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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 483 KB, 613x643, blue collar work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1333834 No.1333834 [Reply] [Original]

>I deserve $35 dollars an hour

>> No.1333913

This pic goes in the “naughty crooked” folder

>> No.1333915

It goes in the "hur dur don't need no spacers" category of the "old pros".

>> No.1333931

>old pro here
>spacers are dumb!
>smart thermostats are even dumber!
I hate boomers so much

>> No.1333953

/pol/ get out.

>> No.1333976

Tile setters and flooring guys get paid by the square foot. It's some like $1.60/sqft in Rochester, Ny. That's fucking trash man, and you're an asshole if you think I should be paid any less than I currently do.

Consider the upkeep of the 1/2-3/4 ton work van, full of tools. The liability insurance to the tune of about $6k/year, travel expenses, and all the out of pocket materials like sometimes hundreds of dollars of just staples to do a job.

Anyone telling another person, in an industry they are not a part of, they deserve less money, save lawyers, doctors, government officials, and CEOs, can go fuck themselves.

>> No.1333977

If you're doing shoddy shit work like what OP posted then nah, fuck you.
You deserve peanuts and should give your customers change

>> No.1333979
File: 59 KB, 404x501, 1518825940411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does shitty work
but I deserve more than a successful CEO!
Blue collar wagie entitlement is real

>> No.1334068

If you do shit work for me and expect anything more than a foot to the bollocks then you are out of luck. I don't care how much it costs you to do shitty work, you incompetent fuck. If you want to get paid you will do it right, not like that garbage in OPs picture.

>> No.1334081

Is that the only flaw you got

Do you have OCD

>> No.1334100

>Anyone telling another person, in an industry they are not a part of, they deserve less money
>proceeds to tell people, in industries different than his, that they deserve less money.

Retarded handyman at display ladies and gents.

>> No.1334105



is that a lot to you? I make that in a week. should've gone to school, faget

>> No.1334112

>not tiling yourself in true diy when it's easy as fuck with spacers plus you save money and avoid smelling mexican'ts near you

Found your problem.

>> No.1334148

>should've gone to school
When will this retarded meme die

>> No.1334152

I wonder is floor-tile guy still browses 4chan...

>> No.1334165


The OP would upset him because he only likes good installs

>> No.1334168

are you the the slowest thinking cretin on the entire planet of earth??? you are hired to do a job properly, if you can not do the job the way it is intended to be done then you should be working elsewhere

die in a fire you stupid fucking piece of shit

>> No.1334170

>ulcer-tier standards

>> No.1334190

>not just epoxy painting the wall/floor
*tips fedora*

>> No.1334596


when my mech eng degree makes less than a retarded tile guy who never learned what spacers are

>> No.1334645

Lmao all these faggots waving their dicks around like they make 200k/year. Cool story bros.

>> No.1334690

He had a whole folder of bad ones...

>> No.1334691

When your customer has a mech e degree but can’t figure out how to lay tile...

>> No.1334700

You want doctors to make less? Tard

>> No.1334703

Tilers are paid well over the odds for what they do, cut a few tiles, slap on a bit of grout and carry around a tile cutter in a van.

Meanwhile a Kitchen fitter, has 23984792 carpentry tools, electrical gear, plumbing gear, building regs out the ass, 1000's on tools, keeping upto date with all the latests appliance tech, overcoming problems with the building/conditions, altering cabinets, making shit fit, taking your work home with you, pre-fit assesments, public liability, sourcing materials and tools, expaining to customers whats happening with the project delivering what the customer wants, cleaning up 1938472938 tons of sawdust/rubble at the end of the day, and packing up your 1293081 tools up everyday to do it all over again the next day etc etc etc

yeah... tilers

>> No.1334746


what? how did you get that from my post? you asked when the "should've gone to school meme" would die, there's your answer.

>> No.1334760


Of all of the degrees you could have went to school for, you chose the one that caps out at a disappointingly low salary in most markets, and requires you to worm your way into a management position before you start making good money. You would have been better off in skilled trades.

Tiles aren't perfectly cut. Having to game them a few tenths of an inch here and there is just how that shit goes in your average American McHouse that's being built in less than a week.

>> No.1334958
File: 97 KB, 625x486, dunning2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear 70% of you spergs suffer from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect

>> No.1334975

thats why you do it at the wall where u can hide it with base board you fuckin moron. don't talk about shit you dont know anything about

*spits in your face*

>> No.1335322

I prefer the term "mount stupid".

>> No.1335337

Fuck off, anon. Buy the spacers and stop being a cunt. I bought a fucking wire comb so people would say 'damn, that looks amazing' and their friends and clients now hire me to do their wiring. If you think that OP's post was about you, then suck it the fuck up, buttercup. Get better at your job and get better at life.

>> No.1335343

Leave his sister out of this.

>> No.1336271

Aren't there spacers you can put in to prevent this?

>> No.1336272

>I'm in the industry but I do shit work

>> No.1336273

Are you an idiot. If that part is wrong there are likely more fuck-ups.

>> No.1336277

>Don't ever go to a burger place if you know how to grill

You're a moron. Go back to elementary.

>> No.1336355

in Germany you would make a fucking fortune right now and you wouldnt have jobs for the upcoming two years in your books if you live anywhere near a city with 100.000+ inhabitants..

>> No.1338082

i can empathize with you because i would have just tiled it myself even more crook

>> No.1338140

This. I am electrician and saved a bucketload of money tiling for myself. With spacers and tiles cut with 0.001mm resolution these days even monkeys can tile straight. In my case, one week off of work saved me 4 weeks worth of money. Simple math.

>> No.1338292

>you're an asshole if you think I should be paid any less than I currently do.
Maybe you should have considered this before dropping out of highschool?

>> No.1338331

If you wanted good work, you should have hired someone that charges $50/h :^)

>> No.1338344

Funny shit, there's a place here that cuts tiles... you know, pre-made designs and shit. sponsered work employing spergs mostly.

>> No.1339278

under rated post

>> No.1339733
File: 1.98 MB, 1936x2592, highlands ranch new build (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crooked grout lines
>high tile
looks like a homeowner did this tile work

>> No.1339773

>$6k a year is not a lot
>therefore I will complain about people getting paid $35/h on contractual jobs
okay buddy

What's next? $1 meal is too expensive for your $6K a week job?

>> No.1339784

Found the DIY’er.

>> No.1339789

>1.60 a ft. you must be a laborer.

>> No.1339959
File: 3.71 MB, 4032x3024, 20180204_162236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1340013

Not too sure about colour choices (can't see wall paint) but those are some nice looking tiles. Should have gone with some nicer wall sockets though.

>> No.1340027

They don't sell those uk outlets at my local home store

>> No.1340037

OP here, this was taken from my work where they paid "professionals" to do the work lel

>> No.1340080

I meant aesthetics, not function. Be a pain to swap all your kitchen appliances anyways.

>> No.1340438
File: 3.68 MB, 4032x3024, 20180204_162232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i posted this photo the other day

This lunada bay tile (from spain) is very expensive.
I agree the backsplash, counters/cabinets do NOT match at all.
But I don't get paid to critique, I get paod to install. I have less than 16 hours into this project.
I cashed out at 1k for labor on this job.

>> No.1340443
File: 3.20 MB, 4032x3024, 20180213_134743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commercial work is NEVER as good as residential work.

>> No.1340453

we dont care about your costs, only the value you offer

>> No.1340455

>t. butt blasted kraut

>> No.1340604

I hate those style of shelves, they always show your cut if you don't recess the installation edge of the shelf to fit a smaller cutaway and you're left with the corner cut in your photo. Did like those leave in spacers though, they had enough give to compress them slightly if you needed a tiny bit more room.

You didn't map your vertical lines with a laser, and the tiles more than likely aren't the same size. It's a common mistake. Where I was a setter you couldn't get enough money for backsplashes to do them properly, and the fucking drywall was usually too uneven to do it right.

No nice way to spread the balance here except being involved in the design phase. I have done similar spreads and just cut the backing between the mosaic and used a different spacing to even it out but that has a real limit before it shows. I really hope the marble doesn't pop when this gets hot, it does happen from time to time with porous stone around extreme heat.

Now I live in Australia where the tilers are almost exclusively Asian and work for criminally low wages. The scary thing is for the money they don't do a bad job, and if you pay properly and find the right team of them you can get artisan grade work done for a lot less than I'd ever consider working for.

>> No.1340607

Well everyone in the trades do
>i dropped out of high school but still "made it"
>look at how great I am, I beat the odds living the american dream!

>> No.1340640

fucking this. All the old pieces of shit I have working for me don't believe in using "cheater" spacers. and all of their work is sloppy and looks like shit. and we ALWAYS end up getting complaints when they do any tile work.
fucking old "craftsman" do worse work than the majority of young guys I have working for me.
boomers are fucking stupid and always half ass their work.

>> No.1340655

Hey doc!

>> No.1340658

The kinky fucker.

>> No.1340695

I don't see the problem. Never have I gone into the bathroom or kitchen to stare at the basic bitch tile floor. This is not a piece de resistance of tiling. Nor would it add extreme amount of value in my mind with the basic bitch building material selection in a shitty mc mansion.

This is the economy of scale at work. If you want to be a sperg that spends an entire lifetime working on a single project nobody cares about walk your happy ass down to a living history museum or unemployment line.

>> No.1340701

shit boys, we're honored to be in the presence of the Picasso of shitty tile setters. Never come at me deluded into thinking you chose your shitty career path. Your shitty career path chose you when you decided to smoke that bag of meth and land that felony, And no you`re not turning your life around, your just another snow flake ass hat nobody cares about. Some old bitch crying doesn't redeem your opinion here. She doesnt understand the economy of scale and is trying to demand more out of her shitty dollar than the efficient market actually provides.She can fuck right off in supply and demand along with you if you don't hurry the fuck up and finish the job.

>> No.1340968


can't even understand what this post is trying to say, I'll have to conclude you're a mong

>> No.1340976

Union nigger detected

>> No.1340979

He does, otherwise real professionals wouldn't be able to charge $50 an hour.

>> No.1340981

Union workers shouldn't be allowed to contribute to forums. Their opinions don't count for a lot.

>> No.1341023
File: 479 KB, 772x804, 44141215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>different style faceplate for the GFCI
Absolutely unacceptable.

>> No.1341039

Most tiles are not square so using spacers just fucks it up more that's why old timers don't use then you desk jockys. Even taking time and having experience if the tiles are absolute shit you will have a few off grout lines. Also 35 an hour means you have a shit contractor

>> No.1341053

Or you are slow