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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1313841 No.1313841 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/ i would like help on Deciding what i want to be when i graduate , im in my last semester of highschool at 19 (stuff happened changing schools) and im kinda stressed out on what i would like to have as a profession, stay with me here though i have interests that could point me in a right direction, you see i enjoy making things ALOT, it could be anything, ive solderd alot of wires and things (following a guide) on making a gameboy emulator out of a raspberry pi (not that hard really) to sewing leather into things, to 3D modeling things in inventor for my engineering class (would like to be an engineer but there are a good few sub-catagorys i dont know what id fall into)i took a drafting class and wanted to draft my own house to build too, ive done a good bit of woodworking with my grandfather as he taught woodshop at a local highschool, ive become pretty interested in forgeing aswell but only made a hook once at a local forge, was fun and interesting although i dont know if id make it a profession, i have fun with tools because i always wanna make somthing (help significant other with cosplay every now and then) ive thought of being a entrpenuer but i dont know what id sell the world, id love to be head of a company and be very successful, although wouldnt we all? im always open to learning new things and would love to learn as many things as possible, but i dont know what to really be or what all ( or most if im lucky) what my interests would fall under, what do you guys think?

TL;DR -- i love to build quirky things but dont know what jobs that would fall under, also please read above to get a really good idea of what im looking for

>> No.1313843

A lot is one word.

Sounds like you like working with your hands so engineering might not be right for you. There are a few project classes and hands on careers; but for the most part engineering education is cramming calculus textbooks and the careers are all about designing things on a computer.

Maybe take industrial design at art school? You'll have a harder time finding a good paying job than engineers and tradespeople but someone who's really good at it can manage.

>> No.1313846

How do you feel about maintaining, fixing and installing machines? Industrial Maintenance might be something to look into.

Related classes or majors would be listed as Mechatronics or Elelctro-Mechanical Engineering

>> No.1313851

id be fine with that honestly, i love opening things up and checking stuff out, fixing it would be pretty cool too as i love to fix things aswell, i was also looking at going to a trade school instead of collage since it would be cheaper and some companies might even pay for it and pay me for job shadowing, although thats just what ive heard

>> No.1313857

I chose the Air Force and greatly enjoyed my career. Instant secure job, you get to work on the big toys in aircraft maintenance, and retiring when most of my peers still have to work was and remains very fucking nice. I was avionics, then crosstrained to jet engine mech, then was crosstrained into crew chief and enjoyed it all.

UAS or airlift are best bets today though I enjoyed fixing fighters.

It got me out of New Jersey during a recession and I've never felt one since. I got paid to enjoy tours in Germany and South Korea and many deployments (which were also profitable), and I have bros all over the world to this day. Most of us got into second careers making fat bank working for Lockheed, GD, or other contractors. Some went Federal civilian, some work for their states. My back is fucked up and I'm on permanent pain meds so after going to school for fun (CNC machining and welding) I chill and restore motorcycles.

Ignore the pussies. Ignore anyone who hasn't served most or all of a career. Even the worst days are worth it not to have to work for the second half or third of your life. That's real freedom. Would do again gleefully as would my bros. One made Chief, retired, then worked as an engine rep for Pratt and Whitney because he's an autist who loves machines and is damn good with them. His total retirement package is well over 100K/year. Now he restores vintage BSA Gold Stars.

I also did industrial maintenance and enjoyed that. You get to know a plants specific machinery and you can become very valuable, but I left that for the Air Force because vastly more fun. I could go back to it easily with my background and recommend it as a second career if you want to settle down. It stays interesting.

Machining (CNC and manual, good machinists who can do both are rare due to retirements during the last recession. Machinists tend to have very long careers because it's your mind that matters and they love the work.

>> No.1313875

i honestly was toitally thinking of going that route, would be such a nice setup to have, just gotta work for it for a good 20 years then retire with 25K a year for nothing, im all good for working and getting my ass beat in basic BUT the only thing holding me back really is having a girlfriend ive been with for 2 almost 3 years, if anything happens with this relationship (ends basically) ill have myself shipped off ASAP, but all these options are great to know, any and all possible options to look into will help me greatly, im also really good at fixing, troubleshooting, and building computers (helped as an IT for a while) so theres that background

>> No.1313880

>letting a high school relationship hold you back
Jesus christ lad

>> No.1313889

Most USAF computer jobs are now or will be done by Federal or contract civilians, but they use existing fields as feeders because they get experienced Airmen who already have a security clearance.

If you have a solid relationship it will survive the military but unless you BOTH plan to spend your entire lives together (in which case get married) trading a career for a few years of pussy and companionship is questionable. Of course you could both enlist but joint spouse assignments aren't guaranteed. When my gf, later wife and I were both SSgts living together we had even more disposable income to enjoy.

>> No.1313912

oh nah man shes a jr in collage, we are the same age and all

>> No.1313915

that does sound interesting, ill see what she thinks about it, pussy is pussy but shes pretty solid and supportive in all things really, i can do without for a good few years
also like i said earlier shes already a jr in collage when im just graduating, really pisses me off how the school system can fuck you up when changing schools

>> No.1313924

You sound exactly like me anon. You want to handle every step of the process. I think becoming an engineer would crush your soul because efficiency demands you specialize. The doing something new every day part would be impossible unless you got in with a small and flexible startup.

I would recommend machining and tool-making, but that looks like a dying industry. Still worth learning though, and you can make money on the side with it.

Prop and model making seems like an awesome job. 100% designing and making. If you want to learn a bunch of disciplines and make something new every week, it seems like the perfect job.


>> No.1313931

that sounds more like something id like, although if i were to give up becoming an engineer it would kinda suck giving up trade school and other things, like how much the income would be, the availability of the job, if i need a degree, and what for it, i love adam savage and his builds though, and id love to have his job, you think tradesachool for engineering would be a bad thing to try though? like do that try it with a job and if it doesnt work outi could try for somthing like this? what you say makes sense, im just paranoid i guess about it all (because people are looking for engineers alot) im just rambling at this point though so yeah

>> No.1313932
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Engineer Dildos

>> No.1313936

Friend why

>> No.1313952

Anon what is your job now?

>> No.1314113

1. Become a neet
2. Do as necessary to get government bucks
3. Enjoy retiring at 19 and spending your free time in your hobbies

-Jim Profit

>> No.1314190

I can't do that, id feel like a peice of shit and get depressed, i need to do things myself and make my own living, would be nice to leech of the government but id feel like shit after a while, id rather work for what i be want then abuse the system friend, that's just me though, i love to work on things and plus i wouldn't like being looked down on by the people with a job

>> No.1314200

Wow. Don’t wanna be dick but don’t let some chick hold you back. Odds are you 2 won’t be together the rest of your lives like you imagine you will. Been there done that. Focus on you and your life and the rest will fall in place accordingly.

>> No.1314207

>I can't do that, id feel like a peice of shit and get depressed

I never got this way of thinking, you either have too few hobbies or poor imagination, come on, there are hundreds of fun things to do, and if working was one of them, people wouldn't need to pay someone to do it.

>> No.1314547

I agree with this guy. You will break up in the next 2 years anyway.

I don't like your I am stressed attitude, such a millennial way of thinking. You have all the options in the world and you should be grateful or adventurous.

my protip: compare yourself to your peers. and figure out your natural advantage. reflect on your life and figure out what makes you happy. Combine those insights and figure out your job type. Then get the highest education you can do in that field.

>> No.1314601
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Its not that i wanna work, it's that i would like to earn the money i spend
I wanna make it work atleast and not give up on it yet, there haven't been any problems really , been kinda skeptical on when something might happen but i guess ill enjoy it for now,

But picking a job is pretty hard, these are all great options I'm gonna look into, also the 'millennial way of thinking' is pretty odd to say, i never liked those labels in general for each time period or mental gap, but that's just my take on it

Deciding all of this from the get go is stressful but i know if one thing doesn't work out (job wise) i can just try the next with the added skills from the other job at my disposal