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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1277379 No.1277379 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a DISCORD or IRC channel for DIY where MEN can discuss their tools, projects, and workshops?

>> No.1277389

no MEN on discord

>> No.1277459

Fucking hate discord.

Make a fb shitposting group and im in

>> No.1277464

FB is even more cancerous.

IRC is for real men but it looks like we don't have any, because everyone is on DIRCORD.

>> No.1277479

Kill yourself.

>> No.1277523


Just start an IRC channel on freenode or quakenet, why the hell not? Closest thing i've seen to this is #reprap

>> No.1277532

you start, I'll join. last time I created IRC channel it got taken over by BAD people because I didn't know and care how to make myself the owner and what not. Just create it mate.

>> No.1277572
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>> No.1277614

I'm in. Send link nerds

>> No.1277616

It's people like you that destroyed what irc was about. Now it's a fucking travesty.

>> No.1277623

Noobs destroyed irc by being noobs?

>> No.1277631

Man when I was a noob u couldn't run a channel without knowing your shit or u got pwned immediately.

It's not the same anymore. People like posting with gifs instead of / commands. Irc once ruled all this and it got ripped off by cheesy versions such as discord (which people don't understand) along with having its usefulness obscurificated.

>hurr durr just make a channel who cares

And that causes other problems.

So yes. Irc is destroyed by noobs being noobs.

>> No.1278030

So what the fuck is going to create it?

>> No.1278113

Oh fuck off

Millions of people still use irc regularly. Myself included.

>> No.1278115

Can you use irc on mobile?

>nb4 autistic shreiking.

To get internet i have to build a 50 foot cell tower or use my phone.

>> No.1278117

It's fun...
You first cancerous faggot. In one sentence i can tell you are a boring prick. Go fuckoff back to redit if u hate fun

>> No.1278119
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I used 2 d's in redit and the server flagged it for spam.

Based 4chan

>> No.1278121


>> No.1278122

>but fb is ghey.

Yeah, and so is 40 peopke autistically starting 5 conversations on other 3rd party shit nobody cares about learning to use. Discord is absolute cancer. Everyone knows fb messanger.

>> No.1278128

There's a difference between fun banter and LE EBIN SHITPOSTAN CULTURE, you fucking immigrant. You want every board to be /v/? Because that's what shitposting gets you. People like you have destroyed this site.

>> No.1278154

Why the fuck does everyone want to start discord groups on every board? We have this whole god damn board to discuss DIY shit.
How did discord even become so popular? It just sort of came out of nowhere and became the standard overnight.

>> No.1278232

voice chat mate

>> No.1278332

Find me a 20 year old who knows what it is.

>> No.1278335
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I don't know. Kinda mad, I thought steam or skype or irc or twitter or xbox, or ps were all fine.

Now we got another fucking thing. Great fucking job.

>> No.1278336

Honestly, I just use discord to get my fix of IRC.
I miss the Internet of the 90s guys.

>> No.1278380

>Discus their tools

Hurr hurr

>> No.1278578

me too :(
internet is shit now, I try to use computers less and my hands building stuff more.

technology was a mistake.

>> No.1278605

My coworkers, because we all use it for project discussion.

>> No.1278632

Very Freudesque

>> No.1278661


>> No.1278725

>people like you have destroyed this site.
Yup... find a mirror and you will see who.

Never been to /v/ and fun banter is pretty much all i do here. I save the fits of autism and shit talking mostly for /b and fb.

>> No.1278726

No, it's shit. I deleted it.

>> No.1278728

>a picture is worth 1,000 words

>> No.1278735

Feel free to ghost my empty discord server.

>> No.1279415

hop in fuckers --- https://discord.gg/nEwSRfF

>> No.1279433

Why should I join just another server? Those things are always empty, inactive or have a terrible management.

>> No.1279459

Good to see.

>> No.1279588
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the real one

>> No.1279801

Was about to ask.