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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1314421 No.1314421 [Reply] [Original]

Now that I've got a decent job I've been thinking about doing something for my parents to thank them for having supported me. They've never had a washing machine or dryer in their home and have always had to go to the laundromat, but they're getting old so I was thinking of maybe getting them a washer and dryer. The problem is that the only room in their hosue that would have any space for that doesn't have any plumbing hooked up to it.

About how much would it cost to hire someone to get that setup? The spot is about ten feet from a bathroom sink and toilet on the first floor.

>> No.1314440

with common sense you can diy (that is the name of this forum) for the price of the pipe and connectors

>> No.1314457

I would if it was my house, desu. I wouldn't want to mess anything up with their house though.

>> No.1314465

Depends wildly on the room... best case is it’s in an unfinished basement and they can just run pipe around the ceiling and perimeter to the spot... if it’s a finished room but the basement under it isn’t finished then that’s not terrible especially if theirs drainpipe in the general vicinity under the room... if it’s finished underneath or concrete underneath with no plumbing nearby then it’s gonna suck because you gotta run a lot of stuff and fix a lot of walls... if you have a sink or tub on the opposite side of a wall in the room you might be in luck...

>> No.1314481

Plumbing is one thing, but electrical is another, don't forget about that. You may need additional breakers installed, as well as 220 service in whatever room you decide to use as a laundry room. Also, any drawings or sketches of the house's layout you could throw up here so anons could help you more easily. Showing where your water lines come from and go to, where they are in the walls, etc

>> No.1314585

get an estimate from the people actually doing the work

that is not nearly enough information to say what diy cost would be

>> No.1314588


The idea is that you plan and prepare to do a job correctly. You're not going to mess anything up if you do it right.

>> No.1314593

Anyway my guess is $500 minimum.

>> No.1314696

>Plumbing is common sense
If you speak from years of experience you should know that's not a fair statement.

The problem is often you don't know what's exactly the right or wrong way to do it if you haven't done it before.

>> No.1315007

Residential dishwashers are pretty much exclusively 120v. However there should be a dedicated 20 amp line.