do they know where the bar is when there's no externally visible rivets, as is the case on doors that actually are barred?


>> No.1335518


>You can't just piss on the outside of a building and have it put the fire out inside.
this is literally how it worked until like the 60s and it's absolutely how it still works with forest, vehicle, aircraft crash, and naval fires, you contain the fire first and foremost with foam and cooling boundaries, and then cool the things/rooms on fire until the fire has gone out

especially shit like helicopter crashes on ships, they basically cut a path with foam, smash apart the helo until they can extract the pilot, get the fuck back away from the giant chunk of flaming metal doused in kerosene, then hose it down with cold sea water until it stops being on fire

>The OP posted a video of someone getting around it. Jesus.
no you didn't, they poke a hole directly through the (oddly fragile) door

>> No.1335564

Fucking easy, just go through the wall with a sledge and a rug or you can use a sawzall and cut the studs out at the top and bottom of the door on both sides if you dont care about the noise, if you are trying to be sneaky most commercial buildings with a flat roof have a access on the roof and 90% of the time they are unlocked and the owners have no idea about them,

>> No.1335598

>(oddly fragile) door

Doors are typically made pretty cheaply. Metal fire doors are only for preventing spread of fire to other places. An actual security door isn't much better, but it better and more reinforced. You need to drop an amazing amount of money to get a really good security door that can stand up to normal hand tools that a fireman or mod hit squad may use against it. Nothing can withstand a plasma torch and rotary grinder/rotary saw.

The main feature of a security door is to increase the amount of time it takes someone to get inside. If they want inside, they WILL get inside eventually. decreasing that time allows you to either escape, get into a panic room, time for law enforcement to arrive, and/or increase the chances of the person getting seen.

>and why are firefighters breaching doors like this? why don't they just have a fucking grinder?

Because they may not have the grinder with them, if there's more than one team trying to get in, and they need to train with their hand tools.

Going through the wall present more problems. One danger is electrocution and extra time taken to shut the power off. You also don't know if the wall is reinforced or not. It may be plastic and drywall or have steel rebar and bricks. So, they train to breach the door instead since those are almost always the same and can be accessed easily. Another problem with breaching a wall is when you are a the end of a hallway and there's no wall to breach.

>> No.1335610
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>> No.1335634

>Metal fire doors are only for preventing spread of fire to other places

I was in a nursing home that had dozens of fire doors all over the place, and the fire alarm went off. Immediately all the doors closed; apparently they were held open by an electromagnet that released them. You could still go in and out, but the doors would close. Ordinarily the magnet thing held them open so you didn't have to open 10 doors to walk from one area to another.

>> No.1335788

>>Metal fire doors are only for preventing spread of fire to other places
no one said this, but, coincidentally, the doors you're talking about are specifically to prevent the propagation of smoke and to hopefully limit fire at least a little bit if the walls use fireproof insulation or are made out of something that wont also burst into flame

doors of this type typically have handles, and are at least not giant security doors that won't succumb to a bit of ramming or chopping right through

>> No.1335796

>Because they may not have the grinder with them,
sounds like they're stupid then for not bringing entry tools to the crackhouse they're trying to extinguish from the inside but somehow cannot access through a window or weaker wall or something and can't cool from outside with water while others work on getting in

it's also real funny how your goalposts have moved from LOCKPICKERS BTFO to REAL FIREFIGHTERS DONT USE POWER TOOLS AND IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GO THROUGH ANYTHING THAT ISN'T A DOOR, do you have something you want to share with the class?

>> No.1336147

it looks like the hinges are on the other side, you could probably just pop them out.

>> No.1336166

So the lesson here is to cover the door with bars and use fully enclosed brackets with at least eight bolts per bracket.

>> No.1336186


Rocket propelled grenade should do the trick.

>> No.1336200

Stick to saying
"Would you like to super size that order"

>> No.1336215
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You're in luck friend Harbor Freight has a deal going

>> No.1336219

oh shit i'm retarded

>> No.1336282
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>> No.1336505
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>> No.1338399

If you can get to the foundation of the building you might be able to work it loose and turn the structure upside down. This should allow the bar to slide off the hangers and then you can open the door.

>> No.1338438

>not speaking fluent spanish

>> No.1339491

Looks like we found a volunteer firefaggot

>> No.1339498 [DELETED] 

>not assaulting spics that don't speak english

>> No.1339504 [DELETED] 

spics and niggers should hang from trees

theses a strange fruit in southern trees
its not for eating and don't smell too good
niggers stink

>> No.1339518 [DELETED] 

There is no bigger self absorbed dick licker than a fireman cop wanna be...hero my ass
After 9/11 every egotistical queer alive wanted to be a fireman ride the big red, sleep with 8 theIr men all week and smell their farts. Group showers, lots of hose

>> No.1339521

There is no bigger self absorbed dick licker than a fireman cop wanna be...hero my ass
After 9/11 every egotistical queer alive wanted to be a fireman ride the big red, sleep with 8 men all week and smell their farts. Group showers, lots of hose

>> No.1339523

The one thing this video (and other methods mentioned) are missing is the noise. Fire dept breeching a door to save lives, who cares? Lock picker starts pounding on security door, police get called pretty quick to see what's up. Or occupant meets you inside with 12ga slugs.

>> No.1339527

you forgot ham radio mouth huggers

>> No.1339530

Obviously none of you girls ever used a hot saw

>> No.1339552

>There is no bigger self absorbed dick licker than a fireman cop wanna be...hero my assAfter 9/11 every egotistical queer alive
wanted to be a fireman ride the big red, sleep with 8 men all week and smell their farts. Group showers, lots of hose" PAPPYS DOWN PAPPYS DOWN!"

Like to see you say that to my face BOY Better fucking pray you NEVER have to be saved KARMA is a bitch

>> No.1339564

Jeez anon, why are you so salty, did a fireman bang your gf or something?

>> No.1339572

>Jeez anon, why are you so salty, did a fireman bang your gf or something?
I don't like women thanks for asking

>> No.1339576

then your bf, question still stands

>> No.1339703

jealous eh

>> No.1340292


>> No.1340299

Do like the hackers do: social engineering
Try to convince the guy inside to let you in.

>> No.1340310
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