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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 51 KB, 652x434, carboot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1276799 No.1276799 [Reply] [Original]

These things are prevalent in my city. I need a reliable way to get them off without having to call someone and ask them to bring tools.

I thought about buying a cordless angle grinder with cutting disks but I don't want to have to use it someday and find out the battery is dead. Are there any angle grinders that you can plug in to a car socket?

Anyone have any other ideas?

>> No.1276801


You are retarded.

Bottom line.

>> No.1276804

Retarded for thinking about running an angle grinder from a car battery?
I don't understand your point.

>> No.1276812


Yes. And retarded for taking a boot off the car, when there is a log, paperwork that has your vehicle attached to that boot.

You went from a parking ticket to misdemeanors and possibly felonies for damaging government or state property.

When they come a road your car again e I the whip l e parked or pulled over they'll impound it until you pay all the fees.

You are retarded.

And good luck running a fucking angle grinder off 12 volts even with an inverter.

>> No.1276815

If you cut off the boot you'll still have to pay your tickets also you'll have to pay to replace the boot as well.

Also socket in car doesn't put out enough power to run anything bigger than a dremel tool.

>> No.1276816

cordless death wheels are a thing now, jamal

>> No.1276822

Notice the numbers on that car boot? It's serialized and the city worker putting it on your car most definitely logs your vehicle information in association with the boot.
It's an easy request to the local DMV to find out who owned the vehicle and where they live.
From there it's only a matter of time before they got you for destruction of city property along with whatever they originally put it on for.

>> No.1276831

Jesus guys. I just a pic of a boot off google images. They aren't government boots. Just cunts have private lots and they hide the signs so you don't know you can't park in them.

>> No.1276834

>good luck running battery powered angle grinder off the battery

>> No.1276836


Then you will incru civil and criminal liability.

If you damage the boot upon removal, which they will claim either way, they can swear a warrant for your arrest. The local sheriff will serve it, arrests you, where you will go to jail and have to bond out on "criminal trespass", "Property damage in xxx amount" and so forth.

It's a headache.

Second they can take you to civil court and sue for damages, where the preponderance of evidence is all it takes for you to lose and them to win.

It's easier for the private company to get you then the state.

You are a fucking dolt.

The private company has limited funds. Their equipment is their livelihood. The state uses tax payers money, and must follow laws different to the corporation.

>> No.1276846

Have you considered not parking like a retard

>> No.1276861

Just a lockpick set theese locks are crap

>> No.1276865


The company still has the authority to search for your vehicle and impound it in most circumstances.

If you must do business in the place you did this, such as the city, you'll eventually get caught and the car towed to an impound lot where they will demand the entire payment for release.

It's retarded.

>> No.1276866

Just steel cars to avoid any fine

>> No.1276872



u wat m8?

>> No.1276877

Yh steel them most of them are plastic bumpers now exc much more sturdy as steel

>> No.1276910

>being this much of a reditor and bootlicker
Op is a freeman of the land and no one has the right to arrest his car.

>> No.1276915

>Op is a freeman of the land

>> No.1276924

That video is so very satisfying.

>> No.1276933
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>people like this actually exist

>> No.1276949


>> No.1276967

you have to think outside the box...

- park where you definitely get the boot or find car with a boot
- take a photos of the boot and the ticket
- buy a boot online, create a fake ticket
- park wherever you want, get out of a car, boot your car and get yourself a ticket. cops won't give you another one unless they see you putting it on
- free parking!

>> No.1276968

I like the one where buddy parks in front of a no parking sign.

>parks illegally
>comes back, ticket.
>spray paints no parking sign white.
>takes pic
>ticket gets dropped.

>> No.1276975

>Are there any angle grinders that you can plug in to a car socket?
no but there are battery chargers you can (most of the 18/20v systems have a DC car charger)

it's cheaper to obey parking signs and stop being a selfish faggot though

>> No.1276980

just take off your wheel lugs when you park, if they clamp it then it's EZPZ to replace the wheel and you haven't damaged anything. you could even take a photo of the clamp&wheel there when you leave so they can't get you for stealing the clamp

>> No.1276986


>> No.1277055

a) don't do it. learn where you can and can't park and then followmthe fucking rules you nigger

b) you won't be cutting the lock with bolt cutters or a 12v shitty dollar store angle grinder. learn to lockpick or use a torch

c) once the lock is off and you get the cover plate open you'll need a special socket to remove the boot

you can't pry or bend these off, they have perfected the design after years of professional niggering.

tl:dr you ain't removing it without losing a wheel or destroying it, both of which will make your situation worse.

>> No.1277061

Wait someone private puts a lock on your car? That's illegal in the USA. You have the right to remove it anyway you see fit. They should call a tow truck at your expense or call the cops to get it moved, that's all they can do. They can't legally touch your vehicle.

>> No.1277082
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OP is technically are not retarded since I tested my yard sale Ryobi with a car battery and it works fine, for a shite Ryobi. Worth the three dollars I paid for it to see if it would work.

You can and I do use a plug-in inverter in my trucks to charge cordless tool batteries. My inverter doesn't have the balls to run corded tools direct but a larger inverter certainly could.

I take my 28V Milwaukee grinder, recip saw and impact wrench with me on salvage yard runs. Unfortunately a 4 1/2" cutting disk is too small for that sort of work but I run 6" cutting disks on my 4 1/2" Milwaukee after modding the guard. (I cut a larger guard made for another grinder to fit.) Cut gently because you can overload the grinder. Let the disc float on the work, don't ram it.

A 6" disk would cut through the boot pictured easily but you might need a second battery. Always keep extra disks as they shrink in diameter as they wear.

You could torch cut using a portable torch and small acetylene or propane and oxygen cylinders. I do that too because on salvage runs I know my approximate length of cut. Torches go where angle grinders may not fit and work great for cutting rear axle U-bolts.

Medical oxygen cylinder adapters to fit standard torch regulators exist at least for US standard cylinders and regulators.. Pic is my portable cutting rig. (I'd use smaller regulators but I got a pile of 450 series Victors at auction and rebuilt them.) I have standard industrial oxygen cylinders too but the medical cylinders were free so I use them too.

Propane is safer to handle than acetylene and cheap. You could use a single disposable LP cylinder instead of the BBQ jug by making a full-flow adapter. I did but it's buried in my shop ATM so no pics.

>> No.1277085


I zoomed OPs pic and note it uses a padlock. That would be easy meat for a 4 1/2" grinder IF you can get a clear shot at the lock shackle with the disc. Pictured boot has plenty of room.

No damage to that style boot but the lock is fucked of course.

Otherwise cutting the hinged bar where the boot wheel shield protects your wheel would do the job.

You too could be a hero:


>> No.1277086
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Yeah, because in the middle of the city, some guy with an angle grinder grinding away on a lock with sparks and noise will not draw attention.

>/diy/ is literally retarded

You learn to pick locks if you want to be stealth, and only bring noise makers when the area is isolated and there is no one around.

Banging shit, grinding shit, shooting shit, blowing shit up, lighting and igniting shit.. it all draws attention.

>> No.1277091

maybe OP lives in Detroit

>> No.1277093
File: 132 KB, 640x360, 130719173650-ym-romans-harlow-detroit-bankruptcy-00000708-story-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, like I said

>and only bring noise makers when the area is isolated and there is no one around.

no one lives in Detroit.

>> No.1277095
File: 14 KB, 364x322, 1467077967444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put your own boots on the car!

>> No.1277099
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...actually.... that's just crazy enough to work!

>> No.1277100

thanks for the steve

>> No.1277103
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sue them over some trivial damage on your car They might give you your own parking space after a few times!

>> No.1277111

>They can't legally touch your vehicle.

Oh yes, they can. If you park in a private parking lot they often times will have a local tow place under contract to remove illegally parked cars. If you are in a private lot you done fucked up. If I parked my car in your driveway do you really think you wouldn't be able to move it because its 'illegal' to touch my vehicle? Just because it is a company lot does not mean the same rules don't apply. It is still 'private' land.

Depending on the laws where you live determines how the thing plays out. Where I live, as long as the car is not fully hooked up to a tow truck I can get my vehicle back without any fine. If it is fully hooked up and they are about to drive off I can get the vehicle back but I have to pay a 'drop fee'. If they are driving off I have to get that shit from their lot.

Same deal with boots. Where I am at they will send out a guy with a boot if the tow truck is busy. It is basically a scare tactic as I can just tell them to get it off. Lots of people don't know that, though. If no one is around and it is a private boot, where I live at least, I can remove it without a problem. If it is a government boot I can not. YMMV so get informed about your state/county/muni laws.

>> No.1277113
File: 814 KB, 604x717, 1480743449055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put your car in a shipping container!

>> No.1277117

That boot in the pic looks like it can be defeated by cutting the lock with bolt cutters. Fast and silent.

you're such a faggot

>> No.1277119

sillyass sovereign citizen bullsheeeite

>> No.1277123

Global Rule #2

>> No.1277127

I'm sorry. I'll be a good goy from now on.

>> No.1277131


>> No.1277134
File: 54 KB, 1420x946, 47570BC3-ED36-4F32-A4E1-2932CAD1CD9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep 4 cinder blocks and a battery powered impact gun in your car with a nice floor jack.. when you park it jack it up on blocks and take the tires off... cops can’t boot it without the wheels and then no one can steal your tires...

>> No.1277137

Additionally if a cop tries to write a ticket instead ask them to fill out a police report on your recently stolen rims...

>> No.1277145

Learn lock picking.
Its alot easier than people think and 90% of locks can be opened with little to no skill. Check out bosnianbill or lockpickinglawyer on youtube.
Ive been picking locks as part of my physical therapy for about 6 months. Any lock less than $100 will be open in less than a min.

>> No.1277152
File: 222 KB, 960x539, swangers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone have any other ideas?

Get a nice set of swangers.

>> No.1277154

>Learn lock picking.

Because they will charge you for any damage to or loss of their boot.

>> No.1277210

Moron. I've called the cops on two occasions for someone booting my car. I didn't press charges since that have been a bigger dick move on my part. They just ordered the people to unboot it so I could leave.

>> No.1277213

brilliant !

>> No.1277219
File: 255 KB, 500x426, TankBoot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to the /o/ thread about the guy who was booted by his HOA. He jacks up car, puts on dollies and pushes into garage. Antics ensue as parking enforcement contractor try to get boot back but can't find car.

>> No.1277224

Honestly, I wouldn't discard the cordless angle grinder idea. A car socket wouldn't be able to run an angle grinder, but it would have no problem charging the battery while you're driving around. Just make sure you plug in the battery briefly every now and then to keep it charged up. Worst case you forget and have to idle your car for a bit to charge up the battery when you need the grinder

>> No.1277230
File: 46 KB, 665x509, f19df31f79d33dcb9e1ee457052e0a18--los-simpsons-nyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homer simpson and car wheel clamp it must ring a bell....

>> No.1277231
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, niggerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and it works


>> No.1277232

Have you considered not parking like a fucking retard?

>> No.1277233

Parking officer here, if you take off that boot in Washington it's a class C felony. One guy thought it would be a good idea to take it off, so we came to his house and arrested him and took his car as well.

>> No.1277234

This would work 99%. Genius

>> No.1277237

Get a 20 volt angle grinder for like 120$ and get a car charger, batteries have leds so you can check if it needs charging. I would have 2 bigger batteries. Worst case you sit with your engine to charge batteries. You could cut through half a steel beam

>> No.1277244
File: 40 KB, 457x369, Urban boot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll eventually get caught and the car towed to an impound lot

If it's a private parking lot that put the boot on OP's car as he claims, they can't steal and tow away his car, all they can do is file a court claim for damages and unless they have a photo of OP's car with the boot in place, they can't prove it was him who cut the boot off.

>> No.1277248

> Black people
> car is worth 10x the value of the house...

>> No.1277249

It's like you only read the first half. IT DEPENDS ON WHERE YOU LIVE FUCKWIT. There, that easier for you to understand? I'd draw it in crayon but we are using computers here. Or in your case, I don't know, probably an iPhone.

>> No.1277252


Smoke wrench

>> No.1277261

You mean a thermic lance, right?

>> No.1277274

so about 2 grand?

>> No.1277279

>god's not worried about cameras sir, i am

>> No.1277280
File: 66 KB, 540x405, 635722529026990218-Home-sales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so about 2 grand?

For the house? Yeah, that's about right....

>> No.1277281

>tv's in the back of the rear seats headrests
for what purpose jerome?

>> No.1277303

Yes. Most cars are steel. Some are aluminium. Some stainless.

>> No.1277304
File: 26 KB, 158x243, parasyte speechless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>48205 area

>> No.1277307

Live in an HOA gated development, 500 homes.
No cars allowed on the street midnight to 6am.
No exceptions, ever.
Every home has a 3 car garage and can fit 6 cars in the driveway.
Every night at midnight on the dot tow truck company on contract rolls in, usually three trucks.
Each truck can tow one car and hold another on it's deck.
Guys use helpers to attach chains and position dollies, guys are fast.
After loading up, they boot everyone else.
Every night at least a dozen cars are removed or locked down.
They take pictures/video of everything.
Our security accompanies them, the call the police and give them a heads up.
Tow yard is 29 miles from where we live.
If towed after 6pm Friday you are stuck until Monday.
You have about an hour to get the boot removed and not get towed.
Un-booting is $150, the tow, storage, taxes and HOA fee/fine, is $450 to 500.
12 cars every night, weekends is always more, it's crazy.
HOA gets half the boot fee.
Had a guy cut off a boot, HOA got him on camera.
Tow company sued, HOA fined the home owner, your responsible for guests, until the boot was payed for, home owner only paid when the HOA put a lean on his house and started foreclosure on him.
Company clamied $3500 for the destroyed boot and loss of income from it being gone.
To change the HOA rules you need 90% of the home owners to agree to a rule change and they must be physically present at the meeting to do it.
Never going to happen.
Too many old folks who love coming out and watching people scream and cry about booting or towing.

>> No.1277362


Well, at least your grammar is good.

But your moms still a whore.

>> No.1277384

Try reading the thread, kid.

>> No.1277385
File: 107 KB, 500x426, Lucas Hershlag Pointing Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like you only read the first half.

Seems you totally missed the first half of >>1277061 where it only talks about private shit. But, you go spouting off at the mouth like a retard. Take your own advice, kid. lol

>> No.1277387


Not if it is a private one, unless you live in some African country without a real government. There's this thing called "extortion". Putting a boot illegally on someone else's vehicle because they parked on your property is well, illegal everywhere.

>> No.1277390


>> No.1277427

If u wanna buy a $300 inverter sure. But the ticket and bot should cost less so....

>> No.1277428

Anon most cars can handle a lot with an inverter

>> No.1277429



>> No.1277431
File: 90 KB, 1024x630, delorean-factory-outside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just steel cars
>pic related

>> No.1277433



>> No.1277434

>Land of the free

>> No.1277436


Former tow truck bro here.

10/10 times the cops side with you. Yall see eachbother all of the time and bullshit.

Rule number one when towing, rip the cable out and throw it anywhere it will hook, fuckibg sway bar, wtf ever. Hently snug the cable tight enough you cant unhook by hand. Take keys out and lock truck. Legally now you got the car. Can dickoff all you want once it's hooked.

Back to the part where the cops side with you.

>see car in yard
>throw hook on and drag shitbox 100+ feet to the road
>call cops
>cops show up
>well, we didn't see him do it anon...

Kek. 90% of the time lowlife leeches on government assistance for a fake back injury deserve it.

Other 10% is actual people trying, paperwork hiccups, etc.

Feels bad man.

>> No.1277438

As in not yours
> that's all the clue you need to not park there...

>> No.1277439

So propane is cheaper than acetylene?

I REALLY need a portable torch setup. Idgaf how many little bottkes i have to change. I am broken and old and done bucking massivr torch bottles on soft uneven ground

>> No.1277441

What the shit! Hahaaaaaaa!

>> No.1277443

This has to be the best gif. I dont have sand. Anyone here tried this?

>> No.1277444

Fuckoff faggot

>> No.1277446

Bumber anon. How did you fuck yourself up so bad that lockpicking is your physical therapy?

At any rate good luck brother. Being laid uo is the worst

>> No.1277447

SLAB. The single stuoidest bullshit on earth

>> No.1277448

LOL! fantastic idea!

>> No.1277450

AHAHAHAHA! shit...

>> No.1277453


Man, dick move but hella revenue stream.

>> No.1277458

>freedom to live in nice gated comunity.
>freedom to not have neighbors with taro roofs and cars on blocks
>freedom to move ina country and BE the guy with blocked cars and top roof.

HOA's exist to maintain the normie white picket fence american dream bullshit.

Find a feild, make a gated community. Charge rape price. Newly aspiring engineer couples move into a few of them.


Houses all sell.

Rinse and repeat.

Worked great until 08 anyway

>> No.1277481

You can tow away in a private lot without a court order, what are you smoking

>> No.1277518


>> No.1277599
File: 1.36 MB, 3008x2000, Wheel_clamps_Texas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can tow away in a private lot without a court order, what are you smoking

The scenario is OP removing a wheel boot and driving off, at which point the private parking lot company can only file a court claim for damages and will only win their case if they can prove OP removed the wheel boot.

They can't drive to his house and highjack his car in the driveway and hold it for ransom.

>> No.1277603

Yes they can. Called repo services.

You whiteboiz keep thinking you still have rights it's funny.

>> No.1277608

Tow trucks are different since it is a business of doing exactly that sort of thing. A private land owner on the other hand isn't. Also, no one repos in this area. It is nothing but rednecks with 40 guns up their asses and the will...nay the want to shoot something.

>> No.1277610

Triple genius with a huge serving of staggering bravado.
Good approach, but how does this teach the booters a lesson?

My trick is to keep a tube of 5 minute epoxy in the car. Get booted, hop in the car and bust open the syringe, kneel down and give a tiny squirt into the lock mechanism. Wait a few minutes to ensure nothing is dripping out, then call and pay the fine. They come back and can't get the lock off, need to cut it themselves.
Then I take them to small claims court.

Have three outstanding cases upcoming in 2018; I hope I don't get the same judge.

BTW fuck all you actual bootlickers in this thread.

>> No.1277612
File: 87 KB, 220x178, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of mine got his car booted while we were at the movies. He happened to have a set of these things in his car and the boot happened to be on the wrong end of the vehicle. He jacked up the car and put the dollies under the tires. The ones he had were casters and smaller than these. So, we drifted around every turn.

Anyway, that morning the cops show up at his house to arrest him, but the boot was still on the car so they didn't arrest him. He paid a fine for whatever the parking fine was and they took the boot off.

He can tell the story much better than I can, especially the drifting part.

>> No.1277619
File: 37 KB, 550x377, 177693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Called repo services.

This isn’t a case of repossession, OP never signed a contract taking out a loan with the parking lot company, they can’t just go off on a razzia and steal his property even if they have proof that he destroyed their wheel boot.

All they can do is file a court claim against him and unless they have a photo of OP’s car in their parking lot with their wheel boot on it, (simply writing down his license plate number ain’t enough) they’ve got nothing as he can just claim there was never a boot on his car.

>> No.1277625

>never signed a contract
You don't do this when you get gas but it's an implied transaction so it's just as legally binding
>cant go off on a razzia and steal his property
No that's not what towing a car off a lot is at all.
>all they can do is file a claim
Depends if the services are private or municipal. Here it's a joint venture so you're fucked. And if you have outstanding tickets during plate and license renewal ur fucked as well. Contested or not you are guilty until proven innocent in parking bullshit when filed to some government.

Also why do people assume parking enforcers don't have a fucking camera/cell phone? Most parking schemes are all electronic and controlled.

>hurr durr what boot? Gah I'm sooooo smrt

And the worst part it's all about convenience in the most fucked up way

>be buddy
>get into accident
>all his fault, killed an entire family, basically first degree.
>3 days later still driving to work
Fucker should be in cuffs

>be buddy #2
>had a few hundred in unpaid parking.
>pulled over quickly
>off to jail, car towed.

Over parking tickets.

So no I don't buy your bullshit about how they can't steal your property over this shit. And yes the parking bill has gone to repo companies in the past but those are rare cases. Usually the popò provide free repo services.

If the property doesn't get claimed the cops get to auction it. I dare you to tell me that isn't theft.

>> No.1277635
File: 27 KB, 300x225, enforcer-atv-wheel-boot-300x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> “You used our parking lot, so we now own your 1st born child.”
> “What?! No way!”
> “Sorry, it was an implied transaction when you parked here.”

You are simply wrong, a private parking lot / garage can NOT seize your car or any of your property, either for unpaid parking fees or for destroying their wheel boot.

They can only file a legal claim against you. This is what the COURT SYSTEM is for.

They can _tow_ your car off their property to a storage lot and force you to pay the parking fees/fine to get it back (and auction off your vehicle after X amount of time if you never pay the bill) but they can’t hunt you down and steal your car off your own private property for any reason.

Now a municipal (i.e. government owned) lot/garage can conceivably seize your vehicle, (though they wouldn’t bother, they’ll just bill your property taxes for the fees) as this would legally be considered a “lien” on your property by the government but a private parking company can NOT do that.

>> No.1277638

We are saying the same thing.

Just park on your public encroachment. Not all. Municipalities think like you.

>> No.1277643
File: 199 KB, 640x427, lowrider-truck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replace shocks with airbags
>lover vehicle to the ground when parked
>cant get boot on wheels with the body in the way
>cant tow vehicle because they cant hook it up
>sit back and laugh as fucktard booter tries to figure out how to boot car or have it towed
>when they walk away bewildered, hop in car and drive away quickly, giving them the finger telling them to have a nice day

>> No.1277644
File: 2.85 MB, 854x480, Oops.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you totally forget you did that and end up driving off with no lugs?

>> No.1277646

They have wheel dollies to raise the front wheels up in order to get the vehicle like that onto a rollback. Also, they could just toss some sand in front and behind your vehicle and it'd high center if you tried to move it.

>> No.1277647


or, I don't know, call me crazy old guy, PARK WHERE IT'S OK TO FUCKING PARK AND STOP BEING A DOUCHEBAG?

kids. that whole "everybody gets a championship trophy" thing ruined a generation or three.

>> No.1277653
File: 89 KB, 730x545, likeavirgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


check out this white knight faggot! go to bed kid, your mommy is waiting to tuck you in, ponyfag virgin

>> No.1277655
File: 2.88 MB, 480x268, Meanwhile....webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope he had a spare.

>> No.1277660


yes, but they cant raise the vehicle if its completely on the ground. how the fuck would they get anything under it? if they cant raise the body with a jack how the hell do you think they can get the wheels off the ground?

not to mention they can severely damage a vehicle trying to jack it up in this state. its basically touching the ground, theres no space to get anything under it. think before you type kid.

>> No.1277667


do you have a thesaurus that consists only of memes?

>> No.1277676
File: 200 KB, 640x359, underage_faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


of course not, kid.

>> No.1277678
File: 80 KB, 800x434, 1474878285343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was hoping for explosion

>> No.1277682

Man, there's a lot of kiddies ITT acting tough, pretending they can win in a fight with the government. Like that one guy said, they log the license when they put it on so you're fucked if you take it off.

>> No.1277685

Man, there's alot of white knight faggots ITT acting tough, pretending they are experts on the law and like that one guy said, private boots are not owned by the government and the government cant do shit if you take it off

>> No.1277694

ahh yes I see what you are saying now.

>> No.1277700
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You are the scum of the earth and I hope you get herpes

>> No.1277705

Felony for what's essentially property damage seems kind of extreme, but I guess it's a couple hundred bucks of damage and intentional, unless you drive off like homer, maybe you can say you didn't notice.

>> No.1277710

In canukastan they don't give a fuck.

In some cities the driver is smart enough to not tow my truck as its awd and it locks all 4s. Tow it and it's a big expense. So they wait cause they don't wanna get sued.

Other cities not so much. I've watched plow operators plow away vehicles. Owner has zero recourse. No restitution. Judge says you shouldn't of parked there. You get left holding your dick in your hands plus all other fees.

The moment you are licensed and plated your are subject to all sorts of fines. You have no rights as a motorist. Never have.

>> No.1277755

the boot is a machine to make you pay for your driving and parking crimes, not just random government property. Punching a cop is not the same as punching a random stranger.

>> No.1277770

>not to mention they can severely damage a vehicle trying to jack it up in this state.

And your point is....? They aren't liable for damage incidental to towing. And if they did scrape the bottom up sliding it onto a flatbed, could you prove the damage wasn't from you scraping yor stanced shitbox over speed bumps?

>> No.1277838

Die in a fire!

>> No.1277853

Can you get good lock picking equip from ali express?

>> No.1277868
File: 2.74 MB, 480x270, Hydraulic Wheel Dollies From Eastwood!.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You post a car like that and you don't fucking know what a wheel dolly is? Fucking poser.

>he probably doesn't even know what lift is.


>> No.1277871

That's because you are using their roads and shit.

>> No.1277932

yes, it's a revenue stream, and government cares more about revenue than violence.

>> No.1277959

Get a hex key lock pick

>> No.1277960

It's literally a civil issue and you should stop bitching

>> No.1277961

Faggots like you are literally the reason people get away with booting cars and other bullshit ways to make money. Congrats on being what's wrong with the world you piece of shit.

>> No.1277973

Just put a boot on your car that you have the key for, then they won't put it on there because they'll think they did it.

>> No.1278007

>take photo of car with boot and ticket
>remove boot, put ticket in glove box
>drive home
>park in front of your home
>put boot and ticket back on
>call up and complain that your car was booted in your driveway/front of your house

>> No.1278042

If I ever decide to kill myself, I'm going to go around and cut off boots first. Do a bit of good for the world.

>> No.1278044

What do you take them to small claims court for?

>> No.1278066

>The company still has the authority to search for your vehicle and impound it in most circumstances.

That's illegal search and seizure, federally in the USA. They have to call the cops who have their own people who do that.

>> No.1278078

You'd better check the real applicable laws instead of those you imagine are applicable, particularly regarding booting vehicles on private property.

Your or my opinion doesn't matter. Legal precedent does.

>> No.1278114

>Are there any angle grinders that you can plug in to a car socket
no, just no.

battery grinders have only just started getting good due to power draw being huge, a poxy car socket isn't going to power one.

get a battery one, the batteries stay charged for ages, but you can keep the charger in your boot and charge the battery of an inverter or whatever, problem solved.

>> No.1278118

>tested my yard sale Ryobi with a car battery and it works fine
if by 'fine' you mean it makes it spin then cool. Try putting any load on it or using it and you will quickly find that you are a retard.

>all that twaddle and going round the houses when you could buy a shitty cheap inverter, charge a battery, and use a decent cordless like Milwaukee or Makita etc.

Cos yeah, carrying a full blown cutting set around in your boot is really smart.

jesus fuck

>> No.1278120


or, like, just get an 18v as 20v is the same thing with added marketing bullshit.

>> No.1278164

>Cos yeah, carrying a full blown cutting set around in your boot is really smart.

>He doesn't carry around a spare set of tools for his trade in case the equivalent of "IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE?" happens

>or just in case he comes across some choice salvage by the roadside

>> No.1278171

I suppose I should get a flying car and park on rooftops.

>You'll never boot me alive coppers!

>> No.1278179
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>bolt cutter

Why do you feel the need to make so much noise? The boot itself looks intimidating, but it's literally only held on by a single lock. Bolt cut the lock and take the boot off. Then take the boot with you and throw it away. Then it's just your word against theirs. Anyone can write down a license plate number but unless they have you on video they have no proof it was ever on your car, much less that the boot itself ever existed. Play ignorant, with the boot missing they can't prove anything.

>> No.1278180

OP have you thought about putting down shipping containers around the city on the sidewalks and just parking inside the container?

>> No.1278203

now thats american level of law wtf
so they can just fuck your car up and you have to prove they were it.

here in germany the towtruck guy needs to make photos with a camera
so HE can prove the damage was there before he towed you.

>> No.1278207

>They take pictures/video of everything.

So go out at night and look for illuminators with NV. Disable cameras and remove the boot.

>> No.1278209

A lot of traffic cops now use a camera on their person like a POV and a cell phone to take photos of stuff like that.

>> No.1278415

If you screw a 12V grinder onto the battery terminals there's no way you'll not have enough available power, though you should watch that you don't drain the battery too much. Car batteries frequently provide hundreds of amps. Also watch that the battery protection circuitry isn't in the grinder itself otherwise having it see the possibly 14V of the car when the alternator is running might be bad.

>> No.1278428

>hundreds of amps

For how long anon?

>> No.1278431

Lost wages. I'm a contractor so it's pretty easy to prove x hours = x dollars.

>> No.1278437

For maybe 30s before things might start to get a little toasty, but a few bursts of 30s with time to cool down in-between, if not just one, should be all it takes to get through a tiny lock like that.

>> No.1278451


Are you FUCKING trying to tell me I'm not entitled to park crossways in a handicapped spot?

I just gotta run in real quick for pop tarts, why you gotta be a parking nazi? ANTIFA! ANTIFA!

>> No.1278911


What keyboard offers this kind of typo possibility?

I'm afraid to ask, but why the picture?

>> No.1278915

good for you

>> No.1278945

>All the retards in thread
You take boots off by deflating your tire. It slips free then. Plus, you don't damage it, so they won't bill you for it. Although, they do require that you return it.

>> No.1278963
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I'm not sure what kind of locks boots in your neighborhood have, but in Denver they put these cheesey master-keyed padlocks on to keep them shut. All you had to do was get one of these brazing torches to melt the zinc guts of locks out and you pop the lock open with a screwdriver. If you get pulled over again for it just ask them for proof they booted the right car. My best friend got a case thrown out for that.

>> No.1278964

Hahahaha fucking brilliant

>> No.1278966

Buy a universal 7 or 9 pin key. Aliba express has them. Unlock and return the boot.

>> No.1278967

In Chicago they have cameras on the Vans that read the plates and boot installation. They drive around till a camera spots one, I removed one number on each of my plates.

>> No.1279074

too many redditors in this thread

>> No.1279084

>wasting all this time with a blowtorch on a masterlock
Just rake it with a tuna can lid and it'll pop open.

I have literally opened one with a zip tie at work before.

>> No.1279087

I knew somebody who got a ticket that did that type of thing. The ticket envelope pretty much a parking pass.

>> No.1279088

Goodbye brake lines, parking brake cable, and potentially shock.

>> No.1279128

"Some well-meaning Good Samaritan must have removed the boot before I drove off. It wasn't on my tire when I got in my car"

>> No.1279158
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>> No.1279168
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>> No.1279177

Sand eats through sheet like that pretty fast. You can only slide down a few hills.

>> No.1279217

>arm resting out the window like it's a regular day
he's driving pretty well all things considered.

>> No.1279227

Anodised aluminium might be the way to go considering its hardness. If you hydroform the sheet into a slightly concave boogie-board shape and anodise the outside without sealing it you'd probably get pretty good results, assuming unsealed anodised aluminium doesn't have a high coefficient of friction. The rest of the board would probably be plywood with some supports to stop the aluminium from collapsing.

>> No.1279230

Same reason you take photos of any disassembly.

So you can place the ticket and boot back in the exact same orientation.

>> No.1279243
File: 382 KB, 750x724, d2d6a41712fc6d4a34c9e5be9ab815f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bout not parking in the red zone?

>> No.1279263

>you're not supposed to park here
>so we'll put a thing on your car to make it impossible to leave

>> No.1279275

The red zone is for loading and unloading only.

>> No.1279915

>5 times
20 years dungeon

>> No.1279936

The glarp zone is for flarping and unglerping only.

>> No.1279964

there are shitons of manuals for evey bootout there, to be removed with a simple set of tools without the need to grind shit just google

>> No.1280729

Nice shitpost!

Personally, I generally keep a Milwaukee M18 angle grinder and at least one battery in my truck. It's not for boots, though, because I am not a nigger. I do a lot of offroading all over the western half of the United States, which means very frequently I find myself on Forest Service, BLM, or even private roads in the middle of nowhere. I NEVER, absolutely NEVER, plan on cutting a lock or chain because that sort of niggery is what gets trails permanently blocked off and makes normies hate off-roaders. However, I live in constant worry that one of two things will happen: Either I'll go through a gate/road just before a ranger closes it for the season (trails in the Sierras, and some other areas, are often closed seasonally or even for years at a time) and meet up with a locked gate on my way home, or I'll do a long trip only to meet with a locked gate at the other end. In that case, doubling back would either be unfeasible (especially because offroading is much harder and more dangerous after sundown) or impossible in the rare case that I went down a hill I couldn't get back up.

Although I've never used it this way, other /out/ists sometimes use them to 'open' barred entries to caves and abandoned factories/mines.

>> No.1281035

You don't understand batteries do you?

It's not just about amps and volts, you need the right discharge rate as well.

You will NOT power a grinder off a car battery, at least not well enough for it to be useful.

Trust me.

>> No.1281184

>discharge rate
What is that in SI units?

>> No.1281190

On car batteries, they call it 'cold cranking amps' because you don't really care about your battery as long as it puts out enough amps to start your car.

On lithium cells they refer to it by 1C, 2C, 3C, etc, it's the ratio of maximal discharge current in multiples of nominal capacity, and how long it can sustain that discharge rate without suffering damage.

1C for an 1.8Ah Lithium Ion battery would be 1.8A. 1C is equal to the current you need to discharge in 1 hour nominally. For a lipo pack for a high speed RC plane, you get like 30 or 45C. And sometimes they'll advertise like '80C boost' or something. So that means your 1.8Ah 30C battery can dump 32 amps, which will drain its charge in 3.4 minutes.

>> No.1281192

The problem is specifically with using a car cigarette lighter socket, which can't even run a cigarette lighter in a lot of modern cars, and will pop a fuse at 5 Amps.

>> No.1281238

>It's not just about amps
>they call it 'cold cranking amps'
I get what you mean, but I still think that a standard car battery would be able to output enough current for long enough to get a significant way through the lock. Keep the alternator running and you can try again in maybe 30 minutes, not that that's terribly practical. Maybe we all need RedLithium™ hybrid cars that our tools plug in to.

>> No.1281319
File: 35 KB, 453x608, meanwhile in russia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>russia does it better

>> No.1281328

>You will NOT power a grinder off a car battery, at least not well enough for it to be useful.

I fucking did and my test Ryobi was indeed useful for light loads. I've used angle grinders for many years and repaired a fleet of them when I ran a tool room. I own corded, cordless and pneumatic angle and die grinders. I know whereof I speak.

It would certainly cut a lock shackle, but a Dremel will cut a lock shackle if you use the fiber-reinforced discs and take your time. I cut the rusted cab bolts off an F250 with a Dremel and they are as thick as padlock shackles.

The real solution is buy the right fucking grinder in the first place. Knowing what NOT to /diy/ is the most important part of /diy/ if you have actual work to do.

Is sensible. My bro has M18s and likes them. I have M28 and I can cut the nose off a pickup truck (body, not frame) with two batteries at most. Frame cuts can take one battery. (I do a lot of salvage.)

>> No.1281334
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but why not just make a shaped charge and blast it off?

>> No.1281358
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Detroit anon here...even here you will get arrested for cutting a boot off a vehicle.
OP is obviously autistic

>> No.1281360
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Takes twenty minutes to remove tires every day before work.

>> No.1281364
File: 1.47 MB, 3264x1836, 20171021_085135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually pretty accurate...downtown has been on the rise.
But it still doesn't change the fact that Detroit sucks. I live north about 25 miles. And haven't been to that shit hole in over a year.

>> No.1281368

He's probably thinking he will fix it when he gets home.

>> No.1281371

A.K.A. as go Jack's the original creator of these.

>> No.1281415

just make friends with a traffic cop and get them to give you a city sticker

>> No.1281441

>just make friends with a traffic cop and get them to give you a city sticker

A box of cream-filled dognuts is all it usually takes.

>> No.1281521

>lug nut locks

I should be using your pic for my idea. Jesus christ youre dumb.

>> No.1281597

You're an idiot.

>> No.1281627


Everything I said is accurate and easily demonstrated for themselves with any of the tools I mentioned so no need to take my word for anything. Now go back to licking windows since adult conversation is beyond you.

I defy you to take issue with anything I said. Be specific. Oh, wait, you couldn't do that the first time and likely have zero metalworking or mechanical experience.

>> No.1281649

Just get this car. https://youtu.be/cDoRmT0iRic?t=164

>> No.1281656

Why not put a boot on the wheel when you park, they can't put another on and you can remove yours.

>> No.1281670


>> No.1281720
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Sure they can't...

>> No.1282426
File: 178 KB, 1200x900, IMG_20170911_171114.jpg.c68c83e9db20f41a65e675fd50815188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to get some serious shit done Makita makes a 7in cordless grinder that runs off of two 18v batteries.

>> No.1282439

Can't fit a boot on my car. She rides too low :)

>> No.1282751

Just cut off the lock, then get a new lock and keep the boot with you. Put it on your car each time you park. Do I want to pay the fine? Naah, I like my boot, I'll keep it, thanks!

Or for extra fun, have a boot from a different municipality from out of state preferably, then use it and the parking enforcement officer says WTF this says city of Chicago LOL then when you are actually in Chicago use a boot from New York hahaha

>> No.1282780

That's just crazy enough to work.

I'd love to see a boot maid try to slap one on that car.

>> No.1282782

please post link. I live for subverting (((authority)))

>> No.1282785

>shamelessly admitting to robbery and kidnapping
you're trash t b h

>> No.1282876


>> No.1282893
File: 64 KB, 760x230, boot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>buy a tire boot on Amazon for 60 bucks
>every time you park, put boot on
>car never gets stolen
>car never gets booted because they assume it's one of their boots when in fact it's your boot

You can even get cheaper boots for like 20 bucks but they don't look anything like the boot in OP's picture and probably wouldn't fool whoever normally boots vehicles in his area.

>> No.1282896

why not buy 4 for the price of 3

>> No.1282927

>please post link

I lost it. Story was originally on /o/. As I remember it, police sided with him and he won (gave boot back but no fine).

>> No.1282929

>parking in an area where your car might get stolen
>even being in an area where you car might get stolen

>> No.1282935
File: 95 KB, 720x960, Boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can put some types of wheel clamps on these (pic related). But you can't keep someone from taking their wheel off and putting on a spare. Toss the booted wheel in the trunk and drive home. Offer to sell parking enforcement their boot back.

>> No.1282943

why didn't he take the tire?

>> No.1282959
File: 56 KB, 757x527, 1508100569628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just booby trap your tire

>> No.1282991

in your city, cops put these things on your tire?
in my city theres no cops, they steal your tires!
1 time i saw them steal nice rims from a jaguar,
it was at a stoplight running with the owner in it,
you think hed rather have a boot or fight jemal?
sorry but id pay any ticket not to be shanked,
knife still bloody from the hoe who gave him aids.

>> No.1283133

Power a proper grinder off a car battery and cut through some similar thick steel, then post it here.

I run a fucking mechanical engineering firm, you fucknut, so yeah, I know a bit.

>> No.1283134

Not to mention, why the fuck would you attempt to run a mains grinder from a car battery, when you could much more easily use a decent cordless grinder and use a cheapo inverter to charge the battery as and when you need it?

Just how well do you think a grinder running off a car battery would fair compared to a proper battery grinder with the ability to simply charge battery packs?

Why don't you go the whole hog and tow a fucking compressor around and use air tools?

Talk about fucking retarded.

>> No.1283144
File: 657 KB, 907x1210, 20171122_124249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.Oh, wait, you couldn't do that the first time and likely have zero metalworking or mechanical experience

Not everyone is like you, basement dweller.

>> No.1283148


this is just sad.

>> No.1283149

get a pen that starts writing instantly...

>> No.1283150
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>> No.1283238

I think photo was taken just to illustrate the win over parking Nazis. Probably loaded tire in trunk afterwards.

One other possibility: ordinance stating that 'taking' boot is felony. So, don't take.

>> No.1283249

Get a trailer, start a free car wreck removal service, pick up wreck drop it off on the side of the road and wait for hoa take it away for free.

>> No.1283253


carry an emergency fill up thing so you dont have to drive on a totally flat tire. got my car booted a couple of times by my university, was able to remove them this way

>> No.1283529

And given the scope of misc castle/stand-ya-ground legislation, I'll pretty sure, depending on the state, if you can fuck with a car on your property.
I mean, if I can shoot an anon for doing me a spook in my yard, it follows I can do the same to his car. Course, this is al conjecture, and I'd have to actually look it up on my state's shitty site.

>> No.1283532

If you insist on being a nigger it depends on your local laws. Because of the way mine are worded (you pay for the removal of the boot) you can legally do it as long as you do not damage the boot in the process of removal (pick it) and somehow get the boot back to the booting company or else it is considered theft. That's all in theory though.

>> No.1283556

Alternate question: what can I do to make my car un-towable

>> No.1283558

That thread was legendary

>> No.1283562

just use mattracks instead of wheels on your car

>> No.1283573

Get an inverter you can plug into your cigarette lighter.

>> No.1283577

>Then you will incru civil and criminal liability.

Only if they can prove that you removed the boot. It doesn’t matter that they have a log connecting your car with that boot. You never saw a boot, don’t know anything about it. Meanwhile, they don’t have a damaged boot to enter into evidence because whoever removed the boot from your car must have dropped it off of a bridge. Or maybe tossed it into one of those streetcorner burn barrels that bums gather around to stay warm.

>> No.1283584

Ok how about this:

We live in a free capitalist economy right ?
So we need a new law and a new service.

The new law is:
A boot which prevents the wheel from being removed is illegal to use. Once the wheel is removed the boot can be easily removed.

The new service is:
A company that will stop by and change your wheel for $35, much cheaper than the $150 boot fee.

The company or individual leaves the boot lying in the parking spot for the business owner/ city to collect .

This is more than enough deterrence for illegal parking and will not result in these excessive bills to get out of the mess.

>> No.1283738

remove tires after parking

>> No.1283740

Nothing can totally prevent it from being towed, only can make it annoying to tow, if they’re protected from damage liability on an illegally parked vehicle then theirs a way to move it... even with the tires off you just get a rollback with a big ass winch and drag it up on the bed, scraped the shit out of it but hey your not liable...

>> No.1283744

My step brother used to have a big 4x4 Ford with a lot of lift and giant mud tires, if he had to park it somewhere crappy he’d put it in 4wd mode in gear on low and then lock the doors, in Ohio they can’t open the doors and get in the cab, it had enough contact with the ground that the only reasonable way to move it would be to either break in and take it out of gear, or disconnect a drive shaft, which could be done but would take time.. so he figured he was good for at least an hour before they’d be able to take the truck... worked well till he pissed off one towing company by parking in the same place too often and they brought 4 of those dollies that go under tires... he took it in stride, made for a funny story though

>> No.1283747

>prevent it from being towed

Laws can prevent businesses open to the public from recklessly towing vehicles. The city can usually use tickets as a deterrent, rather than expensive booting or towing.

Also with all this new smart phone technology they could make it a law they have to attempt to contact you and give you time to move the car for a first offense, unless it's some emergency situation.

A lot of parking incidents are devoid of any real criminal intent or purely accidental, so getting stuck with a $400 towing bill could be deemed excessive force in many cases.

>> No.1283748

why didn't they just winch it onto a flatbed?

>> No.1283753

It had big mud tires with great grip and a load of firewood in the bed with all 4 wheels locked so they wouldn’t turn... pretty hard to pull

>> No.1283759
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>unless it's some emergency situation.

Yup, but then its tow trucks be damned. Bonus points for pic related because the shit who parked in front of the hydrant had just bought the BMW new 2 days prior.

>> No.1283790

Friction is a bitch. OPs bro educated the towing company to buy dollies which they should have had anyway. A properly equipped rollback will have dollies and skates.

Skates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dl8_Z15GEDU

Winching anything onto a rollback is a hassle if the tires won't roll, hence skates. If it was a scrap pickup they'd just do it anyway and beat the shit out of the vehicle. You can pick vehicles with no wheels that way.

Dollies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfFRxrPaRYM

>> No.1283831

What is the point of boots?

The parking spot must be left open? Or it's only for tenants? The boot doesn't solve that, the spot remains restricted from its intended use

>> No.1283855

What's the point of imprisoning a murderer? It won't revive the people who died.

>> No.1283866

I'm thinking, they probably just did that to be evil.
funny tho.

>> No.1283879


Probably was a little bit of a fuck you in there, but it was an 8 alarm fire so what needed to be done got done.

>> No.1283884

When towing a car over illegal parking, no one gives a crap here. Our courts are, and have always been, the side bringing the case has the burden of proof first. Not the other way around.

>> No.1283893

Hose needs STRAIGHT runs for best flow and draping it over a car next to a hydrant would have kinked it.

>> No.1283899

Get a cop to do it for you

Or just use good old bat

>> No.1283907

Go Green or go home:


Eurofag option:


>> No.1283936


>> No.1283948

" " Heavy Duty " "

>> No.1283973


>> No.1284448

Grinder deniers btfo


>> No.1284827

He shouldn't be using an inverter, those grinders can run off DC.

>> No.1284932

U're right. Still works.

>> No.1284961

They would know that but they don't have enough battery voltage.

>> No.1285086

P Barnes for Congress!

>> No.1285159

26 LiPos gives 110V at full charge down to 83V at no charge, and the guy had 30 LiPos and at least 15 18650s.

>> No.1285161

Then again, all those different sizes in series would mean the capacity would be limited by the smallest one. He should make a few packs of same-size cells in series, all with the same amount of cells, and put those in parallel, and feed their outputs into a beefy boost converter.

>> No.1285167


>> No.1285170

Not if I park a car in front of said car in my driveway, check mate. All the chex; checkers, check-fil-a, checkoslovakia

>> No.1285926
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Step it up, OP.

>> No.1286614
File: 43 KB, 550x431, Makita-18V-LXT-Folding-Bicycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or you can just throw some power tool batteries on a E-bike.

>> No.1286636

Get an electronic pick gun and pick the lock.

>> No.1286698

Stop breaking the law asshole!!!

>> No.1286705

Are you kidding? That looks pretty much like the most non-dickish way to handle the situation period
>Fire is happening, presumably human lives in danger
>Human lives have greater value than car parked in front of hydrant
>Break easily replaceable thing (windows) to fix the situation
>No visible damage to body, they sure as hell didn't try to tow or ram it out of the way with the fire truck
>Car owner will have to deal with broken windows, but given where he parked the fire department could have done whatever they wanted to get the car out of the way

>> No.1286707

Fuck off weirdo