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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1275349 No.1275349 [Reply] [Original]

What life hacks can you give us to save time in life? I'm tired of doing stuff myself and I want an easy way out. What do you do in life to avoid basic bitch stuff?

>Protip: Buy a Roomba. You'll never have to sweep or vacuum again

>> No.1275358

Live near where work or study. You shouldn't have to lose an hour every weekday getting places.

>> No.1275366


commute time is basically unpaid and unproductive work hours. which lowers your effective pay rate.

>> No.1275436


why not an all-in-one appliance that also cooks and cleans?

Q: why does a bride wear white?

A: so the dishwasher matches the refrigerator.

>> No.1275448


Yes, expensive, but man, if you stick to stuff that can be done in one bowl i.e. mixed and cooked by the Thermomix its both delicious and saves loads of time.

>> No.1275657
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you can get all kinds of smart gedgets you can hock up in your hose and control them over internet from heating to fridge, you can get a robot to clean your windows and so on
pic releted smart radiator valves

>> No.1275664

Stop spending half your waking life consuming digital media out of boredom, suddenly you'll have tons of time for stuff, and you won't even have to spend thousands on dishwashers (impractical in single households anyway), vacuuming robots, window cleaning robots or internet thermostats.

>> No.1275667

But I consume digital media because it's fun. Chores are boring..

>> No.1275674

Yeaaah... This era of smartphones and constant internet access everywhere sucks. And I'm an old-fashioned who isn't that obsessed with this thing. Just think about the poor youngsters who can't entertain themselves without internet access...

But I found out that listening to audio books while doing chores makes it nice. Then I'm concentrating on the book, not on the chores. Yay!

>> No.1275679

A Roomba honestly is pretty fucking sweet.

>freeze raw, preprepared food in portions.

e.g. burger patties - takes roughly the same time to mix the meat and spices (and whatever else you like in there) whether it's for 6 patties or 20. Then individually cling wrap the raw patties and freeze them. Now you cannhave fresh, cheap, delicious burgers whenever, with almosy zero hassle - the past you did all the work.

Good going, past you.

>> No.1275687

Honestly I'm probably saving the most time cooking several portions at a time and then either emptying them over the course of three days in the fridge or - if you want a bit more variety - eating one and freezing the rest and then reheating various single portions from the freezer. Cooking single portions is a huge waste of time, and honestly I'd have to throw away half my ingredients all the time.

>> No.1275717

If you came to the do it yourself board not wanting to do anything yourself then I have bad news for you

>> No.1275720

If only was that easy, I have to lose up to 2 hours a day because bus is slow as fuck. I'm considering buying a motorcycle or an e-bike, since parking a car in my city would take twice as long.
This, I have one, just dump the ingredients in and wait, recipes are spot on.

I also recommend installing motion activated lights in your hallways, it might seem silly, but it's really convenient and saves energy.

A roomba is also a good purchase, I spend 1 hor a week cleaning.

>> No.1275724

It's also nicer to reinvent the food.

Leftover chicken goes in a wok (additional ingredients - noodles and ve and spices). Time to make, as chicken is already cooked - 5-7 minutes

>> No.1275733

I like woodworking and welding. Not menial tasks.

>> No.1275745


>> No.1275747


Well, partly - I love to cook when I have the time to do it properly, but when I do not, it's just annoying.

Oh, and I find storing slices/diced veg in the fridge also makes things more convenient.

>> No.1275756
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>>Protip: Buy a Roomba

>> No.1275758

Stop that. This is a nice thread, let's keep it going.
You poor bastard. I'm pissed about my commute, and it's only a half hour each way. Problem for me is, I'm stuck in a small town with shit jobs taking care of family and have to go to the city for decent pay.
How old are you, anon? I hate this world of placating digital distractions, the modern panem et circenses. I hate the convenience, but I find myself addicted to it.
Will look into this. Thanks, internet!
Wash dishes immediately after using them, never get dishpan hands again.
Reorganize your dresser from individual items (sock drawer, shirt drawer, pants drawer) to outfits suited to activity and weather (work drawer, play drawer, inclement drawer); grab a bundle and hop in the shower when you get up each morning.
Take your shoes off at the door, sweep/mop less often because most dirt is tasked into, rather than generated within, the house (parents: YMMV).

Even just doing little things like that will free up noticeable bits of time, things will go a little bit more smoothly, and stress levels go down.

>> No.1275760

Never had burger stuff last long enough to justify more then 6 patties, shit goes bad.

>> No.1275761

Protip, don't have pets.

Fucking love the things, but 300+$ to buy a pet, then thousands over the course of its life to keep them healthy and alive... not to mention the little bullshit like vomit or shit they tend to do often.

>> No.1275763
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Fucking autocorrect.

>> No.1275766
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>> No.1275772

Good goy

>> No.1275781

Just adopt 18 yo "children" that way you skip ahead ad don't need to waist time raising them, they don't listen anyway...

>> No.1275783

Really? I've stored frozen beef patties in the freezer for a couple of months. Helps if the buns you use are also frozen - I always find leftover buns go mouldy before I find a use for them.

>> No.1275810

I killed the dog, bought a flesh light and had a burglar alarm installed.

No feed/walking/picking up shit and hoovering, new best friend and an automatic nigger repellent.

>> No.1275816

Those are just racing stripes because they go so fast
>pro tip: do a once over before they run, pickup any cables etc.

>> No.1275830

Stay off 4chan

>> No.1275910

It's not the robot's fault that you shat on the floor.

>> No.1275926

To live anything resembling a modern life you have to do chores. Most people have shit habits doing them and it makes them take longer than you need them to.

Always put forks all in one spot. Then all knives in one spot, etc. When you run it you just need to grab them all and toss them in the drawer. Sort when putting them in there, not when taking them out. I've seen WAY too many people who do this wrong and just throw random utensils in and then waste time sorting.

Similar plan. As you fold, sort into piles that match your drawers/whatever. Nothing is dumber than people who fold into random piles, then bring the laundry to wherever they put it away and have to then sort it one by one.

Stop fucking owning more than a few styles of sock or you waste so much time sorting them. Have one regular sock and one dress sock. Maybe one specialty sock if you need a tall work sock or something. Throw away every sock you own and buy a shitload of one type.

One giant, cheap crockpot meal a week. Make rice or pasta on the side. Pork shoulder, chicken thighs, beef chuck. All cheap and work with tons of different flavors to have some variety.

If it is long, best make the most of it. Don't be in silence or garbage music. Get some audio books or relevant podcasts. It takes your mind off driving and turns wasted time into something you would do sitting on the couch anyway.

Shop once a week or less. Only in stores that are next to each other even if you have to spend a few more bucks to shop somewhere else. Stop wasting time shopping. Lots of super markets offer delivery or pickup groceries now. Buy in bulk during good sales. Get a big chest freezer for cheap and store extra stuff from sales.

>> No.1276016

you could hire a maid for a lot less than that

>> No.1276023

Audiobooks are a fucking godsend.

>Tfw job with minimal customer interaction
>Just put my headphones in and listen to audiobooks all day

>> No.1276034

What the fuck are you saying you stupid cunt?

>> No.1276038


I paid $100 from a no kill shelter who rescues dogs on a county shelters kill list. And $200.00 for a very young dog who was at a different shelter. I pay $45 bucks a month for both pet insurance and $15 a month for both for flea tick heartworm and worm medication.

I spend 50 every two months for food, and 10 or 15 on milk bones.

I get a bark box every month for 20 bucks.

So somewhere under 1500 hundred a year including treats, medication toys and other stuff.. For both..

So, if both dogs live 12 years, about 18 thousand.

My roi isn't monetary its emotional. And to me worth it. My lab mix would die for me. He would fight 10 bears off if he could.

I wouldn't trade our lazy days, walks, laughs, and plays for a lousy 1500 a year.

>> No.1276040
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Forgot pic

>> No.1276058
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>usg pro
mah nigga

>> No.1276164


Yeah that and 3 uap ac lrs. Its niiice.

>> No.1278253

Set ALL of your bills to auto-pay. You owe them anyway, and you'll never have to worry about if they're paid or not. If you want to see the amount you paid for something just check your bank account, you should be keeping an eye on this anyway.

Put dishes directly into the dish washer. You'd be surprised how much time is wasted in your life moving them from the sink to the dishwasher every single time you want to do a load.

Brush your teeth in the shower. Also get a suction cup mirror and shave in the shower.

Buy in bulk, especially for non-tangible items. Get the biggest pack of paper towels, toilet paper, etc. you can. Typically you pay less per roll this way, and you don't have to shop as often

>> No.1278285

Not making thus thread, or not reading the replies.

You can never know how life turns out, so even if you get a dishwasher, you might miss out on another ultimately even bigger timesaver that you would have encountered down the road if only you chose the lifepath that involves you doing the dishes manualy.

tldr: just live

>> No.1278290
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Don't buy a Roomba.
This has better pathing, better app, better build quality, bigger battery and it is 1/3 the price.

>> No.1278294

Roomba or cheap chinese knockoff which works for over a year now and only cost me 100 bucks.
Dishwasher haleluja
Buy large amounts in the supermarket. Freeze stuff.

>> No.1278299

>Brush your teeth in the shower. Also get a suction cup mirror and shave in the shower.

the rest of your post was good. this part is asinine.

>> No.1278607

Where did you get it for 1/3 a roomba?

>> No.1278840

Small dishwashers are practical for single household. They have one drawer instead of two, that's perfect for a single person.

>> No.1278851

Get a wife and have children. Make the children do everything "to build character". Hire a nanny to take care of the children.

>> No.1278853

Disposable plates and a minimum of cups, plates and gut wrenches make life simple and easy. I have a dishwasher but don't use it often. I leave a plastic tub of strong detergent and water in my sink. When I use a plate utensil it goes there. Washing is a quick rinse later on. I break up a dishwasher detergent pack into my dish detergent bottle and use that instead of paying stupid money for the same thing in water.

Learn to microwave effectively. Pyrex is my friend. Potatos are cheap and perfect for nuking. Stews, soups etc ditto. Foods you don't have to cook like fruit can be healthy and time-saving.

I shave in the shower without a mirror (you presumably know your own face) then take a few seconds to touch up after. Hot water is invigorating and softens beard.

I don't do coffee unless I need the sugar boost. Bulk caffeine pills get the job done. I don't smoke but use nicotine to take the edge off the absurd amounts of caffeine I need to function due severe sleep deprivation due to pain from neck damage. Nicotine lozenges are cheap, convenient and zero waste.

Barber trips waste time and money. I've used an Andis commercial pet clipper with #50 blades for many years. I shave my head for comfort and convenience. I follow up with an electric razor while surfing da web.

I buy bulk and use a chest freezer. It save trips and gets you deals. Mine is full of ribeyes my bro brings back from Minnesota. It's surprisingly cheap to eat steak every day if you source wisely.

I grill on the porch to avoid kitchen mess. That saves a shitload of work and avoids heating the house.

>> No.1278869

Where to get audio books for free?

>> No.1278872
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>save time in life?
>Get a wife and have children

>> No.1279071



>perfect pic for a wife and children suggestion

>> No.1279089

Stupid goyposter

>> No.1279296

Geez that looks terrible. "We reinvented simplicity" then go down the list to talk about all the parts and buttons and gizmos where if any one of them breaks the whole thing is useless. It is a blender and a crockpot. Definitely get a crockpot. Lowest investment of time for cheap healthy meals that is possible.

>> No.1279344

How about you stop being fucking boring?

>> No.1279362

Have a wastebasket in every room.

>> No.1279484

Leave no waste.

>> No.1279490

Have a toilet in every room.
Or even better, stick a tube into your dick, tape a piss bag to your thigh and save the time it takes to walk to the toilet, take a piss and walk back. You will save weeks of time over the course of your life if you stick to it.

>> No.1279498

Re request

>> No.1279507

From torrents, I would assume.

>> No.1279885

Write your grocery shopping list in order of where stuff is located in the store. That way you're not running all over the store when you get there.

If there's anything you do daily that's annoying, find a solution. For example every night when I showered a little water would drip out of the tub onto the floor. I bought curved splash guards that directs the water back in the tub, and now I never have to clean up water on the floor again. I installed a detachable shower head on a hose to easily clean soap and shampoo off the shower walls.

>pro tip: buy a curved shower curtain rod, that shit is god tier. If you ever wanna buy something for less than $40 that will improve your life dramatically (because you shower every day) that's a thing to buy

>> No.1279892

>because you shower every day

This is still 4chan, anon.

>> No.1279894

>I grill on the porch to avoid kitchen mess
Who the fuck doesn't?

>> No.1280085

>Vaccum cleaner
Plebs and their fancy gimmicks , we just call it a "woman".
Anyways, here faggots, life hacks
>Don't get a dog
>You don't need forks
>3 kitchen knives including one to peel shit
>Liquid soap to wash dishes is shit, use a dishwash bar if you can
>don't overdo with tea cups and china
>Rather than buying faggy plates and china/plastic plates , get silverware/steel cutlery, lasts longer, stays cleaner and looks better
>Rice is the thinking man's food, cheap, dense in calories and good for bulking, tasty and with multiple ways to cook it to get different tastes
>Learn to cook, buy vegetables from farm sales and stock on potatoes and beans
>Brown people know their ingredients, and might sell shit cheaper
>Eating instant ramen all day everyday if you can't help it isn't bad for your body
>Yoga and other assorted bastardised shit doesn't work, join a fucking gym to learn self control and nutrition
>muslims and niggers are usually trouble
>beware of the vaginal Jew's trickery,love ain't real, the sweet romantic things you're doing with your gf, some other man has probably done those with her too, if she can stop loving him for you, she WILL stop loving you for someone else

>> No.1280106

1) Nobody said "cheap" in this thread - no one care about your NEET MGTOW bullshit "eat bulk rice to beat grocery semites" bullshit

2) fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.1280122

Fags and their muh pol bogeyman. Sucks to be you , I'd kill myself if I had skin as thin as yours. Achieving similar results cheaper is a life hack in my book. Must be different for your kind. Yet to prove anything I said wrong.

>> No.1280125

I grill in my backyard

>> No.1280154

The question was "save time ", what you offer is "make life cheaper and spend more time on things to spite the kikes".

>> No.1280173

>hurr google is hard

Audiobookbay is pretty solid, anything you can't find on there you can find on myanonamouse, you just have to do an ez web interview where you tell them what they want to hear.

>> No.1280265


>Brush your teeth in the shower. Also get a suction cup mirror and shave in the shower.

massive waste of water, take a 2-3 minute shower and brush teeth/shave regularly


>It takes your mind off driving
>not thinking about driving because you're listening to some podcast fags talk about worthless bullshit you'll forget about the moment you step out of your car
>rear-end a semi and die because you weren't paying attention

>> No.1280268

>2-3 minute shower


>> No.1280290

>Crashing your car because you can't listen and think about other things while you drive

Do you even have a drivers license? Have you ever driven a car?

>> No.1280297


>I'm le smart multitasking man! I'll be condescending that'll show that meanie!

yes, moron, if you pay more attention to whatever you're listening to/fiddling with your phone to put on whatever faggot shit you feel like having vomited into your piddly brain, you're more liable to crash. instead of retardedly trying to be "productive" when driving, why don't you focus on not killing anyone and driving defensively. dumbasses like you who think they can "think about other things" while driving are the reason so many people die in car accidents daily. treat driving like what it is: a dangerous convenience that can turn very deadly much faster than you can react.

>le I'm smart so I don't have to focus on driving

neck yourself before you take out a bus full of children while listening to joe rogan, fucking cockmunch.



-1 minute getting wet/lathering
-1 minute rinsing off
-1 minute shampoo

it can be cut down more, or you can take longer depending on your routine. but standing in the shower with your water running while your brush your teeth is way more wasteful than just taking 2 minutes after your shower to brush and floss properly.

>> No.1280301

You can focus on the road like a robot and drive as defensively as you want, but when Tyrone runs a red or some boomer sideswipes you, you are just as dead as me.

I'm not going to be running over toddlers or crossing the centreline because some audio is playing. Get a grip and stop dramatising. If you have any basic driving competance then the other person is going to kill you and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.1280305

Bald manlet

>> No.1280328

Instapot. Cook frozen chicken in about 20 minutes, smear on a tablespoon of salt, pepper, and rosemary first. Cheap, fast, and tasty. Add some brown rice and baby carrots(fuck peeling) for a full meal.

>> No.1280338

I enjoy my commute. Catch up on the news or listen to a book. Spend some time alone surrounded by the woods (and other cars). Maybe smoke a joint on the way home so I'm ready to clean the house in a good mood.

>> No.1280339


A godsend. I couldn't work my soul crush factory job without all the theft this site has allowed me to do.

>> No.1280350
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Neato Botvac D80 is superior in every way

>> No.1280353


eat shit

>> No.1280364

Oh no my roomba doesnt clean that 1 inch square in the corner. I just do it when I clean the skirtings.

I wish these robot cleaners had a docking station that functions as a large bin, it would be nice not to empty it every day or two.

>> No.1280377

Save money by not having a backyard

>> No.1280381

Save money by living in a tent.

>> No.1280386

Save money by not living.

>> No.1280392

Take your clothes straight from the washer and hang wet on hangers in your closet. This demands a rather large closet with open air and quite a lot of hangers, but its worth both building one and buying hangers, as it both saves time and wears a lot less on your clothes than tumbledrying.

I have been doing this for about five years, figured it out in my student room, and when i moved into a house about the first thing i did was to put up two steel pipes above eachother for this reason.

Plus none of your clothes gets forgotten about in the bottom of a drawer.

>> No.1280472

Buy a Neato, WAY better than a roomba

>> No.1280495

>having a dog that ever shits on the floor
Walk your pet you lazy nigger

>> No.1280524

Truly the final solution.

>> No.1280818

its fucking 1400$
and makes bland food because you get no mailard reaction

>> No.1281869

Don't fill up your car until the gas light comes on. You'll fill up less in life and it makes sure you use up as much of the old gas as possible.

Keep your tools organized. Nothing worse than trying to do a project and you can't find anything.

Sometimes it's ok to pay someone else to do something for you. Mow the grass, rake the leaves, a maid to clean your house, etc.

Buy LED light bulbs so you don't ever have to relaxed them again, plus it's good for the environment

>> No.1281884

Do you have to sign up? Very intriguing

>> No.1281905


I used to do this before I bought doors for my closet. After I got doors for my closet the clothes didn't really dry that fast and smelled kinda moldy.

The reason I bought the doors was because it would get dusty inside the closet and then I had to spend time cleaning it every few weeks.

>> No.1282006

accomplished, work is 10 minutes by bus or 25 minutes on foot

>> No.1282009

hire people to do it for you.

>> No.1282019

same, closed all day alone in the pressurized lab
>yay in-ear headphones and all Harry Potter books
>yaay Great Courses nad lectures on middle ages, learning while working

>> No.1282021

>believe the chinese are not scanning your flat through and dispensing gene altering aerosols by these

>> No.1282049

This is such bullshit. Every test I have seen(I did a lot of research before I bought.), the square fronts did equally shit in corners. And the bulky fronts makes them maneuver very clumsily around tight areas like underneath chairs or tables. This is because the front doesn't let it turn into any directions while standing still, the front will bump into walls or chair legs.

So you basically off trade worse maneuverability for nothing.

And its not even an issue to begin with just the air from the side brush is enough to kick up and snag any dust-bunny's anyway, so after not vacuuming for 4 months I still have no problems with dusty corners. Maybe heavyer particles can build up over time, but the shitty neato sure as hell wont get them any better than a xiaomi or Roomba.

>> No.1282525

>$ to buy a pet
What? Americans really pay money for their cats/dogs?

>> No.1282537
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>What? Americans really pay money for their cats/dogs?

who wouldn't pay $750 for a chihuahua.

I skipped over the $4000 english bulldog ads because this one seemed funnier.

>> No.1282540
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$8000 cuddle bug for sale. better act quickly.

>> No.1282551

Jesus, people in my country just ask around if anybody has a puppy/kitten and found one in a few days

>> No.1282554

That exists pretty much everywhere.
But people look for "purebred" abominations because they're a symbol of status and are ready to pay a shitload of money for it.

Kennel Clubs and breeders should be fucking outlawed.

>> No.1282563

>But people look for "purebred" abominations

Years ago my girlfriend paid a fortune for an Afghan hound that had championship papers. It was beautiful but had serious mental problems; if you touched it in any way it would stiffen and look at you out of the corner of its eye, but not really making eye contact.

She eventually tried to GIVE it away, and people were like "wow, thanks!" but a few days later they'd bring it back. She eventually abandoned it at her parent's place where I assume they fed it until it died.

>> No.1282620

your fault for bringing more living beings from the comfort of the void into this hell you call "life". I have no sympathy for parents like you.

>> No.1283168

Hahaha holy shit are you real? You are completely maladjusted

>> No.1283175

The easiest way is to stop doing anything you don't enjoy doing. Make your hobbies into something that can support yourself and live frugally, be your own boss. Then you always have time.

>> No.1283217

>Make your hobbies into something that can support yourself

in general this is a bad idea, as your fun hobby turns into work. it's only a good idea for someone who has a spouse with a real job, so he or she can sell $50 worth of pottery or liver pate each week and feel good.

>> No.1283232

there are only a few things on the list that are wrong, specifically the fork one and the yoga one.

>> No.1283241

>>Yoga and other assorted bastardised shit doesn't work, join a fucking gym to learn self control and nutrition
Or you could just start cycling to work. You save both time and money by not having to spend on the workout jew, you stay fit and you save money on cage expenses

>> No.1283242

i like to cook one pot meals. they all start with oil, garlic, and onions or shallots, some kind of vegetable and a carb. for instance, last night i started with tge usual then threw in chopped mushrooms, then chopped sundried tomatoes, red peppers and a cup of heavy whipping cream, simmer, mix in some pasta and you got a delicious meal with left overs. generally very little prep and cooking time.

>> No.1283250

When I'm lazy I always cook lecso (type of hungarian vegetable stew).
Extremely simple, single pot only (second pot for cooking rice but that's up to you, my mother ate it with bread), cheap as fuck especially during the bell pepper season where you can buy a 15kg bag of bell peppers for like 8 EUR.

>chop some kielbasa, and fry it in the Wok
>chop some onions, add to kielbasa
>fry a few minutes
>chop some zucchini or eggplant and add it to the onion and kielbasa before onions get soft
>salt, black pepper, SHITLOAD of sweet (smoked is dabest) paprika powder
>chop bell peppers and add to the rest
>a can of peeled and chopped tomatoes
>cook until it releases some moisture, but the hardness of the vegetable is up to preference I like them hard and crunchy but my sister likes it mushy
>serve with rice
A portion made from 3 kielbasas, two large onions, 3-4 bell peppers, half a zucchini, and a small can of potatoes lasts me for dinner and supper for 2-3 days. You just cook some rice.

>> No.1283368

I edit photos in my basement office. Audio books keep me sane while photoshoppibg hours after hours.
Now it's guns of navarone.

>> No.1283420


>> No.1283424

> (impractical in single households anyway)

All of those other things you listed are portable, can move with you from household to household. I like the idea of a bachelor size dishwasher that is portable. Figure, something just a little larger than a microwave. It sits on the counter next to the sink, connects to the faucet, drains into the sink. Only 1 rack. Capacity for a day’s worth of dishes from 1 or 2 people. Uses a couple gallons of water.

Ok, I had the vision, somebody else make it happen. I get 30%.

>> No.1283668

I like it

>> No.1283975
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>it makes sure you use up as much of the old gas as possible.
You know it doesn't remove the old gas when you add some new, right?

A quick google search told me it's called a compact dishwasher. It fits under the sink.

>> No.1284051

It is a countertop dishwasher. They are very common. You do not put them under the sink.

>> No.1284547

I haven't swept, vacuumed, or mopped in years because I don't give a shit. I also don't clean my bathroom, or remove dust from things. I only wash dishes once a month or so, just have way too many dishes. I have a lot of free time.

>> No.1284557

make sure to thank mommy

>> No.1284618

For what exactly?

>> No.1284718

>Being a filthy cunt
Man i never get this shit. I've lived with lazy cunts and i never get how few people understand clean more frequently = less work long term.

I at most have an hours worth of cleaning each saturday/sunday to keep on top of everything (laundry, vacuuming and so on). Do your dishes as you make and bam, clean house for fuck all work. i'm the laziest cunt I know which is why i do that shit frequently.

>> No.1284926

This here- commute time is so important to quality of life.
I live in a NYC northern suburb, and had a 20 minute commute. I got a raise and a promotion and ending up getting a commute of about 1 hour. I hated it.

I have a friend that commutes 1.5 hours into NYC for work. And another that takes a bus, then a commuter line to the subway from Jersey-almost two hours.

The amount of time they spend on their commute is obscene.
They don't want to acknowledge that NYC sucks. NYC is only good if you are really poor and can live in a subsidized apartment near wall-street, or really rich, and can afford to live in a 10 million dollar home across the street the subsided apartment projects.

>> No.1284930


I live in a country where we lose electricity frequently.

A lot of my friends start REEEEEing but I actually feel relieved and at peace.

>> No.1285818

i cant wait to diagnose some of this fuckery when it goes bad. thanks ill try it out

>> No.1286078

Invent it anon, a dock that's hooked up to a central vac which sucks off your roomba

>> No.1286095

Cant argue with you, if you can afford it, pets are great, but fuck me they just cost to much long term if I give a shit if they live or die.

>> No.1286103


>> No.1287603
File: 38 KB, 300x300, macelleria2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: have a pig as a pet.
Then eat it.

>> No.1287607
File: 248 KB, 1200x1600, macelleria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or a cow

>> No.1287872

Pee in shower

>> No.1287887

>as a pet
You are doing it wrong. If you're gonna eat it, don't give it a name, and it's livestock, not a pet.

>> No.1287936

You're doing it wrong if you're not eating your pets for sentimental values.
The real reason for not eating pets is that their meat is full of drugs not safe for human consumption.

>> No.1287958

You're a hack.

>> No.1288531

>eat romen all day
>it isnt bad for your body

you are confirmed for a retard.

>> No.1289187

Disposable dishes are so terrible for the environment though. You can't recycle them and if you eat 2 meals a day that's 700 plates a year, like a hundred pounds of garbage you simply don't have to create. You shouldn't do this.

>> No.1289190

Not that poster, but funny enough this summer I hiked 2,000 miles on basically raw ramen and olive oil. Was walking 30 miles a day in the mountains fine, so it's not gonna kill you. Just pure carbs

>> No.1289562

So you're that motherfucker driving in rush hour traffic paying attention to everything but driving.

Not entirely sure how anyone could enjoy having their life jeopardized by ignorant fucks everywhere.


>> No.1289581


stupid but most time saving tip:
If you are handy, ALLWAYS buy good tools, and buy plenty.
Theres nothing worse than dicking around using half ass tools.

you can make or fix anything quickly if you have the right tools at hand.

>> No.1289610

Is money a factor?

If it is then organization and effective habits will save time.

Now if money is not a factor. Hire a maid to wash laundry and clean the house once a week "if its needs more than that you need are disgusting or have high expectations". This is not a wife. You can exchange this person whenever. Don't commute to work its a waste of time. If you are hourly you are not making money. If you are salary its a waste of personal time. Get a robo cleaner that can be set to a schedule when the maid is not there. Meal prep.

>> No.1289655

Quit you job, start something at your own and do your own schedule. Its much simpler than it look like. If you're good at computer for example, calculate how much you can charge and take your brake when you want and skip traffic and/or charge for every move you make.

Stop washing yourself everyday, do it every 2 days. If you're someone who smell turkey has much has some people, it doesn't change anything at your odour.

Check out how much you can save on sleep. There's way to skip an hour or two sleep without missing any of it. Personnaly, I sleep two times a day. I see an opportunity and I know I wont do anything worth my time, then sleep and take other normal sleep time to do something else.

>> No.1289753

What is it called and where do I get one in Europe

>> No.1289759


learn to read captions

>> No.1289761

Buy a 20$ rice cooker you fucking cunt

>> No.1290362

This. Seems like it would make more sense to just own one plate and wash it each day.

>> No.1290394

How the fuck does 700 paper plates turn into a hundred pounds of garbage?
Can you not math and weights?

>> No.1290403

i think it was hyperbole

>> No.1291745
File: 19 KB, 213x237, IMG_6844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop having a boring life, stop having a boring wife

Linguini, Martini, Lamborghini

>> No.1291815

I limit my Internet browsing to when I'm driving. It's time efficient.

>> No.1291871

Shit in the shower. Saves tolite paper, time, won't need to clean tolite.

>> No.1291874

>Where to get audio books for free?

My public library card gives me free access to https://reads.overdrive.com/

Maybe your state has something similar?

>> No.1291875


Public library is way underrated. Even shitty ones have tons of free services. Even if they don't have a online source they will have a huge selection of CD so you can just rip em.

>> No.1291876


piss in elevators, always saves me precious time.
dont do it if there are others with you tho, some might not have the brainpower to understand this time saving technique

>> No.1291880


Kinda a difference between shitting in the shower and pissing in a public place.....

>> No.1291887

>What do you do in life to avoid basic bitch stuff?

Buy a condo or live in an apartment = No outside maintenance. The downside is neighbors.

If you have a cat, get a litter robot. It's expensive as fuck, and worth it.

Two dishwashers, one for clean, one for dirty. 80% of your dishes you use straight out of the dishwasher. Put dirty dishes in the dirty dishwasher. If you've used most of the clean dishes, go ahead and start loading the dirties in it and run it. Unless your mom lives with you there is no reason to empty it and put them all away every time. The drawer dishwashers are good for this.

Set your bills to autopay more than the normal monthly payment every month. I get refund checks from my electric company and water company once a year from this. (Fuck At&t, where my bill is never the same two months in a row.)

+1 for audiobooks as others mentioned.

Have _less_ stuff. My mom had literally hundreds of christmas decorations that had to be put up and taken down every year. That made me hate holidays because it was an assload of work. I have a ( uno one singular ) wreath and am happier for it.

"Please place me on your do not call list." & "Unsubscribe" are your friends.

Social media is not your friend. This is a pipeline of bullshittery you don't have to put up with.

Adblock plus.

Throw away all of your socks and replace them with black crew socks. When they fade, throw them out and replace. Matching socks is not a productive use of your time.

I'd like to recommend combination washer-dryer units, but I can't. I've tried them and they suck.

Steam, not iron.

If you can Carpool with a dependable person, this can give you hours of your life back. Vanpool is even better because the schedule is more predictable.

If you like to make or build stuff, join a Makerspace. You get access to tools and workspace without having to own, service, and store them. If you do this, clean up after yourself. ATX in Austin is awesome.

>> No.1291899

>Shit in the shower

Turds don't go through the little drain and you have to step on them to waffle-iron them through the drain, then your feet and shower stink like shit.

Worse, when you pull the hair clogs out of your shower now they are shitty hair clogs.

-1 do not recommend.

>> No.1291901

Bundle laundry service

... doesn't save as much time as you think, since you have to go to the cleaners to drop off and pick up.

>> No.1291902


Course you gotta waffle em. Just wash your feet after. If they smell like shit you didn't wash well :/

On the hair thing unless you're a girl that shouldn't be a problem.

I almost only shit in the shower and have no problems. I buy a 12 pack of tp like once a year for guests/blowing my nose.

>> No.1291903

everyone of them does it, look it up
they literally sell you flat layouts

>> No.1291909

>>Protip: Buy a Roomba. You'll never have to sweep or vacuum again
Those monitor your house layout and upload it to the corporation that built them. No joke, you can google this.

>> No.1291966


How? Mines not connected to the internet.

>> No.1292007

Read:sea shower. Get wet enough to lather soap on body, turn off water, lather, rinse for like 30-45 seconds. Having short hair makes it quicker

>> No.1292052

What the hell would they even gain for that type of data? I can’t imagine why any company or group that’d pay for that information.

>> No.1292109

I replaced my cotton socks (so all my sock) with regular(not thick) woolen socks.

No more sweaty feet.
No more feet smell.

Wool doesn't absorb moisture, it breathes really well, so all the moisture is transported out and not collected in your socks. Also way more durable.

>> No.1292155


Transported into your shoe resulting in smelly shoes making smelly socks.

>> No.1292178

I prefer wool socks, myself. Far more comfortable.

>> No.1292183

Nope, every step you take, you circulate air in your shoes. With cotton, that air has left it's moisture in your socks and doesn't get out. With wool, it does.

Believe me, I threw away all my other socks after having bought one woolen pair and tried them (wool doesn't mean thick) , and then bought more of them instead.

>> No.1292271

I say if there's something you hate doing then buy nice tools to do it. I hate filing so I bought nice files, now I almost look forward to using them.

>> No.1292336

get a good paying job... hire people to do everything.

life is a min max calculation for you now....

>> No.1292512

yeah maybe if you read at the same level as a 1st grader. no way i'm gonna listen to an audiobook when I could read 6 books in the time it takes some fuck to read one aloud to me

>> No.1292516

that's what they want you to believe

>> No.1292531

The problem I see with this is that small places are already infuriatingly short on counter space. Add a dishwasher and you'll have nowhere to do food prep. Anywhere bigger probably already has a dishwasher, at least in the US.

>> No.1293894

Why not shit in the toilet, and then hop in the shower?

>> No.1293932

>impractical in single households anyway

t. poorfag

>> No.1293934

>Yes goy, just hoard all your money and never spend it on things that give you pleasure so that way the state can take it all when you die

nah, fuck off.

>> No.1293935

>its another anon seriously thinks mutts dont suffer from genetic disorders like purebred do, episode.

Old and stale meme.

>> No.1293941

spend it on other shit, almost literally anything else, then will it to family when you die, or direct descendants, the state only intervenes when you have 5 million or more.

>> No.1293983


I floss and brush my teeth when I'm at the tail end of taking a shit.

>> No.1294596

This is bullshit. Even if it were true, you DO know blueprints of all houses are public record right?...

>> No.1294606

Some of us live in countries with some privacy....

>> No.1294621

always wear roller skates

wear diapers

never shower

put everything you eat into a blender

hire immigrants to do stuff for you

>> No.1294642

brush your teeth on the bus or in your car

get a robot or helper monkey to dress you

get a robot or helper monkey to rob the bank

use model trains to transport mints around

tie strings to all switches that lead to your chair

turn all chairs and seats into toilets

become a nudist

use model helicopters to deliver drugs

sleep standing up

use fart sound machines to get through crowds

>> No.1294656

>Buy in bulk, especially for non-tangible items. Get the biggest pack of paper towels, toilet paper, etc. you can. Typically you pay less per roll this way, and you don't have to shop as often

It's 2017 just order that shit online -> get the best stuff for the best prices and don't waste time waiting for other customers to pay and pack their stuff (i guess at least in the US there often are employees to do the packing).

I never understood how this system came into existence. It's basically giving up your time so the markets don't have to put in as much effort and save money. You don't get anything in return except lost time. At least people earning more than 200usd/hr should recognize how much lost potential that is but no....

>> No.1294658

>I don't do coffee unless I need the sugar boost. Bulk caffeine pills get the job done. I don't smoke but use nicotine to take the edge off the absurd amounts of caffeine I need to function

Drinking coffee for me is more a relaxation and socializing thing than just getting caffeine. Same with smoking (not smoking right now but i'll bet as soon as i get a big company job after uni i'll do). Nicotine does push your performance though. I thought about taking it independently from smokin too.

>> No.1294659

t. Björk

>> No.1294660


the only reason livestock animals don't have names is because no one cares and nobody wants to think of and remember hundreds of names. If you go to places where people have less cows or pigs than fingers it's not uncommon for them to have names and still get eaten. Nothing wrong with it (at least not more than just raising an animal for killing and eating it)

>> No.1294737

I have a roomba and they kinda suck. Damn thing's rollers get tangled with stray hairs constantly. I wish I'd just bought a regular shitty vacuum.

>> No.1294738

O don't get out of bed in the morning. This way, I'm guaranteed to not be late to go to bed at night.

>> No.1294739

Dont use cling wrap, use parchment paper. I live with just my girl and we make burgers ahead of time like this and vacuum seal them two at a time so we only have to thaw what we will eat in one night.

>> No.1295322

That little squiggle it made at the end just made me lose my shit in subway and now everyone's looking at me.

>> No.1297474

Parchment paper ftw. When I bake chicken wings I use parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Easy cleanup after, just throw it away and put the cookie sheet back

>> No.1297811

he looks like moe from the simpsons

>> No.1297819

my factory banned radio, headphones and any other source of music recently.

Nothing but riveters, metal being etched/engraved, pneumatic valves actuating, grinders on steel and the good old 1000 ton press hitting metal while doing the same action for 72 hours.

I've been here long enough to where changing jobs would be a substantial pay loss.
I joked they'd ban the color next, well, incoming uniform policy.
I hate my life.

so my blog post is /diy/ related, I made a contraband music player out of a small BT speaker and a kleenex box, I have a remote to mute it when my boss approaches and skip songs.

>> No.1297827

>I get 30%.
You get nothing.

>> No.1297867

if you wear a helmet you might be able to sneak some bone conduction headphones into it

>> No.1297928

This or those Ryobi headphone/earplug combos

>> No.1297976

Stop wiping your ass
Eat one big meal a day
Never exercise
Only go down stairs
Sleep at work
Give up if something is tough
Take a cab everywhere no matter the distance

>> No.1298468

t. anti-family anti-traditional jew who will die unhappy, alone, and childless, thus ending his miserable bloodline (for the good of mankind)

>> No.1298471

>neck yourself before you take out a bus full of children while listening to joe rogan, fucking cockmunch.

Idk why but I lost it

>> No.1298473

>sucks off your roomba

wrong board, friend.

>> No.1298476


Good advice. My dad always buys cheap piece-of-shit tools from Harbor Freight (cheapo big-box-mart for Chinese tools). Every time he works on something, he has to sort through a bin of broken half-functional shit tools that had horrible tolerances to begin with, and started falling apart after the first use.

If I need to buy a tool that I plan to use more than once, I buy a good one. In the long run, I save money, and I have a better user experience.

>> No.1298478
File: 10 KB, 300x300, marina-blue-tubshroom-stops-drains-drain-plugs-tsblu454-64_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a wife/gf/other woman who uses your shower and has long hair that constantly clogs the drain, buy one of these bad bois (TubShroom).

Catches all the hair out of site and takes a few seconds to clean.

I used to regularly have to clear clogs, but I haven't had to once since I popped this sucker into the drain. Has already paid for itself.

>> No.1299130

What about the waste water used to wash normal dishes? Is the coal plant that provided the electricity that heated your water better for the environment than plates that'll sit underground for 10000 years?

>> No.1299362

Save money by going back in time and killing yourself before you were born, saving hundreds of thousands, for some people millions of dollars.

>> No.1299368

>10000 years
paper plates break down just fine. it's the plastic or styrofoam you'd have to worry about. many paper plates are also made with recycles paper too

>> No.1299979

>Definitely get a crockpot

Exactly what I thought when I saw him suggest a thermomix or whatever. Literally the stupidest suggestion in this thread.
Crock pot will create many meals for one, allowing you to meal prep for the week. A good sized crock pot costs less than $50. There's tons of recipes online to make all sorts of crazy shit in one. Anyone buying into the thermomix bullshit is retarded.

>> No.1299983

I have seen and owned enough plastic products to know they get brittle as rick and start disintegrating within a few years. I don't believe this 10 cotillion years bullshit anymore.

I saw a water bottle outside of work go from brand new to almost nothing within a year.

>> No.1300016

>hands are full
>doing something that requires the use of your eyes

now what?

>> No.1300308

t. surrogate life

>> No.1300313

This is quite regular in the Slavlands.
>Remember X?
>Yeah, it was delicious!

>> No.1301230

Go Bluetooth in the car. Auto connects when you get in and no more fumbling with cables

>> No.1302685

Ikr who the fuck showers every single day? That wastes sooo much water. Try not being a fat fuck born with terrible smelly genes.

>> No.1302686

Save time by not having money

>> No.1302689
File: 128 KB, 444x317, half-size-dishwasher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exactly wrong. Buy *two* single-drawer dishwashers and stack them.

Take dishes from the "clean" one.
Put them into the "dirty" one.

Dirty and clean switch with every cycle.

Use cupboard space and time emptying dishwashers into cupboards for
something useful (like storing food and playing video games)

>> No.1302690

But mutts are much less likely to suffer from inheritable diseases... Do you even genetics?

>> No.1302692
File: 142 KB, 448x397, foam-soap-pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quickly hit the 3 areas (you know what those are) in order, from top to bottom with a foam-soap pump, then just rinse it off in the shower in like one minute.

>> No.1302708

One eye on the task ahead, one eye on the book. Easy.

>> No.1302728

You assume much more genetic diversity between breeds than there actually is.

>> No.1302732


All I know is that in my decades of life I've encountered quite a few dogs that seemed to have serious mental issues, and every one was a pure bred. Mutts just act like normal dogs in my experience. And that's my anecdotal proof for yah pal.

>> No.1302737

subtle bait

>> No.1302739

You can put the microwave or other stuff on top of it

>> No.1303819

I assume nothing. The conclusion is born out in the data

>> No.1303853

The 3.5mm on my phone broke so I bought a bluetooth head unit. I never realised how unreliable bluetooth was until then. Sometimes it connects but the sound doesn't come through unless I turn the car off, sometimes I have to restart the phone.

Setting my phone up to turn bluetooth on when I'm out of my wifi range was fun.

>> No.1303886

dont pour milk in a bowl of cereal, just drink milk with dry cereal

steal a jetpack

walk straight to your destination all the time, even if there is a fence, river, road, railway tracks, or other obstacles in the way. Just bring a chainsaw and welding torch.

>> No.1303888

Put a fucking clock in your shower.
Thank me later.

>> No.1303893

Tell me more, where is it, and is it full of """makers"""
Oh no, they're uploading a linescan of my easily googled apartment floorplan.

>> No.1303896

If you have to drive in complete silence just to muster enough concentration to not crash, seek help. This is not normal.
>"what should we do for dinner tonight, anon?"

>> No.1303905

What a deeply ignorant comment to make, you shouldn't be behind the wheel if you aren't willing to give the activity of driving your complete attention. There is still ongoing research into the effect of distractions on drivers, its very complex issue. Similarly no passenger should have any expectation of interaction with the driver should they need to concentrate on the task at hand.
If you feel comfortable interacting with passengers as a driver then that is your choice. If as a passenger you aren't comfortable with the amount of concentration a driver is giving the road then simply don't put totally yourself in that position.
As a driver you should absolutely not react aggressively to a distracting passenger,simply pull over as soon as it's safe and tell them you refuse to continue under these circumstances,suggest get out o r shut up.

>> No.1303910

>Tell me more, where is it, and is it full of """makers"""

9701 Dessau Road, Building 3, Suite 304, Austin TX 78754

They have two commercial laser cutters, Wire and stick welders, a smattering of 3d printers, a massive (4x4 or 4x8, I don't recall) CNC machine for wood, a small machining area, the nicest tablesaw I've ever used, a wood planer and lathe, a wood bandsaw big enough to resaw 6" stock, some sheetmetal tools, a sewing and leather room, a bay for auto repair (dry only, no oil changes, ...

People actually make cool shit here.

They do ask you to take classes before using some of the expensive tools (the wood CNC and lasers), but the classes are cheap and done in one night.

>> No.1303912

>>Tell me more, where is it

You can see the left side of the main shop in this video.


>> No.1303914

Is it you who posts in every other thread recommending people to seek help like a passive aggressive faggot? Knock it the fuck off. And quote the post number you're replying to.
Don't seek help. Seek vagina.

>> No.1303947

Either /o/ trolling or /r9k/ being completely serious. Driving is not that fucking hard and does not require the full, unbroken attention of the average neurotypical human adult in order to perform requisite duties while underway. If you cannot carry on a basic conversation without breaking your attention to the point you cannot operate a vehicle safely, you have brain damage. End of story.

>> No.1303950

I am 100% going to look into this shit. I don't think I can justify $75/mo (maybe the bay would make it worth it if the service department didn't allow me to use a bay at my leisure on weekends) but it sounds like a nice place.

>> No.1305749

>Disposable plates and a minimum of cups, plates and gut wrenches make life simple and easy.

This is just irresponsible and damaging to the environment.

>> No.1305752

Have fun with your mold and subsequent lawsuit

>> No.1305761

So do roombas just roam around 24/7?
Isn't that annoying?

>> No.1305762

>neck yourself before you take out a bus full of children while listening to joe rogan, fucking cockmunch.

>> No.1305763

Sure thing Ching Chang Chong

>> No.1305766

>He doesn't just piss out the window
It's like you want to make your life hard

>> No.1305769

Here's a life hack.
>a professional team of domestic staff will cost you less than a wife and do a better job at everything

>> No.1305781

How do you find a maid that doesn't steal from you?
Hope you guys enjoy explaining that to your plumber.
Just shit in your hand and throw it in the toilet

>> No.1305782

Will they suck my dick though?

>> No.1305783

You can still have girlfriends, dumbass.

>> No.1305785
File: 2.86 MB, 720x1280, antlers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1305787

Thanks anon, I had spent the last year forgetting PT existed and you do this. Goddamn she is nasty.

>> No.1305795

>Don't fill up your car until the gas light comes on. You'll fill up less in life and it makes sure you use up as much of the old gas as possible.
No. Just, no.
you should treat half a tank as an empty tank as much as possible, and fill up whenever you have the time. if something fucked up happens and you need to be far away asap, you're probably not going to want to stop for gas.
even if it's nothing fucked up, if you think there's going to be a gas station and there isn't, or you get caught in a storm or something.
it's a good idea to always keep lots of gas in the tank.

>> No.1305871
File: 2.86 MB, 720x1280, heavy_workout.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem, my friend.

>> No.1306343

Will your wife?

>> No.1306933

This. Bluetooth sucks and has never worked like it's supposed to for me.

>> No.1306943

If you have a hardhat you can get a small bt speaker and velcro it to the top. Only you can hear it.

>> No.1306959

Yo for reals, wake up earlier, don't drink coffee and see how long you can go without breakfast. I used to be a bitch in the morning and had to spend an hour making a big ass breakfast with coffee to feel awake. Now I've got like 4 open hours in the morning and I'm fine eating just a yogurt or a banana.

>> No.1306996
File: 55 KB, 450x415, IMG_7795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah you can schedule them to run whenever you want. Mine is set for Tuesday and Friday starting at 9am. Not to be a Roomba shill but they've dramatically improved them with the new 980 model. They now go in straight lines instead of the random zig zag lines. You can also set them for two passes where they do the entire room forward and backwards, then a second time side to side. There's also an edge clean where the last thing they do is run the boarder to get any dust bunnies or whatever that may have been blown against the sides. Also with the 980 it does an entire floor, not just room by room. Press the button and it cleans until the battery runs low, recharges, then picks back up where it left off until the whole floor level is clean. You don't get that with the China knockoffs, nor do they have near the level of aftermarket support

>> No.1307011

The problem is that it disintegrates rather than degrades. So you end up with fuckloads of bits of microscopic plastic in everything causing all kinds of problems at the cellular level.

>> No.1307013

So do they recharge by themselves?
Do they detect stairs?

>> No.1307703

>that loop

>> No.1307948
File: 506 KB, 1241x1799, IMG_7815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They automatically go back to the docking station when the battery gets low. The 980 has six sensors (circled) on the bottom to detect stairs. I run mine upstairs on carpet all the time and it's never once fallen down the stairs. People don't realize with the older models you have to take them from room to room in order to get the job done completely. Otherwise they just run around until their battery is almost dead and then they dock and that's all they clean. You'll have to physically put the older models in one room at a time in order for them to fully clean each room. The 880 model has about enough battery for about 3 average rooms, but once it's outta juice it docks and that's that. I got the 980 because it cleans until the battery gets low, docks, recharges, and picks up where it left off until the whole floor level has been done.

>> No.1307953
File: 94 KB, 1242x1302, IMG_7816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more cool thing is you can see a map of where it cleaned on your phone. This is my downstairs and you can see the white area where she had to dodge obsticals like the couches and coffee table in the middle of the living room. I got no affiliation with the company but I get irritated when I see someone trying to say a Chinese knockoff is better just because it's cheaper. It's cheaper because it's shit and there's no parts support for them. Suckers buy them and get disappointed when it doesn't do what they thought it would. I did my homework because it was pricy and I didn't wanna get duped. I can honestly say the 980 is a quality product that works and works well. From first hand experience I can truely reccomend it. Cleans up all my pet hair. A small price to pay to never have to sweep or vacuum again

>> No.1307954
File: 106 KB, 1242x1310, IMG_7817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad here's a better explanation

>> No.1307955
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>> No.1307957

hackers have already started to hold people's smart homes hostage until they get paid

>> No.1307960

>relevant podcasts

>> No.1307970

If that was my son I'd be so disappointed. I feel really bad for that dudes dad, knowing his son will never do an oil change or work with his hands. It's too bad adult abortion isn't legal

>> No.1308723

>Audio Books / Podcasts while driving / working
Ive tried listening to these before at work but my headset is too shitty to hear anything but loud music. Can anyone recomend a LOUD headset I could crank up to hear quieter audiobooks? (Headset as in 1 ear, all thats allowed at work)

>> No.1308724

>Dont plan or make an effort because something better might happen by random
Is this the worst advice in this thread?

>> No.1308754

>have 20 pair of black socks
>takes 1m to sort
>If one is missing it's ok because another will go missing eventually and even things out again
Or my wife
>have 20 unique fun sock pairs that look cutesy and whimsical
>cry after every wash cycle when 1 sock is inevitably missing, spend 20m sorting out the actual matching pairs
>refuse to throw away the unmatched sock
>5 years later her sock drawer has 5 pair of socks and 10 random singles
>get frustrated every morning
Why are women?

>> No.1309064

clothes on shelves
fuck dressers

>> No.1309232
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This is what i do. Brew a cuppa, wolf down my oats, poop, jump into the shower and shave/brush teeth in there. 20 minutes and i'm ready to waste time on 4chins.

>> No.1309464
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> seek vagina
My life has been given a goal now. Thanks based anon.

>> No.1309964

We spent 120 bucks on a Samsung one a couple months ago. It kind of sucks a dick at actually vacuuming carpet, but it picks up dog hair GREAT on the laminate/tile (most of the house now, all of it soon). It's the reason why we bought it. Its got a rubber flap that deploys down on against a wall and scrapes the shit into the vacuum. Best 120 bucks of my life (have 3 labs, all black).

>> No.1309968

This. I drive a lot for work, and I always fill that motherfucker up Everytime I go to the pump. Gonna use it sometime anyways.

>> No.1310235


>> No.1310346

Live with your family, like a tribal unit
Cooking energy for 5 is almost the same as the energy used by 1, you'll wash 2 pots every 5 ppl instead of 2 per 1.
Reheating your meal 3 or 4 times wont be efficient.
If one perdón cleans the kitchen, the hall and the main room he/she will waste less energy than 5 ppl cleaning 4 or 5 different kitchens.
Even washing a bulk of clothes is slightly effective.
Tv, internet, pests, etc are slightly better in family.
An example: I eat 5 boiled eggs a day, i save gas by not frying em (3 eggs wouldnt be efficient) but when we are 4 i use the same energy for our 14 boiled eggs (9 for breakfast)
Source...ive been taking care of my mom's House for 10 years and my grandmas taught me how to do all the chores since i was a kid, we Cook in family every catholic festivity.
The ones trying to separate your families are the News dont fall for that sht

>> No.1310391

based Anon is based

>> No.1310483

a really simple lifehack would be shotgun in mouth.
otherwise you can do a handgun to the head.
you're going to save 60 years of pain and disappointment, you'll unlock the secrets of life (probably) AND you don't have to do dishes again.

>> No.1310522

based Anon is based

>> No.1310762
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This is about time, not money, frugalfag.

>> No.1310770



Buy laundry bags and fill them with different clothing types (shirts, jeans, dress clothes, undergarments, etc) and wash conditions as necessary, as they get dirty. Then, not only you only have to handle a few large items on wash day, you also don't have to sort your clothes before or after.

Also, hang or fold clothes immediately after you dry them and you'll rarely have to iron for clothes that wrinkle.


Get in the habit of always cleaning dishes, especially cooking ones, as they're used. Washing dishes is way easier and less gross when they're fresh and not caked in shit.

>> No.1311193

t. I just got my license and think I'm a professional driver

>> No.1311220

You a fuckin chamelion or somthing?

>> No.1311234
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>Stop spending half your waking life consuming digital media out of boredom
Oh, fuck. That hit me hard.
Thanks, Anon.

>> No.1311284

>Buy laundry bags and fill them with different clothing types (shirts, jeans, dress clothes, undergarments, etc) and wash conditions as necessary, as they get dirty. Then, not only you only have to handle a few large items on wash day, you also don't have to sort your clothes before or after.

This shit right here has optimized my life. I spent most of my 20s not being able to stay on top of laundry, and now that I sort it it's p easy.

>> No.1311820
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yehaaaa right.
I wonder if you can build a wall and read at the same time

>> No.1311823

How retarded do you have to be to buy this?

>> No.1311824

It's really surprising how many of these time saving tips are from bachelors. What are you even needing more time for if you live alone anyway? What's the point?

>> No.1311828

Good goy, let the Koreans have the floor plan of your home for the low low price of $120.
Unless you live in a very large household, how is it you people are so lazy as to not vacuum or sweep your own floors?

>> No.1311835

Don't think about time, think about money.

>> No.1311839

To add to this great list get black or grey undies, socks, and undershirts. No more separating whites and colors.

>> No.1311848

White man detected.

I love you brother, wouldn't trade my pitty mut for the yearly expense or the 10K he cost me in emergency surgery last year.

>> No.1311850

Doing literally anything other than brainless tedium and busywork? Just because I'm single doesn't mean there isn't shit I'd rather be doing, or that I wouldn't like to take less time getting ready for work. If anything, bachelors have a shitload more stuff to do than married men.

>> No.1311852

I'd sell it for five bucks. If they're too lazy to just call city hall and get it for free, that's my gain.

>> No.1311854

Why not shower in the toilet instead, save water too.
You could even keep the lid off the upper bowl to use for drinking and brushing your teeth.
Wow this is genius!

>> No.1311855


>> No.1311879

They make headphones that look like ear protection. Don't know if that helps you or not depending on your company's hearing protection.

If you really hate your life switch jobs. I gave up $4/hr, 3 weeks vacation, 7+ years seniority to change careers and it was the best decision I ever made.

I wired a switch controlling a receptacle under my book case headboard to turn on a lamp, saves from getting up and turning the light on and off.

Mini fridge next to either bed or desk to save trips to fridge.

>> No.1311885

If you have two trannies shoulder to shoulder separated by a dielectric do you have a capacitor?

>> No.1311898

Fuck off.

>> No.1312164

It has no wifi capabilities. Did you not read where I have three big black dogs that shed? Would you want to sweep and vacuum every fucking day?

>> No.1312171

Well whenever i get wet clothes out of the washing machine i put all my shirts immediately on the respective coat hangers and put them (with a little distance between one another) in the place where they're supposed to dry and they stay there until i need them.
I also chose the clothes from the clothesline before i take anything out of one of the cabinets (except on special occations).

The third thing may be a little nasty, but i use worn clothes as rags before i wash them, that way I reduce the amount of shit that needs washing.

>> No.1312184

Run and control certain things in your home with a PLC.

>> No.1312257
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a quality rice cooker
i recommend zojirushi
pic related
One of the best purchases I ever made

>> No.1312333

This. My dog is 10 now and only ever pissed on the floor once as a pup. I live in a flat. Dogs don’t actually like shitting where they live. Take the dog out for a nice long walk

>> No.1312705

Eyes ballsack inside asshole


>> No.1313213

if you really want to save a lot of time then remodel your house so it becomes self cleaning.
to do this you basically need too turn your house into a dishwasher.
this can be expensive and time consuming and very impractical depending on your current house.( think about all the potential water problems and the piping needed) but if you get it done then you will not have to clean stuff unless it cannot be washed clean

>> No.1313230

Women are children on a mental level. They are biologically wired for repetitive tasks which is what they did in the cave age, process food, take care of the kids, etc.

The man was wired to be inventive and creative, his hunting trips were never alike and he had to adapt to the enviroment and invent new ways of putting food in the table.

Ever wondered why crotcheting and such is such a big thing to women? Or why they excel in school at regurgitating previously heard information? There is no actual job inequality, just tasks that are more attractive to one gender than to the other.

>> No.1313232

My dog literally shits and pees on a cat litter box. It's great. It's a small chihuahua, mind you.

>> No.1314018

I don't know, ask your mom DAAAYYYMMM GOT 'EM

>> No.1314025

Even a shitty rice cooker works fine. I've got a 16 bucks one that has served me well for over two years. The anti stick coating is shit, but that's to be expected.

>> No.1314042

Mines better. She only poops in the woods. No clean up.

>> No.1314056

A cheap one certainly does the trick. I like to pay the extra buck for that slight edge in taste and texture.

>> No.1314273

Unless you double it up with going on public transport, in which case it's prep time.

I did a translation assignment (700~ pages) in commute.

>> No.1314445


>does not require the full, unbroken attention of the average neurotypical human adult in order to perform requisite duties while underway.

yes it does, you faggot. the problem is fucking retards like you think they're better at driving than they really are and end up killing themselves, or worse, other people because they thought texting while piloting a 2 ton block of metal was a good idea.

>> No.1314626

To reiterate here, he was talking about listening to audiobooks while driving. Not texting, doing makeup, sleeping, or making a meal.

Don't know why you're all so triggered. You guys have *probably* never driven to work daily in your life.

>> No.1314905

wind from the west at 3 knots, compensating.

>> No.1314909

one notch higher.....

>> No.1314910


>> No.1315173

I don't get this. Is this a gas stove meme?
Using a normal pot it takes me about 12 mins to cook perfect rice. All I do it add rice and water, put stove in rage mode until it starts to simmer, then put it in lowest setting with a lid until I finished cooking the other shit

>> No.1315422


>> No.1315542
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>Stop spending half your waking life consuming digital media out of boredom
doing this tonight, it is the first night i get to sleep before 3am in weeks. good fucking night.

>> No.1315544
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>> No.1315801

Honestly, get into a relationship. My wife cleans my clothes and cooks amazing meals. I never have to do that again in my life. Also with dual income we can afford nicer things. I fix stuff when it breaks, she cooks, I do dishes, she does laundry. We've cut our work in half by working together. We each have more free time this way. Gonna give this the benefit of the doubt this advise will be taken seriously since this is /diy/ and not /b/

>> No.1316007

Certain Harbor Freight shit isn't bad. We bought a tile saw there that works like a champ. That being said, the drill we bought to mix the mortar for the tile literally made it through one bucket before the motor burned out and almost caught fire.

>> No.1316152

HF'S electrical tools are mostly shit, that being said I have a ton of their stuff at my house. It's hit or miss, just read the reviews first to see what others have to say. I can appreciate a good tool, but it's so tempting to save money if a tool gets the job done anyway

>> No.1316154

Why not just work from home, problem solved