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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1332040 No.1332040 [Reply] [Original]

I got a really fucking stopped up toilet. I mean really fucking stopped up. Tried plunging it, tried liquid plumber. Tried the hot water and all that jazz. No dice. Just went to Walmart and got a 3 foot toilet snake. Didn't do the trick.

Am I gonna have to call a fucking plumber? It's an apartment but my landlord is a dickhead and it'll be literally weeks before he gents someone here so I'll end up paying for it myself at least for now. Maybe he will reimburse me but we'll see.

Can I use a longer snake? Give me some ideas.

>> No.1332061

What did you flush down it?

>> No.1332067

Nothing out of the ordinary. The place is on septic and that can be an issue sometimes but it's usually the shower or sink drains that get backed up. Everything else is flowing fine so I don't know.

>> No.1332072

Do you have a clean out where the sewer pipe exits the house? If so, check it. Also, try a longer snake.

>> No.1332073

Does it have to be a toilet snake? What's the difference?

>> No.1332075

Use a toilet auger if you haven't already and use a lot of force on it sometimes it's a bitch to snake through.

>> No.1332078

Like a big powered one that you would rent?

>> No.1332081

Have a go with an entire bottle of dish soap + couple of litres of boiling water.

>> No.1332082

I tried hot water but didn't use soap. The water level is high and it doesn't have much effect.

>> No.1332090

>Nothing out of the ordinary.

We're all anon here, bro. What did you flush?

>> No.1332094

Lel. As far as I know it's nothing but probably way too much toilet paper. The girlfriend uses a fuckton at a time for some reason. If I knew of something specific I'd tell you cause that's why I'm here. I've considered the notion that something fell in but what would it be that would make it down the initial hole yet still clog the whole drain? Not even water is going down.

>> No.1332099

you can try getting the biggest bucket that you have and filling that as hot water as you can get, then "throw" that water in the toilet, try to create as much pressure/current as you can while throwing the water. That have helped me a couple of times.
Before doing this let the waterlevel settle to the normal.

>> No.1332112

Had a slow ass toilet for several years, nothing ever helped. Finally when we took it off to replace the wax ring found a toothbrush wedged in there. Couldn't hurt to drain the water and have a look, they also make newer flanges made of some foam shit to replace wax rings now

>> No.1332113

Tampons will destroy a toilet. I'm currently roomie'ing with a grill, and desperately looking for a new place to stay because the toilet floods any time someone drops a deuce. Being the only one that stands by the toilet to ensure it doesn't overflow has become pointless, because I'm still going to be standing in shit water next time I go piss.

Any number of things can be going wrong with your toilet, but I feel like it needs a longer snake. Weird little obstructions like cottony tampons can get pretty far before they snag on something and cause some headaches. This may be a plumbers job, so I hope your landlord will reimburse you.

>> No.1332125

This. Asshole marketers put "flushable!" on the box, so women think they can flush them anywhere, anytime. God. Dammit.

>> No.1333832

How fucking old is the building and how much did you spend on it

>> No.1333927

Did you read anything in this thread before you asked this?

Update: got a 6 foot snake and was able to unclog it. Thanks for all the input.