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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 18 KB, 460x276, 54ccae00ec9e4_-_esq-best-bars-dice-rules-fc2fpr-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1270939 No.1270939 [Reply] [Original]

I just ordered 1000 white dice. 8mm*8mm*8mm
What should I make with them when they arrive?

>> No.1270941

put them in a sock, swing em around and stick em up your butt

>> No.1270945

Bumping for interest, what can you possibly make with dice?

>> No.1270946

Line them up 50 at a time and see how flawed the imperfections stack up.

>> No.1271006

Make weighted dice and sell to the other underaged kids

>> No.1271023

What about Yahtzee tournament?

>> No.1271024

coat them with chia seeds and hang them from your rear view mirror

>> No.1271025

Why did you buy 1000 dice when you have no use for them?

>> No.1271027

Coffee table. Epoxy them together on to some backing board and stick on some stained legs Some hotel or casino will buy it.

If you want to go full retard then make a mechanical piece like pinball or whatever that bounces the dice around in crazy ways before finally dropping in to a spot for it to be read.

>> No.1271032

Cool 'em in the oven so they always roll the same number.

>> No.1271042

probably better off asking /ic/

tile something in only dice

make a dice chandelier
dice night light
a dice for the blind, can call out the number that is rolled
"walking" dice, a dice that once rolled can roll for a very long time
"exploded" dice, like the "exploded" skull
make a condom
make a dildo
make a diaphragm
paper clips
a watch/ stop watch
dice stash
any of those mind teasers you see with nails, wood etc...
fake eye balls
prosthetic hand/finger
a hammer
a saw
a tape measure/ruler
pencil sharpener
gun handle

>> No.1271047

Put them in your butt then leave them in games at your local game shop or geek pub.

>> No.1271055

Thats what I am asking you.

I wanted to buy many of something. and dice are very cheap from china. paid about 20$
And when I ordered, I was a bit drunk

oooh sounds nice, but I think then I have to reorder some dice :)


Thanks! some neat ideas there!

>> No.1271056

Make a bread board out of them.

>> No.1271065

1 giant die

>> No.1271077

/tg/ might have some ideas.

>> No.1271102


>> No.1271114

Get a hot glue gun, and maybe a dremel and dust mask with the dremel, eye protection too with dremel.

Now here’s the fun part, use the glue gun to create a statue of literally anything, even a goddamn dildo, out of the dice and if some dice are cut into angles but the marked sides still show, people will think it’s super complex with 45 degrees and 22-23 degrees angles implemented will look complicated enough you might be able to submit it to a museum, or keep it at your place so you seem 6 times as classy than you actually are.

>> No.1271132

Hook them to a Raspberry Pi. Burry it all in a shipping container. Ask /diy/ what tools you’d need.

>> No.1271133

I think I will do something like this!

>> No.1271185


Kek, exactly 1000 dice are required for this game.

>> No.1271190

Ah, fuck, really?

>> No.1271225

Make a 10x10x10 dice block.

>> No.1271227

how much were they?

>> No.1271269

Came here to post this

>> No.1271319

Make a suicide vest and use them as shrapnel.

>> No.1271327

This, but make it hollow with a support structure inside to make the outer shell even bigger

>> No.1271328

Buy even more dice and make a shipping container

>> No.1271332

Package then in baggies of 6, put a cool logo and name on the bags and sell them for a huge markup

>> No.1271418
File: 6 KB, 250x239, 1509165580817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

da fuq I want a covfefe dice table now

>> No.1271462

>I just ordered 1000 white dice
are you fucking retarded?

>> No.1271467

only right answer

>> No.1271469

throw them off the roof of the campus library and count the results

>> No.1271486

melt them down and make a dildo

sex toy thread

>> No.1271518


Play Imperial Guard

>> No.1271679

>8mm*8mm dice
dice for ants

>> No.1271701

board games.

>> No.1271706

Just get a wrist rocket, climb up on top of a very tall building(like 1000ft), and start launching them into the sky. See if you can get through all 1000 of them before someone tries to stop you.

>> No.1271707

This is also a great idea.

>> No.1271715

>inb4 dice falling from sky kills someone somehow and op get charged

>> No.1271718

why would you order something, especially as inane as 1000 die, and not know beforehand what you're going to do with them

>> No.1271873

Bathroom floor.

>> No.1271875

Host the world's largest crapshoot game.

>> No.1271902

the world's failingest roll (all ones)

>> No.1271905

i meant that i want you to keep rolling all the dice simultaneously until every single die is a 1 all at once

>> No.1271906

Or he could have a tournament where 2^1000 people roll a dice, and the one who rolls a 1 goes on to the next round. The winner/loser will have rolled 1000 1s in a row.

>> No.1271908

that's far more efficient than the scenario i was suggesting

>> No.1271928

But plug

>> No.1272088

Well it doesn't actually work that way. If you have 6 people for each dice roll, then to get someone who rolled 1000 dice correctly you'd need 6^1000 people, and hence 6^999 dice rolls.

On the other hand, for one person to roll 1000 dice and have every single one turn out to be a 1 would have a probability of 1/6^1000, so would take 6^1000 dice rolls, or 6 times more than the tournament idea.

Even more efficient would be to have 1000 people rolling one dice each a few times, which would take (6^1000)/1000 dice rolls. But it still takes a near eternity.

>> No.1272102

>1000 white dice
Get another similar shipment and you might be able to actually play Shadowrun with some friends.

You'd have to share the dice, though, unless they have a similar amount.

>> No.1272114
File: 52 KB, 351x470, stock-vector-human-skull-stylized-ascii-art-original-version-deadly-code-vector-illustration-611869763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a mosaic. Treat each die as a "pixel". The sides with more dots will appear darker than sides with fewer dots from a distance. Sort of like how ascii art works.

>> No.1272315

For reference, 6^1000 = 1.4*10^778
The high estimate for atoms in the universe is 4x10^81

>> No.1272397

This is a nice idea.

>> No.1272406

Shove in your ass

>> No.1272437

He has enough to play a greenskin army in Warhammer.

>> No.1272439

Send like 50 to Peter Brown so he can make a video about putting them in resin, then fuck it up and calling his wife into the garage for suggestions.

>> No.1272503

Only right answer x2

>> No.1272551

>then fuck it up and calling his wife into the garage to burn it

>> No.1272604

Came here to shitpost about Yahtzee, I see you already mentioned it. I seriously don't think anyone knows what that is now, and I was a wee tyke in the 70's the last time I saw it played. We are too old to be on this site Anon, I'm sorry but we have to leave now.

>> No.1272708

We play yahtzee on our game nights with friends

>> No.1272732

Make countless dice related gadgets and start fighting crime in your city.

>> No.1272741

Yea thats the right use of dices

>> No.1272958


>> No.1272979

giant dice
dice table
drop a few where ever you go
see how many you can sneak into your friends beers
literally anything on etsy
throw them at people
swallow them and use a public restroom

>> No.1273296

Combine these two and post results.

>> No.1273308

1000x8mm is 8000mm which is 8x8m. that is a lot. you could do that thing this guy suggested and put a glass over it (glass for walikng over it, dunno how to say it in english but in restoraunts they do it sometimes with decorations like rocks and water under that glass)

>> No.1273309

I have no idea how his channel got so big, he fucks up everytime, and even when he doesnt by some miracle, it ends up looking like a fuckup anyway.

>> No.1273324

Because it's the right combination of clickbait "jellybean axe", and unique diy process. And I'd much rather see someone fucking up a bunch because knowing what can go wrong is more valuable than knowing what a finished project looks like.

>> No.1273365

dice gun/canon.

>> No.1273367

>Dice hammer
Now THAT sounds like a glory to behold.

>> No.1273372

>dice already have a shot of black

>> No.1273376

Make a chair out of them. You might need more than just 1000 for that though, I'm not sure. You can imagine how that chair will have a lot of black dots, right? Hide a camera inside the chair and line up the camera lense with one of the dots. Nobody will ever notice the camera. Then put the chair in the bathroom or something, and invite some friends over.

>> No.1273378

>take one dice and trade it for anything the first person will offer
>repeat 1000 times
>see what kind of loot pile youll end up with in the end

>> No.1273471

Underrated flashlight post.

>> No.1273505

This sounds like the most interesting, not very diy though. You will also most likely end up with a bunch of useless shit as well.

>> No.1273548

It's a dice idea.

>> No.1273679

you mean useless shit such as 1000 dice?

>> No.1273687

Make a hollow clear dildo and load with dice, shake ass to roll dice and get free energy vibrator.

>> No.1273688
File: 18 KB, 400x250, 562-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came to post something like this, but this anon hit the nail on the head.

>> No.1273721 [DELETED] 

check your math. the grid would be 31x31 dice.

total size would be 248x248mm with some dice left over.

>> No.1273728

check your math.

1000 8x8 dice yields 64000 square mm, a grid comprising of complete dice would be 248x248mm (31x31 dice)

>> No.1273737
File: 2 KB, 25x24, pepe 25x25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 dice would make a 25x40 square, or 200x320mm. Not terribly big, but enough for a meme with higher quality than pic related.

>> No.1273763


>You will also most likely end up with a bunch of useless shit as well.
Well, OP has 1000 8mm dices, I don't see how it could get worse.

>> No.1273825

Start playing Warhammer 40k works or imperials

>> No.1274189


>> No.1274223

*sweats profusely*

>> No.1274269

This is an amazing idea. Do this right in the center of a city. Try to get to the roof of the building first.

>> No.1274300

reminder that OP was never going to deliver

fun thread tho

>> No.1274309


>> No.1274329

Is this a reference to something, or is this cleverly random thing?

>> No.1274342
File: 39 KB, 768x512, GettyImages-532229287-58a4c9bc5f9b58a3c94d1cd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People hang dice from their rearview mirror. I don't know what chia seeds are about.

>> No.1274344
File: 11 KB, 247x204, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind I get it. Chia seeds are used in chiapets. The dice you hang are usually furry. Chia grow like hair kinda.

>> No.1274356

Addind to this,

You could use that automatic mosaic picture software thing, just upload the 6 faces of a die.

>> No.1274384

Didnt know this, I just know that chia seeds are one of the recent "super foods" that got successfuly pushed by marketing onto pretentious "healthy lifestyle" upper middle class from the bay area.

>> No.1274418


Poker table. Cast clear opocy resin on em

>> No.1274419
File: 34 KB, 426x341, 4df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1274420


>> No.1274421


>> No.1274425

This 100%. I have thousands wrapped up in learning casting and mold making. Worth it. Now i can essentially make anythibg i want out of anything if i got the cash.

Plastic skull hod ornaments with led eyes when.

>> No.1274426


>> No.1274427

Am 31. We got drunk and played last week

>> No.1274429


>> No.1274432

Mail one ecery day to someone you hate. Send special not on day 1,000 and say you are going for 10,000 and post results. 3 years and $450 for elaborate prank.

>> No.1274443

how about a chess/checkers board? use 1 for white and 6 for black. cluster in 4's if that s to small

>> No.1274454

Everything he fucks up could be avoided by common sense and/or vacuum-;pressure chamber.

>> No.1274458

Dude this is great! Not just to sb you hate, just to fuck with your friends, and not just dice.

>> No.1274505

Suspend them in a resin and turn some tap handles?

>> No.1274534

For some reason this feels like the least creative idea itt

>> No.1274574

make a 10x10x10 super dice

>> No.1274575

I like the mosaic idea, where did you buy the dice, OP?

>> No.1274577

Coming from China for $20 they are probably already weighted. Just not in your favor

>> No.1274619


Make some cheater dice that people will never notice unless they grab the dice and look at every side.

>turn the 2 into a 5.
>the 2 and the 5 are on oppisite sides
>when you would roll a 2 it will be a 5 instead however the real 5 will be on the table
>vice versa when you roll a real 5.
>when you roll something else then no matter where the person looking at the dice is standing they can not see both sides.

Its great if you are into table top wargames like warmachine or 40k. also for RP games like pathfinder and D&D.

>> No.1274635

The only video I've seen of him was that resin aluminium bowl shit he made.
It was a pretty awful video.

>> No.1274787

He does some nice ring and pen turning stuff, and messes with materials many of us have never considered, for better or for worse. The micarta stuff and the magic ring attempt were pretty interesting. Either way, he's more a dicking about in the shop type of channel as opposed to a John Heisz-tier craftsmanship channel. Different strokes.

>> No.1274794

except you will be able to see it whenever you roll anything else, your eyes are further appart than the size of the dice so you aint viewing it from just one pin point

>> No.1274806

drill and tap and make valve stem covers? idk

>> No.1274837

sculpture art

>> No.1274839

why did you order them if you dont know what to do with them?

>> No.1274846
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x2448, CAM01592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1274853

Post a pic of 1000 dice, not just 7. I never saw 1000 dice at once so I cant get an idea of the scale. I feel like it only sounds like a lot, but in reality its gonna be just a small pile on the table.

>> No.1274859

Tile a floor in dice

>> No.1274861

>but in reality its gonna be just a small pile on the table.

imagine a cube 80 mm each side. it's not very much when you think about it.

>> No.1275588

I agree, 10000 would me starting to get interesting.

>> No.1275729 [DELETED] 

You could make a nice picture.
The different faces of the dice have different dot densities and also different directionality, so it would let you achieve something that's a little bit like halftoning and a little bit like hatching or ASCII art.

>> No.1275735
File: 159 KB, 600x903, dice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1276035

Whats so unique about dice if you do that? You can do that shit with a n y t h i n g just gets lots of it and treat each piece as a pixel, its super easy and pretty unremarkable when you think about it.

>> No.1276036


You do not have a clear enough view to be able to quickly and clearly tell.

dont do this to EVERY dice you got. but for 40k i will have a dice bag with 50 dice in it and 10 are cheater dice. they come out if the other guy is being an asshole.

>> No.1276043

Suit of armor.

>> No.1276066

But do you have a dice bag with 1000 dice in it?(^:

>> No.1276103

In the meantime we keep this thread alive for the next two weeks for op's dice to arrive.

>> No.1276327

Make a huge base-6 random number generator.

>> No.1276863
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>> No.1277139

Make a bet

>> No.1277211

>drop a few where ever you go
this is perfect, you can drop 3 dice a day for almost a year before you run out

>> No.1277302


how much and where from?

if it's affordable i might buy a thousand white dice as well and start scattering them randomly around my town until it makes the news

>> No.1279073

Sounds about right

>> No.1279120

i love you

>> No.1279246
File: 85 KB, 400x346, 1499821250781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has Loss caught on the way it has?

>> No.1279274

Luck, if it wasnt loss, it would have been sth else.

>> No.1279374

10*10*10, honestly wouldn't be that big unless made hollow

>> No.1279483

solid 10*10*10 would actually be exactly the same size as hollow 10*10*10

>> No.1279488

Har har.
The biggest hollow cube would be 13*13*13.

>> No.1279986

Matthias got your back, as always.

>> No.1279992


glue down for table top
drill holes and make necklaces
open casino
give out at Halloween instead of candy

>> No.1280011

>give out at Halloween instead of candy

that might work in Europe where kids expect to find toys inside of candy and sandwiches and whatnot, but in america some idiot would eat them and either break teefes or have to have it removed from their tummy.

speaking of bucky balls, apparently they can sell them in america again. maybe the new package has a warning that you have to eat them all in one serving, as the problem arises when a kid eats some today and then some more tomorrow and they tie his guts in a knot.

>> No.1280247

This sounds like an original way to make the weekly news

Also, build a slingshot and use for ammo

>> No.1281405

give them to your local autistic kid
tell him that they are super important and that he can not lose a single one
the catch is that they can not be kept together

lulz ensured as he tries to hide 1000 fucking dice one by one

>> No.1282016

go to a local /tg/ related shop and dump them all on the floor, film the ensuing brawl as they all scramble for handfuls of dice

>> No.1282030

rubix cube

>> No.1282038

Make up a variation of Cee Lo that involves 100 dice.

>> No.1282184

Glue them on top of each other until you get a 8 meter dice-stick.

>> No.1282309

I cut up a 4x4 into 6 cubes and put them in a 5 gallon bucket with printed Yahtzee cards for a friend... outdoor lawn Yahtzee... cheap and easy gift...

>> No.1282310

Okay then do it.

>> No.1282451

>post shows a person clearly has no interest in a "thing"
>reply: hey faggot, do the "thing" !

how many dice did you stick up your nose when you were a little kid and how many the doctor took out? pretty sure the numbers didnt match

>> No.1282461

That sounds pretty cool, I'd play lawn Yahtzee. Maybe OP could do the same thing with a Dixie cup and a doll house.

>> No.1282552
File: 151 KB, 320x309, matrim cauthon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Dovie'andi se tovya sagain."
>It's time to toss the dice

>> No.1283015

do it

>> No.1283026

Really good suggestions in this thread. I would make gambling related ascii artwork and try to sell it to local casino.

Other idea would be to have pocket full of them and leave them at selected places around the city juat to see how long it takes to be covered in local media. Kinda like toynbee tiles.

>> No.1283180

you kid will go far in life, maybe we'll meet one day and I'll buy you a beer for your thoughts

>> No.1283247
File: 106 KB, 384x384, 1486746996351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time on /diy/, this thread made me laugh-out-loud™
Is DIY usually like this?

>> No.1283343

This sort of thread isn't as serious as an average one, but it's certainly common enough.

>> No.1283383
File: 536 KB, 1080x1920, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is DIY usually like this?

no. go back to 9gag.

>> No.1283688

no, usually its about immitation crabmeat and underground container bunkers with a shot of black here and there

>> No.1283699

tfw no kayla gf

>> No.1283868


is /pol/ welcome here?
im not from there but other boards have different feelings about r/pol posters spreading across other boards

>> No.1283900
File: 50 KB, 1000x900, 1352398771074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is /pol/ welcome here?
They usually get ignored or just accepted as one opinion among many.
This board is surprisingly hard to troll considering it's less internet-savvy than many of the others.

>> No.1283915

it's only hard to troll since 95% of the regulars are mature /pol/ users. the other 5% are soyboys that fear confrontation and don't respond to bait

>> No.1283924

Isnt there the auschwitz thread in the catalog still?

>> No.1283976

You're not from here either.
Look closely at the URL of this page. Do you see /r/diy or /diy/?

>> No.1284168

I think he was being whimsical. Or rather I hope he was.

>> No.1284253

Whats an URL

The joke is that /pol/ or "r/pol" is more Redd*t than 4Chan

>> No.1284723

Drill a hole through each one. Now you have 1,000 dice shaped beads.

>> No.1284828

He might just be on a few too many layers of irony for you to comprehend. Not that anyone unironically refers to layers of irony anymore, that is.

>> No.1284831
File: 118 KB, 600x399, die-1-600x399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make some elaborate/pretentious art, and then frame it

>> No.1285000

Make a dildo and shove it up your mom's ass

>> No.1285136

I will absolutely be stealing this idea in the near future, thanks.

>> No.1285698

postironic selfirony was a sarcastic mistake

>> No.1285725

stick them to things all over town.
Foam tape so they can't get you for vandalism like epoxy would.
Drink coasters

>> No.1285771

I'd agree if I understood what positronic meant, but regardless I think now we're that much closer to seeing the memetic truth of the world wide web.

>> No.1285829


It's been over 3 weeks, op. Let's see those chink Dice.

>> No.1285871

Make a big dice with sides 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600.

>> No.1285951


>> No.1285954

>gather them in bags
>stand atop that tall american building
>pour out dice unto pedestrians below
>start making puns about how "lucks raining down", and other things to that affect, have shaded glasses put on for each pun
>ascend to god-hood

>> No.1285977

See >>1272088

>> No.1287161

Table top mosaic?

>> No.1287588
File: 86 KB, 750x739, russian agression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd glue them and make a wall.

if you're a computer guy, you may create a mosaic (1 = "white", 6 = "black", other = "gray levels").

1000 blocks are, like, a 25x40 matrix, aka 200x320x8mm.

I guess I need 105,000 dice (2400mm x 2800mm = 300x350 dice matrix).

how much they weigh?
will a single dice sustain the weight of the 349 above him without making the entire structure collapsing?

>> No.1288898

>that cliche shit
pick one, faggot

>> No.1290465

Shouldn't you have decided what to make before ordering them?
Fucking hoarder.

>> No.1290491
File: 147 KB, 1080x1080, 1488631252877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat idea Anon, but Opie only has 1000 dice.

A quick Google search and I can find dice in bulk for as little as 13 cents each, so if that's what he's paying, your wall would cost $13,650.

You could cut each die in half, and get by with only 52,500 plus breakage and the cost of a few blades for whatever saw you use.

The weight shouldn't be an issue, since you're presumably gluing them to some kind of backing,

>> No.1290492
File: 85 KB, 800x600, klopp800-1354556954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek'd

>> No.1290501

has someone already made a joke about playing either shadowrun or 40k orks? you could also run psykers if you got another shipment

>> No.1290664

This: https://physics.aps.org/articles/v10/130

>> No.1290674

tabletop I suppose

>> No.1290732

Lacquered dice floor?

>> No.1290824

Load them into shotgun shells for self defense. Each projectile will be able to roll for damage.

>> No.1290831

this, alternatively a glass table with a trim of dice around it might look cool/ugly enough for a casino

>> No.1290832

would also be cool if you burnt in the number dots

might steal this for my mom, yahtzee is the only board game she plays

>> No.1290833

This would be neat. Lay them out on a sheet of plywood and and epoxy them all together, then plane/sand down the bottom side to flatness. Maybe put a sheet of glass on top. Put it on some metal legs and you have a neat table

>> No.1290934

>Each projectile will be able to roll for damage.
>I nat-one it
>it misfires and the kid on my lawn I was aiming at gets an attack of opportunity